Of course, the people inside the light curtain also saw him, but they did not open the light curtain and let him go in.

The reason is very simple. When the light curtain is opened, the ghost will also go in. Oh, in order to save a person, but risking the sacrifice of countless people, who does it?

“Fruit flesh!” xiu xiu xiu, a few shadows immediately intercepted.

Jade Immortal level sorrow!

They looked at Shi Hao greedily. The flesh and blood of this creature is full of yang, which can accelerate their materialization. Therefore, in their view, Shi Hao is a rare food.

Shi Hao faintly smiled, Shiyang Physique launched, bang, yang boiling, which has a huge gram for the ghost.


“The holy body!”


Those ghosts are exclaiming, and the strength is like boiling water, and it quickly disintegrates.

Shi Hao rushed through, punched out, bang bang bang, it was the Jade Immortal level of the ghost, and only the second kill.

– The ghost of the nemesis, not to talk about it.


Seeing Shi Hao’s great power, killing Jade Immortal-level ghouls, and more than one, the people in the light curtain are stunned.

Your awkward monster!

“Quick, open the light curtain!”

“Yes, let the Lord come in!”

Everyone inside is shouting, this is definitely the powerhouse in Jade Immortal. If you can have Shi Hao sitting in the town, then it must be impregnable.

What, will the ghosts come in at the same time?

Need to care?

Mountain Protecting Great Formation shuts down immediately, hey, Shi Hao is also seized the opportunity, a teleport has rushed in.

“Fast, restart the big array!” Shi Hao quickly called.

He can easily destroy the ordinary Jade Immortal-level ghoul, but Naiheliang is definitely not worth in on ten thousand in the ghost, and the sinister attribute can completely resist his ten-yang Saint Physique.

So, unless he can move into Jade Immortal, he can’t compete.

Everyone is not sure, so how is this Lord so anxious?

However, since Lord said that he wants to open Mountain Protecting Great Formation, it will be opened.

Oh, just then, the back of Naiheliang is already catching up. Suddenly, the terrifying chilly force sweeps through and goes straight into everyone’s soul sea.

People with low realm die directly, because Soul has been frozen, and the body is not dead, and it is only a dead person.


Shi Hao quickly launched Shiyang Physique against the dead body of Naiheliang.

This time, the living talents are revived and the Mountain Protecting Great Formation is activated again.

Hey, the light curtain appeared, just right, blocking Naiheliang out.

Naihe Liang stretched out his hand, and the flowing black gas turned into a finger, knocking on the light curtain, and a piece of black suddenly spread on the light curtain, but after expanding the range of the probably hundred zhang, it stopped and then disappeared.

After all is a large array of Ming jade, although the fixed can not move, but the formidable power is very large, blocking the nine stars Jade Immortal is OK.

Of course, the premise is that energy is enough – either the heavens and the earth can provide enough energy, or there are enough stones.

Naihe Liang looked at Shi Hao and smiled on his face.

The ghost, the whole body is black, in fact there is no entity at all, this smile is too strange, so that everyone in the light curtain is a chill.

What is this ghoul, too horrible, no need to shoot at all, it makes people die unclear.

“Fellow Daoist – 咦?” The Jade Immortal powerhouse came out and wanted to be close to the Shi Hao suite, but he was astonished and found that Shi Hao was just Gold Origin Immortal.

how can that be possible?

Which Gold Origin Immortal can kill Jade Immortal, and not one, but kill several at the same time?

However, his eyes are not likely to deceive himself. This is indeed a Gold Origin Immortal, such as a fake replacement!

Therefore, Rao is the Jade Immortal who has seen a lot of knowledge throughout his life.

“My name is Shi Hao.” Shi Hao said directly. “The ghost is a very special existence in the Asura world. It can directly affect Soul. Everyone’s strength will drop sharply.”

Just like the ordinary sorrow encounters him, Naiheliang also has the ability to suppress the strength of the soul.

“This is Luo Heng.” Jade Immortal also introduced himself, even if Shi Hao is really a golden fairy, but the fact that the other side just killed a group of Jade Immortal spirits is iron.

Immortal World ranks awesome, but at the end of the day, the most important thing is strength.

Shi Hao has proved his strength, and whether he is Jade Immortal or Gold Origin Immortal, he is qualified to be on par with him.

Shi Hao nodded and looked up at the sky. He said: “Is there still no indication of the stars?”

Luo Heng shook his head and his face was worried.

It’s been a few days since the invasion of the Ghost, but the sound of the stars has still not sounded. The meaning of this is chilling.

Is it…Immortal King is fallen?

How is the two-lane channel opened?

It is because the Asura community has launched a powerful presence, and Immortal King has been wounded and even killed, so will this situation be present?

In this way, it is understandable that the stars will fall into silence.

Nowadays, all places in Yuhe Xianyu are similar to this place. The surviving people gathered in the Jade Immortal level all around and temporarily held it by the Mountain Protecting Great Formation.

However, the sorrows of the sky can greatly change the influence of the heavens and the earth. Therefore, even the Mountain Protecting Great Formation, which relies on the power of the heavens and the earth as the energy source, has a day of lack of power, let alone the burning of the stone.

It is definitely not ok to rush out.

A fairyland is also a hundred places Jade Immortal, can the ghost side?

Less to say is also calculated according to 10,000!

Countless years of accumulation, the ghost will not die, even if each other slaughter can emerge from the powerhouse, but the number can still crush Immortal World.

Therefore, going out is definitely a death, even if the strength of the same level of the ghost is slightly weaker, but the number is enough, it can fully compensate for the lack of quality.

However, staying in the Mountain Protecting Great Formation is not waiting to die?

“No, even if the two Immortal Kings in our domain are in the event of an accident, the other Immortal Kings in Xianyu will certainly not sit down.”

“So, what we have to do is wait.”

“Live, there is hope.”

No one knows what happened, the only thing that can be done is to stick to it and wait.

Shi Hao stands still. Outside the light curtain, Naiheliang still has not left. He is trying to break the Mountain Protecting Great Formation.

However, Mountain Protecting Great Formation has the disadvantage of being unable to move, but it also has the advantage of being extremely difficult to break. Even if Naiheliang is a well-know figure in the ghost, he can’t help this big array in a short time.

Now, it depends on whether Naihe Liang first broke through the big battle, or if Immortal World’s reinforcements came first.

Shi Hao took time and worked hard to cultivate.

Time is precious and absolutely impossible to waste.

However, there are always people who want to bother him.

No way, he showed the strength of horror, and want to survive in such a chaotic environment, naturally need to be attached to a powerhouse – once the Mountain Protecting Great Formation is destroyed, then everyone must be in trouble.

Only by holding Shi Hao’s thigh, he was sheltered and fled together.

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