Shi Hao laughed: “I don’t deserve it, can you deserve it?”

Zhu Lei proudly said: “My Zhu family is the Jade Immortal power, why not match?”

In a fairyland, it is almost impossible to have two Immortal Kings – there are, but this is extremely rare – so the best mate of Immortal King’s daughter must have been picked up by Jade Immortal.

Shi Hao shook his head: “I am about to step into Jade Immortal, but you can only rely on Jade Immortal forces. Why should I fight with me?”


Julie has a glimpse of it, yeah, if Shi Hao is Jade Immortal himself, then he and Shi Hao are not at all a level.

“Are you not yet a Jade Immortal?” he forcibly argued.

Shi Hao laughed heartily: “Yes, I haven’t built Jade Immortal yet, so are you going to take Su Manman away during this time?”

How to bubble?

When people are at the top of the stars, he has no qualifications for even seeing one side.

“So, there is no share for you, you don’t want to pick up.” Shi Hao fanned his hand.

Zhu Lei was deeply attacked and lost his soul for a while, as if he had become a fool.

Shi Hao smiled and closed the window.

However, just a few breaths in the past, he suddenly raised a sense of crisis, immediately sent Weng Nanqing into the immortal mansion, and then a flash of shape, the teleport has been unfolded.

For the intuition of the crisis, the Purple Rat is not inferior, it immediately yelled: “And Lord, you are a ungrateful guy, and you are!”


Under the violent energy impact, the entire Inn has been razed to the ground, and the golden fairy has risen from the ruins and turned into a form of numerous weapons, still full of deterrence.

The purple golden rat wolf ran out incomparably, a look of impatience.

Shi Hao is not far away, he looks at the sky.

A young man stepped into the sky and his face was full of pride.

The person who just shot is not Zhu Lei, but he.

– Zhu Lei is just Silver Spirit Immortal, which has such strength.

“Nothing in the air?” The young man in the sky showed a touch of astonished color. “No wonder it’s so arrogant, it’s really a bit of strength.”

“The people of Xia Family?” asked Shi Hao.

Except for Xia Family, no other force will shoot him for no reason.

“Xia Linyuan.” The young man pointed to himself, “Xia Family Family Head heir, fourth sequence.”

Shi Hao is slightly astonished. This young man not only breaks the limit, but the cultivation base also breaks through. This kind of existence, it is only a matter of time before entering Jade Immortal.

But even so, this Xia Linyuan can only be ranked fourth in the successor’s sequence?

How powerful is Xia Family?

From the number of Jade Immortal, Xia Family should be still on Su Family.

Of course, 10,000 Jade Immortal is not as good as an Immortal King.

“Want to catch me back to Xia Family?” Shi Hao asked.

“If you are honest, you will be able to live your life and go to Xia Family for trial.” Xia Linyuan said, “But if you want to resist, I don’t mind killing you on the spot.”

It is orderly in the fairyland where Immortal King is sitting, but it is normal for the world of Martial Artist to inevitably slaughter and revenge.

Therefore, the law of the law is also bound by the large-scale slaughter, and, as a sect, as long as it is not a principled mistake, it will not be allowed to kill the entire sect.

Xia Linyuan is famous for this time, and it is still personal, so naturally don’t worry about Immortal King’s law.

Shi Hao lifted off, and Xia Linyuan was flush, indifferently asked: “Eleven stars? Or twelve stars?”

“Twelve stars!” Xia Linyuan said proudly, if not, he is not qualified to sit on the heir’s position, although ranked fourth.

In general, only Immortal King can reach 12 stars, but Xia Family used to be the Immortal King. Although Immortal King is no longer there, the foundation is still enough to last for a long time.

After all, A starved camel is still bigger than a horse.

Shi Hao has a double fist: “That’s a fight!”

“act recklessly!” Xia Linyuan coldly said, feet down, looked at towards Shi Hao to kill the past.

H, he opened his hand and headed for Shi Hao.

The power of fourteen stars.

Shi Hao nodded secretly. Although Xia Linyuan reached a height of twelve stars, he was not as good as Immortal King, such as Lin Hongdao and Gu Cheng. Those who were in the 12 stars of Yinling had fifteen-star power.

However, this is Gold Origin Immortal. It is more and more difficult to leapfrog. Isn’t it normal to take a step down?

Hey, take care of him.

Shi Hao thought indifferently, and punched the past.

Bang bang bang, Shi Hao immediately fell into the wind.

The difference between the two stars is too great.

“Hey, do you have the power of twelve stars?” Xia Linyuan also has some astonished. In his opinion, even the Dao Child of Jade Immortal forces, even if the limit is broken on the cultivation base, it is also eleven stars. Fighting power.

This is determined by the innate talent and the underlying talent. Shi Hao actually has the power of twelve stars, which makes him startled slightly.

However, he is still proud.

What is the strength of the 12-star battle, the difference between the two stars, still only the share of him.

“In the ten strokes, I will call you a hand!” Xia Linyuan said proudly.

“The first move.”

“The second move.”


Every time he made a move, he deliberately said a word, naturally it was putting pressure on Shi Hao, and he was also showing his strength.

Indeed, Shi Hao’s every move is difficult, if his body is tyrannical, don’t say ten strokes, three strokes are difficult!

——When the front is hard, can you afford the two-star battle?

“The ninth move.”

Xia Linyuan’s face showed a cruel color. In order to make the game a little more fun, he deliberately suppressed the combat power, so that Shi Hao could hold up to ten strokes. On this move, he would go all out to make Shi Hao completely desperate. .

“The tenth trick.” He said, the bang, the golden fairy was intertwined, turned into a Heavenly Spear, stabbed toward Shi Hao.

Shi Hao’s eyes were cold, and Wan Leizhenjin was also sacrificed, turned into a knife, and went to Heavenly Spear.


Heavenly Spear was smashed by Immortal King and collapsed immediately – although both sides are 14-star power, can the attack that can be concealed and the direct attack of Immortal King attack on equal terms?

Shi Hao slashed his knife and chased the past toward Xia Linyuan.


Xia Linyuan apparently did not expect that both eyes were a sudden, like a ghost.

But after all, genius, still responded in time, and his body slammed back, hiding Shi Hao’s counterattack knife.

Shi Hao took the knife and stood up: “Ten moves.”

Xia Linyuan stunned, only to think of the heroic words he had released before, to solve the opponent within ten strokes.

He showed an irritating color and knew that he had been played by Shi Hao.

— The other party clearly has the Jade Immortal device, but deliberately did not take it out for the first time.

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