Shi Hao did not care about the pursuit of Ping Tianzong.

Not to mention only Gold Origin Immortal, which is Jade Immortal’s shot, and he is not afraid.


Yes, Jade Immortal is far superior to him, regardless of speed or strength. However, he has a teleport. You are Jade Immortal’s speed faster, and you know where I came from?

If you want to target Shi Hao’s teleport, unless you can kill him in speed, or use a wide range of attacks, no matter where Shi Hao appears, he will be hit by the Thunder, directly killed, or lose his ability to move.

Unfortunately, neither of these Jade Immortal can do it.

Jade Immortal is faster than Shi Hao, but it doesn’t reach the point of killing. Once a wide range of attacks is used, the formidable power will inevitably weaken. With the strength and physical strength of Shi Hao itself, he can eat hard.

Besides, he also has Immortal King.

To take a step back, Jade Immortal can’t move.

– When you enter the territory of other Jade Immortal forces, it will be regarded as provocative and the consequences will be serious.

Therefore, he would say that as soon as he stepped into Gold Origin Immortal, he really had to have a foothold in Immortal World.

Immortal King is not out, no one can help him.

Pingtian sect out the trio to target him. First, he underestimated the strength of Shi Hao. Secondly, it is naturally difficult for them to dispatch Jade Immortal to avoid triggering the war ahead of time.

Shi Hao smiles and continues each and everyone sect.

– There are more than a hundred Jade Immortal in the whole chaotic fairyland. Some of them Jade Immortal likes to be alone, and some are a few piles. Therefore, Jade Immortal is a little less than Jade Immortal, but 80. Above should be at least.

Shi Hao still has a lot of homes to go, not only to add to Ping Tianzong, but also to get some benefits.

Great benefit.

In a few days, he came to the next Jade Immortal force, waiting for the summoning Sect Master’s summons, while madly pulling hatred and then betting.

Although the old routine is old, it is tried and tested, and he has made a big profit.

Ten days later, he left the sect and went to the next one.

And his cultivation base, also quietly approaching the two-star peak.

Not long after he left, he discovered the silhouette of a religious person through the Small Universe. People like “Seventeen” are too special. “Look” at a glance can immediately determine their identity.

Shi Hao didn’t have a hard shack, but went straight through the teleport.

Now he can’t beat the limit, so hard just doesn’t make sense.

Waiting, he is not far from the limit.

What makes him curious is that in the end, what is the secret law that Ping Tianzong has mastered, and he can cultivate so many genius.

Yes, they cripple people, people will not be distracted when they practice, this is a cruel but effective approach, but the powerhouse should be able to be cultivated in this way, the powerhouse at that time will hit flipped.

Therefore, Ping Tianzong must have mastered the big secrets.

Hey, the opportunity that the Immortal King said, maybe it corresponds to Ping Tianzong.

Shi Hao thought about it and went to the next force.

When he left the White Gate, the cultivation base also reached a two-star peak.

Breakthrough !

He immediately began to attack Samsung, only a small half-day, smashed, the door of the new realm is already open to him.

To the surprise of Shi Hao, he thought that he would break the limit when he was four stars, just like at Silver Spirit Immortal. However, after entering Samsung, he was astonished and found that his combat power was already on the way. Limit !

what does this mean?

The ability of others to fight in the leap is weakening, and what about him?


This is also too terrifying.

Shi Hao smiles, this is worthy of his efforts, you know, he is also a world’s master, if you are not arrogant, you can’t say it.

He grew up and moved on.

Not long after, he once again discovered the silhouette of the heavenly religious, and this time, they dispatched a total of twelve people.

In addition to the two old men I have seen before, there are blind swordsmen, and the other nine are all the same as the blind swordsman, either broken or broken, and have disabilities.

Shi Hao smiled, this time, he came to hard!

He strode forward and took the initiative to enter the encirclement.

“Young Master Shi, you should be listening!” An old man came out like a wave of water. He shook his head and seemed to be a pity.

“Oh?” Shi Hao smiled. “So, are you angry now?”

“Also ask Young Master Shi to come back to us with Ping Tianzong.” Old man calmly said that the adjustment of the mood is obviously handled very well.

Shi Hao shook his head: “No time.”

Really not available, he is busy cheating.

Old man leisurely said : “That should not be Young Master Shi, come, start!”

Suddenly, a path of silhouette emerged, all of them were “seventeen” people, but they had to be an early age, they all looked like middle-aged, but the vicissitudes of life and the disabled body were exactly the same.

Xiū xiū xiū, ten masters with disabilities at the same time, all of them are nine-star Gold Origin Immortal, and they all rushed to the limit.

This lineup, no matter which sect is placed, is incredible!

Breaking the limit of the power, a sect, an era, it is good to be able to go out, such a luxury lineup, it is no exaggeration to say that some stars can not do it?

Shi Hao

There are still embers thinking about these things, but, like Lightning Spark, a path of attack is already coming.

Even if Shi Hao has the power above the limit, but a pair of ten, may he have a chance of winning?

Shi Hao smiled and showed out the thousands of real gold, turned into a knife, and then swept out.

Brush, a golden of the rays of light will come out, into a round shape, and the reason is golden, because it is entangled with gold fairy.

This knife is extremely terrifying.

Twelve-star power!

– Like “Seventeen”, they are all only gold fairy, and they can hardly provide the blessing of the force above the limit. They must use the Ming jade class fairy, but even if the Pingtian Zong is rich and rich, Can such a fairy be armed on Gold Origin Immortal?

First, they can’t get it. Second, if they can get it, is this luxury practice not afraid of causing jealousy from other forces?

Oh, you even have Gold Origin Immortal with the Jade Immortal device. What is the strength of it?

Some Jade Immortal don’t have a suitable fairy, will they sneak into Ping Tianzong and steal?

So, there are more troubles.

In short, the “Seventeenth” people use the gold fairy, they can only release their limit force completely, if you increase the amount, hehe!

Brushing, knives and knives, these “seventeen” are all bombarded and flew out like straw.

A battle of one star needs four to five people to make up, then two stars?

At least sixteen people!

Considering the problem of coordination, the 16 people will not be able to live together and have a tacit understanding of each other. Otherwise, the sand will be unable to withstand a single blow.

Shi Hao is standing on the knife and I am invincible!

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