Xuan Bing Immortal King laughs: “Do you feel innocent in front of this seat?”

Hey, shouting to this seat?

Shi Hao has a glimpse of his heart. Is this going to turn his face?

Of course, Immortal King thinks about what to do, and the strength of the people.

“Mother, I want to know why you want to take me back?” Shi Hao asked.

Since he discovered the big secret of Xuan Bing Immortal King, it is obviously impossible for the other party to let him go, so he does not care about asking taboos.

Xuan Bing Immortal King appeared, or the incarnation of the two stars, she looked at Shi Hao, said: “You are the son of this seat, this seat will pick you up, what is strange?”

Shi Hao laughed heartily: “Mother is practicing Wanhua Tiangong. My true mother is just an incarnation of you. With your powerful strength, will you make your life experience of the avatar?”

“If this is the case, I should be a brother Sister countless?”

Xuan Bing Immortal King micro-display astonished: “You know Wanhua Tiangong!”

This is an Immortal Venerable technique, which she obtained in the forbidden place, and the Immortal Venerable has been transformed into a long time ago, otherwise it will not be forbidden to try its luck, expecting to extend life or live out. I don’t know the next few days.

Therefore, it is reasonable to say that in the world, should be no one knows the things of Wanhua.

However, a small Silver Spirit Immortal is a sigh of relief, so that she can not be surprised?

“You really know a lot.” She boasted, of course, is not sincere, you know it again, it is just a little Silver Spirit Immortal, what kind of tricks can be pulled out in Immortal King Come?

Shi Hao smiled modestly: “Mother has won the prize! But, what kind of thing does the girl look at me?”

Xuan Bing Immortal King’s nephew slightly shrank and shook his head: “You are too smart, but use the wrong place!”

“And, you are wrong.”

She looked at Shi Hao: “Although this incarnation is tens of thousands, but only one avatar gave birth to your descendants!”

Wanhua Tiangong, incarnation of ten million, is only used to understand life, and does not include the birth of a child, the reproduction of future generations.

Moreover, she lost contact with this avatar very early, but she didn’t care about it at first. However, when Shi Hao flew to Immortal World, she was inductive. After investigating, she found that Shi Hao was the avatar. Son!

At that time, she was shocked and incarnate, it was impossible to give birth. However, Shi Hao appeared in Immortal World.

When calculating the time, when she loses contact with the avatar, it is the day when the other party is pregnant!

Therefore, the existence of Shi Hao led to her losing contact with the avatar.


A small mortal, why do you have this ability?

Therefore, she sent Jiang Yixian and took Shi Hao over to find out the secret of the other party.

This is also the case, she did not want to let Shi Hao go to the wilderness, in the event that Shi Hao hangs inside, how can she detect this mystery?

However, at that time she was still a kind mother, so she only set a problem for Shi Hao. I didn’t expect Shi Hao’s fighting power, that is, the five-star Silver Spirit Immortal level Immortal King was easily defeated, or went. A big wasteland.

Fortunately, Shi Hao returned safely, but this kid is simply a catastrophe king, but also attracted a top grade Immortal King, so that she can only send a few incarnations to solve the problem.

——She has cultivated many Immortal King-level incarnations. This is her biggest secret. She even covers Immortal World. Therefore, Jiang’s discipline does not know her power.

Ok, it’s far away.

Shi Hao is also a stunned person. He turned out to be such a special existence. He can even say that he does not appear.

By the way, what secrets are hidden in him?

He can “kill” the remnant of Yuan Chengmie, and he has always been a strange thing, but later he learned that his mother was an incarnation of Immortal King, and he reluctantly attributed it to Immortal King.

However, if Immortal King gave birth to future generations, it would have to be cultivated step by step. How can it be so powerful when you start Soul, can you kill the Heavenly Foundation Stairway?

– Although this Heavenly Foundation Stairway was really badly created.

So, is this all relevant?

“And, there is one thing on your body, this seat is very interesting.” Xuan Bing Immortal King continued, “Although this seat does not know what it is, it is only vaguely inductive.”

Shi Hao asked Yue Ying to make a wave of volatility.

“Yes, that’s it!” Xuan Bing Immortal King’s eyes brightened. “Now, this seat doubts, you are not the reincarnation of Immortal Venerable!”

The smell of the moment was absolutely Immortal Venerable. Although it was weaker than that, Shi Hao is still only Silver Spirit Immortal, so it can only exude a glimpse of the atmosphere.

Immortal Venerable is of course possible if the avatar that was originally impossible to bear is pregnant with children.

Everything is worthy of the number.

Shi Hao’s brain is running fast, and then said: “Mother Lord Lord should be trying to impact Immortal Venerable? Incarnation is a million, and many have been honored to the Immortal King level. Many Great Dao are one, the mother is mastering the last and strongest. It’s possible that a fairy can be be, even, it’s very likely that some side has already been touched?”

Xuan Bing Immortal King is slightly discolored, are you really a Silver Spirit Immortal?

“However, the number of Immortal Venerable in the world is limited. If one person is in the upper position, there must be one who wants to abdicate.” Shi Hao continued, “So, the mother-in-law Lord deliberately understated before the strength of the great accomplishment, even, just let a two star The avatar is open to the public.”

“It’s not for other Immortal Kings, but for those who are more aloof and remote, Immortal Venerable knows that the Lord’s Lord doesn’t pose any threat to them.”

When I heard this, Xuan Bing Immortal King was even more moved, but soon she laughed.

“Smart, really smart, this seat really hopes, you are my son!”

Shi Hao lightly smiled: “Hey, am I not the son of my mother Lord?”

Xuan Bing Immortal King ignored his ridicule and said: “This seat is going to look at it, what secrets are hidden in your body.”

She was not in a hurry to shoot, but wanted to wait for Shi Hao to repair Jade Immortal and even make Immortal King, because she decided that Shi Hao was the reincarnation of Immortal Venerable, so when the other person achieved Immortal King, the other party The source of this will be even stronger, and if she wins it, she can make her cultivation base leap.

Even pushing directly to the Immortal Venerable level is not impossible.

However, it is definitely not going to happen now, and she has to make a living.

“Nanny Qin, I advise you to stay a little longer.” Shi Hao said, hey, Yue Ying made another wave of volatility, this time terrifying, half-step supreme device, above Immortal King.

Sure enough, Xuan Bing Immortal King was immediately jealous and had to stop.

If this breaks out, she may fall, and what is the key, will lead to Immortal Venerable!

“Look, I am the reincarnation of Immortal Venerable, you also hide the strength and have the opportunity to move into Immortal Venerable.” Shi Hao, according to the other’s thinking, simply “recognizes” that he is the reincarnation of Immortal Venerable, and concealed Yue Ying’s presence.

“So, if we have a conflict, it will definitely lead to Immortal Venerable, we are all finished!”

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