Shi Hao puts Immortal Medicine down and continues to search.

He has Small Universe for the most subtle induction, and after Nine Death Heavenly Art, he is not afraid of the great pressure here. It can be said that it is like a duck.

Otherwise, if you switch to someone else, it will definitely come out, but the time will not be long, otherwise the body will be crushed by this terrifying squeezing force, even if the body is completely tempering.

It can also be seen how typhoon Shi Hao is now.

Nine Death Heavenly Art tempering, his current body can rival the real Silver Spirit Immortal gold, not close.

Of course, now the internal organs have not been tempering in place, but it does not matter, as well as the protection of skin, meat, bones, blood, want to hurt his internal organs with the power of shock, what is the strength of the other side?

The fifteen-star and six-star powers may not be able to do so.

Shi Hao is very satisfied, it is the peerless Cultural Technique created by the immortal Venerable. It is really a fork.

However, the quasi-Immortal Venerable is so powerful, what about the real Immortal Venerable?

Shi Hao is a little smug, Immortal King aloof and remote, Immortal Venerable is nothing but ethereal, but can not deny their existence, and the immortal death of Immortal King by Immortal Venerable is even more evidence.

– Immortal Venerable, exists in this world.

Since there is Immortal Venerable, there will surely be Immortal Venerable, who are taught by Immortal Venerable and how amazing is the secret?

Shi Hao quickly put away such distractions and focused on finding the opportunity here.

After ten days, he was quite rewarding, and he gradually penetrated into the center of the Star Lake.

Originally, almost no one had time to get to the Star Lake, but this time because Yue Ying’s intervention, the Wanxing River opened much longer than before, so Shi Hao has arrived here, not to mention other people.


He suddenly felt that there was a wave of battle in front.

It’s not the battle between people and people, but the battle hall!

He was a little closer, then opened the Small Universe, and suddenly he saw it. It turned out that the thirty-six battle halls were all there, and they were attacking each other to compete for a piece of fairy gold.

this is–

Shi Hao’s nephew is slightly tight, Immortal King Kim!

God, Immortal King has left an Immortal King gold here. It is no wonder that even the descendants of these stars are playing dead.

What a luxury?

But think again, the Purple Moon Immortal King is already a half-step Immortal Venerable, and even created the Supreme, so she can come up with an Immortal King gold as the ultimate reward, what is strange?

Can only say that this Immortal King is atmospheric!

Even if there are Immortal King’s nephews and prostitutes, who among them can have Immortal King?

Therefore, they fight hard and want to take this Immortal King as their own.

Here, their own combat power has lost its meaning, because there is no strong attack by the war hall. Therefore, everyone is hiding in the battle hall, attacking others with the battle hall, and smashing the opponent.

In theory, all battle halls are quite equal in offense and defense. From this point of view, it is very fair, so the key is to control.

Some battle halls are obviously not flexible enough, but some are changeable. Not only do they move their tracks, but the attacks are even more awkward.

After fighting for a long time, you can see that some of the battle halls have been ragged and faltering, and some of the battle halls are still intact.

Shi Hao caught Su Manman and Wu Yueyi’s battle hall at a glance. They naturally joined forces, but the situation is still very bad. I don’t know which five people are united, and they are so busy that they are unable to hold it. At the end.


Shi Hao immediately flew past the battle hall.

“Su Junior Sister, U.S. Junior Sister, you give up fighting.” A voice came from the siege of the battle hall. “You are leaving now, you can go find other treasures, and if the battle hall is bombarded, then you I can’t get anything!”

“Yes, everyone is the same as Immortal King. Since it is a winner, why bother to insist?” Another voice was heard in the battle hall.

Now, thirty-six battle halls are divided into several gangs. Several people join hands and solve all others first. Then they divide the winners and decide the ownership of Immortal King Gold, so that the natural odds are even greater.

Su Manman and Wu Yueyi are both bitter, and if Shi Hao is here, he will definitely have a solution!

However, there are only thirty-six battle halls in total. Now all of them are here, and how does Shi Hao come over?

You are useless again with genius!

“You wait, after I go out, I let Shi Hao hang you!” Su Manman is mad, with two enemies and five, and their control of the battle hall is not particularly subtle, completely swaying the mighty battle hall itself. Defence is in support, and defeat is definitely something that it should be by rights.

In the five battle halls of the siege, they all sneered, Shi Hao? Who is Shi Hao? They are Immortal King scorpions or pro-disciples, will they fear another Immortal King passer?

Just when the two women could not support it, only one battle hall was suddenly killed and blocked in front of the two women.

“It turned out to be you!” The voice came out of the battle hall. This is Chang Feng. “I am coming to join you!”

Before, everyone was in a fierce battle. He also had no time to listen to other people’s speeches. Until then, he captured the word Shi Hao and he immediately succumbed.

This is the woman of the boss. He must stand up and maintain. Otherwise, let alone the boss in the future, he will not forgive himself.

Oh, another battle hall has come over: “I am nothing but a moon, and I can help you one arm.”

He owes Shi Hao a favor. Otherwise, he should not have the opportunity to enter the Wanxing River, so after knowing the relationship between the two women and Shi Hao, he naturally stood up.

For a time, the strength of Su Manman’s two women has skyrocketed and turned into four dozens. Although it is still at a disadvantage, it is not too bad.

This change made everyone think that the name Shi Hao had such a magical power, and actually let the moonless and Chang Feng instantly abandon their own team and fight for the two women.

“Who is Shi Hao?”

“Yeah, I have never heard of this name.”

“The Lien Chan Temple is not qualified to seize, should be an unknown soldier.”

“It’s ridiculous, someone actually made such a lowly person.”

In other battle halls, there have also been voices of contempt. They are all descendants of Immortal King. There are a few of them who are the top ten of the Dragon Cloud Festival in the millennium. They are of course proud. They have not received the top ten before. They all have slag in their eyes.

Su Manman can’t tolerate others smashing Shi Hao, annoyed: “Shi Hao is the most powerful, and you are not allowed to say this to him!”

Someone is happy, said with a smile: “Since you said that this Shi Hao is so powerful, let him appear, I have to ask for advice!”

“Oh, is it?” Shi Hao arrived at the right time.

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