“Roll!” Shi Hao said coldly.

What, what?

Hu Tang thought that he had got it wrong. He was first stunned and then angry and furious.

“Shi Hao, you deceived them, but you can’t fool me!” He said loudly, “What Immortal King passed down, this little will not believe it! Which Immortal King will be like you?”

Shi Hao ignored it, just staring at him: “You are not rolling?”

“Don’t you dare to shoot this less?” Hu Tang said.

Shi Hao didn’t talk any more, but reached out directly. He grabbed Hu Tang and then shocked it. Hey, Hu Tang flew through an arc in the air and then fell heavily on the ground.

“Bold!” Hu Tang’s two followers immediately rushed up and glared at Shi Hao.

“Give me less, take it away! Take it!” Hu Tang has no scruples. He is the son-in-law of Tianshui Pavilion. It is how to tie Shi Hao. How can the three masters take him?

Both of the followers were forced to go to Shi Hao, and the districts were absolutely perfect. They could reach Shi Hao with one of them.

Shi Hao looked at the two faintly and said: “I don’t like to cause trouble, but if anyone gets into my head, then it will ruin me. I am not a student here. I will kill you if there is no problem. “”

Hu Tangxiao laughs, but also the trainees, do you really want to be a descendant of Immortal King, will you care about the rules made by a small Bronze Armor Immortal force?

He didn’t know that with the character of Shi Hao, even if he was a descendant of Immortal King, then since he chose to enter the Academy, he would follow the rules here.

“Haha, if you have the ability, you can kill it!”

“Pretty boy, let’s just let it go!”

Both entourages have been killed, and the super-exact force has blossomed. It is necessary to take Shi Hao in one fell swoop so as not to have a long night dream. After all, this is the site of the three major sects, and they are not too arrogant.

Shi Hao smiled, pointing at random, oh, oh, these two people collapsed into bloody rain.

If you put it in the realm of the world, the super battle will die, and the energy wave will explode. That is the disaster of destroying the stars. It can be placed in Immortal World.

The sneer of Hu Tang’s face has not yet had time to close it up, and he can’t help but see his eyes and look like a ghost.

Fuck, is he blind?

No, no!

His two superbs were wiped out by Shi Hao with a little bit of advice.

Wo, what strength is this?

Hundreds of orders!

“Ah–” he screamed and quickly turned and ran.

Scared to death, scared to death, and if you don’t run, you will be killed!

However, can he run away?

Hey, Shi Hao slammed down and Hu Tang fell to the ground. Hey, Shi Hao added another foot and stepped Hu Tang’s head into the dirt.

“This is a lesson for you, remember in your heart!” Shi Hao said, grinding his head.

Hu Tang can only make a “squeaky” voice, but his heart is filled with humiliation.

The young Sect Master and the son-in-law of Tianshui Pavilion, who are in the black water sect, are actually stepped on their feet, how can he endure?

However, does he dare to take revenge?

Shi Hao suspected that Immortal King passed on. If this is true, then he should not say revenge. Of course, how far can he run? Otherwise, some people who want to please Immortal King will kill him.

When Shi Hao put away his feet, he didn’t dare to scream, and hurriedly fled and fled.

Really afraid of being killed.


Shi Hao thought that Hu Tang didn’t dare to come to him again. However, four days later, his door was once again ringed.

Who is it?

However, before Shi Hao opened the door, he slammed the door, but the door was kicked open.

“Shi Hao, come out and see this Young Lady!” A woman’s voice sounded, and she heard a strong arrogance.

“Why, do you have the ability to beat people, don’t you see this Young Lady?”

Hey, this woman is probably already playing a big fight, and it has caused damage in the yard.

Shi Hao went out and saw four people in the yard, two old and two young, two less words, one is Hu Tang, the other is a woman in a yellow skirt, looks very beautiful, but the face is Full of arrogance.

The two old men are lacking, and should be promoted to a super-secret escort through the secret law.

“You are the stone–” Huang Yi woman looked at Shi Hao, when she was questioning, she suddenly saw the appearance of Shi Hao, and when she got to her mouth, she suddenly got stuck.

So handsome! So handsome! So handsome!

“Are you Shi Hao?” she said again, her voice soft and completely changed.

Obviously, this woman is confused by Shi Hao’s “beauty.”

Shi Hao nodded: “Yes, what is it?”

“This way, my name is Jin Na, it is Hu Tang’s unmarried – no no no, I am the granddaughter of Tian Euge’s Third Elder, admiring your fame, so I will meet you.” Jinna whispered softly.

On the side, Hu Tang naturally heard clearly, and almost did not faint.

You, you, you, haven’t married yet, are you going to wear me a green hat?

– He fled back to Heis Shui, this thing was known to Jinna, and with the pride of this Eldest Young Lady, where can I endure it?

Therefore, she immediately succumbed to help her fiancé export bad luck. What I didn’t expect was that Shi Hao was so handsome. In contrast, Hu Tang was simply ugly, and she changed her mind instantly.

Shi Hao nodded: “Hello.”

“Hello.” Jinna was more squeaky, and the gaze of the eyes swept to Hu Tang, suddenly showing the color of disgust, and made a look to the two followers.

The two followers immediately met, directly from left to right, and Hu Tang was set up and walked outside the yard.

“Jinna!” Hu Tang shouted, but only dare to remind each other in this way, but you are my fiancee, but don’t want to bring me a green hat.

Because the status of the two sides is too unbalanced, he does not even dare to blame.

Jinna did not pay any attention to it. After she returned, she would let the family propose a dissolution of marriage to Heishui.

She wants to marry Shi Hao, such a handsome man, worthy of himself!

She had a conversation with Shi Hao without a tower. Shi Hao ignored it. After a while, he was impatient. Euphemistically, he firmly invited Jinna out.

He still has to practice 哩, how can he work to understand this woman.

Although Jinna was driven out, she was not angry at all, and her eyes were all small stars.

It doesn’t matter, she immediately went back, first lifted the marriage contract with Hu Tang, and then asked Lord to come out and give her a kiss to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao will refuse?

She never thought about this possibility. She was one of the princesses of Tianshui Pavilion. She has never been rejected by anyone since she was a child.

Such a handsome man is destined to become her husband, and later to bring out to meet people, those girlfriends do not know what to look like, think about it is to let her look forward to.

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