Shi Hao and others walked away, all the way to the plains of no one. On the third day, they finally saw people.

It is not a fairy who is fluttering in the white, handsome and handsome, but a farmer who farms in the fields.

Everyone took a glance and immediately found out that these farmers are just ordinary people. They are indeed a cultivation base, but only Reaching Limit. The stronger one is only Nurmuring Soul Realm. If not everyone is sure that this is Immortal World, they must think that they are going Which rural areas are in the world.

However, the rice in the field is declared to the public, and this is indeed the product of Immortal World.


Because this rice is a person high, and the resulting tassels are like corn cobs, and they are very heavy.

The energy is too rich, so the products here are also very rich.

Shi Hao looked at him more and more, and he can be sure that this rice also contains powerful energy. Long-term service is also good for the body.

Therefore, the farmers of Immortal World will naturally progress even if they do not deliberately cultivate, and move into the Reaching Limit and even the Nurturing Soul.

However, this is somewhat different from Immortal World in the imagination.

Everyone wants to come, Immortal World should be a fairy flying, and the Heavenly Foundation Stairway is like a dog, running on the ground.

Looking at it now, Immortal World is also an ordinary mortal.

They asked a letter. Fortunately, the language was similar. They learned where the nearest town was and then went there.

At Immortal World, the environment is very stable, so even the Heavenly Foundation Stairway is not qualified to tear open space, and the speed of travel is plummeting. After half a day, they finally came to their destination.

There is a town in front, only from the appearance, this is really simple, can not be compared with the gorgeous big city in the world.

However, from time to time there are people coming in and out of the town, there is no shortage of Heavenly Foundation Stairway level, but when they are a fragrant, everyone sees at least ten Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

At such a time, such a small town, there are actually ten Heavenly Foundation Stairway in and out, which explains the problem.

Immortal World is, after all, Immortal World.

Everyone is very low-key, first entered Immortal World, they are rootless, and their own strength is also low and poor, naturally it is more low-key and low-key, so as not to make extra-budgets, to yourself, to others to provoke a disaster.

Fortunately, this is a small town, the immortal is estimated to be disdain, so the strongest strength here is the Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

Because Shi Hao and others are too numerous, they split up and went to inquire about the news.

Shi Hao and Weng Nanqing, together with a purple rat, walked into the town.

Although the town is small, the sparrow is small and can be perfected.

There are brothels and casinos, and almost all the entertainment that can be imagined can be found here.

Shi Hao is naturally going to the restaurant.

In Fanjie, the best place to inquire about the news is the restaurant. Although it is Immortal World, Shi Hao believes in human nature. Too many people have a gossip.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for them to sit down and heard the rumors of the diners and learned a lot of information.

In particular, the enrollment of the Three White Academy is about to begin.

He just inserted his mouth and guided the diners to a big discussion on this topic, which allowed him to harvest more information.

It turned out that this is Hongwu Xianyu, and the land they are standing now is divided into three forces, namely Bai Mazong, Bai Niuzong and Bai Xiangzong.

It is said that these thousands of sects belonged to the same sect thousands of years ago, but I don’t know what happened. This sect split and became the current three divisions.

But after all, the source came out, so the three things get along well with each other, and there is no such thing as playing the ground because of the land.

Like the three white Academy, these three were created together, the purpose is to select excellent students to enter sect.

During this period, the trainees can make their own choices and which sect to join later. Relatively speaking, this gives the students a lot of freedom.

It is said that the three major masters have reached the point of the nine-star Bronze Armor Immortal, which rules a large territory, and anyone who can take the lead in Silver Spirit Immortal can reunite the three majors.

Shi Hao immediately became interested. He decided to enter this Academy as a springboard, learn more about Immortal World and move into Wonderland.

After eating, he went out of town and joined other people.

Everyone will summon the news and find out that these messages are basically about the three white Academy and the three sects.

Some people immediately recommend joining the Academy, while others are shaking their heads.

– They are too old, full of white hair, do you want to be a student?

They want to move into the fairy level, should be directly into a sect, starting with the Academy? They don’t have such patience and they don’t have such a thick face.

In the end, everyone parted ways, but they all agreed, only to say that they were flying up from the realm, rather than a star ascending to the whole, otherwise, Shi Country may bring trouble.

After all, Shi Country is too weak now to withstand any storms.

The decision to go to the Three White Academy is Shi Hao, Weng Nanqing, and the An Wang and other guard teams. They are all young people, and they represent the hope of the new era.

They asked the direction and then went on the road.

A few days later, they came to Changfeng City, where the Three White Academy was in the city.

However, although this is called the city, it is not a big one, but it is built on the three white Academy and serves the Academy.

The city is small, but there are quite a few people, and the traffickers are pawned and bustling.

Shi Hao and so on are still too many people. Therefore, they break up again and sign up separately, and they will also fake different fake identities. After all, all of them are flying up in the world. Is this too much?

Immortal World is too big, what could be the Heavenly Foundation Stairway soaring, just in this area?

Before there is not enough self-protection ability, Shi Hao wants to keep a low-key as much as possible. Although immortal mansion can protect him safely, it can also trigger the shackles of Immortal World. In the real world, they can’t take advantage of it. In Immortal World. It is different.

Everyone dispersed into the city, and agreed that when they first met, they should pretend not to know, and they must not reveal their feet.

Shi Hao and Weng Nanqing are definitely together. They went to an inn and asked for a room, waiting for the start of the three white Academy enrollment.

Fortunately, Immortal World’s ordinary trading is also based on gold and silver and other metals. You don’t have to go to a store to use the point of Xianshi. Otherwise, Shi Hao can’t afford it.

After a few days, Shi Hao just added the rules of Immortal World. It is impossible to upgrade the cultivation base for a while.

After nine days, the enrollment of the Three White Academy has finally begun.

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