Shi Hao is also a fangs, and the sun and stone balls are all collected, so as not to be damaged in such an energy frenzy.

Next he will fly to Immortal World, facing a battle with the world of heaven and earth, naturally can not be damaged.

The Xianjun coalition forces are doing birds and beasts, flying in all directions.

It’s terrible, it’s terrible.

Shi Hao tears open the space and pushes this energy frenzy into the void, so it doesn’t matter if it is violent.

He stood so wide and proud of everyone.

From beginning to end, he didn’t even have a “one move”, but how many people died in the Immortal World coalition?

More than eight hundred!

Putting it in the realm of the world, it is a disaster, and the death of more than 800 Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

Immortal World’s army is trembled. This young man is so terrible that they can’t even make a war, just want to be far from this person.

“His Shi Hao, we have no complaints and no enmity, but also tempted by the interests, only to offend you!” One person stood up and shouted to Shi Hao, “We sincerely apologize to you, and please, let you We return to Immortal World.”

Shi Hao smiled a little: “Everyone leaves an arm and can leave.”

Everyone looked at each other and many people showed their anger.

“You are too much, you have to slap us an arm!”

“You have nothing to lose, why not be too big?”

“We are also instructed!”

They protested loudly and hoped that Shi Hao could change his mind.

But more people are head down, and there are faces that say such things.

Shi Hao has no loss, not their kindness, but people are strong enough. Otherwise, Shi Hao must have died.

Oh, now Shi Hao just breaks their arms, isn’t that enough?

What are you greedy for?

I don’t know how to be good, don’t irritate Shi Hao, people don’t want arms but death!

Hey, at this time, a terrible breath, a face suddenly appeared in the sky, huge and full of majesty.

“Real people!”

“See the real person!”

“Real life saves!”

Seeing this face, many people have collapsed and seem to have met the savior.

“Kill this son, otherwise, this seat will kill you and your family!” The face opened and said a desperate statement.


Everyone was shocked and looked at the face in a foolish way, completely unaware of what they heard.

Do thousands of real people dare to be so mad?

Of course dare.

In a domain, although Immortal King is the respect, Immortal King has always been at the top of the stars, and can be said to be isolated from the world. Therefore, the overlord in a domain is actually a Jade Immortal, each divided into one rule.

Now, since the real people of Thousands of Machines say this, it is not just scaring them.

Everyone was shivering, I thought it was a casual trip, earning a vote, but I did not expect it to become a journey of desperation.

If you do not escape, then Immortal World is definitely a dead end, and it will also hurt your family.

If you can fight Shi Hao, how many more people will die to kill him?

How to do?

“From now on, the time will not be shot, and the seat will start killing!” said the thousand real people coldly.

This time, everyone can’t help it.

They are safe in the world, and Jade Immortal’s hands can’t reach out. But how do their family and friends at Immortal World fight against the thousand-machine hall?

“Shi Hao, do you have the heart to watch so many innocent people die for you?” Someone suddenly shouted to Shi Hao, “If you have some conscience, you can cut it yourself!”

“Yes, you cut yourself!”

A lot of people are “wake up like a dream” and call Shi Hao to drink.

These people are also the ones who were previously asked to react the most severely.

Shi Hao was really taken aback.

He knew that many people were selfish, but never thought that they could be selfish to this point.

Why should I sacrifice myself to save your family?

You are going to kill me, how do you make it seem like I have done something evil?

Moreover, don’t you think that you are going to be a real person?

Shi Hao shook his head, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

“I want to die, even if I shoot,” he said.

“Shi Hao, you are the executioner!” exclaimed excitedly.

“Spell with him!”

“Yes, we will win the sorrow!”

These people shouted and tried to move toward other people, but their own steps were like iron castings, and there was no intention to move.

Shi Hao is angry, how can a person be shameless to such a share?

He snapped his fingers, hey, and even the ball of the bead was hit, and he went to the people who were the most fierce.

These people quickly resisted, but how can they stop Shi Hao?

Hey, these people were bombarded one after another and turned into blood rain.

“Since there are reasons to fight, come on!” Shi Hao said, “At least, you can die like a man!”


The rest of the people were screaming and rushing toward Shi Hao.

It’s not that Shi Hao dies, that is, they die.

Everyone is the most powerful force, and no one can hide in the face of such pressures of life and death.

Shi Hao has no mercy, and Small Universe is open. In this area, he is the only master.

Hey, a famous Heavenly Foundation Stairway was directly bombarded with blood.

In the Small Universe, as long as the strength is not as good as Shi Hao, there is no qualification for even the shot, and the birth is crushed into blood.

However, only half an hour, except for a hundred people who have never been out, more than 5,000 Immortal World troops are completely destroyed.

Why didn’t the hundreds of people shoot?

Because they don’t have friends or relatives in Immortal World, even a thousand people can’t threaten them.

“Young Master Shi, can we leave?” one person asked Shi Hao.

Shi Hao smiled a little: “If you break one arm, you can leave.”

The hundreds of people broke their own V and then bowed to Shi Hao with respect and flew away.

Naturally, leaving this star, do you still want to stay with Shi Hao on a star?

As for how long they have to wander in the stars… No matter what, they still ran first.

Shi Hao doesn’t care too much. There is no starship, and he can’t fold the space in the flesh. These people are destined to be alone in Xingyu, and they should be exiled.

“Shi Hao, do you really want to be an enemy of this seat?” In the sky, the face opened again.

“Do you think I have been playing with you all the time?” Shi Hao laughed.

The face showed a strong anger, but across the two worlds, how was he angry again, couldn’t he still get a shot?

It’s not Shi Hao, but now Immortal King is not afraid of it!

Is the strength of the 106th order a vegetarian? Is the stone mill looking at it?

“On the day of the ascent of Immortal World, it is when you give the first prize!” Thousands of real people threatened.

Shi Hao shook his head: “Immortal World is so big, let’s go out of your domain and talk about it!”

After all, he ignored the thousands of real people and turned and left.

In the sky, the face was directly blown up.

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