“Are you looking for death?” Among the crowd, a blue middle-aged man shouted.

His name is Chen Jia, but it is Great Heaven Offering powerhouse.

No matter where you put it, Great Heaven Offering can be called a powerhouse, and it can be reused in any power.

This level of Martial Artist has improved too much compared to the Spirit Mending Temple. The level of life has been improved, it can fly, it can live longer, and the combat power is a roller-type upgrade.

However, breaking this step is too difficult.

Therefore, even in the Eight Treasures Palace, the Great Heaven Offering powerhouse is only 197 people.

Cheng Ming smiled and took a shot.

Hey, Chen Jia immediately turned into a bloody rain and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

“All said, called the Eight Treasures to come out to meet, have no long ears?” Cheng Ming said, there is no change in his face, it seems that only a bed bug is crushed.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked and angry.

The anger is that they have been provoked by the Eight Treasures, and they are directed at their supreme ruler, the faith in Soul, and the shock is that the coming is not good, the strength is too strong, and the second step is to kill the Great Heaven Offering. .

“Go to the people!”

Everyone shouted, they were a little confused.

However, the Babao Palace was so big, and immediately a large number of powerhouses rushed out.

There are more than two hundred people in the world, Ascending Saint Throne, Great Heaven Offering, basically based on Great Heaven Offering, Ascending Saint Throne is the second, and there are only seven on the road.

However, a force has seven people to take the road, which is already amazing, look at the family, but have three people to take the road.

This is the difference between absolute and non-existent, and the acquired materials and earthly treasures are not at a level.

“Take the road?” Mi Gaofu looked at Cheng Ming, with a slight surprise.

It is rare to see such a young road. Except for Immortal World, only Shi Hao has reached such a height.

Shi Hao ?

He is very embarrassed. Recently, Shi Hao is so famous that killing two Heavenly Foundation Stairway in succession not only created the prestige of his younger generation, but also recognized the most powerhouse in the past and the past. For a few years.

So, is this person Shi Hao?

“Hello is Asura?” he asked.

Cheng Ming shook his head with a big smile: “Asura Lord is full of light, it is the hegemon of the world. How can I be the Asura Lord? My name Cheng Ming, you will immediately call out the Eight Treasures, and my Lord will see him.”

He is not Asura?

Migao’s brow wrinkled and couldn’t help but look at a few companions. They were all connected to the powerhouse, and they were also Senior brothers. They were all disciples of the Eight Treasures. Unfortunately, none of them currently entered. Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

The six powerhouses are also surprisingly surprised. This young man is not Asura!

However, besides Asura, who can be so young and step into the sky?

“You obviously have to take the road level, but still have to rely on Asura?” Mi Gaofu said, “So young to take the road, rare in ancient and modern! So, you can become a legend in itself, why not stand on your own?”

He is divorced. I believe that young people, especially young genius, are sure to be proud and proud.

Cheng Ming is shaking his head, revealing the enthusiasm: “Asura Lord talent is unparalleled, the district is just his stepping stone, one day will conquer Immortal World! I compared with the Asura Lord, even the shoes are not worthy! ”

Mi Gaofu is speechless, how can there be such a second person?

You are genius in genius, how can you not have any arrogance?

“No longer call out the Eight Treasures, I will be polite!” Cheng Ming’s tone is cold.

He is fine, but can you let Shi Hao wait?

In his view, it is a sin to dare to let Shi Hao wait, and he is one of Shi Hao’s followers, obligated to annihilate those who commit such crimes.

The Mi Gaofu seven people glanced at each other and formed a common theory.

– Shi Hao, they must be beaten now, but can’t even his men make a decision?

They solved Cheng Ming, and the Eight Treasures solved Shi Hao, Wang Xiang Wang, and will, in all directions, crush Asura.

“Since you are so obsessed with it, then this seat will give you a profound lesson!” Mi Gaofu said coldly, he violently shot and killed the past toward Cheng Ming.

“Ha ha ha!” Cheng Ming certainly won’t be afraid, and immediately greeted him.

The two men entered the air and the war broke out.

You Zirong, this is one of the seven treasures of the Eight Treasures. He is proud of the people from Anmin. He said: “Asura, you have a man who is connected to the sky, but my eight treasures are Up to seven!”

“When it comes to strength and foundation, how can you compare with my master?”

Boom, he released the breath of the sky, rolling and moving, there is a smoke, straight into the sky.

From An Min smiled and said to a companion: “Sib, you go.”

“Good.” The man nodded immediately and stood up.

His name is Jian Sibo. He used to converge on the air. Now it is bursting out. It is also like a sea of ​​oceans.

Another one is the road.


Eight treasures are going crazy, how is this possible?

You know, Babao Palace can have seven people to pick up the road, how many years of accumulation?

Shi Hao, the name is only a few years, how can there be two genius avenues that are still young and loyal to him?

It’s incredible!

There is still, what is wrong with this world, is the realm barrier disappearing, otherwise, how can there be so many young people taking the road?

“Sib, you can kill him within a hundred strokes!” Arrange the task from Anmin.

“Without a hundred tricks, fifty strokes are enough.” Jane Spoel said proudly.

Who is he?

In the younger generation, talents can be ranked in the top 50 genius, and Shi Hao’s teachings, but also practiced for thirty-six days, not only is the journey of the great accomplishment, but also the same level of combat power is tyrannical.

However, You Zirong is discouraged. Who are you when he is?

Weak chicken?

“Dead!” He immediately rushed to Janebo.

Eight treasures, the remaining five people meet each other on the road surface, decided not to come one by one.

Obviously, from Anmin is also the way to the sky, otherwise, he can not send a one-way road.

It was awesome, and Shi Hao actually got the loyalty of three genius.

But no problem, all of them are removed today!

The five great days of the road stood out and one person said: “It’s a pity that we have five people to pick up the road and completely crush you in quantity!”

“Is it?” From Anmin, he laughed and spread his hands and said to his companions. “You said, how much do they have to sit and watch the sky?”

“Ha ha ha!” Zhao Tiefeng and others are laughing.

“You!” Eight treasures, five people are all angry.

Hey, from Anmin, Zhao Tiefeng and others are releasing their own breath.

Pick up the road, pick up the road, pick up the road… God, these twenty-one people are all connected to the powerhouse!

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