The Qingshen Sword Jun is hesitant, but the action is not slow, and continues to smash toward Shi Hao.

Hey, the armor formed a layer of defense, but it was easy to block him.

In the real world, the ten-star gold represents the ultimate, even if the power of the absolute level can be deformed, but if you want to break it, it will take some time, and it is super.

The various methods of the Green Snake Sword are used, but they are all ineffective.

You know, the Asura community didn’t know how many years of preparation for this black disaster, that is, once it was launched, Immortal World could do nothing.

Therefore, how can the immortal behave in the face of the ten-star treasure? There is no good way.

In the war, the Green Snake Sword Jun had dozens of swords. Suddenly, he had a chance to move.

“I understand, it turns out!” He sneered and released his mental strength.


Suddenly, all the action of the armor is a stagnation.

– His mental strength also flooded into the armor, and began to compete with Shi Hao for control of the armor. Although he could not snatch it for a while, it also allowed Shi Hao to lose control of the armor.

In the case of Qing Snake Sword, this is enough.

He doesn’t need the help of these armor, as long as they are not used by Shi Hao.

“Kid, let’s die!” He smashed his sword and was awkward.

Shi Hao smiled, the stone ball method worked, and greeted the past with the Green Snake Sword.

Hey, under one blow, Shi Hao was suddenly thrown out.

Mad, super or not.

Shi Hao couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, but he didn’t want to think about it. He still took the road.

Which one can make a metamorphosis to such a point?

I only see it in ancient and modern times.

This is the first confrontation between Shi Hao and Qing Snake Sword Jun, and also let Green Snake Sword Jun really see the strength of Shi Hao, which makes him shocked and scalp.

He finally understood why even Jade Immortal wanted to pass Shi Hao.

Is such a strong road to the sky, is Immortal King cultivated again?

Should be not.

Only the legendary fairy can cultivate such a super enchanting.

After a thought passed, the Green Snake Sword Jun shot again and smashed toward Shi Hao.

Hey, Jianguang is moving, and the whole star is also bruised and bruised.

Super destructive power, too terrible and terrible.

Shi Hao is a means of all kinds of means. Before playing with long-haired women, people are super-excellent, but what fear does he have, and the long-haired women are consumed away?

Now, how is the Green Snake Sword Jun is a fairy? In the real world, without the support of a strong character, his combat power is not as good as that of a long-haired woman.

Shi Hao only kept the attack, but guarded, and only the strong character on the green snake sword began to dim down.

No way, this is an external force, it is impossible to last, and when it is exhausted.

It is very obvious that the fighting power of the Green Snake Sword Jun has become unstable. The last sword is still super-excellent, but the next sword has fallen to this level.

After a while, the light of the green snake sword will be completely wiped out.

Shi Hao grinned: “This time, it’s my turn?”

Hey, he smashed out and launched a counterattack against the Green Snake Sword.

Boom, his combat power suddenly smashed up, the sun law, the black hole law, and even from time to time to come to the last star storm, and then the ice glare, Purple Thunder Spear and other tricks are also inevitable.

How does this make Green Snake Sword Jun suffer?

If he still has super-exact fighting power, he is absolutely not afraid, and even crushes Shi Hao. However, once he falls to this level, his combat power also drops rapidly, at most similar to Shi Hao, but Shi Hao’s big move is too fierce, and the green snake sword is awkward.

He has to doubt life.

In the end, am I a fairy, or are you a fairy?

Otherwise, why are you weak and strong?

At this moment, he regretted it very much, not should be greedy for this reward.

Yes, there are so many genius in the Thousand Machines Court. Why do thousands of real people do not move them, do they have to offer a reward?

It’s just that it’s too late to regret it.

In order to kill Shi Hao, he not only spent a lot of money to buy a strong character, but also took out all the furniture, and even borrowed money from people. Please ask a big force to open the two worlds, if you can not kill Shi Hao Then, he returned to Immortal World, which is a poor man, and he has to fight for debts for the rest of his life.

Therefore, this is absolutely not allowed.


Be sure to kill Shi Hao.

The wages of avarice is death.

He provoked a strong fighting spirit and desperately killed Shi Hao.

However, is it fascinating and useful for the enchanting Shi Hao?

Shi Hao’s combat power is getting stronger and stronger, and the source is analyzed by the attack of the Green Snake Sword Jun. As long as you are in the realm, you must obey the rules of the universal world, and then you can be analyzed by the source.

Therefore, for a long time in battle, Shi Hao will completely analyze the attack of the Green Snake Sword Jun, and as a result, the opponent’s attack naturally threatens less and less in front of him.

Green Snake Sword Jun feels only pressure, he can’t believe at all, why Shi Hao’s combat power can be strong enough.

Is this really a genius?

Wouldn’t it be the Xianzun doorman, deliberately put it in the realm to cultivate?

When he thought about it, he was straight and cold.

With the high level of Xianzun, naturally he will not put a little Bronze Armor Immortal on his heart, and it is impossible to shoot him. However, as the door of Xianzun, Shi Hao will definitely regard him as an obstacle on the road of cultivation. Must be smashed.

The trouble is big!

He no longer dared to fight, violently turned and fled.

Back to Immortal World, even if you are poor, you have to work and pay debts for a lifetime, but it is better than losing your life.

Shi Hao snorted, you want to kill and kill, want to run and run?

He used to be weak, there is no way, but now?


He chased it out, under the Small Universe package, he could appear anywhere in the 100,000 feet.

What a terrible thing is this?

The speed of the green snake sword is fast, and he can run and run, and there is a person in front.

Shi Hao.

Damn guy!

The green snake sword screamed and screamed.

From Immortal World, it’s not a matter of words. It can only appear in a random place near the target. If you go back, you can only go to the same place. If you want to go back, you can go back immediately.

The place where the green snake sword is descended is on the left, which is naturally the closer to Shi Hao, but it is not so accurate from Xian to Fan, so he still needs to fly a distance – just in front Among the stars.

Only a little bit of distance.

However, this distance has become a scorpio now, no matter how he breaks through, he is always slammed back by Shi Hao, so that he is so eager to sweat.

Shi Hao looked in his eyes and smiled. “You go back to the transfer point of Immortal World, should be be not far behind me?”

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