The first thousand five hundred and four chapters of the Sacred Beast

“Ice Rain, you are all right?” Yun Bufan looked at the pale white ice whispering next to him, the ice rain deep exhaled, shook the head, watching Yun Bufan speak: “Yun Bufan, many Thank you, otherwise, I am afraid that the consequences are really unimaginable!”

“Yun Bufan!” is also a serious face to Yun Bufan’s opening and said: “Many thanks, if it’s not you, the flowers are not likely to die in the hands of the four Sacred Beast, you saved the flowers without a life, I am also owing you a life!”

“Very senior, polite!” Yun Bufan looked at the sole shook the head, then looked at the sculptures of the four Sacred Beast deep exhaled: “The most important thing now is the four Sacred Beast, the sculpture of the four Sacred Beast. Why is it here, and why is it coming to attack us?”

“The sculptures of these four Sacred Beast!” The poles and the others were also looked at the four Sacred Beast sculptures, and the ice rain was even more open. The sculptures of the four Sacred Beast were terrifying. When they wake up, the power that erupts is comparable to the four holy deities!”

“But I can feel it. When they combine the four forces, it seems that a more horrible force will erupt, and the power of that power is even more than half a step of Paragon’s Peak. I can only feel that power is better than righteousness. The power of peace is even more terrifying!”

The ice and rain had a lingering look at the four sculptures. The four sculptures were still still. Yun Bufan watched the ice and rain whispered open the mouth and said: “Ice no one, you have found them. Is there anything special?”

“Special place?” Ice rain shook the head, watching Yun Bufan whispered open the mouth and said : “not at all found something special, only felt that their four forces merged, the outformable power ratio There is no more integration than a fusion, but there is nothing special about it!”

“The fusion of the four forces is several times stronger than the power without integration?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, and then he looked directly at the four sculptures: “The four sculptures feel our proximity. They will shoot, and once we stay away from them, they won’t move again!”

“So it seems that they should be the kind of goalkeeper!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, watching Yun Bufan whispered open the mouth and said: “The existence of a class, Yun Bufan, So how do we get past?”

“If it’s just a kind of existence, then it’s still easy, I’m afraid it’s not ordinary!” Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, eyes ray of light flashing, watching the very and the others whispered open the Mouth and said: “I will try it out, you are all careful!”

“You?” Extremely and ice rain and the others are amazement, Yun Bufan slightly smiled: “Reassured, I have a lot of heart, I know what to do!”

Yun Bufan’s nine colorful rays of light suddenly flashed, the rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan flew directly to the sculpture of the four Sacred Beast, and Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes, watching the four Sacred Beast The sculpture whispered, and the palm of the hand took it directly to Azure Dragon!

“hong long long!” bursts of roaring sounds, Yun Bufan’s palm has not been photographed, the four Sacred Beast’s sculptures suddenly ray of light, the four Sacred Beast’s sculpture rays The light flashes at the same time, and four different rays of light are constantly flashing!

“Yun Bufan, be careful!” whispered to Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan blinked in the eye, then looked at the four Sacred Beast sculptures, four Sacred Beast sculptures simultaneously with rays of light, the four different rays Of light Directly pressed to Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan’s Force of Wind and Thunder popped up, the wind and thunder wings behind it appeared directly, Yun Bufan’s wings fluttered slightly, the roar of the roar, and Yun Bufan’s silhouette turned into a silver afterimage, flying directly to the side Go out!

Yun Bufan looked at the sculptures of the four Sacred Beast, the colorful rays of light flashed, the clock appeared directly, and Yun Bufan whispered: “Time goes by, time accelerates!”

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of cyan ray mang, and the cyan ray flashes, the power of azure floods directly, and the attack of the four Sacred Beast becomes extremely slow, and Yun Bufan’s The attack was abruptly accelerated, and four punches were blasted in an instant!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” bursts of roaring sounds, four dark green fists directly hit the four Sacred Beast’s four-color rays of light, four A powerful attack suddenly broke out, and Yun Bufan suddenly complex changed slightly!

“The power of really strong!” Yun Bufan could feel the power of the four Sacred Beast sculptures. This power is not what you can beat. Yun Bufan’s face is not changed!

“The sculptures of these four Sacred Beast?” Yun Bufan was shocked to see the sculptures of the four Sacred Beast, whose faces were full of shocking expressions, and the four Sacred Beasts were seen at the same time at Yun Bufan, four different The eyes are filled with four different powerful forces!

“What about the four Sacred Beast sculptures?” Just as Yun Bufan was still shocked, Azure Dragon suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, a gust of azure slammed into Yun Bufan, and azure vortex suddenly shrouded !

“Yun Bufan light shouted in a low voice, bursts of dark green rays of light constantly rising, a dark green great hand seal popped up, made great hand seal, this dark green great hand seal Printed directly on azure vortex!

“bang!” “bang!” The roar of the roaring sound, the dark green’s great hand seal and the azure vortex suddenly collided, and a sound explosion suddenly sounded, and Yun Bufan was suddenly shaken back, his face was extremely dignified. !

“hong long long!” At the same time, a burst of roaring sounds, a hot breath passed from Yun Bufan’s side, Yun Bufan turned suddenly, his face showed a surprised expression, in his On the side, the sculpture of the Firebird Vermillion Bird is surrounded by a flame of scarlet red!

“Hey!” A loud scream rang out, and the fire red Vermillion Bird slammed into flames, and the scarlet red flame instantly condensed into the Vermillion Bird in midair and flew to Yun Bufan in an instant. Grab it!

Yun Bufan complexion changed, the Force of Wind and Thunder emerged, a flashing, Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly flew out, but the scarlet red Vermillion Bird is still following Yun Bufan, chasing it!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed and looked at the scarlet red Vermillion Bird that was chased. The burst of rays of light flashed and Yun Bufan whispered: “Wang Dao, Dawang’s Way, Overlord’s Boxing Give me now!”

“hong long long!” On the fist of Yun Bufan, bursts of nine rays of light began to flash, and nine-figure fists popped up. Yun Bufan slammed into the fire red Vermillion Bird. The roar is constantly coming up!

“bang!” Yun Bufan’s nine-color boxing shadow and the scarlet red Vermillion Bird crashing behind him, bursts of roaring sounds, nine-color boxing shadows colliding with scarlet red Vermillion Bird, scarlet red Vermillion Bird suddenly trembled It’s up!

“Chī!” “Chī!” Scarlet red Vermillion Bird, the scarlet red flame is burning, and the scarlet red flame bursts out. Yun Bufan’s nine-color boxing shadow is actually burned into an inch by inch. Turned into a little bit of water, it turned out to be direct evaporation!

“Really strong flame, this Vermillion Bird fire is so strong?” Yun Bufan looked at the scarlet red Vermillion Bird with amazement, and at this time, behind Yun Bufan, the same powerful momentum Erupted out!

Yun Bufan suddenly turned around, behind him, the white tiger’s blue light flashed up, and there was a heaven overflowing giant wave behind White Tiger. The blue waves broke out and the blue waves rushed toward Yun Bufan. Come over!

Yun Bufan blinked in the eye: “White Tiger, White Tiger When did you come behind me? What happened to the sculptures of the four Sacred Beast? Why did the White Tiger take the initiative to attack me? Could it be that the sculptures of these four Sacred Beast are Is it alive?”

“hua la!” The blue waves skyrocketed and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye. Looking at the blue waves, the eyes were full of shock. The White Tiger’s blow clearly had the powerhouse’s one strike!

“Five Elements Big Elements’s Five Elements Round!” With Yun Bufan’s light shouted in a low voice, bursts of colorful rays of light, the power of Five Element continues to emerge, directly merging into a five-color halo, these five colors The aura directly collides with the blue waves of White Tiger!

“bang!” “bang!” bursts of strong roaring sounds, Yun Bufan felt the vibration of the Five Elements ring, and Yun Bufan’s face suddenly changed. “Chī!” blue waves pierced Yun Bufan for a moment. Five Elements ring, rushing directly to Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan suddenly stared wide-eyed, his eyes filled with incredible expression: “How is this possible? How can the power of White Tiger penetrate my attack? Its power is clearly only the power of the Holy Spirit, and my attack, There is also the power of the Peak, how can it penetrate my power so easily?”

Yun Bufan looked at the blue waves that passed through, his eyes were full of incredulity, and he was also full of vigilance. There were blue waves in front, followed by the scarlet red flame of Vermillion Bird. Yun Bufan knew that there must be something special about these two forces. Otherwise, how could it penetrate your own attack!

“Then let you cross the water and fire, see if you can make your attack change direction!” Yun Bufan’s silver light flashed, the space way, Yun Bufan under the punch, the entire person’s silhouette disappeared instantly, reappeared At the time, it was already 50 meters, and it was teleported!

Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, turned to look at the scarlet red flame and blue wave, let Yun Bufan appear in a scene, the scarlet red flame and White Tiger’s blue wave actually merged with each other!

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