The first thousand four hundred and eighty-nine chapters are really you

“They have been staying for three days and three nights. I still haven’t had any movements yet. What’s the matter?” Looking at Yun Bufan and the town above Divine Paragon Mountain, there was a worrying expression in the eyes. Ice rain and the others asked in a low voice!

“I didn’t find any movements, that is, there is nothing. We just watched it!” The ice rain faintly smiled, and the side of the creation was also a golden light flashing, smiling and said: “Maybe the town can really breakthrough this time too Not necessarily!”

“Going out of the sky!” The voice on the side was low, watching Yun Bufan and the town sinking open the mouth and said: “This is a journey away from the sky. Their breakthroughs need to travel the sky. Where are they swimming?”

“God travels outside the sky?” Extreme and the others are shocked to look at you, and even more can’t believe opened the mouth and said: “Hey, you said this is a god-walking? Really someone can do it in the sky? It seems like Lord of God World, no one can travel the world at all?”

“But their current situation is exactly the same as that of the gods!” His eyes flashed, and then he looked at the mouth and said: “We must not let them get a little disturbed. Otherwise, it is very likely that something will happen!” ”

“Going out of the sky!” The gaze flashed, watching the ice and rain whispered open the mouth and said: “Go, let’s go for Yun Bufan and the town defense law, if the town can also break through to the sacred world, then rely on the chaotic Divine Artifact The formidable power, her strength is absolutely comparable to the Peak of the Holy!”

In the space of Hongmeng, outside the gates of the seventeen kinds of rays of light, the gray silhouette and Yun Bufan’s nine-color silhouette continually collided back and forth, and the roaring sound continued to sound. Yun Bufan’s overlord’s way was in it. Can’t play the power of 30%!

Under the attack of the gray silhouette, Yun Bufan’s silhouette is constantly retreating, Yun Bufan looks at the gray silhouette, his face suddenly becomes dignified, and behind the gray silhouette, the azure silhouette is completely motionless There is no intention to shoot!

“The power of this person is quite strange. This power is full of the breath of death. What kind of power is this? Is this person in God World, is the new sacred sage?” Yun Bufan looked at it. The gray silhouette glimmers, and the flash of light in the eyes keeps flashing!

The gray silhouette was not noticed by Yun Bufan’s gaze. The gray rays of light on his body kept flashing, and the attack was extremely horrible. The whistling sound continued to ring, and the gray silhouette attack was More and more fierce!

“The town is still looking for her five strengths, absolutely can not disturb her, must wait for the town to find the five forces, and then leave here!” Yun Bufan looked at the gray silhouette, his heart whispered!

“Yun Bufan, your physical strength has reached the sacred position?” Under his constant attack, Yun Bufan was still able to withstand the sturdy, this gray silhouette could not help but look at Yun Bufan, asked!

Although he was asking at the opening, but the movement in his hand did not stop at all, Yun Bufan blinked and looked at the gray silhouette and smiled suddenly: “It seems that you not only know me, but also know me very well?”

“Well, a good Yun Bufan, I didn’t expect your strength to reach the sacred place in such a short period of time, Yun Bufan, your innate talent is really obsessive!” The gray silhouette looked at Yun Bufan The gray smell of the body suddenly became more fierce!

“No, this stock momentum, this aura, this is definitely not the gas of death, what exactly does he want to do? Deliberately use this gas of death to resist his power!” Yun Bufan looked at the gray silhouette, his eyes burst into the flash of light And up!

“What exactly does he want to hide, what is his strength?” Yun Bufan looked at the gray silhouette, his eyes flashing, the gray silhouette of the eyes of the light flashed, and then whispered to the Yun Bufan. : “Yun Bufan, pick me up!”

“hong long long!” The gray silhouette whispered, and the gray rays of light flashed up, watching Yun Bufan slammed down, and the gray light flashed, a powerful momentum That broke out!

“this aura, this power, I have felt somewhere!” Yun Bufan looked straight at the gray silhouette, suddenly stared wide-eyed, and the ray of light flashed in his eyes!

“Who is he?” Yun Bufan looked at the gray silhouette, his eyes flickering, and Yun Bufan’s body was also a flash of rays of light, then whispered: “Wang Dao, the king’s way, hegemony God fist!”

“hong long long!” Just when Yun Bufan broke out with a powerful momentum, a burst of roaring sounds in the entire space of Hongmeng, Hongmeng space continually rioted, and Yun Bufan’s face also appeared shocked. color!

“This power?” Yun Bufan’s gaze flashed, Yun Bufan looked at the gray silhouette, and then a burst of light flashed in his eyes, and the gray silhouette burst into a shocking color: “How does Yun Bufan’s power cause? Resonance of Hongmeng Space?”

Yun Bufan looked at the gray silhouette and whispered, the nine-color rays of light flashing fists were directly collided with the gray silhouette of the gray silhouette, “bang!” a roar of sound, Yun Bufan’s overbearing god fist collided with the gray palm shadow for a moment!

“hong long long!” The roaring sound continued to sound. Under Yun Bufan’s this fist, the gray palm shadow turned out to be constantly shaking. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, watching the gray silhouette whisper: “Break for me! !”

“bang!” In the entire space of Hongmeng, nine different forces emerged suddenly. These nine different forces directly poured into Yun Bufan’s nine-color boxing, and a roaring explosion sounded loudly. The gray palm print of the gray silhouette is directly shattered by this fist!

“This?” Yun Bufan looked at his right hand, and suddenly he couldn’t believe the expression. The gray silhouette silhouette exploded. Looking at Yun Bufan was also shocking. The azure silhouette on the side whispered: “This Yes, this is the power of Hongmeng Space!”

“How is this? Why does Hongmeng space help Yun Bufan to deal with me?” The gray silhouette was unclear and looked at Hongmeng space. Then he looked directly at Yun Bufan and looked at Yun Bufan’s voice and said: “Yun Bufan Why is Hongmeng space helping you?”

The azure silhouette was also seen by Yun Bufan, and the eyes were full of incomprehensible expression. Why did Hong Meng Space help Yun Bufan? What kind of connection is there between Hong Meng Space and Yun Bufan? This is what they want to know most!

“Why is Hong Meng Space helping me?” Yun Bufan looked at the gray silhouette, his eyes flashing and watching the gray silhouette sing with a smile : “Guess, why is Hong Meng Space helping me? ”

“I really don’t believe that Hongmeng space will protect you!” The gray silhouette coldly smiled, the gray rays of light flashed, the gray rays of light flashed, the gray silhouette looked at Yun Bufan coldly opened the mouth and Said : “Yun Bufan, then you pick me up!”

“weng!” The gray silhouette of the body, the gray rays of light suddenly burst into the air, the gray silhouette of the body, a burst of force directly let Yun Bufan feel familiar, Yun Bufan suddenly stared wide-eyed Staring at the gray silhouette!

“hong long long!” with a burst of roaring sounds, a path of gray rays of light flashing, the power of gray is constantly blending into the body of the gray silhouette, the gray silhouette of the body is constantly appearing in a burst of gray the power of!

The gray power suddenly appeared in the gray silhouette in the hands of a gray arm, and the gray arm directly broke out with a powerful horrible momentum. The powerful gray arm shot directly toward Yun Bufan fiercely!

“This power?” Yun Bufan suddenly changed his face and stared straight at the gray arm: “Why? Why is this power making me feel so familiar? What power is this power? How can I have this? a feeling of?”

“No, this power!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “I always feel that this power I have felt somewhere, now I can only fight with him, and then I know this power. What is the power!”

“Weng!” Yun Bufan’s body suddenly burst into a burst of colorful light, and a burst of roaring sounds began to sound. Yun Bufan looked at the gray arm and whispered: “Made the great hand seal, make the god fist, make up God legs, give me integration!”

“Unfortunately, I can’t use the power of Zifu Yuanying. Otherwise, if I have this Zifu Yuanying, then I can definitely fight with him by using the power of Zifu Yuanying. I am afraid that this hard fight now, I The Primordial Spirit will be greatly hurt!”

In Yun Bufan’s contemplation, Yun Bufan’s three attacks directly merged into a huge circular vortex, and the circular vortex rushed directly toward the gray arm. “hong long long!” Suddenly bursting, Yun Bufan’s dark green vortex collided with the opponent’s gray arm for a moment!

“bang!” “pu!” The roaring sound broke out instantly. Yun Bufan’s dark green vortex turned out to be directly penetrated by the gray arm. One palm was printed on Yun Bufan’s chest. Yun Bufan directly vomited blood and flew out. !

“Sure enough!” Yun Bufan stared straight at the gray silhouette, wiping off the blood at the corner of his mouth, and Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled: “I didn’t expect that you would appear here, it seems that we are all by you. tricked!”

“en?” The gray silhouette slightly paused, then stared straight at Yun Bufan, the gray silhouette quietly opened the mouth and said: “Yun Bufan, you see who I am?”

“Don’t you forget that your attack power is exactly the same as what you left behind?”

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