The first thousand four hundred and eighty chapters of fierce battle

“Golden Crow’s Fire, Nine Divine Artifact!” Among the Qilins of Mo Qilin, Mo Qilin looked straight at the direction of Divine Paragon Mountain, and suddenly he was shocked by the expression, Yun Bufan and Yiwu. The momentum is so amazing, I am afraid that the entire God World is not known!

“Yun Bufan and Yihe, actually at this time of the war? Now is not the time, one worse, a terrible troll, only when the ancient trolls arrive, then God World will be really chaotic!”

Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed and looked at the direction of Divine Paragon Mountain: “My Qilin family is also the Union of Yun Bufan. Is it time to help the Yun Bufan? I don’t know what he said to me.” I believe in a few layers!”

“War, the War Gods don’t know what it is!” Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed, and then the eyes flashed. Behind her, the three Sky Monarchs of the Qilin family and a Tianzun powerhouse stood respectfully!

“Rui Wei, now, I have entered a deep retreat. I don’t know everything that happened outside. Do you know?” Mo Qilin screamed at the patriarch of the original Qilin family, his eyes flashing!

“Yes, my king!” Ruiqi looked at Mo Qilin respectfully nodded, Mo Qilin’s ray of light flashed, the whole person disappeared, and Ruiqi looked at Mo Qilin’s disappearing back looks very respectful, and even the eyes are full of love. Expression !

At this moment, on the Divine Paragon Mountain, both Yihe and Yun Bufan are dignified and staring at each other, whether it is the fire of the Golden Crow of Yihe, or the nine Divine Artifact of Yun Bufan. Whether it is, it brings great pressure to both sides!

The golden light of Yihe suddenly rose and the golden flame continued to emerge. Yihe looked at Yun Bufan’s eyes: “Yun Bufan, then the Emperor will see if your nine Divine Artifact can withstand the Emperor’s The fire of Golden Crow!”

With the cold and shouted in a low voice, the golden flame suddenly rushed toward Yun Bufan, bursting into the golden light, the golden flame swelled, and Yun Bufan’s body suddenly broke out. Nine colors of ray of light, nine colorful rays of light directly into the clock!

“hong long long!” The roar of the roaring sounds constantly, and the clock was directly hit by the golden flame, and the azure’s fixed day suddenly collided with the golden flame in the air!

“bang!” The azure’s clock and the golden flame trembled, and Yun Bufan stared at the clock, and the clock was suddenly surrounded by the golden flame. The clock was at the Golden Crow. The fire is burning constantly!

“Chaotic Divine Artifact, no one can break, the clock can never be refining!” Yun Bufan looked at the fire of Golden Crow, his eyes burst into flames: “If the clock can withstand the fire of Golden Crow Burning, it will be easier to deal with the righteousness!”

“Golden Crow’s fire, give me a burst!” Yihe whispered, the Golden Crow’s fire suddenly burned up, and Yun Bufan’s face was full of surprise colors, looking at Yihe: “This meaning And what exactly do you want to do?”

“hong long!” With the whisper of Yihe, the golden flame suddenly exploded, and after a burst of roar, the golden flame suddenly slammed, and Yun Bufan’s face instantly became very dignified!

“No, what does Yihe want to do? He doesn’t seem to want to melt my clock!” Yun Bufan found that the golden Crow fire of Yihe does not mean to destroy or melt the clock. He has some I don’t understand what Yihe wants to do!

“Chaotic Divine Artifact, it really is powerful!” Yihe also looked straight at Tiantianzhong: “Unfortunately, this is the treasure of the sky, the entire God World is only a few pieces, if it is not because of the money course, these chaos How can Divine Artifact be in the hands of this God World!”

“Since the chaotic Divine Artifact is destroyed, fly directly to him and kill Yun Bufan!” In the eyes of Yihe, the power of the eight Golden Crows suddenly shook Yun Bufan’s nine Divine Artifacts. Going out, the eight Golden Crows are going straight to the end of the day!

“Yun Bufan!” The sound of righteousness and faintness sounded up. Behind Yun Bufan, Yihe looked straight at Yun Bufan and Yun Bufan turned slightly and looked at the eyes of Yihe: “Yun Bufan, you Do you really want to know what I am going to do?”

“I think, I already know!” Yun Bufan also had a cold flash of light: “Yihe, since you want to fight with me empty-handed, then I will fight with you empty-handed, you have no power of Golden Crow, I Lost the nine Divine Artifact, then let’s take a look at their respective methods!”

Yun Bufan burst into a strong golden rays of light, Yun Bufan stepped out, a piece of golden light slammed, and each and everyone golden characters continued to emerge, and Yun Bufan blinked and whispered: The drum of War God!”

“dong!” “dong!” On Yun Bufan’s body, a loud drum sound continued to sound, and a layer of purple rays of light spread out. Yun Bufan stared straight at Yihe, and his eyes flashed. : “War God family?”

“It’s the War God family!” Yun Bufan’s golden light flashed, looking at the righteous and coldly smiled, a flashing rushed to the righteousness and rushed over, the righteousness and the face remained the same, and the rays of light flashed directly to Yun Bufan. Welcomed up!

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!” a path of golden silhouette continually flashing, golden light slamming, two golden silhouettes continually banging in the air, bursts of intense golden rays of Light continues to spread out around!

“Yun Bufan, your War God close-up tactics, the speed is too slow!” Yihe coldly smiled, a palm shot, directly on the chest of Yun Bufan, “peng!” Yun Bufan was immediately taken directly Flying out, pale as paper, looking straight at Yihe!

“Our strength has improved very quickly, but you are still not my opponent!” Yihe looked at Yun Bufan, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes. A burst of cold light flashed up, and he was coldly smiled. : “Severe injuries are lost, Yun Bufan, this emperor wants to see, you can take the Emperor several attacks!”

The silhouette of Yihe directly smashed toward Yun Bufan, and the golden light flashed up. Yun Bufan bowed his head slightly and looked at the flash of the eyes of the righteousness: “Five Elements Big Source, Five Elements Round!”

Yun Bufan’s hands suddenly gathered into a multicolored aperture. This colorful aperture directly rushed to the righteousness, and the cold light flashed in the eyes of Yihe: “Five Elements big source method, Yun Bufan, I didn’t expect you to have a lot of reliability.” Unfortunately, if you are not knowledgeable, you will not be able to form the power of Five Elements Essence!

“Give the Emperor a break!” Yihe snorted and slammed into the colorful aperture of Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and “hong long!” a roar of sound, this multicolored The aperture suddenly broke open!

In the eyes of Yihe, the golden light flashed. After breaking the colorful aperture, Yihe smashed directly toward Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, Yun Bufan looked at Yihe, and the lightning and cyan ray were flashing at the same time. Up!

“The wind and thunder wings, retreat!” Yun Bufan light shouted in a low voice, the wind and thunder wings behind it suddenly emerged, Force of Wind and Thunder crazy swept up, turned into a shadow, Yun Bufan’s speed is constantly The rapid retreat!

“Yun Bufan, do you want to escape in front of me? Then I will become the Emperor!” Yihe coldly smiled, the golden rays of light flashed into a golden afterimage, and immediately went to Yun Bufan. The speed is even faster than the Yun Bufan Kraken!

If it wasn’t for Yun Bufan’s quick retreat, I wouldn’t have to take a moment to catch up with Yihe. In the eyes of Yun Bufan, the rays of light flashed, watching Yi and a sudden smile, and the rays of light flashed. The power of the whole person is constantly integrated into it!

“hong long long!” The roar of the song continued to sound. On Yun Bufan’s body, a kind of force constantly poured into the wing of the wind and thunder. The wind and thunder’s wings suddenly rushed, and Yun Bufan retreated. The speed is skyrocketing!

“Yihe, do you really think that the speed of Paragon is the fastest? Then I will let you see, what is the real speed!” Yun Bufan looks at the righteous and coldly smiled, a flash, a burst of rays Of light flashed, Yun Bufan suddenly killed the enemy in the past!

Without retreating, around the Yihe, Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly appeared, a path of silhouette was with a very fierce killing atmosphere, Yihe looked around each and everyone Yun Bufan, his eyes suddenly appeared A touch of smile!

“Fast speed, Yun Bufan, I didn’t think your nine Divine Artifact is not there. Your skills are not weak, but unfortunately, your wings should be based on your Divine Artifact illusion? No Divine Artifact On the body, your wings are nothing but power, but unfortunately, if your Divine Artifact is on the body, my speed is worse than you!”

In the eyes of Yihe, the golden light flashed: “But now, your speed is too slow in my eyes. What is the use of your afterimages? Break for me! Go!”

Yihe stepped forward, and a roar of roaring sounds, with a wave of his hands, a large piece of golden rays of light suddenly rushed from behind the righteousness, where the golden light went, Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly Slowly burst!

“The eyes of the wind and thunder!” Yun Bufan’s voice rang, the roar of the roar, and in the Yun Bufan eyes, Force of Wind and Thunder continued to madly gather, and Yihe’s golden fist, from his head It is getting closer!

Yun Bufan expression is calm, just as the golden fist shadow is about to hit his face, Yun Bufan’s eyes are in the face of the Force of Wind and Thunder, and the body is so fast that he has stepped aside!

“peng!” “hong long long!” Just as the body escaped from the righteousness and this fist, Yun Bufan’s right foot was also hit on the stomach of Yihe!

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