The first thousand four hundred 78 chapters

“Technique of Combined Assault!” Little Wei suddenly felt nervous in the distance, watching Yun Bufan full of worries, the horror of the Technique of Combined Assault she was also very clear, Little Wei looked at Yun Bufan nervously: “out Of the ordinary, you can’t have anything!”

“hong long long!” The roaring sound continued, and the whole sky was covered by the dark clouds. After the integration of the four Divine Artifacts, it turned into a strange four-color flower basket, which directly hit the head of Yun Bufan. It’s down!

“Nine Divine Artifact, into my body, overlord!” Yun Bufan cold shouted in a low voice, the bursts of nine rays of light constantly flashing, the nine Divine Artifact suddenly integrated into Yun Bufan’s with the the body Yun Bufan’s body suddenly broke out with a horrible hegemony!

“Yun Bufan, my four-person Technique of Combined Assault, even if you have nine Divine Artifact, you can’t resist it!” Mei Xianwang looked at Yun Bufan, his ray of light flashed, and the four-color basket suddenly slammed down. !

“Yes?” Yun Bufan smiled awkwardly. In the sneer of the four great kings, the colorful rays of light on Yun Bufan also swelled. An azure clock appeared on the top of Yun Bufan. Power is constantly pouring into the azure big clock!

Azure big clock suddenly azure light slam, cyan ray dizzy, the rays of light flashing, azure big clock suddenly bursts azure light, Yun Bufan eyes flashed, looked at the four kings, looked at The four-color flower basket has a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: “Your Technical of Combined Assault is nothing in my eyes!”

“定!”shouted in a low voice, Yun Bufan’s rays of light flashed, above the clock, the cyan ray mans continued to spread out, the four kings looked at the azure clock, the basket suddenly Surrounded by a layer of azure power!

“Be careful!” Meixian Wang suddenly complexion changed, alongside Lanxian Wang is also complexion greatly changed: “Yun Bufan is gone, Old Third, fourth, fast retreat, his chaotic Divine Artifact set the clock, can fix us Technique of Combined Assault !”

“Now want to run, don’t you think it’s too late?” A low voice sounded slowly. On the Divine Paragon Mountain, a white silhouette slowly emerged. Yun Bufan looked at the four kings and opened the mouth and said : “How can you have more layouts?”

“In the face of absolute power, all your arrangements are useless!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, watching the four great kings, bursts of rays of light, Yun Bufan whispered, in the clock, A burst of white rays of light suddenly emerged!

“Times are long, give me a chance!” Yun Bufan whispered, and the rays of light flashed. At that time, the light and the river suddenly emerged. At that time, the long river directly surrounded the four great kings, and the white ray of the milk Light !

“hong long long!” The roaring sound suddenly rang, and the four great kings were suddenly surrounded by a white light. In the long river of time, the faces of the four great kings suddenly changed. Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Time accelerates!”

“weng!” “weng!” The colorful ray of light flashed, and Yun Bufan smashed directly toward the four kings. The four kings are all shouted: “Technique of Combined Assault, go!”

“bang!” A roar of sound suddenly sounded, and the Technique of Combined Assault turned directly to Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan looked at the four kings and suddenly smiled: “Time goes by, time slows!”

“weng!” white light slammed, and a special force emerged in the long river of time. This special force made the four major kings’ Technique of Combined Assault stand still, and the four major kings complex changed greatly. Staring at Yun Bufan, the four-color flower basket suddenly stopped!

“Days of the clock!” The four kings of the king suddenly complexion greatly changed, looking straight at the day, Yun Bufan cold with said a with a smile: “Yihe, you will not come out, I will destroy your four kings I think you can bear it in time!”

“Emperor, it seems that they are not the opponents of Yun Bufan!” In Ancient Heaven, drunk and ruthlessly looked at the righteousness and whispered, and the righteousness and his face were dignified, watching Kun Bufan coldly: “The Emperor wants to see it.” See, is he able to deal with the four kings of the Emperor!”

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!” Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light flashed, and the four silhouettes suddenly flew out by Yun Bufan. The four kings vomited blood and flew out, the four kings. All of them were seriously injured in an instant!

“Four great kings!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, the body of the colorful rays of light flashed, directly rushed toward the Meixian Wang, the sound is amazing, extremely horrible, Yun Bufan broke out in the eyes of a strong killing intent!

“bang!” burst of golden rays of light, a large golden rays of light flashing, golden light flashing, Yun Bufan’s silhouette was suddenly bombarded by this golden rays of light!

“The Emperor of Heaven is righteous, are you finally willing to appear?” Yun Bufan looked at the golden silhouette in front of him, and suddenly there was a burst of surprise in his eyes. The Emperor Yiyi looked at Yun Bufan and his mouth suddenly had a faint smile: “Yun Bufan, I didn’t expect your strength to reach this level!”

“Yihe!” Yun Bufan smiled and looked at Yihe: “Are you finally willing to come out? You are still willing to appear, well, since you have already appeared, then I will give you two choices. One is to quit Divine. Paragon Mountain, the second is destroyed by me!”

“Yihe, which choice do you want to make?” Yun Bufan’s eyes burst into flames, and Yihe’s eyes suddenly burst into a cold color, watching Yun Bufan stand with a smile: “Two choices, Can you afford to see yourself too?”

“Too much can see yourself?” Yun Bufan shook the head, looking at the righteous and faint opened the mouth and said: “I am not too much to see myself, but your righteous strength is not in my eyes, righteousness, you What about the power of Golden Crow?”

“Yun Bufan, do you really want to fight with me? You have to think clearly, maybe the Taikoo trolls are watching us next to this. If we fight and let his fishermen profit, then you really don’t regret it?” And looking at Yun Bufan, the golden light flashes!

“Yihe, have you heard of a story?” Yun Bufan looked at the righteousness with a smile: “There are two tigers robbing a hungry wolf, but in the end, two tigers fight for you, but they are finally Hungry wolf bites to death, do you know what this story means?”

“Tiger, wolf?” In the eyes of Yihe, a burst of light flashed: “Yun Bufan, then you talk about it, in your eyes, who is the tiger, who is the hungry wolf? Are you God World a hungry wolf? ”

“No, my God World is now the strength, do you think we will be hungry wolves? You are on the Ancient Heaven, this is the hungry wolf, and the tiger is the one we and the Taiko Troll!” Yun Bufan looks at the righteousness And a touch of opening!

“My God World side, the number of people is eight million, the master is not a minority, and the ancient trolls, the people are more than ten million, more masters, and what are you on Ancient Heaven? You are on hundreds of Ancient Immortal people! Yun Bufan looked at righteous and coldly smiled: “What qualifications do you have to be a tiger?”

“I am fighting for the fisherman’s profit, I and the Taiko Troll are tabooing each other, he is jealous of my God World, my God World is jealous of them, and you are only in the middle of Ancient Heaven, the ancient trolls and me See clearly, if our two sides fight, then they will be swallowed by you in the future!”

Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, and there is a burst of light in his eyes: “So you said, what should we do? Since the Taikoo troll is hidden, then this God World is still on my God World side, he does not do things, I God World to do it!”

“Yihe, do you know why I am attacking you with the God World army?” Yun Bufan looked at Yihe and opened his mouth, and the golden light flashed in the eyes of Yihe, watching Yun Bufan whisper open the Mouth and said : “Yun Bufan, how much do you have to deal with me on Ancient Heaven?”

“Very!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, looking at the righteousness and faintly smiled, Yihe suddenly killing intent flashed: “Ye? Yun Bufan, you can’t help but too much to see yourself, too small to see me on Ancient Heaven? I I am sure that between you and me, you will definitely suffer from suffer!”

“Both sides suffer?” Yun Bufan smiled lightly and looked at the open and the mouth and said: “Yihe, how do I make a bet with you? If you lose, you will quit Divine Paragon Mountain if I lose If I go to God World, I will join you in dealing with the Taiko Troll and even surrender to you. How?”

“Bet? Yun Bufan, I am very curious, how are you going to bet with me?” Yihe was surprised to see Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan smiled: “You and me, you lost, you lost.” I lost if I lost, whoever is seriously injured, who loses!”

“Yihe, what do you think?” Yun Bufan looked at the righteousness and faintness, and the exhaled of the righteousness and deepness, the eyes burst into flames: “Yun Bufan, fight with me, you are sure that you can be with me.” Fight? You have to challenge me?”

“Would you dare or dare?” Yun Bufan’s mouth tilted slightly, and he looked at the eyes of Yihe’s eyes: “Yihe, do you dare to fight with me? You and I have to set each other Dead, it is almost impossible, so between you and me, it depends on who is seriously injured first, and if he is seriously injured, how is it?”

“Whoever hurts first is to lose?” Yihe stared straight at Yun Bufan, then bursts of rays of light, golden light flashed, and Yihe stared at Yun Bufan’s eyes flashing: ” Yun Bufan, it seems that you are very confident. In this case, it is hard for you to be unsatisfied with you?”

“Yihe, no more nonsense, no fight in the end, you give me an answer!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in a flash of light, his body bursts of colorful rays of light, a powerful hegemonic momentum suddenly Erupted from Yun Bufan!

“Answer? Well, since you want the answer, then I will tell you, Yun Bufan, the Emperor will fight with you!” Yihe’s golden light flashed, and suddenly there was a strong momentum!

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