The first thousand four hundred 70 five chapters can not save

“Yun Bufan!” In the kingdom of the gods, Mo Qilin’s eyes are also shining with the colorful ray of light, and between the nine rays of light flashes, Mo Qilin’s body is also bursting with powerful momentum: “You think so. What are you doing?”

“Divine Paragon Mountain, are you going to deal with Ancient Heaven?” Mo Qilin blinked and looked at the large cloud of muttered: “The wind will start soon, and the opportunity for my Qilin family will come!”

Divine Paragon Mountain, a golden throne floating directly in the mid-air of Divine Paragon Mountain, above the golden throne, Yun Bufan dressed in a golden robe with a bloody crown made by Little Wei on his head, calmly watching Divine Paragon On the mountain above the Ancient Heaven!

Yun Bufan looked at the Ancient Heaven, then the glory nodded to the side, the proud azure light flashed, and the arrogant look at Ancient Heaven, a dragon roaring sounded loudly, arrogant angry roar It’s up: “On the ancient Heaven, and come to die!”

“hong long long!” The roar of the roaring sound continued to sound. On the sky above Ancient Heaven, a burst of roaring spread out. In the ancient Heaven, Yihe and the others were strange. Looking at Yun Bufan with a thousand sacred kings, his face is full of inexpressible expression!

“What do Yun Bufan want to do?” Yi He looked at Yun Bufan’s army and was surprised to see the four great kings and the barefooted fairy. The barefooted fairy and the four great kings looked at each other in dismay, and then looked at the past with ruthlessness: “Drunk is the most understanding of Yun Bufan, drunk and ruthless, you are talking about what Yun Bufan wants to do?”

“I don’t know!” drunk and looked at Yun Bufan shook the head, then slowly exhaled: “No one knows Yun Bufan’s mind, because no one knows what he wants to do, so I don’t know what he wants!”

“You don’t know?” Yihe looked at the drunk and ruthlessly, drunk and ruthlessly: “His mind, no one can guess, only when things happen, you know what will happen, so you can’t guess at all.” !”

“Barefoot Daxian, you go and ask them to roll!” In the eyes of Yihe, the cold light flashed, and the barefooted fairy on the side was cold and cold, and the barefooted fairy was nodded. The rays of light flashed directly through the door of heaven and appeared in an instant. On the outside of Ancient Heaven!

“Yun Bufan, the last time the Emperor spared you a life, did you forget it? Now dare to bring people to trouble? Are you really courting death? Just today we are in a good mood, and immediately take your people to roll, otherwise It is necessary for you to live!”

The words of the barefoot Daxian were all over the Divine Paragon Mountain, and Yun Bufan was smiling at the barefoot fairy. The whole man leaned against the Golden Emperor Dragon Bed and watched the barefoot fairy with a smile: You are not qualified to talk to this seat, give it to you, roll!”

The words are arrogant, but with a disdain of all things, Yun Bufan’s attitude makes the barefoot big fairy completely angry. The barefoot big fairy looks at Yun Bufan and opens the mouth and said: “Good, good, good Yun Bufan, Ben. Fairy will come and see, what capital do you have so arrogant!”

“Give this immortal death!” The barefooted immortal anger was low, and the white light skyrocketed. The white power constantly poured into his right foot. The right foot of the barefoot fairy was suddenly bursting with white rays of light , white The light of the flash, the huge right foot is getting bigger!

“hong long long!” a burst of roaring sounds, the right foot of the barefoot big fairy suddenly became incomparable gigantic, barefoot big fairy coldly looked at Yun Bufan, a foot slammed toward Yun Bufan fiercely!

“bang!” A loud explosion suddenly sounded. Yun Bufan looked at the huge foot of the barefooted fairy. He couldn’t help but shook the head: “I said, you are not qualified enough, barefoot, I will cut you. Feet!”

“weng!” A burst of golden light flashed, Yun Bufan’s body suddenly appeared a golden rays of light, golden light flashed, the diamond axe appeared directly in the hands of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan holding a diamond axe, looking at the barefoot This white foot shadow, coldly smiled, an axe to the bare feet of the big fairy fiercely smashed down!

“Not good!” In Ancient Heaven, Yihe complexion greatly changed, looking at Yun Bufan, this golden axe, righteousness and sharply shouted: “Retreat, barefoot, immortal, retreat, immediately give me back, fast!”

“en?” Barefoot Daxian could not help but hesitate, he must listen to Yihe, but Yun Bufan is a very common axe, not at all how terrible, why should he retreat?

Just as the hesitant time of the barefoot Daxian, the golden axe suddenly collided with his white foot, and “bang!” a loud bombing sounded, and the barefooted eyes flashed in the eyes: “The original There is not much attack at all!”

Just when the barefooted fairy was most proud, the rays of light flashed, “Chī!” The right foot of the barefooted fairy was suddenly fiercely smashed, and the barefooted fairy was so bright that he stared at Yun Bufan with a painful sigh. The shouting suddenly shouted out from the barefoot mouth!

“Yihe, can’t you still come out? If you don’t come out again, this seat will destroy your so-called barefoot fairy!” Yun Bufan’s colorful rays of light flashed, bursts of ray of light, diamond axe Suddenly the golden light flashed, and you must kneel down to the top of the barefoot big fairy!

“weng!” bursts of golden light continually flashing, the diamond axe golden light flashing, four shouted suddenly sounded: “Yun Bufan, you dare?”

“hu!” “hu!” The four silhouettes directly came to Yun Bufan. Four different rays of light suddenly shrouded Yun Bufan. The four kings directly put each other around Yun Bufan and put Yun Bufan. Surrounded by the group!

Yun Bufan looked at the four great kings, and his face suddenly showed a faint smile: “On the ancient Heaven four kings, four Great Sage respect powerhouse, the woman who witnessed you killing God World, the strength of all four of you It’s really good!”

“Four great kings, my feet, my feet, ruined, it is ruined!” The barefoot big fairy shouted without pain, the huge right foot has completely disappeared, a flesh and blood, his life cultivation base They are all on this giant foot. Now that this foot is gone, his life will naturally be destroyed!

“Good ruthless hand!” The four great kings are looking straight at Yun Bufan, and Mei Xian Wang is even more brilliant in his eyes: “Yun Bufan, so slap in the face, you are not afraid of my revenge on Ancient Heaven. ?”

“If I am really scared, what is it for me to come here?” Yun Bufan smiled lightly, and the silhouette flashed directly back onto the Golden Emperor Dragon Bed, and behind the Golden Emperor Dragon Bed, ice rain, extreme, creation, There are many Sky Monarch and Peak gods in the town of Yonghe, and there are 10,000 gods in the crowded Yun Bufan!

The eyes of the 10,000 gods are full of hot colors, the eyes are full of the expression of worship, the power of God is so powerful, they will naturally feel worship, and God and Sky Monarch, more are fear, they I can feel the momentum of the goddess of the barefooted fairy!

“Yun Bufan!” Mei Xianwang looked at the many people behind Yun Bufan, and there was a sneer in his eyes: “You just have a lot of people, since you are trying to break the ground and attack me on Ancient Heaven. Then you can try it!”

The four great kings supported the barefoot big fairy and flew away in the direction of Ancient Heaven. Yun Bufan’s faint laughter was full of sound: “Well, hahaha, the four great kings, since you think my Yun Bufan is just a 仗There are so many people, then I will look at Yun Bufan, I don’t care too much, how can you go to Ancient Heaven!”

“Today, I will kill you on Ancient Heaven. I want to see if you can’t hold back. If you go to Ancient Heaven today, you can’t quit Divine Paragon Mountain!” Yun Bufancorn barely fell The whole person has disappeared!

“Not good, be careful!” Bamboo fairy complex changed, the body dark green rays of light slammed up, a cage formed by a green bamboo suddenly surrounded the barefoot big fairy, and supported the barefoot big fairy Meixian Wang It is also complexion changed, and the whole person’s face suddenly becomes dignified!

“The person I want to kill, you can’t protect it, that is, Yihe can’t protect it!” A cold voice sounded, the colorful rays of light flashed, and the fist’s phantom slammed directly into the dark green bamboo cage. on!

“bang!” burst into a loud sound, and the entire bamboo cage suddenly exploded. In the horrified eyes of the barefooted fairy, Yun Bufan’s palm suddenly caught him, Yun Bufan coldly smiled, and he barefooted Fiercely smashed out!

“Yun Bufan, let go!” shouted in a low voice, the Lanxian Wang light shouted in a low voice, the blue light flashed, the orchid slowly fell, and suddenly a petal rain fell behind Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan’s face Suddenly revealed a surprised expression!

“A good Lanxian Wang, I can see it!” Yun Bufan couldn’t help but let go of the barefooted fairy, and smiled lightly: “Wang Dao, Dawang’s way, Overlord’s fist, to the seat!”

That blue flower rain, Yun Bufan suddenly saw it, this is a trapped battle, the purpose is to trap Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan knows that he can not be trapped, otherwise, the face of the four kings of the Technology of Combined Assault !

After a fist, the blue flower suddenly burst into tears, and Yun Bufan silhouette slammed out of the rain. The four kings suddenly became full of face, and the luck was so difficult!

“擒擒手!” barefoot Daxian just got out of the crisis of Life and Death. When it was relaxing, Yun Bufan’s faint voice rang again. The colorful rays of light flashed, and the barefooted fairy flashed in front of him. Then she found that Yun Bufan was smiling. Be yourself!

“Yun Bufan!” The barefooted Daxian suddenly looked terrified, and Yun Bufan said with a smile: “The one I want to kill, who can’t save it, including the righteousness!”

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