The first thousand four hundred and sixty-one chapter Hongmeng space

“Drunk and ruthless!” Yihe looked drunk and ruthlessly opened the mouth and said: “The Emperor knows that you are God World, so you don’t need the power of the dragon, but everyone except you It is the power that absorbs this dragon, why don’t you absorb it?”

“Since I don’t need it, why should I absorb it?” The drunk and ruthless eyes of the red rays of light flashed, and looked at Yihe’s word and said, the righteous eyes flashed and looked drunk and said: “Everyone It’s absorbed, you have to absorb it, it’s that simple!”

“If, I don’t absorb it?” The drunk and ruthless eye light flashed, watching the righteousness and the low voice, and the righteousness stared straight at the drunkenness, then suddenly laughed: “hahaha, drunk, you Is it for the emperor to want to harm you?”

“You absorb the power that does not absorb this dragon, this Imperial Capital will follow you, see your own choice, the Emperor will not force you!” Yihe calmly opened, drunk and ruthless eyes are flashing hidden jealousy and confusion!

Heavenly righteousness and expression calm, drunk and ruthlessly staring at Yihe, he really can’t understand, what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd, righteousness and expression calm, smiling, drunk and deep exhaled : “Okay, I also use this dragon’s power for my own use!”

The drunk and ruthless eyes flashed, the blood red mask suddenly disappeared, and the dripping dragon’s water droplets directly fell into the ruthless eyebrows. Slowly, the drunk and ruthless body also appeared a burst of purple halo, purple light constantly The skyrocketing!

Seeing that the dragon’s water droplets did not fall into the ruthless eyebrows, the eyes of Yihe’s eyes burst into flames, and they looked drunk and ruthless, but they were drunk and ruthless side Yao Yao unintelligible nodded, Yihe The look is to look at Yu Bufan underneath!

Yun Bufan’s promotion can indeed be said to be his confidant. Yun Bufan is improving too fast, and it is so amazing that Yun Bufan is seriously injured at the moment, and several people guard the surrounding. It is the best. Timing, righteousness and knowing, the dragon soul must be hidden around, if he shot, there is no chance!

Just after the gully disappeared on this day, the ancient Heaven is ready to go, Yun Bufan is seriously injured, and when the Tianxia Gorge is fully guarded, in a colorful space, a dark green silhouette is constantly flying. A path of energy is constantly rushing from his side, entraining a horrible momentum!

This azure silhouette keeps evasive. In this weird space, there is nothing extra, only one kind of different power, and each power is amazing and terrifying!

“Hongmeng Space, I didn’t expect this to be Hongmeng Space. I think it’s right. Since Hongmeng Space is also a space, there should be an entrance. I didn’t expect the entrance of this Hongmeng space to be in that place!” This dark green silhouette is in Stopped on a round table, then sat down on the knees, and the surrounding forces continually whizzed past him!

In this space, he has already traveled a lot of layers of power. He knows that the only safe place in this space is the round table. Every time he is running out of power, he will be here. Rest on the round table!

“hu!” “hu!” After a little half an hour, this azure silhouette suddenly stood up, with a certain azure on his head, he forgot a look behind him, his eyes filled with shock: “I didn’t expect, except Beyond me, there are still people who can find the entrance to Hongmeng space?”

“Who is the whole person? It is so tight, the strength is definitely stronger than I am, no, I have to hurry to the core of Hongmeng space. Only when I get there can I win the most powerful power of Hongmeng space!” Azure silhouette exhaled, continue to the legend inside!

Just before the azure silhouette just charged ahead less than half an hour, another silhouette slowly fell down, sitting on the round table, and then the eyes flashed in the eyes: “Here, someone came!”

“Whose person, actually came here before me, is the secret of the space of Hongmeng Hongmen already discovered?” This gray silhouette also whispered in a whisper: “In that battle, if it was not discovered, I would not I will seal myself for hundreds of millions of years and seal myself for hundreds of millions of years, just for today!”

“But now, it seems that I know this secret, not only me, but who is it?” This gray silhouette burst into a ray of light: “For the things here, I almost gave up on me.” Everything, just to reach the realm of God World!”

“No matter who you are, this time, I can’t fail!” The gray silhouette was deeply exhaled, and then sat directly on the knees, and the gray ray of light flashed on his body, but on his body, It is a savage killing!

“hong long long!” In the space of a piece of thunderbolt rays of light, the azure silhouette suddenly stopped, watching the grid full of thunderbolt, this azure silhouette suddenly sink in a breath of cold air : “This grid?”

“The power of thunderbolt, I can completely integrate the power of thunderbolt into my within the body, so that my power will be accompanied by the attribute of thunderbolt, and it will be even stronger at that time!” The azure silhouette blinked in the eye. Cyan ray on the body is constantly flashing!

“Force of Thunder, give it to me!” The azure silhouette whispered, a burst of azure light slammed, and a bunch of azure power rushed toward the thunderbolt grid, “Chī!” “Chī!” bursts of lightning flashing Under the lightning flashing, the azure power was suddenly smashed!

This azure silhouette slammed and then stepped back, and the eyes were filled with shocking colors. This azure silhouette was deeply exhaled: “It seems that Divine Artifact must be able to swallow this Force of Thunder!”

“en?” Just as the azure silhouette used Divine Artifact, a gray rays of light suddenly emerged, gray rays of light flashed, and a gray silhouette appeared directly in front of this azure silhouette!

The gray silhouette quietly looked at the azure silhouette, this azure silhouette was not changed by complexion, watching the gray silhouette quietly opened the mouth and said: “Who are you? How did you come in?”

“Who are you? How did you come in?” The gray silhouette of the body is also the emergence of killing intent, this azure silhouette body azure light flashed: “Since you have come here, then anyway, I am absolutely Can’t let you leave alive!”

“That’s good!” The gray silhouette whispered, watching the azure silhouette faint opened the mouth and said: “What you said is exactly what I want to say, let me see, who are the two of us? Keep going!”

“hong long long!” In this space, the Force of Thunder, which is full of power grids, seems to be angry. In its field, the two of them still ignore his existence, how does the Force of Thunder of the grid Not angry!

Countless thunderbolt smashed directly toward the gray silhouette and azure silhouette, thunderbolt flashed, full of powerful momentum, this gray silhouette and azure silhouette are both a glimpse, then the face is neat, all toward these thunderbolt forces Looked over!

“The power of Hongmeng space!” Azure silhouette and gray silhouette at the same time drink low, both of them are rays of light slamming, azure silhouette, a burst of azure light continually flashing, and the same on the gray silhouette It is gray rays of light flashing!

The roar of the roaring sound continued, the azure silhouette and the gray silhouette were staring straight at the Force of Thunder used, and they punched the Force of Thunder at the same time!

“bang!” “bang!” The two roaring explosions rang, and the Force of Thunder rushed directly toward the gray silhouette and the azure silhouette. On both of them, there was a layer of azure and gray. The light curtain, Force of Thunder, is directly resisted by this light curtain!

“weng!” “weng!” cyan ray mans and gray rays of light keep flashing, the two looked at each other at the same time, the gray silhouette looked at the azure silhouette whisper with a smile: “a little Peak Tianzun, dare to impudent in front of this seat?”

“You are, the powerhouse of the sacred world? Who are you? Are you extremely?” The azure silhouette in the eyes of the azure silhouette flashed, looking at the gray silhouette, there was already a horror in the eyes!

“Don’t God, in the God World, is it a person to reach the Holy Spirit? It is you, Peak, there are not many in God World, are you a creation, a singer, or a town?” The gray silhouette gleams , whispered and said openly!

“God World, reach Peak’s esteem, not only three of them!” azure silhouette expression dignified, coldly snorted, faint opening, the gray silhouette suddenly smiled: “That’s right, then I will try, see you Do you know who you are from the attack?”

“weng!” gray rays of light flashed, the gray mask suddenly swelled up, directly with the azure silhouette is also shrouded in it, in the gray mask, the gray silhouette laughed directly to this azure Silhouette attacked over!

“Not good !” azure silhouette complexion greatly changed, then staring at the gray silhouette: “If you want everyone to die here, then you can do it!”

The gray silhouette suddenly stopped, and the azure silhouette was cold with a smile: “Don’t forget where it is here, start here, once our power has caused the attack of Hongmeng space, then you and me will not I want to leave alive, let alone say anything else, maybe our purpose is not the same or not. What are you coming here for?”

“Hongmeng space, Hongmeng space, you really know the entrance here, how do you know the entrance here?” Gray silhouette gaze, not at all answer his words, but ask him back!

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