The first thousand four hundred and fifty-six chapters can not breakthrough He Lin

On top of Divine Paragon Mountain, the battlefield suddenly fell silent. Yihe and Yun Bufan also stopped, and the four kings and the others also stopped the attack. They all looked at this sudden uninvited guest. , Taiko Troll!

The power of the Taikoo trolls is also not to be underestimated. It can be said that it is shocking. The ancient trolls watched Yun Bufan and Yi and the others suddenly sang with a smile: “It seems that I am not coming. It seems to bother you!”

“Magic slave, your injury has recovered?” Yihe’s gaze looked directly at the Taiko Troll, and the black light flashed in the eyes of the Taiko Troll. The Taiko Troll looked at Yihe in amazement: “Yihe, I said How can your strength not be dealt with by a small Yun Bufan!”

“It seems that you are not at all performing your Golden Crow fit?” The Taiko troll smiled and looked at the righteousness: “It seems that you are still worried about this magic, your Golden Crow fit should be left Is the devil of the devil going to change?”

“Golden Crow fit?” Yun Bufan’s gaze, Yun Bufan’s words Yun Bufan naturally understand, the three swords of Yihe are not the strongest attack of righteousness, his strongest attack is that The so-called Golden Crow fit!

“Half-step Paragon, is it so horrible? I didn’t even have the qualifications to let Yihe and the full force!” Yun Bufan’s deep exhaled, Yihe looked too troll calmly said: “Magic slave, you are not Can’t you see what is in my hands? What attack is I doing?”

“Sword of the Sun God!” The eyes of the Taiko Trolls also became dignified: “You have displayed the sword of the Sun God, your desperate sword? Yun Bufan has just just broken through to the Holy Land, he will Can you force you to such a point?”

“I can be sure that if I don’t use the Golden Crow fit, you don’t show the devil’s change, then you can’t deal with him!” Yihe faintly looked at the Taiko trolls slowly opening, the Taikoo troll eyes flashed Then I looked at Yun Bufan: “What do you mean, we have to join forces to kill Yun Bufan?”

“Joining the killing of Yun Bufan!” Yihe mouth is also a smile: “Magic slave, don’t you think Yun Bufan is our biggest threat? Yun Bufan’s room for growth is too big, if you give him time again Then he must be able to surpass us, a person who makes the money process look good, and may not be a Paragon powerhouse in the future!”

“Paragon powerhouse!” The ancient trolls slowly exhaled, Yun Bufan is a calm face, the ancient trolls slowly said with a smile: “You seem to make sense, Yun Bufan, what do you think?”

Looking at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan is calm and smiles. He looks at the Taikoi troll and said: “I think that Yihe said it is also very reasonable. It is better for you to join hands and see. Can you kill me and say?”

“en?” Both Yihe and Taiko Trolls looked at Yun Bufan. Both of them had amazement. Yun Bufan fainted with a smile: “You want me to die, but naturally some people don’t want me to die. Taiko Troll, what do you say?”

“Dragon Soul?” In the eyes of the Taikoo trolls, there is a hint of concealed jealousy: “Dragon soul, since you have arrived, why not show up? I did not expect that you will come here, and I have not found your existence, it seems that you The strength is getting stronger and stronger!”

“The Taikoo trolls, not my strength is getting stronger, but because your strength has not fully recovered!” A laugh suddenly sounded, a purple rays of light flashed, a purple silhouette appeared directly, smiled Looking at Yun Bufan: “Yun Bufan, how did you discover my existence?”

“Your concealment is almost perfect, how can I find out?” Yun Bufan whispered, and looked at Yun Bufan with amazement. Yun Bufan smiled and opened the mouth and said: “I just feel that such a big thing, You shouldn’t come, after all, the strongest ancient trolls and even Celestial Emperor are here!”

“You are a half-step Paragon powerhouse. You should feel it when I am righteous and fighting. How can I come over, but I can’t find your silhouette everywhere, I think you must hide in the vicinity!” Yun Bufan said with a smile!

“A good Yun Bufan, it really is a fox with a swindle!” The world can not help but shake his head and laugh, burned the world to see the Taiko Troll with the righteous and slowly opened the mouth and said: “I can not let you kill Yun Bufan, you You should know what Yun Bufan means to me!”

“Just like you, if the strength of Yun Bufan reaches the point where you can kill any of them, then I will help you in turn. You should know what you mean to me, so I see this. How are you going to stop?”

Burning the world, watching the Taiko Troll and the Emperor of Heaven and the whispered, said that the Taiko Trolls and the eyes and the eyes flashed, and the righteousness and coldness said with a smile: “Dragon Soul, you let me stop here? You let How do I stop? The Emperor’s top ten Golden Crows were killed by them. You let us stop here. Do you think it is possible?”

“Yihe, if you lose two Golden Crows, can I compensate you?” Burning the world and looking at Yihe, he said, and his eyes flashed, watching the burning world faint: “Dragon soul, what do you want to take?” Compensate for the Emperor? You should know how much value the two Golden Crows of the Emperor have!”

“Reassure, my compensation will definitely satisfy you. I just want to ask you. If I can compensate you for your loss, are you willing to stop?” The burning world looked at the righteousness and faintly opened, and Yihe suddenly stopped and looked at the burning. The world slowly said: “If your compensation can really satisfy me, then the Emperor will let Yun Bufan this time!”

“Good!” The burning smiley, then directly to the righteous and sound transmission opening, Yihe face suddenly changed, watching the eyes of the burning world flashed: “You really want to compensate me? Dragon soul, you Don’t lie to me!”

“Yihe, you can rest assured, I promise you will do it. When you return to Ancient Heaven, I will naturally go to Ancient Heaven to find you!” Burning the world calmly smiles, righteous and deep exhaled, look In the eyes of the burning world, the light flashed: “Okay, Dragon Soul, then I am waiting for you on Ancient Heaven!”

“Go back to heaven!” The people of Ancient Heaven around the Yihe dynasty shouted, and all the people around Ancient Heaven were flying toward the righteousness and flying here, and rushed toward Divine Paragon Mountain. Then went directly to the ancient Heaven!

“Magic slave, Yihe has already gone back, you rushed in, I am afraid that the wishful thinking will be lost!” The burning world looked at the Taiko trolls, the Taikoo trolls flashed: “Oh? You know that I am here. What is it for?”

“In order to be a person with Yun Bufan, in exchange for the conditions you don’t have to deal with him and join him, right?” Sasing with a smile, the Taikoo troll gaze, watching the maddened opened the mouth and said: “Dragon Soul, it’s not a good thing to be too busy!”

“Love is a nosy? This is not a gossip!” Chen Shuh the head, Yun Bufan is a flash of eyes: “Taiwan troll, ask me to be a person? Who is he to ask? How does the dragon soul seem to know everything? same?”

“Yun Bufan!” The Taiko Troll’s silhouette flashed directly in front of Yun Bufan: “You also heard it, and I don’t want to turn around with you. The Dragon Soul is right. I’m here to ask you for a Man, this person is your servant He Lin, you talk about it, how can you give me to me!”

“He Lin?” Yun Bufan’s body was shocked. He Lin has been recovering from his own shrine since the demon god changed. He Lin is also doing the breakthrough of hard work, but no matter what, He Lin is always Hard to breakthrough!

“What do you want He Lin to do?” Yun Bufan looked at the Taikoo trolls slowly opening, the Taiko trolls faint with a smile: “You don’t need to control this, Yun Bufan, you just tell me, in exchange for your servant. Lin, what kind of price you need to pay!”

“Do you need a tube?” Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Not good means, there is no price, He Lin, I will not give it to you!”

“En?” The eyes of the Taikoo trolls flashed in the cold, watching Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, and then said: “Yun Bufan, this demon can tell you, it is said that your servant He Lin got the demon god inheritance, so this The devil must get him!”

“He can also be said to be the only direct disciple of this demon, Yun Bufan. Is this reason enough?” The Taiko troll stared straight at Yun Bufan, but Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “Not enough!”

“Swire troll, you are not the kind of person who pays attention to inheritance. If you really care about this, it is effortless to train a complete successor with your strength. There is no big cost to go from here to He Lin. This is the only reason that a fool can believe it!”

Yun Bufan looked at the Taiko Troll shook the head: “It is a pity that my Yun Bufan is not a fool, the Taiko Troll, you have to use He Lin what I have, I don’t know, but one of you is wrong, He Lin is not My servant, but my brother, Life and Death brother, so I won’t give it to you, I will not give it to you anyway!”

“If you really take him as brother, then you should give him to me more!” Taiko Troll smiled and looked at Yun Bufan: “I think you should not want He Lin to be able to breakthrough in your life for a lifetime? You really took him as the brother!”

“The Taiko Troll!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the eyes, watching the Taikoo troll sinking opened the mouth and said: “The Taiko Troll, you are so confident, He Lin will not breakthrough around me?”

“How many people around you are breaking through? Only he is still working hard, his potential, his inheritance, his innate talent is stronger than those who break through, and he has never had a breakthrough, you know why? ?”

The Taiko troll smiled and looked at Yun Bufan and asked, Yun Bufan suddenly stopped, why is He Lin unable to breakthrough?

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