The first thousand four hundred 52 chapters are not worthy

“Yun Bufan!” Yihe suddenly turned around and looked directly at Yun Bufan. In the eyes of the flash of light, Yun Bufan stood up in the nine colors of the sun, and the momentum was also increasing. It’s pounding!

“Yangchen!” Yun Bufan whispered, among the dark green shrines, a golden rays of light flashed, the golden corpse was appearing in front of Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan looked at Mo Qilin: “Ink Girl, Zhu Yeqing is under your training. At this moment, the strength is out of the ordinary? My 10,000 poison beads, can it all be swallowed up?”

“All kinds of toxins have been swallowed up. If it isn’t your sacred time flow rate is hundreds of times faster, he can’t swallow it so quickly!” Mo Qilin slowly flew over, waved a hand, and a dark green silhouette Emerge, the silhouette of Zhu Yeqing appears directly in front of Yun Bufan!

“Bamboo leaf green many thanks City Lord cultivation of grace, this Enmo can not forget!” At this moment, the bamboo leaf green body exudes a thick green mist, these green mists have a feeling of letting the heart cold!

“Peak Tianzun!” Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled: “In order to let you breakthrough, I have used up all the treasures left by the original Shen Shen, plus the treasures in the tomb of the ancient tomb!”

“And in this, very Senior, there are also creations, and the towns and towns can give me the divine objects accumulated in this billions of years. I don’t hesitate to spend a huge amount of treats to let you reach such a short time. It is for this day, I hope you will not let me down!”

Yun Bufan’s gaze looked at Mo Qilin: “Ink girl, the most powerful force of the Qilin family is fifteen. Now that you have learned thirteen, after I breakthrough, I will let you feel the fourteenth power. Strength of Time, as for the Mo Qilin legendary, what is the fifteenth power, I don’t know, I can only understand it by yourself!”

“Yangchen, you and Zhu Yeqing cooperate to give me a blockade!” Yun Bufan’s eyes of the ray of light flashed: “You are a holy one at the moment, one is Peak Tianzun, one is infinite, that is Golden Crow The power of righteousness and addition is not as good as the one you will be, one body is very different, very poisonous!”

“Bamboo Ye Qing, I teach you a task, give me the poison of the nine Golden Crows of Yihe. They are not dead, but living things, but the real Golden Crow, Golden Crow is on Ancient Heaven. It is a strange animal, also known as the Firebird. It is rumored to be a descendant of Phoenix in the chaotic period, with Phoenix bloodline !”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “Look now, the divine object that is spent on you, letting you break through to such a point, it’s worth not worth it!”

“Yes, master!” “Yes, City Lord!” The court and Zhu Yeqing looked at each other. Both of them had a firm color in their eyes. Yihe looked at Yun Bufan with a look of eccentricity: “Yun Bufan, you let A junior sacred and a Peak sacred to stop me? Are you letting them die?”

“Send to death? Hey, great tone, Heavenly Emperor Yihe, then you pick me up and take a look!” The prince was coldly snorted, stepping out, a golden light flashed, and the minister suddenly stepped out, punching Chao Yi and fiercely smashed!

Yihe disdain sneered: “Little primary sage, but also dare to shoot the Emperor, then the Emperor will first abolish your unruly hand!”

“hu!” Yihe’s white light slams, the same punch is fiercely smashed, and Zhu Yeqing is a flash of eyes, silhouette stopped, the whole person suddenly turned into a dark green afterimage, disappeared directly!

Yihe’s white fist and Jiang’s golden fist collided in the air, and “bang!” a roaring explosion suddenly sounded, golden rays of light and white rays of light sizzled, and the golden eyes of the minister Light flashing: “Half step Paragon, but just this power, give me back!”

“bang!” burst into a burst of golden rays of light, a roar of sound, and the white fist suddenly burst into tears by the golden power, and the silhouette of the righteousness directly exploded in this fist!

“What?” “How is it possible?” “Is the Emperor actually repulsed?” “Who is that?” A loud exclamation sounded, the four great kings, barefooted, drunk, and ruthless, all the ancient Heavens I was unbelievably watching this scene, and Yihe was shocked back by a punch!

Yihe was suppressed in the early days for hundreds of millions of years. For so many years, he has been painstakingly repairing. After he got out of trouble, his strength has reached the level of Peak, and he is not as badly damaged as the Taiko Troll. !

Therefore, the strength of the righteousness is absolutely invincible in their view. Then, because of this invincible strength, after a punch with a gold man of the other party, Yihe was actually shaken off, which made them all I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it!

“How is this possible?” The most unbelievable, I am afraid it is righteousness. The eyes of Yihe are still full of expressions that can’t be trusted. Looking at the ministers, they are constantly shaking their heads: “Impossible, absolutely impossible, your strength.” How could it be stronger than me? It is absolutely impossible!”

“There is something that is even less likely to happen, but it will happen in front of your eyes, righteousness!” The minister looked at the righteous and coldly smiled, and the righteousness seemed to be aware of something, suddenly turned around, a dark green silhouette but in him Behind it, a drop of green water droplets has entered the mouth of one of Golden Crow!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” On the body of Golden Crow, there was a burst of dark green fog, “Hey!” “Hey!” The Golden Crow screamed in pain, constantly flying, goldene The flame burned unconsciously!

“Hey!” “Hey!” The Golden Crow around him stepped back and looked at the burning Golden Crow in a frightened, dark green fog, and the Golden Crow turned directly into a pool of green liquid, then Turn into nothingness!

“Bastard!” Yihe was not snarled by anger, staring at Zhu Yeqing, and he whispered in a low voice: “This seat must be smashed by you today, in order to hate the snow, the power of Golden Crow. , give this seat a fit!”

“weng!” “weng!” The eight Golden Crows suddenly swept away and flew away. In a moment they broke into the inside of the righteousness. The righteous body suddenly burst into a strong golden flame, and the golden flame continued. Burning, Yihe’s body bursts of golden light!

“hong long!” A huge momentum suddenly broke out, a golden light column went straight into the sky, Yihe’s eyes were different and the color of the red color, the Yihe silhouette flashed, turned into a golden afterimage, in a flash The bamboo leaves are rushing over!

Bamboo leaves are not good, the cyan ray shadows on the body, Yihe said with a sneer: “Are you running away? This seat must catch you, see how you escape this Majesty’s palm!”

“weng!” golden rays of light skyrocketed, and Yihe took a shot toward bamboo leaf green, bamboo leaf green complexion greatly changed, a roar, bamboo leaf green body suddenly rose, and then turned into a huge dark green long snake, Go straight to the side and go out!

“A small snake, also trying to escape in the hands of the Emperor?” Yihe coldly smiled, a palm snapped down, “Chī!” Blood flies, bamboo leaves are actually caught directly in the hands of Yihe, bamboo leaves green low voice Hey, the body azure light flashed, the body turned out to be smooth and smooth, and suddenly slipped out of the palm of Yihe!

“Oh? Interesting!” Yihe’s eyes passed a trace of surprise, and then directly chased the bamboo leaves again, and in front of Yihe was a golden light: “The Emperor’s righteousness, no courage and me. Is it a war?”

The silhouette of the singer came out, and once again, the fists and the sorrows came together. The righteousness and the coldness were said with a smile: “This emperor wants to see where your strength can be strong, and combines the power of the eight Golden Crows. The emperor does not believe that you can’t pick you up!”

“Bang!” was another collision, and the sound of roaring sounded constantly, and the golden light flashed in the eyes of the minister. He whispered: “Give me a roll!”

“hong long! “single fist smashed out, that Yihe even turned back three steps, and looked at the minister with guilt and shock. The heart also has a hint of sorrow: “What is the strength of his strength? Even my current strength Can’t compare with him!”

“Tianyi Yihe, receive my one move, will only snarl!” The minister stepped out, watching Yihe whispered, suddenly opened his mouth, a loud roar, and a burst of golden power spread out. The spread of the golden power made Yihe back a few more steps!

Yihe suddenly stopped, and there were two golden flames in his eyes. Heyi looked coldly at the minister: “The Emperor still doesn’t believe it. Can you hold a small holy sacred to stop the Emperor? You Even if the strength is strong, then the Emperor will see if your attack can keep up with the speed of the Emperor!”

“hu!” “hu!” The remnant of Yihe, appearing directly around the minister, will flash the golden light in the eyes of the minister, and his face will become extremely dignified instantly, and speed is his real weakness!

“Your attack, really can not keep up with the speed of the Emperor, in this case, then the Emperor wants to pack you, with no difficulty!” Yihe coldly laughed, his golden light flashed, a palm appeared directly in the courtiers Behind him, “peng!” The whole person was suddenly shocked and flew out!

“pu!” A large mouth of golden blood spurted out, and the golden face of Chen was suddenly white, and the silhouette of the righteousness continued to flash around him: “This emperor will let you die without a burial site today!”

“hong long!” The silhouette of Yihe emerged directly from the air. One claw caught the fiercely, and the golden light flashed from the body. Facing this claw, it was unable to resist!

“Yihe, the person who wants to kill me, your strength, is not worthy!” A roar sounded, and a nine-color silhouette slowly appeared in front of the righteousness!

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