The first thousand four hundred 48 chapter Divine Artifact

“Qian Cheng, what is he doing?” In the ancient Heaven, Yihe looked at Qian Cheng’s move, and his eyes suddenly revealed doubtful colors. Yun Bufan’s eight Divine Artifact was hovering over his head. Slowly rotated up and formed an eight-color vortex!

“Isn’t the dispute between Yun Bufan and God World? Are they ready to do it? Or is the Lord of God World ready to teach Yun Bufan?” The four kings are behind Yihe and watching this scene are whispering It’s up!

“No, the owner of God World is helping Yun Bufan to promote his Divine Artifact!” The drunken voice rang directly, and the eyes of the celestial beings looked at the drunken ruthlessly, drunk and ruthlessly watching the crowds open the mouth. And said : “Maybe you don’t quite understand Yun Bufan’s cultivation technique!”

“Yun Bufan’s strength is all in his nine Divine Artifact. He has created his own way of overlord with nine different forces. He also used nine Divine Artifact and his own with the body. The power is fully integrated, this is where he is really strong!”

Drunk deeply exhaled: “Yun Bufan every breakthrough, is to first promote his Divine Artifact, only his Divine Artifact promoted, his strength will breakthrough, if I guess well, God World The Lord is promoting Yun Bufan’s Divine Artifact !”

“When his Divine Artifact reaches the Sky Monarch treasure, Yun Bufan’s strength is the Sky Monarch, the power of real combat can be comparable to that of Tian Zun, and when Yun Bufan’s Divine Artifact reaches the Heavenly Spirit, he is Tianzun, once his Divine Artifact reaches the Divine Artifact, he will become a holy powerhouse!”

Drunk and ruthlessly watching the actions of God World’s Lord opened the mouth and said: “I’m sure that Yun Bufan’s request for God World’s Lord will be raised, so the Lord God’s Lord will promote his Divine Artifact. Will promote his Divine Artifact to the point of Divine Artifact, which means that the strength of Yun Bufan will definitely reach the sacred place!”

“Emperor, I think if Yun Bufan’s strength reaches the sacred position, then with his Divine Artifact, can he reach the point of a half-step Paragon? Or, can you compete with you?” Looking straight at Yihe, I said a word and a word!

Yihe suddenly had a face and looked at the face of God World and Yun Bufan’s silhouette but did not speak. At the same time, on the other side of the gully of the sky, the ancient troll, the Lord, Satan and the sword were born. All four were volleyed and looked straight into the direction of Divine Paragon Mountain through the gully of the day!

“The smell of the master, the atmosphere of the is Master, did the owner really reappear in God World?” The Taiko troll looked at the dazzling golden rays of light, and the black light in his eyes flashed and whispered. There is a tremor in the sound!

“Master, you mean, is that the power of Lord God? The Lord of God World, appeared in God World?” The Lord was shocked, watching the Taiko Trolls dare not ask, the Taiko Troll was lightly opened The mouth and said: “I have been with him for countless years, and he can be said to be familiar with his power. This is his power!”

“He appeared again. Look at this power, it should be near Divine Paragon Mountain!” The Taiko Troll is deeply exhaled: “I don’t know what changes his appearance will bring to God World, nor do he know that he appears. What is it for Divine Paragon Mountain!”

“Maybe, is he going to deal with Ancient Heaven?” Satan looked at the direction of Divine Paragon Mountain, his eyes flashed, and then whispered to the Taiko Troll. The Taiko Troll stopped, shook the head, and said slowly: “Impossible, he will never deal with Ancient Heaven, because now he has no such ability!”

“Yahweh, Cherubim under your hand is said to be superb. You are going to tell him to let him sneak into God World to find out what God God’s Lord is doing and to be careful!” The Taiko Trolls are on the side of the Lord. Faint instructed!

The Lord’s Taiko Troll was respectfully nodded, his white rays of light flashed, and then directly retreated. The Taikoi troll looked at the direction of Divine Paragon Mountain and whispered: “Master, you reproduce God World.” What is it for?”

“What is God Lord’s Lord doing?” It’s not clear why Ice Rain’s move to see Lord God’s Lord, and the other side’s eyes are flashing. Only Little Wei’s face is delighted: “He is helping out of the ordinary to improve his strength. Once, out of the ordinary can definitely reach the sacred place!”

“Sacred?” Little Wei’s words make the ice rain and the others are startled, through the ages, which one is not undergoing countless years of cultivation before breakingthrough, is the creation of peace, but also after hundreds of millions of years Precipitation has reached the point where it is today. How does Yun Bufan seem to breakthrough?

“weng!” “weng!” Among the eight Divine Artifacts, Jin Lingzhu suddenly smashed the golden rays of light, and the ray of light in the eyes of Qian Cheng flashed: “A good Jin Lingzhu, it is the most prepared for the War God family. Good Divine Artifact, the closest to me, so that’s it, let you breakthrough!”

“Criminal days, now!” Qian Cheng whispered, Jin Lingzhu above the golden light skyrocketed, the silhouette of the punishment day suddenly appeared, Qian Cheng saw the moment of the appearance of the punishment day, eyes immediately brightened: “Good innate talent, if it can To reach the Divine Artifact, he must be out of the ordinary !”

“breakthrough!” The golden light of Qian Cheng’s body flashed, and the golden power constantly poured into the golden spirit beads. Above the golden spirit beads, suddenly the golden light skyrocketed, “weng!” “weng!” piece of golden rays of light Constantly flashing, the powerful momentum of Jin Lingzhu is getting more and more horrible!

“hong long long!” Numerous golden powers skyrocketed, Qian Cheng looked at God World whispered opened the mouth and said: “Hong Meng space, open it, give it a mark of immortality, help it breakthrough to the Divine Artifact !”

Hongmeng space, in the God World sky, suddenly appeared a fine crack, from the crack suddenly spurred a golden light, this golden light instantly entered the Golden Lingzhu!

“bang!” A roar of sound rang, the influx of golden light, the momentum above the golden spirit beads suddenly erupted, and a powerful breath erupted from the body of Jin Lingzhu, a moment of rays of light ten thousand zhang, Jin Lingzhu On the top, a powerful momentum broke out!

“Breakthrough, just breakthrough?” For Jin Lingzhu to break into the Divine Artifact, Yun Bufan also has an unbelievable feeling, can’t believe to see Jin Lingzhu, if not feel the explosion The momentum, Yun Bufan absolutely does not believe that Jin Lingzhu has broken through!

“Divine Artifact!” Jin Lingzhu’s breakthrough, also let Yihe and the others are also stunned to see this scene, they never thought that this Divine Artifact’s breakdown can be so simple, simple to let them not The point of dare to believe!

“Is this a breakthrough?” Yun Bufan looked at the Divine Artifact, but he couldn’t help but whisper, that is, the punishment of Divine Artifact’s soul is also stunned, feeling the power of the body, the punishment of the heavens. The eyes are filled with incredible expression!

“Kid, first enter your body, now just started, wait, I want you to improve together!” Qian Cheng waved his hand, and the punishment was incorporated into Jin Lingzhu. Qian Cheng’s eyes were Chaotian Leizhu. And Locking Wind Bead looked over!

“The same is the future. I really don’t know how Yun Bufan got this guy!” Qian Cheng shook the head, the golden light flashed, and Lei Gong and Feng Po also appeared in front of Qian Cheng!

Lei Gong and Feng Po suddenly looked at Qian Cheng with respect and respect, and they changed their minds. They just saw it in their eyes. Naturally, they knew that Qian Cheng had a powerful person. The golden light on Qian Cheng continued to flash: “Do not resist This force, remember to integrate this power into your own body, and turn it into your own!”

“Yes!” Lei Gong and Feng Po were respectful, and on the body of Qian Cheng, the golden rays of light flashed, and the power of golden directly poured into Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead. Slowly, Tianlei On the bead and Locking Wind Bead, there is also a burst of golden halo!

“Why, is this going to breakthrough?” Yihe looked at Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead incredibly. He couldn’t believe it. The strength of Qiancheng would be so strong that it could reach the level of the Holy Spirit. Divine Artifact’s point, this ability, he can’t do it!

All along, Yihe always thought that his strength and Qian Cheng are absolutely not much different, but now it seems that he is wrong, and the mistake is very outrageous, the gap between himself and Qian Cheng, I am afraid that it is not so close Even far away!

Yihe stared straight at Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead, Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead. The golden light continued to flash, and the powerful momentum was constantly rising. The momentum on the body was also stronger. It’s up!

“Hong Meng space, the immortal imprint, Divine Artifact, breakthrough!” Qian Cheng whispered, a roar of sound continued to sound, in the God World sky, the entire God World sky suddenly trembled, Hong Meng Space reproduction!

“He can open this space forever!” Yihe looked at this scene with disbelief. From the space of Hongmeng, two different imprints were suddenly floated. One mark of lightning flashed constantly, and the momentum was fierce. Above a mark, there is a group of azure whirlwinds on it, constantly roaring!

Everyone’s eyes were looked at by Lei Tianzhu and Locking Wind Bead. The two immortal imprints were instantly integrated into Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead. At once, the lightning continued to flash, and the wind was even more violent. Whistling, Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead suddenly ray of light, magnificent!

“hong long long!” The roar of the roaring sound continued, Tian Leizhu and Locking Wind Bead suddenly became the most powerful, and the moment broke into the Divine Artifact, the momentum was amazing!

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