The first thousand four hundred 42 Zhang Shaodi

“bang!” “bang!” At the moment when Ancient Heaven appeared, the entire God World suddenly rang, and the roar of the roaring sound continued, God World trembled, everyone was facing the white space. Looking over the Divine Paragon Mountain, the white space spread out all around!

“The Gorefiend Inheritance, Nine-Tailed Fox inheritance, on Ancient Heaven has been reproduced, you can also take back this endless blood and release the stars and stars!” A majestic voice was uploaded from Divine Paragon Mountain Down, people feel tremble!

“weng!” blood light slams, blood red rays of light keeps flashing, above Divine Paragon Mountain, Heavenly Overflowing Blood Waves, the bloody seas are constantly collecting back, the blood light is flashing, drunk and ruthless The silhouette of the slowly emerges, the blood of the sea is constantly integrated into his within the body!

The drunken silhouette flashed and flew directly over the top of Divine Paragon Mountain. White light flashed, drunk and ruthlessly entered the white space. When everyone was still amazed, it was a burst of white light. Flashing, the sun, the moon and the stars, once again appear in the God World sky!

“weng!” A white light, cut through the sky, directly into the white space, turned into white rays of light, Yao Yao’s silhouette also broke into the white space, ice rain, pole, Yun Bufan And the others are all gathered together, staring straight at the white space!

“That is on Ancient Heaven?” Yun Bufan looked at the white space, his eyes flashed a burst of surprise, but the ice rain was ugly, and the voice was opened. The “Day of the Valley” has Western God World. On top of this Divine Paragon Mountain, there is now an ancient Heaven, Yun Bufan, and my God World side is in the Broken Tianxia, ​​and it has already fallen into the realm of the former wolf!”

“But our people can’t retreat at all. After all, there are too many people. Now we have no other way. We can only say that we are guarding both of them at the same time!” Yun Bufan deeply exhaled, shook the head, said with a deep voice!

“Yun Bufan!” In the Ancient Heaven, the silhouette of the Yihe slowly emerged, and Yiwu looked at Yun Bufan with a condescending look: “I know that you are the chosen person of Qiancheng, but I tell you, God World. There are only two roads in the future, either enslaved or destroyed!”

“The magic slave has also appeared. I can give you a chance to surrender to me. I will destroy the magic slave. When God World is under my control, I assure you that God World will only become an Ancient Heaven. Instead of being enslaved or destroyed, I will transform God World into exactly the same as my original Ancient Heaven!”

Yihe’s eyes are full of hot expression: “Qian Cheng ruined me on an Ancient Heaven, and now I am a God World, this is fair, isn’t it? If you promise to surrender to me, I will promise you not to destroy God World. Don’t enslave God World, and you, I will give you a place on the ancient king of Ancient Heaven, how?”

“The position of the fairy king, on Ancient Heaven?” Yun Bufan blinked, then looked at the past and looked at the past: “The Emperor of Heaven, I can also tell you, God World’s fate, you can’t control, because God World’s fate In our own hands!”

“Ice rain, I think we can go back to the Tianxia, ​​and the birth of Ancient Heaven, I think the most worried should not be us, but should be the Taiko Troll!” The cloud does not flash the wise expression in the eyes: “They all want Destroy my God World, but who else dare to shoot God World first?”

“My God World is not strong now, but if anyone wants to swallow us, it will break his teeth!” Yun Bufan’s mouth was filled with a cold smile, ice-creamed, and then Nodded, whispered: “Go, we will break the gorge!”

At the same time, on the other side of the gully of the day, the Lord, Satan, and the sword were three-faced and dignified. The Lord made a silent voice to Satan and the sword. “Before the sound is amazing, the way of yin and yang is not extinguished.” The imprint appears, I think it should be breakthrough, and I have reached the sacred place!”

“But just now, the turmoil, you should be able to feel it, the kind of turmoil, definitely not someone who can take it through, must be what major event happened, just don’t know what happened to God World!” Deep exhaled, there is a deep worry in the eyes!

“The master has been born, no matter what happens, the master will solve it. Jehovah, you don’t have to worry about it. When the master leaves the customs, we will destroy God World directly, and we don’t have to think about these things!” Satan I looked at the Lord and said a faint voice!

The Lord stopped and looked at Satan. Satan blinked. The sword was not sitting on the side of the knee. The ray of light flashed, and the white light of the Lord appeared, and the white rays of light flashed!

“It was on Ancient Heaven!” Just as the Lord’s knowledge went to God World to find out, a heavy voice rang out, and the body of the Lord shook, then opened his eyes directly, his eyes flashing. From: “Master!”

“weng!” bursts of black rays of light, black fog is constantly emerging, black fog is spreading, a silhouette slowly emerges from the dark fog, and it is the silhouette of the ancient troll!

When the Taiko trolls appeared, the Lord, Satan, and the sword were all born together and kneeled down, and shouted and shouted: “See the master!”

The ancient trolls are faintly nodded, looking at the Lord, Satan and the sword are slowly open the mouth and said: “You don’t have to look up anything, God World shakes, the stars translocate, and I feel the power of Golden Crow. It should have been on Ancient Heaven, and like me, Yihe also broke through the master’s suppression!”

“On Ancient Heaven!” Jehovah, they also heard about Ancient Heaven, but they are not as familiar with Ancient Heaven as the Taiko Trolls. The Taikoi trolls slowly said with a smile: “Do not worry, one on Ancient Heaven, The owner’s Heaven and Earth Cauldron is suppressed, and even if people can survive, there will be no more, no need to worry about them!”

“Master, then do we directly destroy God World?” Satan’s black light flashed in the eyes, and the Taiko Trolls respected the opening. The Taiko Troll looked at him and then opened the mouth and said: “Destroy God World.” ? Now, don’t you just give an ancient Heaven?”

“And, with our current strength, it is possible to say that God World is destroyed, but the final result must be the bone side suffer, and we will lose a lot. Then it will be really cheaper on Ancient Heaven, even though we I hate Master, but I still don’t like to make wedding dresses for others!”

The Taiko Troll looked at the Lord’s three faint openings: “I appeared to tell you, remember not to act blindly without thinking, I have not fully recovered yet, what we have to do now is wait, wait for Ancient Heaven to take the shot first. On Ancient Heaven, you can deal with God World, then we can do as easy as pie!”

“It doesn’t cost as easy as pie?” Jehovah, Satan and the sword are all stopped, the Taiko trolls laughed and said: “hahaha, the ancient Heaven also appeared, and this is getting more and more interesting, remember, don’t To act blindly without thinking !”

The Taiko trolls were barely fell, his silhouette disappeared directly, and the Lord, Satan, and the sword had no one to look at. The Lord whispered opened the mouth and said: “According to the master’s instructions, let us wait and see!”

Just when the Taikoic trolls were laid out, in the white space, Ancient Heaven and the others were also talking about how to deal with God World, Yihe looked drunk and sullen and Yao Yao smiled, then went to the four fairy Wang and the others smiled open the mouth and said: “Everyone, this emperor can appear God World together with the celestial beings, they can be said to be indispensable!”

The immortals here are only a hundred people left. The eyes of these hundreds of people are all looked at intoxicated and Yao Yao. The drunkenness and Yao Yao’s heart are all a glimpse. The essence of Ancient Heaven is definitely a powerful fairy!

“I think the immortals should still not know who they are. He is drunk and ruthless. Maybe you don’t know him, but his inheritance must know that the inheritance he got is the bloody emperor of Heavenly Emperor. Inheritance Blood Demon Path, can you know now?”

There was a faint smile on the corner of Yihe’s mouth. The hundred centuries were suddenly shocked. Looking at the drunken eyes, there was a burst of light, and Yihe smiled open the mouth and said: “And the other is drunk. The ruthless lover, also his wife, his wife is equally unacceptable, and the inheritance of my heavenly Nine-Tailed Fox!”

“Just because they drowned Divine Paragon Mountain with a sea of ​​blood, the pressure on the town of Qian Cheng could not be seen. Another power to swallow the sun, moon and stars, Heaven and Earth Cauldron could not be supplemented, so we can break the seal this time. Reproduce the world!”

Yihe looked at everyone and said a word: “The emperor promised them, drunk and ruthless is the bloody demon inheritance, my heavenly emperor changed once every hundred million years, and this time, the emperor promised to be drunk and ruthless, save me. When the heavens are out of trouble, the emperor will let him become the next Emperor, and all the immortals can have objections?”

The hundreds of immortals have amazed colors on their face and everyone, but not at all an opening. Yihe suddenly said with a smile: “hahaha, well, there is no objection to the immortals. If so, then the Emperor Now I am ruthless and ruthless for the Emperor, I am the Emperor of Heaven, and I will inherit the position of Emperor Tiandi in the future!”

“Drunk and ruthless!” Yihe was drunk and ruthlessly looked at the past, drunk and ruthless expression stopped, and Yihe slowly opened the mouth and said: “Now God World is turbulent, the magic slave is also against God World glare like a tiger watching his prey, I am every day There are not many people available. This situation still requires the Emperor to preside over the overall situation. The Emperor promised you, and when I am truly safe, let you take over the position of Emperor of Heaven, how do you mean it!”

“The Emperor’s arrangement, reasonable, drunk and ruthless nature is also agree!” drunk ruthlessly looked at Yihe and then whispered, Yihe suddenly laughed!

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