The first thousand four hundred 40 chapters of the breakthrough

“bang!” “bang!” On the Divine Paragon Mountain, the golden bead was constantly shaking, and the explosion rang, and everyone was surprised to see the golden bead, Divine Paragon Mountain Underneath, a large silhouette has been gathered!

Drunk and ruthless is the use of his own blood Demon Path to cover the entire Divine Paragon Mountain, under the cover of blood red blood, Yao Yao’s silhouette they have nowhere to look, and in that bloody sea, drunk and ruthless It is the ability to clearly feel the existence of Yao Yao!

“Yao Yao, can you still hold on?” The drunk and ruthless worry is incomparable. After all, time has passed. Yao Yao can’t always swallow the sun and the moon. Yao Yao is deeply exhaled and whispered opened the mouth and said :” Ruthless, I can hold on for a while!”

“Yao Yao, you remember, if you can’t hold on and stop immediately, everything is most important to your own safety, do you know?” The drunk and ruthless face was solemn, and said to Yao Yao in a word of silence!

“Do not worry, ruthless, if the support does not go down, I will stop!” Yao Yao’s voice passed over in the endless blood, and at this moment, in the sky above the endless blood, the silhouette of the ice rain It is directly emerging!

The ice and rain looked coldly and coldly, and the drunkenness of the endless bloody sea was opened and the mouth and said: “Drunk and ruthless, you are a ruthless emperor of Immortal World. It is also a part of God World. Why do you want it? Helping Ancient Heaven? Do you know what disaster will happen to God World once Ancient Heaven is born?”

“I know, it’s very clear, but I don’t have a choice!” The drunk ruthlessly looked at the ice, and then slowly opened the mouth and said: “Things have reached this point, it is not something I can control. Ice and rain, you have to know that many people have no choice but to help!”

“That accorded to what you said, I am going to kill you now, is it helpless?” The ice-rained killing intent flashed up, and the golden rays of light flashed, and the drunk and ruthlessly opened the mouth and said: You can’t kill me, maybe I can’t fight you, but you can’t kill me!”

“Is it?” The golden glow of the ice rain directly spread out: “Then I really want to see, I really can’t kill you!”

“weng!” white rays of light slammed up, and a pair of white gloves appeared on the body of the ice rain. This white glove was a sacred glove of Qian Cheng. The golden power of the ice rain constantly poured into this. Among the white gloves, the white gloves suddenly burst into a golden glow!

Golden light slammed, the roaring sound continued to sound, the ice and rain looked drunk and ruthless, the whole person suddenly drunk and ruthlessly flew down, the ice rain whispered: “blasting fist!”

The blasting fist, one of the masters of God World, gathers the whole body to the fist, then attacks a little, and the whole explosion is for the blasting fist. The formidable power of the blasting punch lies on a blast, and the golden light slams. As a result, a golden fist shadow suddenly slammed into the bottom of the drunken ruthless!

“Body in the blood!” drunk ruthlessly watching the ice rain shook the head, light shouted in a low voice, blood red rays of light flashing, drunk and ruthless body slowly into the large bloody sea The whole person is surprised to disappear!

“bang!” burst into flames, and the golden fist blasted in the bloody sea. As the golden light continued to skyrocket, the whole bloody sea tumbling, and Heavenly Overflowing Blood Waves, the roaring sound continued. Blow up!

“en?” The bloody sea is constantly rolling, but there is no drunk and ruthless silhouette, the ice rain is not brows frown, looking at the endless blood sea, the endless bloody sea, the drunken silhouette is suddenly appearing in the first Above the Divine Paragon Mountain on the 1 million floor!

Drunk and ruthlessly watching the ice and rain faint opened the mouth and said: “The blood is me, I am the blood sea, unless the blood sea is destroyed, otherwise, I will not destroy, ice rain, you can not kill me, know this blood What is the sea? It is the Supreme Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor Gorefiend of Ancient Heaven. The Lord of the Gorefiend and God World is a level of existence!”

“Even if you are the owner of God World, you can’t destroy this blood. You are just the inheritor of God World. How can you destroy it?” The drunken ruthless look at the ice and the faint opening, the ice rain is disdainful: “Oh? drunk and ruthless, since the blood can not be destroyed, then you should not die, in this case, the Gorefiend is also not dead!”

“If he is not dead, how do you get his inheritance? Or even get his life Supreme Treasure?” The ice rain stared straight at the drunken, drunk and ruthlessly paused, then laughed at the ice rain and opened the mouth and said : “Ice rain, the Lord of God World, is it fallen?”

The ice rain suddenly stopped, and he not only got the inheritance of God World, but also got his sacred boxing gloves. God and Earth Cauldron, the head of God World, was in the early days, God World Does the Lord also say that it has fallen? Otherwise, how can these things be in their own hands?

The eyes of the ice rain can’t be looked at by the drunken ruthlessly. The drunken ruthless smile: “We get inheritance, it doesn’t mean they will be degraded. Maybe they are not in this world, maybe you can’t. Sure, there is no room outside this God World?”

“What? Any other space?” The ice rain suddenly shocked the heart, drunk and ruthlessly looked at the endless bloody sea. Opened the mouth and said: “I got this endless blood, but I always feel the existence of Gorefiend the Great, that kind of Familiar feelings, after all, the endless blood is confined by his life, but he should not be in God World!”

“I don’t know if you have this feeling too?” At this moment, the drunkenness and the icy rain can be said to be two inheritors who have received Supreme inheritance. What kind of secrets are there, Yun Bufan, They and the others are also unknown, just like God World, is there any other World!

“Cultivation World is the most powerful crossing tribulation. After crossing tribulation, it is flying up Immortal World. In Immortal World, it is also the strongest of the Emperor. After passing God World, it will fly to God World. God What is the strongest in World? It鈥檚 not heaven, not holy, but Paragon!鈥?/p>

The drunken ruthless eyes flashed: “When it reaches the Paragon world like the Lord of God and the Gorefiend, will it fly to other spaces? God World is the head of God World, right, Immortal World? Cultivation World? Who is it?”

“Opening up a World, with their cultivation base or with no difficulty, just like someone opened the Culture World, someone opened up Immortal World, and in Immortal World, how did Ancient Heaven come from? On Ancient After Heaven, the Lord of God World opened up God World. After God World, did someone open up a World?”

Drunk and ruthlessly staring at the ice rain: “These, don’t you want to know? Ice rain, I know, you get the inheritance of Lord God’s Lord, and there must be some special messages, I think if we share these messages Then we can find answers for each other, aren’t we?”

It is undeniable that the drunken words have a temptation to refuse, and even the heart of the ice rain is a little swaying. Because of the ruthlessness of all this, when she gets the Lord inheritance of God World, she does not think about it. However, even she has boldly guessed that the Lord God World is not dead, but he is not in this place!

But he is not as bold as drunken, imagining that there is another World beside God World. When the ice rain falls into meditation, a burst of roaring sounds rang from the golden beads, that golden The beads, turned out to be crazy and spinning for a moment!

“hong long long!” The entire dark sky, God World sky burst into flames, over the entire God World sky, a huge black and white two colors vortex suddenly emerged, the huge vortex madly turned, the roar is constantly Ringing!

鈥淚s this?鈥?Ice rain, drunkenness, extremes, creation and town, and the others are all seen towards the God World sky, 鈥渨eng!鈥?in this endless dark God World sky, a colorful space suddenly Slowly emerge!

鈥淗ong Meng Space?鈥?In the colorful space, bursts of light flashed, black and white two colors of rays of light rushed to the golden ball in the colorful space, even in that Among the two colors of the rays of light, there are two different triangle marks!

“The immortal imprint, the position of the Holy Man!” When I saw the black and white imprint, the face suddenly appeared ecstasy, and the creation on the side was also said with great happiness: “breakthrough, it is a breakthrough into the sacred world. The yin and yang, the power of Life and Death, is only the way to achieve this in the understanding of the yin and yang, it must be his breakthrough!”

“weng!” “weng!” After the two different imprints were incorporated into the golden bead, Hongmeng space slowly closed, and the entire God World sky once again fell into the darkness. The breakdown of the Holy Spirit is so simple. It’s also so fast!

At this moment, in the white space, Yun Bufan stared on the knees, staring at Yihe on the sidelines, and next to Yun Bufan, the silver moon and the glory silhouette also appeared on his sides. Seriously injured!

In front of Yun Bufan, it is the nine golden golden sun, that is the golden Crow of Righteousness. At the moment, the righteousness and the eyes are full of anger, and his ten golden Golden Crows are actually destroyed by Yun Bufan. One, this is definitely a huge loss for the righteousness, because these ten Golden Crows, but he spent hundreds of millions of years to consolidate!

His Golden Crow was not only destroyed, but on the other side, he was broken through under his eyes, and he got the life and death imprint in Hongmeng space, becoming the powerhouse of the sacred environment, and still A sage with chaotic Divine Artifact!

“Hey Senior, he finally broke through!” Feel the powerful momentum behind him, Yun Bufan’s pale cheeks could not help but smile!

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