The first thousand four hundred and thirty-four chapter trolls receded

“hahaha, Hahahaha, I came out, my Taiko troll finally came out, God World, this time no one will stop me from conquering you, God World, waiting for me!” Above the God World sky, thick The black fog filled the way, and the entire God World was covered by a large black mist!

In the black mist, the silhouette of the Taikoo troll appeared directly, and the body exudes a powerful momentum. The Taikoo trolls screamed in the sky, the sound of the shout, the entire God World has nothing to stop, the sound of the tsunami Spread out, even the creation and the others who are far away from the Broken Gorge can also be heard!

“The Taikoo troll is in the world, the real crisis of God World is coming!” The black fog that looked at the God World sky, the expression complex, whispered, and the town and the town were staring straight at the dark magic. The town whispered: “Hey, you are not saying that Yun Bufan is your noble person, why have you not yet reached the breakthrough?”

“I can feel that the timing of my breakthrough is coming soon!” Looked at the direction of the Taiko Troll, whispering in a low voice, the town blinked, slowly exhaled, and the ray of light flashed in his eyes: ” Only after the breakthrough, there is a line of opportunity to live, otherwise we may all fall!”

“Our fall is precisely because of our most powerful place, our chaotic Divine Artifact, the Taiko Trolls will not let us go, he will definitely take our chaotic Divine Artifact, so hey, can breakthrough , just breakthrough as soon as possible!” The creation of a flash of light, the expression complex, whispered open!

“The Taiko Troll was born!” Little Wei was also nervously watching the dark magic in the air, and secretly prayed: “Out of the ordinary, you can’t have anything, where are you? When will you? appear?”

“The Taikoo trolls, appeared, ruthless, we should also go to prepare!” Yao Yao snorted and snorted, drunk and sighed, looked at the broken Tianxia, ​​then Yao Yao nodded, the two silent Departure!

The crowds are surging, everyone’s eyes are looked towards the place where the Taikoic trolls are located. No one finds drunkenness and Yao Yao’s retreat. The black fog rushes directly toward the broken Tianxia, ​​the ancient trolls. The sound of the sound is clear: “This magic is born, submit to me and prosper oppose me and perish, God World gods, if you are surrender, this magic protects you from dying!”

“The Taiko Troll, here is the Broken Gorge, here is the place of my God World, but you can’t yell here and roll for me!” The shouting loudly sounds abruptly, in a blue light flash The extreme silhouette appears directly above the Broken Tianxia, ​​and the sword of the Taikoo troll fiercely in the air is smashed up!

“hong long long!” blue blade glow immersed in the dark magic, the magic is rolling, the roaring sound continues to blow, the dark magic, the sound of the ancient troll came out: “Extreme, did not expect your There is still a breakthrough in strength, only one step, you can become a half-step Paragon with only one step!”

“Unfortunately, this step, you may never be able to step, what qualification do you have to let this magic roll?” The dark magic surged, a black light flashed, the blue blade glow suddenly slammed in the dark magic Shattered!

“Out of the ordinary!” On the Broken Tianxia, ​​Little Wei eyes immediately lit up and saw Yun Bufan and the ice rain coming with the pole. Little Wei suddenly flew to Yun Bufan and his eyes were full of joy. The color!

“Wei Wei!” Yun Bufan hugged Little Wei and whispered, “I’m sorry, I’m worried!”

Little Wei shook the head : “As long as you are fine, out of the ordinary, the Taiko Troll is born, what should we do? You will not go to the Taiko Trolls? Is there any arrangement for God World? ?”

“The Lord of God World!” Yun Bufan stopped, shook the head, whispered: “Perhaps no one can stop the Taiko Troll, the strength of the Taiko Troll is too strong, but now he has not fully recovered. If he waits for him to fully recover, the entire God World is afraid that no one will be his opponent!”

Little Wei was shocked. Looking at Yun Bufan, there was a hint of perseverance in his eyes. At this time, the body of the ice rain burst into a golden rays of light: “The magic slave, with your strength today, Also want to enslave God World? I am afraid you are not qualified enough!”

“God World is conscious of the source, I am commanding you as an inheritance person, and my consciousness is integrated into me. God World’s consciousness comes to God World and helps me to resist the invasion of the magic slave!” Ice rain light shouted in a low voice, a while The golden light flashed, and a golden token suddenly emerged. On top of the golden token, there is a golden “money” word!

“Big money treasure?” In the dark magic, the terror of the Taikoi trolls sounded: “Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible, the master of the year only refining three big money treasure orders.” But the three big money treasure orders have already been given, how can you have one? How could the fourth one appear?”

“Big Money Bao Ling, the head of God World used the spirit of Tiandi Gengjing to consolidate with his absolutely invincible gods, and then condensed three big money treasure orders. He gave three big money treasure orders to three to help him. Very large people, all three can take advantage of God World’s source of consciousness, the owner of summon God World, to make a request!”

The ice rain looked at the golden token and whispered: “The first person to get a big money, his request to God World is to defeat Ancient Heaven, God God’s Lord has done it, that big money treasure Let nature disappear!”

“And the second person to get a big money Baoling, his request is to leave a little bloodline of Demon Path, so all the people in Demon Path are dead, you are still alive, that person, you should know? Devil! “The ice rain looked straight into the dark fog in the air, faintly opening!”

“As for the third big money treasure, the magic slave, can you remember who the third big money treasure made him?” The sound of the ice rain continued to sound, the deep sound of the ancient trolls sounded from the magic fog. : “Master’s best brother, Qian Tao!”

“Yes, it is Qian Tao, the only Life and Death brother of God World!” The ice and rain sounds cold: “After God God’s Lord opened God World, if not Qian Tao desperately save, I am afraid your sneak The attack is enough to destroy the Lord of God World, the Lord of God World is not destroyed by you, but Qian Tao, but it is really destroyed by you!”

“Do you know what the requirements of Qian Tao’s big money Baoling are?” The ice rain looked straight at the dark fog in the air: “His only request is to keep God World, so this big money is ordered by God World.” The Lord has stayed, and even concise with his own consciousness. This big money is the second source of God World’s Lord!”

“Weng!” The ice rain was barely fell, and the golden light flashed from the big money, and the entire God World slammed. On the God World sky, a golden vortex emerged. Among the golden vortex, a path of golden rays of light is constantly flashing!

“bang!” God World trembled. In the golden vortex, a golden ball of light suddenly emerged. In a moment, it was integrated into the big money treasure. The big money treasure made a sudden rise and then turned into a golden one. Huge long sword, this huge golden long sword suddenly golden light ten thousand zhang!

“Big money treasure, bring it to me!” The ancient troll roared in a low voice, and the palm of the hand grabbed the golden giant sword. On the golden giant sword, a handsome face suddenly emerged. The magic of the ancient troll suddenly Trembling, the magic fog spread, the silhouette of the Taiko Troll suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

“The Taiko Troll?” When the face of the Taikoi troll appeared in front of everyone, everyone was shocked, and even Little Wei couldn’t help but look shocked, weirdly looked at the Taiko Troll, Yun Bufan whispered Said with a smile : “The first time I saw him, there was a feeling that I couldn’t believe it!”

“Master?” The Taikoo troll looked at the golden face, the eyes were full of fear, the sound was even a little trembling, everyone found it, and the golden face is the God of the Gods!

“Master, Master, even if you reproduce it again, you must suppress the initial situation, there is no possibility to suppress me again, Optimus has disappeared one, broke one, I don’t believe you dare to break Two, in that case, God World will collapse, the world will tilt, so you won’t do that!”

The face of the Taikoi troll suddenly appeared in a sly color, staring straight at the Lord of God: “Master, even if you appear again, this time, you can’t stop me, you can’t stop me anymore, you give I am going to die, four!”

“hong long long!” The magic of the Taikoo trolls suddenly rushed toward the golden giant sword, the golden giant sword golden light slammed, the magic fog under the golden light, constantly turned into nothingness, and the golden giant In this moment, sword also poured into the body of the ice rain.

In the eyes of the ice rain, the golden light flashed, and then the golden light flashed up. In the hands of the ice rain, a golden giant sword suddenly appeared. The ice rain looked at the golden giant sword, and then the Taiko Troll suddenly Got it up: “The slave, the power of God World, are you still familiar?”

“She is?” Little Wei looked at the ice and rain, and Yun Bufan whispered with a smile: “You are not mistaken, she is the Immortal World spiritual treasure, the true of God World. Inheritance!”

“bang!” Under the sword, the golden light skyrocketed, the roaring sound continued to sound, the ancient troll body fiercely trembled, the black fog continued to emerge, the pain roared, the ancient troll anger roared: “God World, give me, etc. And when I am coming to God World again, it is the day you are enslaved!”

The dark fog of the Taikoo trolls began to rise, and the ancient magical spirits constantly converge toward the ancient trolls, and the black fog is soaring. The silhouette of the ancient trolls also recedes with the dark magic fog!

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