The first thousand four hundred and twenty eight chapters

“Dragon Soul!” Yun Bufan’s gaze looked directly at the corner of the east side. Above the corner of the east side, a golden glow filled the golden light, and the silhouette of the burning appeared in front of Yun Bufan!

The four wonders, not at all, are so good, but the speed of Yun Bufan’s comprehension is super fast, broken heart, broken and broken, he has all comprehend, and now only the last Destruction Formation!

After Yun Bufan understood the three big arrays, the four big arrays turned out to be no one to break out. Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, looking at the last formation array in the far east, with a burst of eyes in his eyes. Nine colors rays of light!

Yun Bufan sits directly on his knees, his colorful rays of light flashing, Yun Bufan staring straight into the world, the purple rays of light burning on the body, a path of Hong Qi’s power from Purple Emerge!

“Knife and sticks!” In the face of the burning of the world, a golden weapon emerged. Yun Bufan looked at the golden weapon, and suddenly he was surprised and stared at the knife and stick. Yun Bufan Surprisingly said: “That is Destruction Formation? Destruction Formation is like this?”

“hu!” “hu!” “hu!” a path of golden rays of light flashing, the knife and sticks suddenly smashed into the world for a moment, the sound is amazing, the momentum is extremely powerful, the burning of the eyes is slightly A flash, the purple rays of light are constantly flashing, the purple light skyrocketing!

“hong long long!” burst into a roaring sound, and several purple dragons suddenly appeared in the hands of the burning world. Those purple dragons suddenly rushed toward these knives and sticks in a flash, and the purple dragons collided with these swords and sticks!

Purple little light purple flash, those golden guns and sticks suddenly turned into smashing in the whistling of these purple dragons, but the world is also groaned, even three steps back, staring straight at these golden guns and sticks, in the eyes Flashed a burst of surprise!

“It’s a big four-story array of Taikoo. This should be the most powerful attack of Divine Formation in the four wonders. The Lord God World was the one that destroyed the Ancient Heaven, Destruction Formation, without array. Destruction Formation of eye, I will take a look at it!”

When the world burned and snorted, one step came out, a large purple rays of light continued to skyrocket, staring at the golden power, and in those golden rays of light, the golden power suddenly gathered again, gathering together. Became a path of golden Divine Artifact !

A variety of special Divine Artifacts are constantly emerging, the purple light is skyrocketing, and the purple light suddenly bursts into the eyes of the burning world. The burning light looks at the purple light in the eye of the gods: “Dragon Ball, show me!”

“weng! “purple rays of light flashed, a purple dragon suddenly emerged, suspended in the palm of Yun Bufan, the purple dragon ball constantly spinning in the hands of the burning world, burning purple light flashing in the eyes of the burning From the beginning, the world whispered: “Dragon Ball, Yao Shi!”

“Bang!” The powerful momentum suddenly erupted from the dragon ball. A roaring explosion suddenly sounded up. The dragons suddenly turned and burst into bursts of purple rays of light. Dragon Ball slowly moved toward that one. The pile of golden Divine Artifact floated in the past!

In the flash of purple light, Dragon Ball rushed into the pile of golden Divine Artifact forces in a flash, burning the world and snorting, Dragon Ball burst out of the purple rays of light, under the purple rays of light, those golden Divine Artifact suddenly turned into a burst of golden particles!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Golden Divine Artifact is constantly broken, and the purple light on the burning world is also constantly flashing. Yun Bufan stares straight into the world, and his eyes are also flashing: “Break the Divine Formation, it is powerful. So, even the Dragon Soul, you must use Dragon Ball to break the battle?”

“No, it should be said that this Destruction Formation is right, Destruction Formation, destroying everything, this Destruction Formation is really powerful!” Yun Bufan deeply exhaled, staring straight at the golden Divine Artifact, then sitting directly on the knees, closed Got an eye!

“The strength of the formation array, the array eye, the array eye, since there is no array eye, then this base is the power of this formation array. Destruction Formation is different from the other three great arrays. Destruction Formation is also simpler, that is, with absolute Power to destroy the enemy, if the Lord of God World uses a Metal Attribute Divine Artifact to make an array eye, Destruction Formation is enough to directly kill the Holy Spirit!”

Yun Bufan recalls all the information of Destruction Formation in his mind, and then directly gaze at the golden Divine Artifact: “To understand the Destruction Formation, you need to know the magic of these Divine Artifacts, as well as the arrangement of these forces. The layout is the most important, only the integrity of the array, the surrounding Destruction Formation will be more complete!”

“Yu Bufan!” looked at the golden Divine Artifact, and the Divine Artifact floated in a mess, but Yun Bufan saw that these Divine Artifacts were extremely regular in every attack. The law must be related to the base!

In the eyes of Yun Bufan, the rays of light flashed, and in the golden Divine Artifact, there was a golden rays of light, and Yun Bufan blinked: “The formation of this Destruction Formation is in these Divine Artifact heaps. Center, the center of these Divine Artifacts is the so-called matrix!”

“I understand!” Yun Bufan squinted openly, and his eyes showed a smile: “Destruction Formation, killing the enemy with absolute power, how the enemy will break, only the Divine Artifact, these Divine The center of Artifact is the base, it will also be array eye !”

“Array eye and the base are one, and then draw the power to create these murderous Divine Artifact, which constitutes the entire Destruction Formation!” Yun Bufan’s hands are bursting with golden light, his mouth slightly tilted, a path of Golden rays of light suddenly emerged!

“I will arrange this Destruction Formation with the power of gold!” Yun Bufan whispered, a large piece of golden rays of light sizzled, and in this golden light glint, a huge circle suddenly appeared, golden round In the golden moment, a piece of Divine Artifact is constantly emerging!

“Destruction Formation, he realized?” In the dark palace, the Taiko trolls also looked at Yun Bufan unbelievably, or looked at the piece of golden Divine Artifact in the hands of Yun Bufan. The Taiko trolls also felt I can’t believe it: “How is this possible? He realized that Destruction Formation is so comprehensible?”

“Destruction Formation, can already be arranged with your heart!” Yun Bufan suddenly smiled, then looked at the Taiko trolls, deep exhaled, Yun Bufan looked solemnly toward the Taiko troll opened the mouth and said: “Maybe I am more Thank you, if it wasn’t for your help, I still can’t comprehend this Destruction Formation!”

“Destruction Formation is the most powerful of the four wonders. If it’s not your Taikoo magic, then I can’t understand this Destruction Formation!” Yun Bufan looked at the Taiko Troll with a smile Slowly opening, the Taikoo troll suddenly stunned!

“Your strength is so strong that my strength has soared. It is easier to understand this Destruction Formation. I can see the entire Destruction Formation more clearly, so I should thank you!” Yun Bufan said to the Taiko Troll, who smiled, said !

In the eyes of the Taikoo trolls, the cold light flashed, and Yong Bufan was cold with a smile: “Yun Bufan, are you happy? Even if you understand the Destruction Formation? Four great arrays are about to break open, do you think you can Have you escaped my kill?”

“Four great array?” Yun Bufan suddenly smiled: “Maybe, I can give them a little more difficulty!”

“Break the heart, the power of heart attack, I use War God’s power to arrange this broken heart, the use of heart attack, the more infighting intent, the stronger the power of breaking the heart!” Yun Bufan smiled lightly, waved, Jin Lingzhu instantly Emerging, golden light is skyrocketing, a path of golden power constantly rushing into the heart of the Lord!

“bang!” In the heartbreaking, the golden light in front of the Lord suddenly exploded, and the body of the Lord fiercely trembled, and his eyes suddenly showed a shocking expression: “How is this possible? In the heartbreak, where is such a strong fighting? Intent ?”

“Break the soul, I use the power of thunder to dispel your soul, Satan, your soul should be redeemed!” Yun Bufan waved, Tianleizhu reappeared, lightning in the sky, a path of Force of Thunder poured into it Among the broken souls, Satan’s head suddenly appeared a black cloud!

“Break Divine Formation, the speed of the mind is disappear without a trace, and it is also the most erratic, I will use the strength of Time in the clock to imprison your mind, so that your mind can not escape formation array The attack, the sword is lifeless, this is a punishment for you!”

Yun Bufan set the opening, and the clock suddenly appeared on the head of Yun Bufan. The azure light flashed and the cyan ray dizzy and spread out. The azure light flashed and the clock suddenly broke out. Azure light!

“hong long long!” bursts of roaring sounds, cyan ray faint, azure light slamming, Yun Bufan watching the clock whisper, from the clock, a path of silver The power of white is constantly emerging, and this silver white force flows directly into the Divine Formation where the sword is born!

The power of time has poured in, and the swordless life of Slaughter seems to have been greatly restricted. Yun Bufan’s mouth suddenly has a faint smile: “Destruction Formation, killing each other with absolute power, that I will inject it with the power of gold!”

“金刚斧!” Yun Bufan light shouted in a low voice, golden light slamming, the diamond axe instantly appeared in the hands of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan looked at the direction of the burning world, whispered, an axe directly toward that Destruction Formation fiercely smashed the past!

“Ah!” The Taiko Troll saw this scene, not screaming with anger, and punched it into the black mirror in front of him. Yun Bufan slowly turned around: “The Taiko Troll, do you say they can break?” ”

“You can’t stop me, Yun Bufan, I will definitely come out, I will kill you, I will!” The Taiko troll stared at Yun Bufan, whispering!

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