The first thousand three hundred and eighty-three chapters seem to have known each other.

The appearance of Yun Bufan can be said to be beyond the expectations of everyone. Whether it is extreme or not, Jehovah and the others, no one would think that Yun Bufan would suddenly appear at this moment, even with the burning world. Look, look at this, obviously prepared to burn the world!

None of them thought that Yun Bufan would be prepared to fight the world, let alone kill himself, and watch Yun Bufan with amazement in his eyes. “Yun Bufan, you want I shot? Do you think that you will be my opponent?”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the cold, and there was a burst of colorful halo on his body. A hegemonic momentum broke out instantly. The nine Divine Artifacts were constantly suspended around Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan looked at the faint opening. “I can’t beat you, but I have a way to force you to do your best!”

“As long as you do your best, I don’t believe you can hide your identity!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed coldly, watching the burning of the world whisper, a burst of colorful rays of light flashing, the nine Divine Artifact Constantly suspended above the head of Yun Bufan!

“There is no life and no sword can force me to make full efforts, can you?” Burned coldly smiled, purple rays of light flashing, a purple flashing, burning to look at Yun Bufan’s Nine Divine Artifact Halo, coldly smiled: “Yun Bufan, your way of overlord is that I grew up, can you deal with me?”

“hong long!” punched directly toward Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light, and the roar of the roaring sounds began to burst, the gray rays of light flashing fist shadow directly with this nine-color rays Of light slammed!

“hong long long!” bursts of roaring sounds, and the purple fist shadow and Yun Bufan’s nine-color power collide directly in the air, bursts of light ray, Yun Bufan’s nine-color power Under this fist, there is no resistance, it is directly blasted!

“peng!” The punch of the purple, a fist hit Yun Bufan’s chest, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and suddenly Xiao Wei shouted to the side: “only!”

“grafting flowers onto a tree!” Yun Bufan whispered, and took a shot on the back of Little Wei. “weng!” burned the punch rays of light, directly from the hands of Yun Bufan. Moved to Little Wei’s with the the body, Little Wei’s suddenly purple light skyrocketed!

“What?” The eyes of the burning world showed the shocking expression for the first time. Then there was a burst of brilliance in the eyes. With the integration of this purple boxing, Little Wei’s body suddenly broke out with a powerful horror. Power, this power is the power of that Hong Meng Purple Qi!

“This is the power of Hongqi’s Purple Qi. Why is this power so familiar?” Little Wei’s eyes suddenly showed a burst of shock, and Little Wei felt shocked by the integration of Hongqi’s Purple Qi power!

She looked directly at Yun Bufan, she could clearly feel the strength of herself with the body, Little Wei watched Yun Bufan whispered open the mouth and said: “The power of Hong Qi Purple Qi, out of the ordinary, he With the the body, there is a special power, and this special power is the power to enhance my strength, that is, the power I lack!”

“What power do you lack?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, Little Wei was heavily nodded, and the voice was opened. The “the power that this fist lacks, which makes me strong.” One step closer to Tianzun, out of the ordinary, I am sure that he and I have absolutely a relationship with Dragon Race!”

“On top of Chaos Divine Dragon, is there really no more powerful Dragon Race?” Yun Bufan whispered again, Little Wei shout the head: “Absolutely, as far as I know, Chaos Divine Dragon is already Dragon Race. On the most powerful Dragon Race, on the Chaos Divine Dragon, there is absolutely no more powerful Dragon Race!”

“I know!” Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, and then immediately went to the world to burn the world, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and watched the burning of the mouth and said: “Today, don’t detect your identity, I will never stop here!”

“You are not afraid, is the price you pay for your life?” The burning world stared straight at Yun Bufan, and the murderous aura in his eyes continued to flash. Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled and his eyes flashed: ” I won’t die, you can’t kill me!”

“Good!” Chen Shi suddenly laughed: “hahaha, okay, good, Yun Bufan, you are the disciple that I personally collected. It really has the same self-confidence as me, arrogant, confident, Yun Bufan, you and I are really like, but you must die today!”

“weng!” bursts of purple light, a devastating momentum suddenly emerged, the body of the burning, suddenly bursts of purple halo, purple rays of light flashing, staring at Yun Bufan, one The horrible momentum suddenly broke out!

Yun Bufan’s eyes are bright, because in the burning of the world, this burst of purple power is the power of the Hong Qi Purple Qi. For the power of Hong Qi Purple Qi, he can say that he has already played a lot. Dealing!

“This is the power of Purple Qi, why do I have a familiar feeling?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed and looked straight into the world. The nine Divine Artifact one after another was incorporated into Yun Bufan’s with the the body. , Yun Bufan’s body, suddenly broke out a powerful momentum!

“Overlord!” Yun Bufan whispered, bursts of nine rays of light, and the overbearing momentum skyrocketed. Yun Bufan’s overbearing momentum emerged directly, Yun Bufan stared at the burning world, but his mouth was It’s a cold smile!

“Master, I will call you a Master again. Maybe you have been paying attention to me. I have been paying attention to my growth. My way of overlord is that you have grown up with your own eyes, but you forgot, you I told me that no matter what happens, be sure to keep a bit of power and keep your own trump card!”

Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, looking at the head of the burning, and faintly opened the mouth and said: “I have never forgotten your teachings, since the rise of God World, no matter what danger, what life threats, I have not made every effort!”

“But I didn’t think of it myself. The last trump card I left, the last point of power, would be to deal with my own Master!” Yun Bufan took a deep breath and burst into the eyes. Rays of light flashes!

“Master, my innate talent, you should be the clearest. Over the years, I have learned how many people’s tricks and how many people attacked. I can’t count myself, but I only remember that all my opponents, The opponents I have handed over, their attacks, I have learned!”

Yun Bufan looked at the world and suddenly looked up: “I originally thought that the more you will, the stronger your strength will be. Until the battle with the Lord, I finally understand that there are more attacks and more attacks. In fact, the most important thing is still your own strength!”

“So, I have integrated their tricks, all of them merged and merged into a kind of Tao. This kind of Tao, I call it the way of the beast!” Yun Bufan’s eyes burst into a cold flash, in Yun Bufan’s body, there is a burst of thick black fog!

“Master, can you still remember the poisonous beads?” Yun Bufan waved his hand and a black-painted bead suddenly emerged. This poisonous bead was obtained long ago by Yun Bufan, which contains 10,000 kinds of poisons. Poisonous, Yun Bufan doesn’t know what the origin of this poisonous bead is, but the 10,000 kinds of poisonous, he feels deep jealous!

“My way of beasts, with this million poison beads, step on the strongest formidable power, Master, let you look at the results of the discussion!” Yun Bufan eyes with a black paint of light, a Waving, is a layer of thick black fog that completely surrounds Yun Bufan!

“The way of the drug lord!” Yun Bufan whispered, and behind the Yun Bufan, a layer of black fog suddenly emerged. The black mist converges directly into a black scorpion. The look of this scorpion is actually with Yun Bufan. The tiger beasts encountered in Cultivation World are very similar!

“Chī!” black scorpion, directly pressed down to the world of fiercely pressure, brought a burst of thick fog, burning the eyes suddenly revealed a trace of expression, burning cold eyes flashed: “The way of poisonous, The way of the beasts? I will see, what is special about this poisonous way!”

“God dragon roar!” The world whispered, the low voice was almost negligible, the burst of purple light flashed, the purple rays of light flashed, and a purple Divine Dragon suddenly appeared, burning the body, Suddenly turned into the power of Hong Qi Purple Qi!

“roar!” a dragon roar The roaring sound suddenly sounded, the power of layers of purple continually emerged, the purple rays of light flashed, and the dragon roar of the Purple Divine Dragon smashed directly toward the black scorpion of Yun Bufan. come!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Where the purple Divine Dragon went, suddenly the black drug smashed up and the black drug lord was defeated by the Purple Divine Dragon, and the black drug phantom was directly translated into Smash!

“ao!” The snarl of purple Divine Dragon continued to rush toward Yun Bufan. Looking at the phantom of this Purple Divine Dragon, Yun Bufan’s eyes showed a faint color for the first time, because this Divine Dragon’s phantom, he is not the first Seeing this, the Purple Divine Dragon, unlike the Chaos Divine Dragon, has more vicissitudes and quaint meanings!

But it is this vicissitudes and quaintness, but it is even more difficult to ignore, so when Yun Bufan first saw this god Long Xu shadow, he had already deeply remembered it, and the impression at Yun Bufan Among them, this Divine Dragon phantom should not appear here at all, but now, it really appears here!

“How is it possible? How could it be here? How is this possible?” Seeing in front of him, Yun Bufan’s eyes also have an incredible expression!

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