The thousandth three hundred sixty

The drunken cultivation technique not only made Locke feel the fear, but the Lord and Satan also looked shocked. The two looked at each other and the Lord whispered opened the mouth and said: “Satan, can you know what cultivation technique is this? ”

“I have never seen it before!” Satan shook the head, looking at the drunken face and dignified: “But I can feel that the formidable power of this cultivation technique is not much worse than the cultivation technique we cultivated. When is this God World? Is there such a way? We have never heard of it!”

“I just tried it. I can’t imitate that power. That is to say, this power, I can’t learn it at all!” The Lord looked at Satan, his eyes flashed, and his eyes burst into flames!

“What? Even your innate talent can’t comprehend?” Satan looked at the Lord with horror. The Lord’s eyes were complicated: “There has never been such a situation, even my innate talent can’t comprehend. This is the first time. This is the first time!”

“I repeatedly tried to understand, it is impossible to comprehend, is the so-called overlord of Yun Bufan, I believe that if I have the same nine Divine Artifact, he can also imitate, can understand, but what about him? Blood Demon Path, I actually can’t be zero at all, can’t imitate!”

The Lord looked shocked and ruthless: “Who is he? It suddenly appears so special, and his way, we can’t even comprehend it, this person, I am afraid it is also a big change!”

“Rock, isn’t his opponent?” Satan’s eyes flashed, the Lord shook the head, slowly exhaled: “I don’t know, I just know that his way is very strange, but I don’t know how strong his strength is, if he is also a Peak Tianzun powerhouse, that Locke, definitely not his opponent!”

“hong long long!” The big red face of the blood and the white sword glow of Locke collided directly, and the big face of the blood suddenly exploded. When a large mouth of golden blood was sprayed out by Locke, the whole person was directly blown out, and his face was A touch of golden glow!

Satan stopped, looking at the drunk and ruthless eyes flashing, drunk and ruthlessly bursting out a burst of blood red rays of light, blood light slamming, a layer of red fog constantly filled, drunk and ruthlessly watching Locke faintly smiled: ” Ten-wing Angel Locke, don’t know if you have other capabilities?”

Locke was deeply exhaled, and his white hair of light burst into the air and looked drunk and ruthless. Locke’s eyes also showed a chilly color, coldly smiled, Locke’s deep exhaled, looking drunk and ruthless. Angel’s sword suddenly burst into a burst of milk white rays of light!

“Your cultivation technique is peculiar, but if I don’t touch you, then you can help me how?” Locke coldly smiled, white light flashed, the Angel wing suddenly rose, milk white rays of light instantly skyrocketed From the beginning, Lockton immediately fled in a drunken ruthlessness!

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of white light, the white rays of light are flashing, the ruthlessness is also a flash of light, and Locke is cold with a smile: “How can your speed keep up with it?” I?”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” a path of milk white sword qi rushed to the drunk and ruthlessly, drunk and ruthless eyes flashed, looking at Locke, the corner of his mouth showed a faint smile: “Want to use speed to deal with I? Angel people, it really only makes these little methods!”

“Demon Path, Immeasurable Sea Of Blood!” drunk and ruthlessly sighed, a blood red blood suddenly appeared behind him, a large piece of blood suddenly swept away to the Locke, the bright red blood exudes a bloody atmosphere!

“Blood!” Rocky was shocked. The Angel wing behind it shook a little, and the whole man suddenly flew out to the side, drunk and ruthlessly opened the mouth and said: “You can’t run away, blood Demon Path, Gorefiend Space, give me now!”

“hua la!” countless bright red blood suddenly flocked from all directions, a space of blood formed directly surrounded by Locke, Locke looked shocked at all around, drunk and ruthless body of the ray of light, Yao Yao appeared Beside him: “Yao Yao, you go out first, this Gorefiend space will hurt you!”

“en! You must be careful!” Yao Yao nodded, jumped out, directly smashed out from the blood of this red space, drunk and looked at Locke, faint with a smile: “Run, you are in I use the speed in my Gorefiend space to run again?”

Locke’s gaze glimpsed, his white light slammed, and he looked straight drunk, deep exhaled, and a burst of cold light in his eyes: “Angel’s judgment, the light of glory!”

“weng!” burst into white light, and Locke stared straight at the drunkenness: “This seat is the glory of Angel, the power of glory is the strongest force of this Majesty’s, this belongs to my glory Angel. Glory, today, this seat is based on the power of the glory of my Angel family to see if the power of your blood is so strong!”

“Holy Light’s Judgment!” Locke whispered, and the white rays of light on his body skyrocketed. The Angel’s sword in his hand suddenly formed a white rays of light. This white rays of light turned into a white sword. Glow, white sword glow, watching the drunken blood sea slammed down!

“The trial of your Angel family can only judge the demons of the little devils that’s all!” drunk and ruthlessly coldly smiled, a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: “Blood Demon Path, Soul Eater Blood Sword!”

“weng!” red sword glow emerged, a red long sword appeared in the hands of drunken ruthlessness, the red long sword red light flashed, and a sword smashed toward the white word of the word glow fiercely, two Sword glow, crashing in the air!

“hong long long!” The roar of the roaring sounds, and Locke’s face suddenly changed: “This is, what power? This power is actually eating away my soul?”

“Heroes, now!” drunk ruthlessly coldly smiled, a blood red rays of light instantly rose, in this blood red space, a strange roar sounded, a red head suddenly emerged, Locke suddenly shocked, Drunken and ruthless with a smile: “This is the Gorefiend of my Gorefiend space, you can call it Devil!”

“Devil head, go, swallow him!” The drunk ruthless faint opening, the blood red head suddenly roar, and then flew over to Locke, drunk and ruthlessly opened the mouth and said: “In my Gorefiend space Among them, my blood and blood will not only make you slow, but also make you poisonous!”

“Locke, Ten-wing Angel, Tianzun Peak, can be a tonic for my blood!” Drunken and faint smile, waved, the whole blood suddenly boiled, the roaring sound continued to burst, a path of red palm print, Constantly condensed in all of Locke’s!

In the eyes of Locke, for the first time, the color of fear was revealed. Looking at the blood red print of all around, there was a rare expression of fear. At this moment, outside the blood red space, Yun Bufan saw the sudden appearance of Yao Yao. It is also a happy face to welcome: “Yao Yao sister-in-law !”

“Out of the ordinary, Little Wei, I haven’t seen you for a long time!” Yao Yao also smiled and said to Yun Bufan and Little Wei behind him. Little Wei squatted up and looked at Yao Yao said with a smile : “sister-in -law, you have to talk to me about the experience of you and the ruthless big brother over the years, look at the strength of the ruthless big brother, you must have a very fun encounter!”

“Yao Yao sister-in-law, ruthless big brother?” Yun Bufan is worried that drunkenness is not that Locke’s opponent, what damage will be caused, Yao Yao turned to Yun Bufan slightly smiled, said: “Do not worry, you are ruthless Big brother will not be a problem, a ten-wing Angel, still can’t hurt him, come, Little Wei, sister-in-law and you talk about sister-in-law these years!”

Yao Yao took Little Wei and walked aside, and Yun Bufan and the others, including the Lord, were staring at the bloody space, or staring at the bloody sea. But everyone can’t see it, in the bloody sea, what happened in the end!

Yun Bufan is blinking, and there is a strange color in his eyes: “I am the eye of the wind and thunder, you can cut through everything in the world, but this blood sea, but I can not see through it, it is really weird, I don’t know the ruthless big Where did the brother get from such a bloody sea, even the eyes of my wind and thunder are not broken!”

Yun Bufan’s Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead are all advanced to the point of the heavenly spirit. His eyes of the wind and thunder, unless there is a chaotic Divine Artifact cover, otherwise, you can cut this World’s All Living Things, you can get drunk The ruthless blood sea has blocked the gaze of the eye of the wind and thunder, which makes Yun Bufan feel very surprised, even a little shocked!

“hong long!” A roaring explosion suddenly sounded. Everyone was staring at the bloody red blood. The bloody sea was rolling, the waves were soaring, and the whole sky was caught in a bloody red. In the middle, there is even a violent roar!

“Ah!” A scream of screams suddenly screamed, and the screaming screams made people feel numb, but everyone heard it. This scream is obviously made by Locke, Yun Bufan and The others are relaxed, but the Lord is dignified!

Angel family, has been burned a Miller, if you lose a Locke, it is a huge loss for his Angel family, the Lord is deeply exhaled, watching Yun Bufan look blinking!

“Bang!” was another explosion, and the bloody sea was suddenly blown out of a hole. In that mouth, a silhouette burst out with extreme embarrassment, and the constant pain mourned. The Lord suddenly turned pale with Fright: “Lock?”

The Bible in the hand is a burst of white rays of light, “bang!” A blood red head suddenly emerged from Locke’s with the body, and was directly shocked by a collision with the Bible, and that Locke, In a piece of blood, it turned into a pile of sensational bones, which made people feel tremble!

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