The first three hundred and fifty-four chapters of Yun Bufan’s method

“Yahweh, what do you want to do?” On the battlefield, Satan looked at the Lord’s expression dignified, the Lord slowly exhaled, whispered opened the mouth and said: “I originally thought that it was not a creation, but who I thought that Yun Bufan would actually take it out!”

“What do you want to do and fight? The battle of Life and Death, Miller must not be the opponent of the creation of a harmonious, can directly kill Miller, and hey, if paying a heavy price, enough to make Miller become a waste Satan looked at the Lord and his eyes flickered!

“I know!” The Lord expression is dignified and shouted in a low voice. “Where have you thought about our strengths? Where are we above the Holy Spirit, we have two holy deities, and they are God World, now a pole Just already!”

“Satan, I ask you, besides the pole, do you think anyone else can be our opponent?” The Lord looked at Satan quietly, Satan was vividly paused, and his eyes flashed: “Creation, blasphemy, town and destruction, The four of them have chaotic Divine Artifact that can pose a threat to us!”

“So, we have to wait for the bottom of the salary, we have to deal with these four guys first!” The Lord is deeply exhaled: “I originally intended to let Miller, the black wolf god of your demon family to deal with the creation of the peace or the town, as long as Injury two of them, then the four of them are not enough!”

“This is the case, but it is to sacrifice Miller and the black wolf god!” Satan looked straight at the Lord. The Lord slowly said: “The result of the exchange is that God World is completely defeated. What are the two dead? ?”

“But what I didn’t expect is that Yun Bufan will shoot directly. Although he is only the scene of Sky Monarch, you can see his true strength. Really killing, he may not be our opponent, but Tianzun, even rice. This kind of battle is very strong, and he can’t help him!”

The Lord shook his head with a bitter smile : “Yun Bufan’s growth rate is too fast, and we have not thought that his growth rate is so fast that his current strength, except for you and me, is almost no Who can kill him!”

“Not necessarily!” Satan shook the head, his eyes flashing, watching Yun Bufan screaming open the mouth and said: “Miller is also saying Peak, and Yun Bufan, in any case, just Sky Monarch, even if he is innate talent Different, comparable to Tianzun, if Miller is willing to pay some price, may not be able to kill him!”

“Miller is the most powerful Angel of Angel. It is born for the war. It is like the war of God World. The warfare of the year is just a god, but the power of his full force has already made the primary gods have some Taboo, if the battle to reach the Sky Monarch, how much worse than Yun Bufan? Can be a war, not dead under the demon’s Sky Monarch!”

Satan’s eyes are painted with black rays of light. Satan’s body suddenly appears a faint black halo, and his eyes stare at Yun Bufan: “If Miller is at the expense of life, Jehovah, you and I will be hurt?” I don’t believe that Yun Bufan will not die!”

“Miller!” The Lord suddenly felt silent. Satan glanced at him, faintly opened the mouth and said: “Yah, I know what you want, the Angels lose a Miller. If you can kill Yun Bufan, then my devil is Losing a black wolf god to seriously hurt the wounds and swearing they have nothing!”

“I know that everyone’s purpose is the same, all in order to capture God World!” Satan slowly exhaled, the eyes flashed: “So, for the shot, my demon family will not be stingy!”

“Good!” The Lord’s gaze flashed, watching Satan’s voice opened the mouth and said: “Satan, remember what you said, in order to attack God World, you have to lose, but my Angel is losing, you are a demon, There should be some loss!”

“weng!” Just then, a piece of milk white rays of light continually flashed, Miller volleyed and looked straight at all around, eyes ray of light flashing, his face dignified, Yun Bufan’s mustard space hidden The law, the Witch God also told him the key to cracking, but at this moment Miller, but can not find any traces!

The method of mustard mustard space, turned into a black particle, makes it almost impossible to detect, Miller’s knowledge continues to spread out all around, not at all to find that the witch god said some kind of particles that will not move!

“Really strong hideaway!” Miller’s eyes flickered, then the white rays of light flashed, Miller waved slightly, a path of white power constantly emerged, Miller whispered: “I said If it is blocked, it will not be destroyed, the shield of Holy Light!”

“weng!” between the white light flashes, a milky white mask suddenly shrouded Miller, Miller directly closed his eyes, a layer of white fog appeared on his body, and just in this white mask In addition to the eight 100 meters in front, a black particle slowly floats!

“Miller is waiting for the rabbit?” Among the black particles, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “Sword of Glory? I will let you try your own trick!”

“hong long!” burst into flames, and Yun Bufan had a raging fire in his body. In the white mask, Miller suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed, revealing a faint smile: “You are also forbearing.” Can’t you live?”

Miller’s body burst into a strong white rays of light, a sword slammed down, the white mask was cut in half, Miller stared straight at Yun Bufan, whispered: “Angel’s sword , go to the sword!”

“weng!” milk white rays of light instantly skyrocketed, and in the middle of the air, Yun Bufan looked at this horrible white sword glow, but the corner of his mouth was a touch of faint smile, whispered: “Fist of Light!” ”

“hong long long!” roaring sounds, Yun Bufan’s hand suddenly appeared a fire red bead, this fire red beads constantly emerged with raging fire, watching Miller, Yun Bufan directly punch Fiercely smashed down!

“this fist!” Miller suddenly complex changed greatly, this fist, he is familiar with it, this is the sword light that he has just displayed. Miller’s eyes are full of stunned eyes: “He, he And Heavenly Father, have the same innate talent?”

“clang!” A fist and a sword suddenly slammed into the air. In the hands of Yun Bufan, the fire red beads turned in a moment, and a burst of fire red rays of light suddenly rose and shrouded under fire red rays of light. Miller’s face changed dramatically: “Not good !”

“hu!” A group of flames burst into flames, and Yun Bufan whispered: “Time is accelerating, the fist of creation!”

“peng!” Yun Bufan’s rays of light flashed, dark green rays of light continually skyrocketed, and a punch had already slammed directly onto Miller’s belly, and a burst of silence, Miller’s silhouette suddenly in the air. Fiercely flew out!

“pu!” golden’s blood is flowing over the sky. Everyone is shocked to see this scene. Looking at Miller, who is being beaten by a fist, each and everyone has a stunned look. Miller is seriously injured. Seriously injured by Yun Bufan!

Everyone didn’t think that the Miller of Peak’s Powerhouse was seriously injured by Yun Bufan, who only had Sky Monarch cultivation base, and it was so casual and crisp. Looking at Yun Bufan’s appearance, Yun Bufan didn’t seem to suffer any harm at all. general!

This result can be said to be beyond the expectation of everyone. Satan and the Lord are also shocked. Rays of light is gone. Yun Bufan just looks at Miller quietly in the air, and at Yun Bufan. Above the fist of the right hand, it also left a long blood flow!

Angel suit, Angel Battle Armor as a god spirit, not only strong defense, but also the thorns on the Angel armor, can pierce Yun Bufan’s arm, so that Yun Bufan’s right hand is also slightly cracked phenomenon!

“cough, cough!” Miller coughed twice and slowly flew over, watching Yun Bufan whispered open the mouth and said: “Are you like us, you have never forgotten, you will learn Innate talent?”

“This is called the bone of wisdom in our God World. Of course, not all the bones of wisdom can do this, and just right, I can do that’s all!” Yun Bufan calmly looks at Miller, not at all denies , just faintly smiled!

“so to speak, no matter how much I use any attack method, can you look at it?” Miller’s eyes flashed, Yun Bufan smiled lightly: “Your Heavenly Father will, I will, but I will Yun Bufan, he But not necessarily!”

“I don’t believe it!” Miller’s eyes flashed in white light, and Yun Bufan smiled lightly: “Then I will hit you!”

“Golden Axe!” Yun Bufan whispered, the diamond axe golden light slammed, Yun Bufan looked at Miller and smiled: “Miller, you and the teacher Shi should also have dealt with it? Then his open day The power, you should know, let you see, my Yun Bufan’s power of heaven!”

“Creation of the World!” Yun Bufan whispered, bursts of golden rays of light, and numerous golden lights, constantly rushing toward the face of Yun Bufan’s gold axe, a horrible force, suddenly Yun Bufan’s diamond axe slowly formed!

“hong long long!” The roar of the song continued to sound, Yun Bufan’s body suddenly burst into a burst of golden rays of light, a huge golden axe suddenly emerged, Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Miller, pick me up Axe, Creation of the World !”

An imposing momentum, the power of horror, the axe and the creation of an axe can be said to be exactly the same, Miller was completely shocked, he did not expect that Yun Bufan could really display such a terrible axe, this An axe in his view, even with the creation of the show is no different!

“How is it possible?” Miller looked at the axe incredulously, and there was a burst of white rays of light on his body. The power of this axe had already brought him tremendous pressure, fighting, and entering directly. The white heat stage!

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