The first thousand three hundred 40 chapters are counterattack

“Devil family, Angel Castle!” Yun Bufan is also ugly and united. Angel and the demon are united. They even set up such a plan. It seems that it was really premeditated. Since it was premeditated, They must have absolute confidence to destroy the poles and the others!

Extreme and the others are also ugly, looking at the surrounding each and everyone demons, the eyes suddenly showed a cold color, the heart smiled: “I knew it should be cautious, Yun Bufan came to the police, this seat is still too greedy Going into it!”

“Amazing sacred, Yun Bufan, and twenty-eight Sky Monarch, you really are a big hand!” A big laugh suddenly rang, a silhouette appeared directly on the top of the devil’s head, surrounded by a smile The sacred and the others, the eyes are full of ecstasy!

“The sorcerer’s witches!” The extreme pupils slightly shrink, the eyes are cold, and on both sides of the Witch God, two other silhouettes emerge directly, the god of darkness and the black wolf god also appear at the same time, smiling at the very and the others :” Extremely holy, I did not expect that you will fall into our hands one day?”

“200,000 Demon!” Amazing smile, watching the Witch God, the god of darkness and the black wolf god faint opened the mouth and said: “The devil family, the five gods, the god of death, Rakshasa God does not know the whereabouts, the witch god is no longer the witch god of the year Just rely on the three of you and the 200,000, and want to kill us?”

“You have to escape, maybe we can’t ruin your entire army, but it will cause you some damage, but it is more than enough!” The witch god smiled at the very and the others, and the cold light in his eyes continued to flash!

In the end, I understood the purpose of the other party. They were just the same plan as him. They weakened the other side’s strength. The face was gloomy. They stared straight at the Witch God and the others. Yun Bufan was also very dignified and looked very low. Opened the mouth and said : “Senior, 200,000 people, we can’t deal with it!”

“And Angel, there is no appearance yet, our only choice now is to break through!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “Angel family must lie in the back, so the most important thing we have now is Bring the Angel family out too!”

“Is the Angel family also brought out?” Extreme brows frowned, looking at all around this 200,000 demon shook the head: “I am afraid that it is not so easy, to lead the Angel family, you must kill those devils Otherwise, how can the Angel family appear?”

“So, we must let them appear!” Yun Bufan’s eyes swelled in the sky, and a ray of light appeared in his eyes: “If the demon family 200,000 people can not only defeat us, but can not resist us, very Senior You said this Angel family, will it appear?”

“What do you mean?” Looking at Yun Bufan with a puzzled look, Yun Bufan whispered: “Try all the way, kill the devil, and then make a desperate look, let the Witch God be in a hurry, if I guess Well, the existence of the Angel family is to prevent us from running away!”

“If they know that we are not going to run away, but we have to fight for a fight, what do you mean by their ambush? It is better to take the shot directly, and join the devils to kill us completely, isn’t it better?” Yun Bufan Smiled and looked at the pole, slowly opening!

In the eyes of the extreme, there was also a burst of brilliance, and then the eyes were slightly bright, nodded, said with a smile: “You said that it makes sense, just the task of breaking through, you can see you!”

Yun Bufan suddenly startedled, and looked at the extreme eyes and smiled abruptly. Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, looked at the extremely nodded, looked at the 28 Sky Monarch, and then looked at the witch god and the others. A burst of blue rays of light, the momentum is constantly rising!

“Everyone listens!” The extreme voice rang directly, watching the 28 Sky Monarch loudly shouted around: “Everyone listens, since we are now surrounded, then the chances of us being alive can be said It’s very small. If so, then we will kill him one day!”

“Devil family, 200,000 people, witch gods, black wolf gods and gods of darkness, destroying them one is one, even if we are all dead, but we can not let the other side better, you, kill me those high strength A little demon, today, don’t think about leaving alive!”

Extreme voice is mournful and angry: “Today, let us kill one enough, kill two to earn, kill me, kill the three great gods of the demon family, destroy the 200,000 people of the demon family, kill me !”

On the body, suddenly a blue long knife emerged, and the blue long knife was magnificent. Looking at the witch god, the god of darkness and the black wolf god, three people whispered, and a burst of blue light flashed, a knife Just go straight to the witch god, the god of darkness and the black wolf god fiercely smashed down!

“How could this be?” The God of Darkness suddenly burst into horror and looked at the Witch God and the Black Wolf God: “Is it true that they really don’t plan to escape? But are they going to fight with us? If that’s the case, then the Father’s plan.” What is the use?”

“Kill!” Very angry, screaming, a slap in the face, is a large demon smog, and Yun Bufan is follow closely from behind, followed by the extreme, the body of the ray of light continues to flash, the same is a punch Cangling down, a large demonic directly soul destroyed!

Yuan and Yun Bufan, that is, looking for a direction, that is, the direction of the three gods and gods has quickly killed the past, there is no meaning to escape, this moment, the witch god and the others can not help but believe the former anger roar!

And the twenty-eight Sky Monarch brought by the pole, it can be said that each and everyone are desperately desperate, the 200,000 demon of the demon family, the strength is the weakest 200,000 people, their original intention is to use this 200,000 person, with Angel A family of 200,000 people, directly bring all the people brought by the pole here!

You can see this scene. When you die, you will only be the ones of your own demon family, and you may have three dangers. There may be some danger in the eyes of the witch god, and then whispered: “Go, fast. Go to Miller and tell him that we ask the people of Angel to support and tell him about the situation here, let him bring people over!”

“Yes!” Behind the Witch God, a silhouette slowly disappeared, and then disappeared directly. This scene, how can you get through Yun Bufan’s eyes, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed slightly, and then his body became more magnificent. !

At this moment, God World is over the northern part of the world. Both Chuang and Satan are looking for each other for the sake of breath. The attack is crazy and sharp, and Satan, because of the loss, has lost a lot of strength, but he After all is Holy Powerhouse, so no one has anyone to win!

Create a look at Satan, the golden light on his body faintly flashes: “Satan, I did not expect that with your current injury, you can still resist me for so long, it is the devil’s master of the demon family, but you are now almost lost almost. How do you leave the Kraken?”

“Create, how much is your strength left? Do you think that you can kill me?” Satan looked coldly at the creation, his eyes suddenly showed a cold color, but the creation was a sudden smile: “Kill you? Satan Ah Satan, have you forgotten? I never said that I want to kill you!”

“Oh? Is it? Is it really time to attack the Angels?” Satan’s mouth suddenly showed a cold smile, and the golden light flashed in his eyes, watching Satan’s eyes flashing: “You don’t worry?”

“Perhaps, you should be worried!” Satan is coldly smiled, his body bursts of black fog, and the black light keeps flashing. He even ignores the creation, but closes his eyes and adjusts it. Heart palpitations!

On the other side, the blasphemy and the Lord are completely in two situations. The mysterious Xuan Tianqin keeps playing, and the power of the path of yin and yang is constantly attacking toward the Lord. In front of the Lord, the Bible is even more Constantly flashing the white light of the milk, the sly attack, all resisted by him!

From the beginning to the end, Jehovah never counterattacked once. He has been defending and defending his attacks. No matter how strong the attack is, his Bible is able to withstand it!

My gaze was not flashing, and I looked at the relaxed and indifferent appearance of the Lord. I felt a bad feeling in my heart. If I tried my best, I could hold the Lord for a while, but I can see the present situation, the Lord. There is no idea to escape at all!

With the strength of the Lord and the Bible, I ask myself that I can’t stop him. I can see that it looks like it is not that I want to delay the Lord. Instead, the Lord is delaying himself and creating, and suddenly he has a flash of light in his mind. Then loudly shouted: “Create, go!”

“Now I know, don’t you think it’s too late?” The Lord suddenly opened his eyes, and a burst of white rays of light rose up. On the Bible, a powerful momentum broke out. “hong long!” burst into a roar, all the attacks were directly blown up!

Chuang was also shocked, and Satan, who had already controlled the demon beads, attacked him directly, and a large black light slammed up. The demon beads squirmed and turned into a path of black paint. Of light, directly on the madness of the past!

When the complexion changed, he felt a bad feeling when he yelled, and at this moment, watching Satan’s anti-defense, the kind of badness in his heart is even stronger!

He and Chuang, for a moment, suddenly changed from an attacker to a defender. Both of them felt that things were not so simple, and they were a little anxious!

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