The collision of the first thousand three hundred 38 chapter Chaos Divine Artifact

“en?” Above the Tianxia Gorge, a very sharp gaze, brows frowned, looking at the message in the hands of jade slip, a burst of light flashed in his eyes: “Failed? Was they escaped? The Lord also came, so To speak ?”

It was a great deal with the Angels and the devils. Looking at the jade slip, he immediately understood the key message. The Lord is not there. Since the Lord is not there, the Angel family is completely empty. Son!

The blue light flashed on the body, and a flash of light appeared in the air. Looking at the millions of horses underneath, the extreme voice suddenly passed out: “The leaders of the major teams heard orders. According to this seat, Angel is a lord. I have left the Gap of Heaven and left the Angel family!”

“This is an opportunity for us. The first team to the twentieth squad, you 2 million people, go with me to the sky gully, defeating the Angel family!” Looking at the millions of people under the guise: “Other people, leave me in the same place, defend the Tianxia Gorge!”

“Yes!” Suddenly 2 million people came out of it, extremely nodded, the body flashed blue, waved, whispered: “Go, go to the sky, go to Angel Castle!”

When the 2 million Ma Haohao soup was taken to the Tianzhigou, Yun Bufan slowly flew away from the town in the direction of the gully. As for the interception of the Lord and Satan, it is necessary to see the creation. Hey!

“City Paragon!” In the midst of the air, Yun Bufan was indulged for a long time, and then he whispered to the town and opened the mouth and said: “The Tao Shengzun can no longer be resurrected, and the Lord of God World can’t do it, but his last one. Inheritance, but in your hands, and his inheritance is long, because this last part of inheritance, stop at Peak, up to Sky Monarch!”

“You can be a saint, you are a saint, the town of Paragon, now the enemy is currently, the battle of the annihilation is at any time. If we have more than one powerhouse, we will have more chances. Junior will ask you if you can finally The inheritance of the Taoist sacred, sent to the girl?”

Yun Bufan looked straight at the town, his eyes filled with sincerity and solemnity. The town looked at him and then faintly opened the mouth and said: “Yun Bufan, the inheritance of the road, you don’t think too much, this is the way left to me. The only relic, I can’t send it to others. As for the war of extermination, it will not be someone who will influence the war!”

Zhen Rao looked at Yun Bufan with a deep look. Then he immediately left quickly. Yun Bufan smiled and shouted the head. He whispered: “You can help you, I have tried to help you.” This inheritance of the Holy Spirit, you have to get it, you can’t get it, that’s life!”

At this moment, on top of Divine Paragon Mountain, Yoyo and Mo Qilin are staring at Divine Paragon Mountain, and the two have climbed to two hundred 200,000 layers, which is simply impossible for Peak. The task is completed, but the two of them are climbing up!

However, whether it is Mo Qilin or a long time, both of them did not have a breakthrough to the Sky Monarch. Mo Qilin and the long-eyed look, they all saw a bitter bitter color from their respective eyes. Sitting slowly on the knees, the rays of light on his body flashed again!

At this moment, the Lord and Satan, who were rushing to the gully of the sky, stopped the copper bodies, and their faces suddenly became gloomy, staring at the two silent silhouettes that appeared suddenly in front, the Lord and Satan. It is a dignified face!

“Creation, hey, I didn’t expect you to catch up after all!” The Lord looked at the creation and shackles that appeared in front of his eyes. He couldn’t help but sigh and slowly exhaled, while Satan on the side was cloudyly smiled: “Created Hey, with both of you, would you like to stop us?”

“Satan, you are as courageous as before, no brains, no wonder that you can’t kill Yun Bufan with the body of your sacred, plus the chaotic Divine Artifact!” Seeing Satan’s shook the head, his eyes are a touch of light. Smile, slowly open!

Satan suddenly turned angry and anger, the Lord stopped Satan, faintly opened the mouth and said: “I think, the great army should have entered the gully of the sky, to attack my Angel family? Create, hey, you two stopped us, Is it just to delay the time when I and Satan return to the sky?”

“Sure enough, it is the Father, really smart!” He smiled and looked at the Lord’s faint opened the mouth and said: “The great brother led the man to attack the Angel Castle, without your Angel’s Angel Castle, destined to disable to withstand a single Blow, we only need to delay you for a while, it is enough!”

“Procrast us for a while!” The Lord suddenly smiled, shook the head, and then slowly said: “I am afraid, you can’t delay!”

“weng!” The body of the Lord suddenly burst into a strong white rays of light, and the white light skyrocketed. On the side of Satan, there was a black ray of light and black light. flicker!

Both the creator and the scorpion are staring at the Lord and Satan. The look of the two is extremely dignified. The singer has opened the mouth and said: “Satan has suffered a lot of damage, and your attack is wide open. Just to drag him, even if it’s hard to fight, there’s nothing. As for the Lord, let me drag him!”

“You drag the Lord?” He looked at him with amazement, and smiled indifferently: “Don’t forget, I understand the yin and yang, but I don’t fight with him, just drag him, no big problem!”

Create a slightly paused, then face dignified, nodded, whispered opened the mouth and said: “Then you must be careful!”

“Reassured!” 羲nodded, smiled open, created deep exhaled, then directly to Satan with a big smile: “Satan, it is said that your demon family attack is the most powerful, I really want to see, your demon family attack How strong is it!”

“weng!” A golden rays of light skyrocketed, golden light flashed, a golden giant axe suddenly appeared in the hands of the creation, Satan coldly smiled: “There is a God World chaotic Divine Artifact cover up, is God World source consciousness Also can’t sense, create, you are your own courting death!”

God World’s original consciousness is, after all, just a sense of consciousness. It is created by God World Peak and has the chaotic Divine Artifact Splitting Heaven Ax. Once it is fully exerted, even the power of Satan, God World’s original consciousness can never be sensed. It is also the reason why Satan and the Lord dare to shoot!

“hahaha, courting death? Then see if you have this ability in Satan!” When he broke up, he burst into laughter, and his golden light exploded, countless golden rays of light, and suddenly gathered in the air. Golden giant axe, all of a sudden burst of light!

“hong long long!” The roaring sound continued to sound, and he looked at Satan coldly and whispered: “Satan, since you know Splitting Heaven Ax, you should also know that I created my own open three axe. , pick me up the first axe, break the mountain and crack the sea!”

“hong long long!” bursts of golden light, Satan suddenly complexion changed, among the large golden rays of light, a horrible momentum suddenly erupted, this is a force that is going forward without a head. The momentum, Satan has to change color!

“This creation is really a madman!” Satan secretly gritted his teeth. Among the devil and Angel, apart from the Miller of the Angel family, there is no one who dares to create a direct action, because the madness of creation makes everyone Have a feeling of fear!

The black rays of light on Satan’s body flashed and the devil’s beads suddenly turned wildly, and the black rays of light flashed. Satan stared straight at the creation, and a black ray of light appeared in his eyes!

“The Shadow of the Devil!” Satan whispered, and a black light appeared on his body. The black afterimage directly ushered in the golden axe of the creation, and the roar of the roaring sounds, the powerful golden axe and The black afterimage suddenly collided in midair!

At the same time, a quaint guzheng appeared in the hands of the cockroach, looking at the Lord calmly, and then faintly opened the mouth and said: “Teacher, let me see the power of your Bible!”

“weng!” 羲 指 指 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一Colors rays of light, coming directly to the Lord!

The Lord looked at the power of this yin and yang, and the white rays of light blazed and then whispered: “World’s All Living Things, I am the co-owner, I said to stop it, it can’t Form destruction!”

“weng!” In the hands of the Lord, the right hand turned slightly, and the Bible was suddenly turned over. A white ray of light flashed up, and a white wall suddenly appeared. The power of the yin and yang was direct. Just hit the white wall!

“hong long long!” The power of the yin and yang of the sinister and the power of the Bible of the Lord suddenly collided with each other. A burst of roaring sounds suddenly rang, and the horrible explosion sounded. The power of the yin and yang is Never be able to break the defense of the white wall!

The sly face suddenly became dignified, and looked at the Jehovah’s voice. Opened the mouth and said: “A good Bible, a good Lord, if you are willing to defend, then I will let you defend enough!”

“The way of yin and yang!” whispered and snorted, the Xuan Tianqin suddenly burst into a whistling sound, a path of black and white two colors of power madly rushing toward the Lord, the Lord floated a Bible in front There was a burst of white rays of light on his body, and he couldn’t break his defense without any attack!

The same is the chaotic Divine Artifact, and Jehovah is the Holy Powerhouse. It is only the strength of the heavens. The strength of this is not the same. The collision of the chaotic Divine Artifact, mainly depends on the strength of their respective owners!

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