The first thousand three hundred and eighteen chapters

In the southeast of God World, outside the Teleportation Formation, a large silhouette tightly encloses the Teleportation Formation. On the a path of silhouette, each person has the same armor, the same wing, and With the same long sword, these people are an Angel of the Angel family!

At least the number of hundred people, surrounded the entire Teleportation Formation, and in front of them, there are also several hundred thousand people staring at the angels of Angel, with an angry color in their eyes, it is the Angel of these Angels blocking Their way out!

The people of the hundred thousand God World are all God World’s help team. At this moment, they are dragged by the Angel family, and they can’t go to the Broken Gorge support. These God World people also They all know the crisis of the Broken Tianxia, ​​and naturally they are very angry!

Just above the Teleportation Formation, a two-story silhouette slowly floated down. The two silhouettes were Yun Bufan and Qian Qiu Xue. Looking at the stalemate of the two sides, Yun Bufan couldn’t help but sigh: “Sure enough. So, it’s no wonder that the Tianxia Gorge didn’t even have a reinforcement!”

Among the people on the God World side, Yun Bufan actually saw a familiar silhouette, Yun Bufan slightly startled, and then nodded to the snow, whispered the mouth and said: “Let’s go, let’s see it!”

“Creator Bo!” Yun Bufan and Qian Qiu Xue floated down. The leader of the God World reinforcements was a great creation. Yun Bufan saw it, and it was a little surprised. It was also very surprising to see Yun Bufan: “Yun Bufan, How come you are here?”

God World’s Teleportation Formation in all areas of God World can be said to have been surrounded by the Angel family. How did Yun Bufan come from the north of God World? When he comes over, he will be surrounded by the Angel family. How did he appear here?

“How did you get here?” Yun Bufan has already opened the mouth and said: “Creator, I naturally have this method, I also sent the reinforcements to God World.” The northern method, this matter, we will discuss it later!”

“On the side of Broken Tianxia, ​​you don’t have to worry about it, not at all!” Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, looking at the low-pitched opening, the heart is darkly relaxed, and the Tianxiaxia is really important. The place, there is nothing to say, it’s okay!

“Do you have any way to send the reinforcements to the north of God World?” A flash of gaze, watching Yun Bufan suddenly open the mouth and said, Yun Bufan sounded the transmission: “Creator, early, I Just set up a Teleportation Formation in my god country, this Teleportation Formation can be passed directly to the north of God World!”

“As long as we secretly transfer the reinforcements to my kingdom of the gods, and then slowly send them out in batches, we can send all the reinforcements in the morning and evening!” Yun Bufan looked at the creation and whispered!

When he was in the eyes, he looked at Yun Bufan with a look of joy: “You speak correctly? Really your god country, is there such a Teleportation Formation? Can it be sent directly to the north of God World?”

“This Teleportation Formation is personally arranged by the discipline, and there will be no problem!” Yun Bufan smiled nodded, looked at the creation of Shen Sheng, stopped, and slowly exhaled: “Good, well, then we are not suitable for act blindly Without thinking, reinforcements, not only our side!”

Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, watching the Shen Shensheng opened the mouth and said: “Creator Shi, Extreme Senior, the town Senior and the 羲Senior side of the reinforcements, there will be you to tell, and now the Shutianxia The situation is very urgent and must be fully dealt with!”

“No!!” is also a expression of a condensation, heavily nodded, looked at this messy battlefield, then coldly smiled, silhouette directly disappeared, if Yun Bufan’s speaks correctly true, then he knows, this is how important things !

Looking at the back of Chuang’s departure, Yun Bufan’s mouth also hangs a faint smile. The snow on the side suddenly said: “Yun Bufan, what should we do now?”

“Returning to the kingdom of the gods, let you familiarize yourself with the terrain of the kingdoms of the gods. Secondly, it is better to wait around than to run around!” Yun Bufan smiled and opened, and the snow was faintly nodded, then The silhouette of the two also disappears directly!

The gods of the kingdom, most of them have left with He Lin, the whole god country has become a bit deserted, but this is what Yun Bufan needs, outside the gods, Yun Bufan and Qian Xue snow slowly fall. Come down!

Looking at some deserted gods, Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, and then slowly sighed: “The gods of the kingdom, but it has become so deserted, if it is not the battle of the massacre, the kingdom of the gods, Maybe it won’t be so cold!”

“After the war of extermination, the name of Yun Bufan must be completely slammed by God World, the gully of Megatron, the Paragon of God World will never suppress you, and even help you, when the kingdom of the gods, It will only be more heated, how can it be deserted?”

The sound of the plain snow slowly sounded, Yun Bufan suddenly startedled, and then laughed, nodded: “Go, Qian Qiu Xue, you may have to drag those Angels to the time, and maybe even, if possible, put this Teleportation Formation freezes it, or destroy it directly!”

“You want to?” Qianqiu snow brows frowned, Yun Bufan mouth slightly tilted, lightly said with a smile: “With the way of the other side of the body, they do not want to drag our reinforcements? Then why can we not hold Their reinforcements?”

“Their reinforcements?” Qian Qiu Xue’s face suddenly appeared inexplicable color, Angel and the demon family still need reinforcements? Besides, where is their reinforcements? Qianqiu snow face can not help but appear strange colors!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and then faint with a smile: “If our reinforcements can almost reach the Tiantian Gorge, what is the Angel and the Devils who attacked the Tianxia Gorge? Since they can’t attack my Tianxia Gorge, it is Doesn’t it need reinforcements? Where does this reinforcement come from?”

Yun Bufan’s mouth is a faint smile: “The Angels in God World will become their reinforcements. Are they not trying to let the Angels drag my God World army? Then drag them, they I will find that in the end, people who will become God World will drag their Angels!”

“Being a self-restraint!” For the practice of the Angel family, Qian Qiu Xue could not help the shook the head. If it is as developed by Yun Bufan, then the Angel family is really self-defeating. Qian Qiu Xue is slowly exhaled and looks at Yun Bufan. Secretly secret thought: “He is still so good at plot against !”

Three days later, Yun Bufan eyes immediately lit up and looked at the city gate in the west of God World. There was a burst of light in his eyes: “When it comes, the first support army is here, and the speed of the Senior is really fast!”

In the west of God World, south of the Kingdom of the Gods, a large silhouette is rapidly rushing towards the west of God World, leading one person, wearing a golden armor, burly and magnificent, behind him. Following a large crowded packed silhouette, each and everyone is in awe-inspiring!

Yun Bufan’s gaze flashed slightly, and the leading golden armor Dahan suddenly flew directly to Yun Bufan, cup one fist in the other hand respectfully opened the mouth and said: “Jingnan, the life of the sacred sage, come to the public The kingdom of God meets the cloud king, and everything is waiting for the command of the cloud king!”

“Good!” Yun Bufan nodded, then smiled open the mouth and said: “You bring everyone to the kingdom of the gods, and later things, wait for the paradise and the paragon and the others, I will explain again!”

“Yes!” Jingnan took his own people and flew directly toward the imperial city. Qianqiu Xue looked at the back of Jingnan and the others, and could not help brows frowned: “You are sure that they will come.” ?”

“Not only the extreme sacred, it is the creation of Paragon, 羲Paragon and the town Paragon, they will come!” Yun Bufan smiled nodded, watching the slowly opening of the snow, Qianqiu snow suddenly startled!

However, after half an hour, there are a few silhouettes flying from a distance. This time, Qian Qiu Xue is clearly seeing it. It is exactly what Yun Bufan said, the creation, the hustle and the town, and the fourth. Personally, Qian Qiu snow face can not help but a trace of surprise!

Yun Bufan suddenly smiled and greeted him. The four people also hurried over. Looking at Yun Bufan, he hurriedly asked: “Yun Bufan, how? The reinforcements, have you sent away?”

“No!” Yun Bufan shook the head, the lightly paused, the creation, the town and the town were all seen by Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan suddenly with a bitter smile: “Four Senior, I am doing this, also afraid of beat The grass to scare the snake!”

“Beat the grass to scare the snake?” The four people suddenly startedled, and Yun Bufan slowly exhaled: “Four Seniors, you think, if our reinforcements are gone, they will definitely be known to the Lord, and they are sure. Be able to practice with these Angels at God World and tell them at the end!”

“I am afraid that the Teleportation Formation of my godland will be known to them. It will be really troublesome at the time, and I also have a plan to discuss with four seniors!” Yun Bufan looked at the pole, created, and The town, smiled and said!

“You kid, the bad idea is the most, there are plans, let’s talk about it!” Very helpless shook the head, for Yun Bufan, he also knows more, naturally speaking is not so hospitable!

Yun Bufan said with a smile : “You Senior, you want to go down, the Lord sent these people to drag us because my God World reinforcements are at least a million, and he Angels, up to a hundred million, so he I can’t afford it, I’m happy to drag it!”

“But why don’t we use the other way to give it to others? If we have three 400,000 people, we will drag their millions of Angels, then the Lord, is it self-restraint?” Yun Bufan showed a conspiracy in his eyes. Rays of light!

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