The secret of the first thousand three hundred and fifteen chapters

Outside the Angel Castle, Yun Bufan has a few battles with the hunting thousand and the Angel family, but what makes Yun Bufan feel weird is that the Angels led by Miller have no need to Yun Bufan means death!

Yun Bufan can’t be brows frowned. This kind of posture seems to be more like dragging Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan looks at the battle, but the eyes are flashing a strange color. This Miller and the others fight, actually It’s too weird!

Yun Bufan looked at Miller and the others, and suddenly he moved: “Why are they waiting for the Lord? Can you wait for the Lord, who are waiting for the Lord? What is it? What am I neglecting?”

“Devil Castle!” Yun Bufan looked at the devil castle in the distance. Outside the Devil Castle, the Witch God, the Black Wolf God and the God of Darkness still looked straight at the battle of Yun Bufan and Angel. Interested expression!

“Devil Castle, Devils, Satan!” Yun Bufan’s mind flashed, then complexion greatly changed: “Not good, Satan, the disappearance of the Lord, definitely related to saving Satan, then he saved Satan, what is it for?” ”

“The possibility of joining forces, the opportunity to join hands, is Satan!” Yun Bufan eyes immediately lit up, then shouted to Zichuan and the others whispered: “Everyone, retreat, give me a quick retreat, exit the gully of heaven!”

“Retreat?” Zichuan gently paused, the Six hundred thousand people of the Angel family seem to be unable to stop them, because the Angel family is simply uninterested, so the Angel family lost nearly 50,000 horses, and they only Lost about 10,000 people, this is a big win!

“Zichuan brother, retreat, I have no time to explain, retreat, give me back to the broken Tianxia, ​​fast!” Yun Bufan’s voice is anxious, the nine colorful ray of light is constantly flashing, Yun Bufan directly carries Seal heavens The Great Enchantment has moved in the direction of the sky and the sky.

“Retire!” Zichuan saw Yun Bufan look like this. He thought that Yun Bufan must have discovered something. He couldn’t help but shouted in a low voice. All the people, like the tide, quickly retreated. Zichuan was not able to open to the Yun Bufan at this time. Mouth and said: “Yun brother, this war obviously has an advantage, why should we retire?”

“The demon family, the devil’s Lord Satan!” Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled: “Heavenly Lord, what is he going to do? Angel and the devil are currently in this situation. If they are still likely to join hands, then the opportunity to join forces What is it?”

“The devil family Satan, there is no one except the demon family Satan. Anything can make the demon family join forces with the Angel family, so I have 90% to grasp, the Lord is gone, absolutely to save Satan, once he rescues Satan The demon family will definitely join forces with the Angel family!”

Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled: “I have always neglected a problem. If I forget the tassels, we can avoid our eyes and ears and sneak into the sacred gorge. Is that the Lord the Father? Can he avoid us? Eyes and ears?”

“He must, sneak into my God World to save Satan. Once they return, our army will be sandwiched between the devil and the Angel. When they join forces, we will definitely be the whole army. Overturned!”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, and the sound was very low. Zichuan suddenly flashed his eyes, deep exhaled, and then the sound of the open and the mouth and said: “If the demon family and the Angel family join hands, then we How long can it last?”

“At least, you can stay until the arrival of the reinforcements. It is probably impossible for us to attack the Angel and the Devils, but if they want to attack the Broken Gorge, it is even more impossible!” Yun Bufan’s mouth tilted slightly and rose. A cold smile!

“Oh? Yunxiong, is there any other method that you have not shown?” Zichuan looked at Yun Bufan with amazement, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in a flash: “Sure enough, Jehovah and Satan have appeared!”

Zichuan turned around and looked over at Angel Castle and Devil Castle. Above the Angel Castle, the silhouette of the Lord slowly emerged, but above the devil’s castle, the same black silhouette volleyed, the handsome face and the dark atmosphere. Make people feel a beautiful suffocation!

“He is the devil’s Lord Satan?” Zichuan was also the first time to see Satan, not to start startled, he did not expect that this Satan turned out to be such a beautifully seen beautiful man, Yun Bufan looked at Satan nodded, slowly poured: ” He is Satan!”

“Satan!” In the eyes of Zichuan, a burst of light flashed, and the Lord and Satan floated in the sky above Angel Castle and the Devil’s Castle. Miller and the others were surrounded by the Lord, and the Black Wolf God and the Witch God III People, they are going straight to Satan!

“My Lord!” The three gods of the Witch God can be described as extremely excited. When Satan returns, his demon family has the backbone of the heart, and they can really compete with the Angel family. How can they not be excited, Satan laughs nodded: “This billions of years , hard work for you!”

“My lord, when my Lord was suppressed, the Angels felt like we were high every time we saw us. Over the years, our hell has been robbed by the Angel family. Now my Lord has returned, I have to look How is his demon family still crazy!” The Witch God looked at Satan and was excited about the mouth and said!

“Expert first class?” Satan looked at the Angels, his mouth slightly tilted, and then cold opened the mouth and said: “Soon, it’s my devils who are taller than they are, even more than one!”

Satan slowly floated out and then looked at Yun Bufan: “Yun Bufan, this time, you are lucky, so although you retired, you are not losing, but next time, you may not be so good. Luck!”

“Satan, the suppression of the Eternal Saints for hundreds of millions of years, this taste should not be too good? It is hard to come out, I feel, you seem to want to be suppressed for hundreds of millions of years!” Yun Bufan calmly looked at Satan, Said a little faintly!

“Now I am out, and the beginning? How is he doing now? I really miss him! The Battle of the Killing, God World, Yun Bufan, you are waiting for my return from Satan, when I come again, When your God World is destroyed, when I am demonic and Angel, there are tens of millions of people, all of them come, I want to see how you can keep God World!”

Satan looked at Yun Bufan coldly, and he was suppressed for hundreds of millions of years, but a thorn in his Satanic mind is an absolute great shame. Now Yun Bufan is so detailed, how Satan does not feel angry!

Yun Bufan smiled lightly, watching Satan slowly say: “Well, if so, Satan, then I will wait for you, waiting for you in Broken Tianxia, ​​I hope you will not let me down!”

Yun Bufan then looked directly at the Lord and looked at the Lord, Yun Bufan shook the head: “Yahweh, I looked down on you. I didn’t expect that you will have such a decisive decision. It really is beyond me.” Unexpected!”

“God World has a lot of land and it’s much better than our place. If we have a choice, we naturally choose God World, Yun Bufan, the Battle of the Killing, this is the real beginning!” Also looking at Yun Bufan, a faint smile on his face!

“For me, the battle of the annihilation began at the moment when the gully of the sky was ruined. Satan, you can’t recover from the injury now. I think you are still careful, otherwise, don’t go back. The base camp of your demon family, if you don’t see your demon spring, you will die halfway!”

Yun Bufan has already killed the words. Satan has just returned to the demon family. The injury has not healed. He will definitely look for the demon spring to recover. At this moment, Satan has the most strength but only Tianzun. With the strength of Yun Bufan, there is definitely Kill his grasp!

Yun Bufan’s first method was to assassinate and directly solve Satan. However, Satan, who was the original saint, could not be destroyed, and could only be suppressed. How can Yun Bufan now destroy him?

Yun Bufan’s heart is slightly exhaled, Satan is just coldly smiled, and then with the Witch God, the Black Wolf God and the God of Darkness flew directly into the Devil’s Castle, in the air, the sound of Satan’s faint disdain: “Yun Bufan I am Satan, I am waiting for you halfway!”

“Yun Bufan, hurry up and arrange your people, your reinforcements, don’t think about it for a short time, and you 70 million people, when we are close to 2 million people, can we have a survival rate?” The Lord looked at Yun Bufan, faintly opened, then shook the head, and turned into the Angel Castle!

Yun Bufan and Zichuan are both dignified, Zichuan looks at Yun Bufan, deep exhaled: “Cloud brother, what should we do now?”

“First break back the gorge!” Yun Bufan whispered and looked at Angel Castle and Devil Castle. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “Go, it’s coming, 2 million people, want to destroy I am breaking the gorge, it is not that easy!”

Zichuan nodded, with a number of hunting thousand horses, and then directly retreated out to the Broken Gorge, Yun Bufan stared deeply at Angel Castle and Devil Castle, but his eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “The Broken Mountain, Divine Paragon Mountain , where is the secret hidden?”

In today’s situation, Yun Bufan couldn’t help but think of the previous instructions. In any case, he must hold the Broken Gorge, and Jehovah and Satan, their goal seems to be the first to attack the Tiantian Gorge, Divine Paragon Mountain, seems to be They have become secondary in their eyes!

“In the Broken Gorge, there must be some secrets!” Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, his eyes flashing!

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