The first three hundred and thirty-two chapters are against the attack

“Zichuan brother, I didn’t expect it to be you!” Yun Bufan looked at the reinforcements that came, and there was a slight surprise in his eyes. Then he greeted him with a look of joy. Zichuan looked at Yun Bufan and slowly exhaled: “Return Ok, Yun brother here is not at all what happened!”

“The teacher told me to come to support the Yunxiong with the reinforcements. But in the middle of the road, I met the Angels’ block, or the teacher and the Extreme. They tried to open a passage. My support army could come in time. “Zi Chuan looked at Yun Bufan and looked at the mouth and said!

Yun Bufan suddenly smiled and said: “I have seen the reinforcements have not arrived yet, but I also thought that there must be a change, but I did not expect that it was blocked by the Angel family. So it seems that the Angel family has been lurking for millions of years in God World. The power is also there!”

“On the side of the Tianzhigou, Angel and the demon can be said to have fallen out. The arrival of the reinforcements of Zichuan brother is nothing short of worse for them!” Yun Bufan said with a smile, but Zichuan was surprised to see Yun Bufan!

The reason why Zichuan is so anxious to come is that Yuan Bufan is not their opponent, and he will not be able to keep the Broken Tianxia. It can be seen that Yun Bufan can not only hold the Broken Gorge, but even more than enough!

“Yun brother, this, what is going on here? You and I will talk about it in detail!” Looking at the surrounding 500,000 horses, and then look at the gully of the day, Zichuan is somewhat unbelievable, after all, the gully of this day The time to break open is not too short. Everyone thinks that Yun Bufan is not holding the Broken Tianxia, ​​and the whole army is annihilated. Otherwise, it will be a heavy casualty!

Can look at the more than 500,000 people, Zichuan can not imagine, this is the so-called death and injury? Yun Bufan couldn’t help but smile and open up the devils themselves, and then how to blame the Angel family, and then how to design things and Zichuan confessed again!

After listening to it, Zichuan couldn’t help but whisper: “Yun brother is really good, so plot against, it seems that the Angels who blocked us are also subject to the command of the Lord. I am afraid that we are afraid to help the cloud brother, but I want Yun brother to compromise and cooperate with them in isolation and helplessness!”

“But I am afraid that the Lord did not think that the cloud brother’s strategy is such a god, the Lord at this moment has a feeling of to suffer a double loss after trying to trick the enemy!” Zichuan could not help but laugh, open said With a smile !

“Zi Chuanxiong, how long will this battle of massacres last? Will the gully of that day reunite?” Yun Bufan blinked, Zichuan stopped, and then he whispered: “I heard Master say the battle of massacre.” For thousands of years, after the millennium, the gully of this day will re-aggregate!”

“Millennium time?” Yun Bufan slightly startled, then deep exhaled, watching Zichuan’s eyes flash, whispered with a smile: “Zichuan brother, the Lord and the devil are absolutely impossible to join hands, and that is the case, then Zichuan brother, you and I may join forces to block them in the Tianzhigou, thousands of years, how do you feel?”

“Cut them for a thousand years?” Zichuan suddenly shocked, Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “Yes, it is to block them for thousands of years. If they can’t even get through the gullies of the sky, why not talk about the war of massacres?”

Zichuan stopped, staring at Yun Bufan deeply, then slowly exhaled, whispered opened the mouth and said: “Cloud brother, you are a big ambition, just by our seven eight hundred thousand people, can stop Live them?”

“If it was before, maybe we couldn’t stop it, but now, we can definitely stop it!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, watching Zichuan Shensheng open the mouth and said: “Because the current demon family And the Angel family will never join forces. If this is the case, then we only need to fight them out, it will be fine!”

“Playing out?” Zichuan stopped, Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “Zichuan brothers, the battle of massacre, why are they attacking us? Why can’t we attack the past? As a defensive side, I think the attack may be even more Better, Zichuan brother thought?”

“Offensive?” In Zichuan’s eyes, there was also a fascinating expression. Then, looking straight at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan had a faint smile on his mouth. Zichuan was deeply exhaled, and then looked at Yun Bufan and said: ” Cloud brother, can you be sure?”

“At least 70%, Zichuan brother, can you try it?” Yun Bufan faint said with a smile, Zichuan startled, then to Yun Bufan said solemnly: “Cloud brother, it is better for us to discuss it, then decide, you How do you feel?”

“What are you talking about? Are there reinforcements going to the Broken Tianxia? At least there are more than 100,000 horses?” In the Angel Castle, the Lord looked at the messenger guards, and a burst of light flashed in his eyes. The messaging guard respected the mouth and said: Under the eyes of the subordinates, they did come to the reinforcements!”

“How is it possible?” The eyes of the Lord flashed, waved and whispered open the mouth and said: “Let’s keep staring and see what they are doing and moving!”

“Yes!” The Guardian guard retired reverently, and the Lord looked at Miller and the fire and the others, and opened the mouth and said: “The Broken Gorge, it came to the reinforcements. This shows that the fire is over there. There was a problem. I told him that he was forced to block the reinforcements of the Tianxia Gorge. Although the reinforcements have only reached more than 100,000, the fire diner must have encountered great trouble!”

“Fire Di is the force that my Angel family buried in God World. Now the situation is not beyond our control. What do you think now?” The Lord looked at Miller and the others, and said with a deep voice!

“Father, even if Huodi can’t stop them, now they have seven eight hundred thousand people, but if we and the devils attack, they can take down the Tiantian Gorge and Divine Paragon Mountain before all their reinforcements arrive. “Miller’s eyes flashed in the air, whispered opened the mouth and said!

“The devil family?” The Lord shook the head, watching Miller faint opened the mouth and said: “Miller, do you think the devils will still believe us now?”

“Is the enemy, the demon family will be so ignorant?” The fire is also brows frowned, the Lord suddenly smiled: “The enemy, I am afraid that for them, my Angel family is the enemy, if they believe us If we join forces with us, unless we only save Satan, otherwise the devil will never believe in us!”

“The Lord of the Devil?” Miller blinked, then looked at the Lord and whispered the mouth and said: “Heavenly Father, the reason why the devil’s Lord can’t come back is because of our sake, if we are going to save the devil at this moment. Lord, Lord of the Devil, will you join us?”

“Satan, he will definitely!” The Lord whispered, then looked at Miller shook the head: “The key is to save Satan and the demon family to deal with God World, it is worth it!”

“Value is not worth it?” Miller startedled, the Lord’s eyes flashed: “Save Satan, even if God World is destroyed, then God World, how much can we get? But if the devil is conquered, the demon family has no Satan, then In the hell, the abyss of the demon family is my Angel family, that hell abyss, how many powerhouses can be cultivated!”

“Father, what should we do now?” Miller looked at the Lord and whispered, the Lord shook the head, muttered: “I don’t know, maybe, just look at Yun Bufan’s next move, I can decide. What to do!”

“Yun Bufan’s next move?” Just as Miller was about to speak, a silhouette came in and looked at the heavenly father. Something was open and the mouth and said: “Father, Yun Bufan is arguing, They seem to be coming to attack us!”

“Come on us?” Miller, Huo Jia and other Angels stood up for a moment, then watched the messenger guards open the mouth and said: “You mean, Yun Bufan took the troops to attack us? You are sure ?”

“Back to Angel, his 70 tens of thousands of horses have come in the direction of the gully of the sky, and are now in front of the gully of the sky!” The Guardian looked at Miller and the others, respectfully said!

“Father!” Miller and Huo Jia, both looked at the Lord, the Lord brows frowned: “This Yun Bufan, what more tricks do you want to play? Let’s go and see, I have to look at this Yun Bufan again. What kind of tricks do you want to play!”

Before the Tianzhigou, Yun Bufan and Zichuan took 70 with thousands of horses and looked straight at the sky. Zichuan looked at Yun Bufan and said the mouth and said: “Cloud brother, why don’t we attack directly?”

“Wait, wait for the appearance of the Lord!” Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “Once the Lord appears, we must first determine whether they have joined forces with the devil. If they have joined forces, then we will only have to attack this time.” Back, if they didn’t join hands, then we can drive them farther!”

“And Zichuan brother, have you forgotten? I told you that the space in the gully of Tianzhi is much stronger than the pressure of our God World. If you rush into it, I am afraid that it will not pay for it. I said before. Are you ready for our people?”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flicker, Zichuan nodded: “Do not worry, they are all ready. Once attacked, they will not be completely unprepared because of the sudden increase of space pressure inside, but Yun Xiong, how do you determine the Angel family and the devil family? Are there any joint efforts?”

Yun Bufan’s mouth tilted slightly and looked at Zichuan’s faint with a smile: “When the Lord appeared, I wouldn’t know if I tried it a little. If they really joined hands, the Lord must have no fear, and wouldn’t care if we really want to What are you doing!”

“If he really appears, it means that Angel and the demon are not at all, so he wants to know what we are going to do!” Yun Bufan slowly said with a smile: “Look at him, will it appear? It!”

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