The first chapter of the three hundred and eighty-eight chapters is about to begin.

Forgetting the tassels, I can’t understand Yun Bufan. What is it, so that he has such confidence, the team of Angel and the demon family, at least eight hundred thousand people, he six hundred thousand people, can you resist? Originally, she came here and wanted to say that Yun Bufan could kill the devils. The Angels are just doing it!

However, what I forgot to forget the tassels is that Yun Bufan did not even fear the eight hundred thousand people who joined the Angels and the devils. They even hoped that the eight hundred thousand people and Yun Bufan on their side would be killed. What is Yun Bufan thinking about?

Forget the tassels and look at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan slightly smiled: “Forget the tassels, you want to tell me that your Angel family will not really do anything to my God World, we just need to defend against the demon family. right?”

Forget tassels stopped, Yun Bufan said with a smile : “The Lord is playing a good idea. In this case, I will fight with the demon family. It must be a bomb side suffer, the demon family may even be annihilated, and we are also more than 70. -80%, and you Angel family, when you can’t get the demons, you can also attack my broken gorge!”

“The Lord’s plan is undoubtedly perfect, but unfortunately, my Yun Bufan is not the kind of brain-stricken fool who knows only desperately!” Yun Bufan shook the head: “The message you gave me twice before is true. The purpose is to let me believe in you?”

“So the Lord must believe that you came to me this time, I absolutely believe in you, I believe that you are not wrong, but forget the tassels, you and the Lord are too small to look at me, I Yun Bufan, never Fear of the attack of Angel and the devil!”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed slightly: “This war, whether it is your Angel family, the devil family, not a little blood, it is impossible to disperse!” Yun Bufan shook the head, whisper with a smile: “And this blood, there is a demon family, there is Angel, and the same, there is also God God side!”

“Go back, tell the Lord, my Yun Bufan is waiting for you and the devil in God World. Whether you really join hands, my God World side, whether it is for Angel or Devil, is directly and effortlessly, no There will be no mercy!” Yun Bufan looked at the tassels, one word at a time, screaming!

Forgot the tassels to leave. Before leaving, she also stared deeply at Yun Bufan. She wanted to see his heart from Yun Bufan’s eyes and see his thoughts. However, forgetting the tassels was disappointing, Yun Bufan’s In the eyes, only calm, there is a hint of gloom, and that a trace of what constitutes in the end, forget tassels do not know!

Yun Bufan looked at the gully of Tianzhi, and then directly slammed into the Tiantian Gorge, while Jinshan and the others were surrounded. Looking at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan looked at the fourteen Sky Monarchs of Jinshan, and then slowly said with a Smile : “You, are you afraid of death?”

Jinshan’s fourteen people suddenly looked at each other in dismay, and Jinshan’s first smile opened the mouth and said: “The leader, I don’t want you to say, I am in God World, I am used to life and death, I used to It’s a bandit, a bandit, but I’m afraid of death, but now I’m a hero who defends God World, so I’m not afraid of death!”

“Being here, we have already put Life and Death out of the air. Who is not afraid of death in the world? We have lifespan of countless years, but we will never feel that time is enough. We all feel that we are not living enough, so I still Afraid of death!” After Jinshan, he was on the side of a Sky Monarch with a smile and excuses, a self-deprecating expression appeared on his face!

However, no one ridiculed him. Yun Bufan had a faint smile on his face. He waved his hand at the side of Peak, laughing and opening the mouth and said: “The war is coming soon, you don’t have to be so nervous. Today, we all sit down and have a good chat. Perhaps this may be our last chat!”

A large piece of silhouette, all sat down in the Broken Gorge, but their attention has been concerned about the movement of the gully of the sky. One of the Peak gods suddenly opened the mouth and said: “The leader, you have cultivated How long has it been? Why am I almost never heard of you in God World?”

Yun Bufan stopped and looked at the past with the god of Peak. The eyes showed a confused color: “How long has it been practiced? I have forgotten it, two thousand years, three thousand years? Or ten thousand years? I also forgot, but I practice, It shouldn’t be too long!”

“Thousands of years? Ten thousand years?” Yun Bufan’s words made these Peak and Jinshan and the others completely stunned. Yun Bufan suddenly smiled: “Do you believe in the existence of genius? Perhaps, I am that One type of genius, my Master is one of the Four Great Paragons, I have always had the best cultivation technique!”

“I was born in a very small, very small Level 3 continent relative to Cultural World. The continent is called Sacred Dragon continent, where I stood at the top of the continent at the age of twenty, then broke open. Void, flying to the Culture World!”

Yun Bufan’s mouth showed a faint smile: “I remember when I first arrived at Cultural World, I was scared to see the strength of those who were self-cultivating, because the lowest level of Culture World, the strength of all are them are stronger Than mine is a thousand times bigger!”

“Later I flew to Immortal World and then climbed God World. It should be less than 10,000 years until now!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled, everyone’s eyes are full of admirable expression, and at this time, one The female voice suddenly sounded: “The leader, do you have a lover?”

“Love?” Yun Bufan’s mouth is slightly tilted, faintly smiled: “Nature is there, my lover, should be the best woman in the world, she can even sacrifice for herself, can have her, maybe it is me The luckiest thing in your life!”

Everyone is silent, anyone can imagine how terrible this battle will be, maybe after the war, no one of them will live, and even the entire God World can not remember them all, but They have no regrets, for God World, they can not be afraid of death!

Yun Bufan looked up at the sky. The sky should have stars. After the tides of the sun and the moon appeared, the stars in the sky didn’t know how to disappear, leaving only a gray!

Yun Bufan then slowly stood up, Jinshan and the others also stood up, Yun Bufan pointed behind the broken Tianxia, ​​then shouted loudly loudly: “brothers, have you seen it? What is it? Have you seen it? ?”

Behind the Broken Gorge, there was a large crowd of people, and the crazy and rushing rushed over to the Tianxia Gorge. Jinshan and the others suddenly showed a happy color: “Relief, reinforcements, our God World reinforcements, they Arrived!”

“The reinforcements have arrived. We have succeeded. We successfully dragged the Angels and the devils and dragged them to the arrival of the reinforcements. We did not lose many people and we stopped the Tiantian Gorge. So the record, the battle of the destruction, you can still be afraid. “Yun Bufan’s voice went straight into the sky, and it started!”

“Not afraid!” “Not afraid!” “Kill!” A loud scream of roaring sounds, Yun Bufan is very bitter in his heart, always keeping the morale of everyone, it is not a simple matter, the so-called reinforcements, But it’s just a man in the West of God World!

God World West, a team of people, but more than 50,000 people, or He Lin to condemn all the people in the entire God World West can participate in the war, including the four major races of the gods, night The tribes who robbed and fell into the sea and the others, a total of 50,000 people, went straight to the Tianxia Gorge!

Six hundred thousand The morale of the people directly affected the 50,000 horses brought by He Lin. They looked at their unprecedented momentum. Those who were very supportive from the west of God World were fiercely trembled in their hearts. It is also slowly disappearing, leaving only a morale!

“God World’s western reinforcements, 50,000 people, at this moment, join us, we six hundred thousand people, become 650,000 horses, brothers, you tell me, we are more and more people, and each other Silhouettes have not seen, this battle of massacre, what are we afraid of? What are we afraid of?”

Yun Bufan’s screams are full: “He Lin, I ordered you to bring your 50,000 horses into the six hundred thousand, and among you, whoever reaches the Peak, give me Come here, this battle, we can only succeed, not to fail!”

“Yes!” He Lin shouted loudly, and then arranged for the 50,000 horses to be integrated into the six hundred thousand horses, and He Lin, night robbery, Luo Haisheng and the others all came to Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan slowly Exhaled: “This battle is very important, please everyone!”

“God World is our common place!” Changsheng God said with a smile, night robbery, falling sea and the others are also a firm nodded, so simple sentence, but full of them The determination to go forward!

Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled and looked over the gully of the day. At the gate of the Tianzhigou, a large white rays of light and black rays of light flashed, the black wolf family of the demon family, the black bear family, the wizard family and The real demon family suddenly emerged!

Among the Angels, Angel, Angel, Angel of the Six Wings, Angel of the Six Wings, and Angel of the Eight Wings are all emerging directly. Yun Bufan looks at the Angel and the devil, and suddenly the eyes burst into flames. !

At this time, next to Yun Bufan, Jinshan and the others, including the 650,000 horses behind him, all looked at the sky, and the Angels and the devils, confronted each other!

The people on both sides are suddenly surging, forming a huge encirclement. The other party has at least eight hundred thousand people, while Yun Bufan has only 650,000 people. The battle of massacre has begun!

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