The first thousand three hundred and four chapters are trapped in the encirclement

Devil Castle, caught in a panic, each and everyone The death of the Demon Guard caused a small panic in the Devil Castle. The god of darkness, the Black Wolf God and the Witch God are all gloomy inspecting the devil’s castle panic, the Witch God Amazing eyes opened eyes, coldly opened the mouth and said: “There are more than one hundred people!”

“Now, it is not allowed to open the prohibition of the castle. I want to catch a turtle in a jar and catch all these people, especially the magical gods of the demon gods. This is a very good one. The hidden method!” The witch god’s eyes flashed, shouted in a low voice!

Throughout the Devil’s Castle, a burst of black rays of light emerged, and at this moment, Yun Bufan and the others who fled to the door of Devil Castle were suddenly shocked. The huge black light curtain undoubtedly told him that the ban here. Already open all, it seems that they have all reacted!

Yun Bufan whispered the mouth and said: “Be careful, they have already started the ban. Now, when they hit the kill, they are all killed. The purpose of our coming here is to create a huge mess for them, wait a minute, No matter how many people live, they go back to my shrine, I want to go out!”

“Yes!” More than 100 people such as Jinshan are respectful and open, and the fourteen Sky Monarchs in Jinshan can’t hide their body shape. They directly kill the people of the demon family. Yun Bufan blinks and looks at it. The black castle, the eyes flashed in the eyes!

“You can’t just hide in the doorway for a while with the mustard space. When they go out, they will go out the same way!” Yun Bufan looked at the gate of the Devil Castle, secretly secretly exhaled!

“weng!” And at this time, three powerful breaths came from the Devil’s Castle. Yun Bufan suddenly turned and looked at the three silent silhouettes that suddenly appeared in his eyes: “Darkness God, the black wolf god, and the witch god of the wizarding family!”

“All come back!” Yun Bufan whispered, Jinshan and the others also felt that something was wrong. All the people who were killing the demon guards all retreated. The witches, the black wolf gods and the god of darkness did not stop them. Retreat, but look at Yun Bufan and the others coldly!

“hong long!” behind the Witch God, the Black Wolf God and the God of Darkness, there are more than twenty silent silhouettes emerging directly. These twenty people also burst out with a momentum that is not inferior to Jinshan and the others!

Twenty-six Sky Monarch, the three great goddess, and the demon guards surrounded by densely packed, Yun Bufan’s face suddenly became very dignified, looking straight at these demon guards, his ray of light flashing Up!

Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled, and the eyes are flashing: “The masters of the demon family, I am afraid that all of them are gathered here. Today, I am afraid that it is really bode ill rather than well. I did not expect this devil castle to actually There is such a strong ban!”

“The leader!” Jinshan fourteen people also retreated to the side of Yun Bufan, his face was dignified, Yun Bufan was also nodded, looked at all around the remaining dozens of gods, Yun Bufan slightly exhaled, and dozens of others, I am afraid Bode ill rather than well!

“Yun Bufan!” When the Wushen saw Yun Bufan, the fierce light in his eyes flashed, and the assassination of his wizards failed because of Yun Bufan, how could he not remember Yun Bufan, and now he saw Yun Bufan, that anger naturally broke out!

“Witch God, you and I have been God for a long time!” Yun Bufan looked at the witch god smiling smiled: “The last time you were a group of hundred wizards, I still remember it. No, today I brought more than 100 people. Visiting you, don’t know if you can leave us all?”

“Yun Bufan!” The Witch God was deeply exhaled, and then a faint chilly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “Today, not only do they want to stay, you Yun Bufan, do you still want to leave alive?”

“Oh? so to speak, even today, I have to be left behind by you?” Yun Bufan shook the head, watching the witch god slowly said: “You don’t have this ability, since I dare to come, then I naturally have The ability to go out alive!”

“Oh?” The cold light flashed in the eyes of the witch god: “Then I will see, how do you live alive today!”

The blackness of the Witch God is more sensational about the cold, and Yun Bufan whispers: “All of you have given me into the shrine!”

“weng!” dark green rays of light flashed, the dark green shrine suddenly emerged, a burst of green light flashed, Yun Bufan’s shrine suddenly emerged, and Jinshan and the others, all in a flash by Yun Bufan is included in the shrine!

“en?” The Witch God’s eyes flashed slightly, watching Yun Bufan expression weird, Yun Bufan deeply exhaled, and then opened the mouth and said to the Witch God: “Wuven, are you not going to catch me? Then I will look How do you arrest me now!”

Yun Bufan had a sneer in his eyes, a black mist filled his body, black rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan’s silhouette disappeared instantly, and the eyes of the witches flashed in a flash: “The moment disappears, and sure enough, it is the devil.” The law of the mustard mustard space of a family can only disappear in an instant if it is such a hidden method!”

“We are following the plan!” The Witch God is nodded to the god of darkness and the black wolf god, whispering, the god of darkness and the black wolf god are all behind the 20-year-old Sky Monarch. “According to the plan, start!”

“According to the plan?” Yun Bufan, who is hiding aside, is a slightly paused, while at the same time, this black rays of light continues from the Witch God, the Dark God, the Black Wolf God and the twenty Skys behind them. Monarch spread out!

Yun Bufan suddenly burst into a shock, and then there was a burst of light in his eyes: “Is there any way for them to find me?”

“Bottom left corner, black wolf god, on your side!” The Witch God spoke openly, the black wolf god roared, and a huge black wolf suddenly came in the direction of Yun Bufan, hiding in the mustard space. Yun Bufan suddenly turned pale with fright, how could he not understand how the other party found him!

“God of darkness, he is passing over you, intercepting him!” The witch god suddenly opened, and the dark god’s body suddenly burst into a thick black mist, a black light flashed, and a huge bear’s paw directly directed to Yun. Bufan fiercely took it!

Yun Bufan turn pale with fright, watching the eyes of the witch god flash: “He, he can actually see through my hiding? Well, if so, then I will see if you can still see where I am!”

Yun Bufan’s colorful rays of light flashed, black particles, smashed directly from the side of the black wolf god and the others, and instantly poured into the attack range of the twenty Sky Monarch. There is a cold smile on the corner of the witch god: “catching a turtle in a jar, give me a start!”

“weng!” “weng!” The twenty-some Sky Monarch, suddenly black and white of each and everyone flashed, one of the Sky Monarch, suddenly slammed down in the direction of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan sideways hiding, It was another Sky Monarch, and it fell to him with accuracy!

“Impossible!” Yun Bufan complexion greatly changed, looking at these Sky Monarch, his eyes suddenly revealed an incredible expression: “They, they can all see me, how is this possible? Must be mustard, they are all cracked Yet?”

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” each and everyone Sky Monarch continually attacked, Yun Bufan left and right, but the opponent’s manpower is too much, and the attack on each and everyone is very powerful, Yun Bufan can’t escape at all!

“hong long!” A strong explosion sounded, Yun Bufan transformed into black particles suddenly flew out with a fist fiercely, black rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan directly from the black particles slowly Emerging, ugly staring at the witch god!

“How did you break the law of my mustard space?” The ability to crack the law of the mustard space must be a powerhouse that is extremely good at hiding. Among them, the most likely is the witch god!

“Sure enough, it must be the mustard space!” The witch god eyes immediately lit up, then smiled opened the mouth and said: “The devil god, you are the demon of the demon gods? Devils, eating Deity, is the entire God World Enemy, why do the Kraken help God World?”

“Yun Bufan, as long as you help me the demon family, wait for the devil’s master to return, my witch god assured you that you will be the fourth supreme god of my demon family, I will ask the devil Lord, give you a demon The title of the demon god allows you to inheritance, how do you feel?”

The Witch God looked straight at Yun Bufan, and his eyes flashed in a flash of light. Yun Bufan was slightly startled and looked at the Witch God and suddenly laughed: “Wu Shen? You don’t know, I was at Immortal World. Have your devil Lords handed over?”

“Your devil Lord, hate me, I am afraid that it is not much less than the beginning. You said that I will surrender to him? Hahaha, I am afraid that I will kill me when I see it. You are too It’s ridiculous!” Yun Bufan was suddenly laughing, shaking his head and saying!

“Yun Bufan!” The Witch God calmly looked at Yun Bufan: “The Devil Lord is not a stingy person. As long as you are willing to help us and help the devil Lord return, I can guarantee that the Devil Lord will never be embarrassed. You will definitely reward you!”

“If I disagree?” Yun Bufan blinked and watched the Witch God faintly open, the Witch God smiled slowly, shook the head, and looked at Yun Bufan calmly opened the mouth and said: “You think you have a choice now.” ?”

“Also, it seems that in your eyes, I really have no choice!” Looking at the dozens of Sky Monarch around, and the three gods of the Witch God, Yun Bufan’s mouth is not a touch of smile. !

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