Chapter VIII to the Black Soul Mountain

“You, only the end of the dead!” Duan Ting and the shadows are all trembled, then suddenly looked up, both eyes are in the flash of light, staring at Yun Bufan, the shadow is the teeth opened said the mouth and said :” Dead end one?”

“There is no way to go?” Duan Ting is also full of expressions in the eyes. If it is really a dead end, then let go of a fight, and die to pull each other. This is God World. In order to survive, you can bow your knees and die. The situation will be dead and counterattack!

“You, only dead end!” Yun Bufan’s voice was cold and ruthless, watching Duan Ting and the shadow coldly said: “If it wasn’t because I was lucky, I might have died under your plot, since you want me to die, Then what are the reasons for your survival?”

Duan Ting and the shadows are all biting their teeth, and the eyes are killing intent. “Since it is a dead end, it is dead, and you have to pull you to die!”

Both the shadow and Duan Ting were ray of light, and a burst of powerful momentum erupted. Both of them rushed directly toward Yun Bufan. For them, Yun Bufan wanted them to die, so even Dead, they also want to kill Yun Bufan!

“hmph!” He Lin coldly snorted, huge black rays of light suddenly use the following, shadow and Duan Ting is a big joy, then shouted: “It turns out that you are just a primary god, the god of the gods, it is estimated to have got What treasure is coming from the illusion?”

“hahaha, still kill us, thinking one? Kid, I want to see, who is the end of the end, give me a kill!” Duan Ting suddenly roared, eyes killing intent flash, burst of violent murderous aura burst And out!

“Kill?” Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “It’s your own courting death!”

“weng!” is faster than He Lin is a silver white rays of light, silver white rays of light skyrocketing, a huge wolf howling suddenly sounded, a huge white shadow, directly smashed into the shadow !

“bang!” “ka!” “ka!” The shadow of the body suddenly flew out directly, a large mouth of blood spurted out, the chest is directly concave, the body of the god is directly a crack, shadow Looking at the white silhouette in horror, it is a three-meter silver white wolf!

“What is this wolf? It is so terrible, what level is Divine Beast?” At this moment, the shadow can be described as the fear to the extreme, a blow, he is not the opponent’s blow, killing himself with a single blow, even Let yourself be seriously injured!

“No, you must run!” At the moment of the silver moon, the shadow has already decided, you must run away. If you fight hard, you can’t have any chance to survive by the silver white giant wolf!

A shot hit the shadow, Silver Moon looked very happy, and looked at He Lin with a warning, and then shouted in the sky, a burst of white light flashed, a huge star suddenly fell from the air, silver moon loudly Ramp: “Stars!”

“Bang!” The huge star slammed down, and Duan Ting’s body was directly crushed into a pile of mud. The shadow suddenly became very fearful and shivered: “This Silver Wolf is absolutely the strength of the god king, God. How can Divine Beast at the king level surrender to a true God?”

“hu!” not even think, the shadow of the silhouette directly into a seven-eight silhouette, directly smashed out outside the bone door, Yun Bufan coldly snorted: “Run, shadow, do you think you ran away?”

“Weng!” The colorful rays of light flashed, and the Heaven Destroying sword suddenly slammed down, and the shadow was even more frightened: “Yes, he can see the hidden bones, and it can be seen that my hidden method is also Not surprisingly, his eyes, what the eyes are, it is so terrible!”

“That eyes can cut my hiding!” The shadow took a deep breath: “What kind of monster is this, it is so terrible, the people under the hand are so powerful!”

The shadow is not a bitter smile. At the moment, his heart is absolutely resentful. Most of the shadows take a deep breath and look at Yun Bufan said solemnly: “I am willing to use the secret of the black soul to exchange your power to live with you.” !”

“The secret of the Black Soul?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then whispered: “Silver Moon, come back!”

The silver moon that was rushing to the shadow was suddenly stopped, and then the expression of dissatisfaction in the eyes flashed, not at all, back to the arms of Yun Bufan, but rushed straight toward the crowd, the stars fell, and the true gods had no resistance at all. The force is instantly crushed into pieces!

Yun Bufan couldn’t help but smile. This silver moon didn’t know what fire it was. He took a deep breath and looked at the shadow slowly. “I will give you a chance to live. If this secret is not important, you will die very much. awful!”

Yun Bufan’s eyes are stunned, the shadow fiercely trembles, and then exhaled: “Do not worry, this secret, you are absolutely interested, because he is involved in the so-called Black Soul Treasure and Black Soul Hill!”

“The secret of the Black Soul and the Black Soul Mountain?” Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, looking at the shadow and opened the mouth and said: “Let’s say, what is the secret?”

“Black Soul, it’s not God World!” The shadow looked at Yun Bufan’s voice, Yun Bufan suddenly shocked, and the shadow continued to open the mouth and said: “The black soul is being possessed, but that person, and People who are not part of God World!”

“He has a secret method, a crazy but very powerful secret, that is the soul of the soul, he placed a trap in the Black Soul Mountain, a trap for all the tribes above the powerhouse!” The shadow slowly exhaled, Shen Opened the mouth and said !

“This secret method can swallow the soul of tens of thousands of true gods, and then nourish his strength. It is said that his strength has reached an incredible level, and he needs 10,000 true gods to be restored as ever!” Shadow looks at Yun Bufan, said solemnly!

“This secret method, for all those who reach the true God, most of the tribal leaders are controlled by him, leaving a mark of the soul, so they have to listen to his orders, seemingly to establish tribal forces, but actually collect the true life for him! ”

“Yun Bufan, I can tell you that if you step into the Black Soul Mountain, if you don’t have a life-saving symbol, it will be dead, and this life-saving character, we have one of the major leaders, but only in the Black Soul Mountain. use!”

The shadow of light on the shadow is flashing, and a black symbol appears in the hand: “Only the power of Darkness of the Black Soul Mountain is motivated. This life-saving symbol can be turned into a transmission character, and we can send us back to the Black Soul tribe in the northwest region!”

“Black Soul Tribe in the Northwest Region?” Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled and looked at the shadows and flashed: “Is there only these?”

“The Black Soul Mountain has been shrouded by the hunting thousand bones. If you go in, you will be known by the Black Soul. The strength of the Black Soul is definitely more than the simplicity of God. He is destroyed by a main soul, but he still has A main soul, so in the Black Soul Mountain, it may be the main soul of the Black Soul, not his body!”

The shadow looked straight at Yun Bufan: “If you don’t kill me, I have the means to take you out of this bone mountain. Everything in this bone mountain is under the surveillance of the black soul. You step into the Wanshan Mountain. At the moment, everything is known to him, so you can’t find an exit except me!”

“Yun Bufan, stepping into Teleportation Formation, you may be on a road, but if you leave with me, this is a living road, how to choose, just look at your own!” Shadow looks straight at Yun Bufan, face There is a nervous expression on it!

“Is these secrets? I am afraid you haven’t finished all of them yet? For example, the black soul’s own family should be the wizarding family among the demons, and you are the slaves who are countlessly controlled? The other is good at it. It’s not Soul Control’s technique, but the so-called tricks. Can I say yes?”

Yun Bufan calmly looked at the shadow, slowly opening, the shadow face suddenly showed a stunned color, looking at Yun Bufan with horror, Yun Bufan smiled shook the head: “No wonder you are not willing to tell the truth when you die.” , slave slave, you are loyal, once betrayed, the soul is broken, soul destroyed!”

“But the loyalty has a flaw, that is, the truth is not complete!” Yun Bufan looked at the shadow with a smile: “To be honest, half, stay half, such a flower, at most, is poisoned backlash, not fatal, I said yes, right?”

“You, who are you? Why do you know so much about the Black Soul? Are you also a senior black slave under his hand?” The shadow looked at Yun Bufan with horror!

Yun Bufan smiled lightly, then looked at the shadow slowly opened the mouth and said: “His senior black slave? He is not worthy, shadow, your so-called secret, not only has no use for me, but you have also betrayed me. If you lose faith in me, don’t blame me for killing you!”

“weng!” silver white rays of light skyrocketed, the silver moon on the side directly rushed up, the shadow suddenly yelled: “No, kill me, you really can’t go, step into the Black Soul Hill, you are definitely You must die, you must die!”

“Xingyue, Fallen!” Silver Moon’s cold voice sounded, a huge star, a huge moon, and at the same time crashed down, “hong long long!” The shadow of the body was instantly crushed, directly soul destroyed !

Yun Bufan turned abruptly and his eyes flashed: “Master said, this is a big opportunity for me. It doesn’t depend on me. It fails. It may be life, but it is successful. What did you get? The Master did not say anything. But let the Master say it is a big opportunity, it will definitely not be a small gain!”

“Young Master, the shadow said, it should be true, what should we do?” He Lin looked at Yun Bufan with concern. With his understanding of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan would definitely go to Black Soul Hill, but he didn’t want to Take risks and don’t want Yun Bufan to take risks!

“Go, enter Teleportation Formation, go to Black Soul!” Yun Bufan blinked, slowly opening, stepping up, He Lin whispered, followed by, Teleportation Formation rays of light, Yun Bufan and The silhouettes of the others are gone!

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