Chapter VIII chapter perish together?

“weng!” “weng!” He Lin’s body of black light skyrocketed, madly swallowing the Remnant Soul in the bone, the sound of the wind suddenly screamed, and he was right, his Remnant Soul At this time it is in a state of extreme weakness!

“Devouring my Remnant Soul, a little god, he is not qualified!” Windy crazy roar, his body azure light and red light suddenly rose, a burst of powerful power of Rule suddenly broke out!

“Give me a roll!” A roar of anger broke out from the Remnant Soul, and He Lin’s face was full of firm expression, looking at the black light flashing Remnant Soul, He Lin coldly snorted: “You are a Remnant Soul Only, I am not qualified to let me roll!”

“courting death!” The wind snarled and the rays of light on Remnant Soul skyrocketed. He Lin’s gray ray of light flashed: “You said my death rule is your tonic, then, your Remnant Soul has changed from ancient times to the present darkness, and it is also my tonic!”

“Chī!” “Chī!” Remnant Soul, the black mist filled, a strong dark atmosphere constantly rushed out, He Lin’s eyes flashed: “No wonder your Remnant Soul is so weak, it turns out that your Remnant Soul is a reinvention of the black soul, he is just a god, reinvented Remnant Soul, at most it is comparable to the primary god!”

“You can’t get out of here, but the black soul will not reshape your soul for a long time. You need to recover slowly. So, you don’t dare to go out here. Once you get out of here and be discovered by others, it will take you. Remnant Soul devours!” The black light of He Lin is not even more embarrassing, the sound is cold!

“In this bone, you can kill all the criminals with the strength of the bones, and then swallow their spirits to restore your strength?” He Lin blinked: “Black Soul has come up with such a black soul.” Treasures and treasure maps, the purpose is only to help you, but the First Step of this plan is to start from this bones!”

“Since Wan Gushan has so many people who choose not to choose us, but you can only blame you for your bad luck, give me a swallow!” He Lin whispered, his body black light skyrocketed, violent darkness The breath suddenly shrouded!

Feng Yan body and body shocks, the side of the long eyes is the flash of light: “This He Lin, it is also smart, but also know that at this last moment, he shocked his heart, so if the wind is not strong enough, it will save Some trouble!”

“bang!” black storm swept, the resounding Remnant Soul suddenly roared: “You want to swallow me, do you do it? Get out!”

“hong long long!” a burst of roaring sounds, black light suddenly shrouded He Lin, He Lin screamed, eyes red: “You see if I can do it, give me a swallow!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” The black fog filled, He Lin swallowed the skull of the Remnant Soul directly, and a roaring roar came from Yun Bufan within the body: “You actually, you dare to swallow Me? You are courting death, you are in courting death!”

“This kid, is it so crazy?” Yoyo is also startled, then looked at He Lin’s persevering expression, and his heart could not help but sigh: “Maybe, he is also for Yun Bufan kid?”

“This is, swallowing?” Yun Bufan suddenly complex greatly changed: “He Lin, what exactly does he want to do?”

“He Lin, I am ordering you as Young Master, not to be stupid!” Yun Bufan’s voice suddenly sounded in He Lin’s mind, swallowing other people’s Remnant Soul, then only do one thing, ignite spontaneously , and the other party perish together!

“Young Master, I am sorry, He Lin can’t follow you to God World again!” He Lin thought secretly, but his face was a smile, and he looked deeply at Yun Bufan and whispered in a low voice. : “Young Master, take care all the way!”

“Heart fire, spontaneous combustion!” He Lin secretly whispered, with the body of the baby suddenly a flame, the flame suddenly rises, the wind swallowed by He Lin, Remnant Soul finally panicked, looked at this The fire of the fire snarled: “The fire is burning, you are burning? You are in courting death, you are in courting death!”

“The fire is burning, then you have to die!” He Linping’s voice rang in his heart, and Feng Yan suddenly stunned, then roared: “Stop, bastard, you stop, old man sends a soul vow to rule Swear, never hurt you, stop me!”

“Everything is already late, heart fire, burning!” He Lin whispered, and there was a strong flame on his body. He Lin was suddenly surrounded by a fire, and the fire burned. Lin’s face is only calm!

I saw this scene, the expression was complicated, and I couldn’t help but sigh. Yun Bufan flew over and looked at the red eyes and shouted: “You are not saying that there will be no problem? Then you tell me , why is this? Why is this?”

Long stopped, then looked at Yun Bufan did not speak, Yun Bufan snarled toward He Lin: “He Lin, you stopped me, did you hear?”

“Young Master!” He Lin calmly looked at Yun Bufan, and there was a smile on his face: “The fire is burning, unless the other soul is completely destroyed, otherwise it will not stop!”

“Young Master, remembering our previous goals, going to God World, Ho Lin, has been unable to accompany Young Master to God World. In the future, Young Master should also be careful!” He Lin looked at Yun Bufan, slow Slow and whispered!

“Bastard, didn’t tell you, if you can’t swallow it, leave? You, why are you doing this?” Yun Bufan’s eyes are full of pain, looking at He Lin in the flame, he has no way, no way!

“In the moment when Young Master rushed in to save me, He Lin knew that He Lin is not only a servant in Young Master’s heart. Like Young Master, Young Master is not only the master in He Lin’s heart!” He Lin’s face had a faint smile, but the demon face had a trace of regret!

“For thousands of years, Young Master can go to this point, and He Lin seems to be unique. For thousands of years, He Lin followed Young Master, step by step to the present, which has experienced several difficulties, Life And Death honed, Young Master never forgot He Lin, He Lin never left Young Master, in Young Master and He Lin, in fact, they have already treated each other as loved ones!”

He Lin whispered, his face complex, watching Yun Bufan slowly with a smile: “Young Master, the road to save the master, the future is difficult and difficult, I hope Young Master must be careful, He Lin, can no longer accompany Young Master Continue to fight!”

Yun Bufan couldn’t help but be full of pain, then turned around and looked at the screaming roar: “It’s you, you should have known it before, right? Why do you want He Lin to devour the other’s Remnant Soul? Just for a broken Teleportation Formation, can you sacrifice someone else’s life for your memory?”

“He, just your servant!” You sighed sighingly, Yun Bufan looked at the violent anger: “Servant? What about you? You are in my eyes, nothing, even a servant is not!”

“What are you talking about?” The white light flashed in his eyes, staring at Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan sneered with sneer: “Do you want to threaten me? I tell you, compared with He Lin, nothing, from After this, my Yun Bufan and you, only the interests, there is nothing else!”

Yu Zhong looked deeply at Yun Bufan, nodded, and slowly said: “Good, good, good, only interest, you promised to help me find my memory, wait for me to recover my memory, I will leave!”

“Now, tell me how to save him!” Yun Bufan stared at the long, indifferently said: “Heavenly Dao is ruthless, since he also falls into Heavenly Dao’s causal vortex, can you survive? Look at himself, outsiders, can’t help!”

“Heavenly Dao is ruthless?” Yun Bufan whispered: “A good Heavenly Dao is ruthless, practicing ruthlessness, it must be a ruthless person, no wonder you are so indifferent to my life, long, I tell you, I want to think later. Use someone’s life, find someone yourself, don’t come to find someone else, otherwise, die, die, I want you to pay for it!”

Looking at Yun Bufan’s crazy eyes, I don’t know why, suddenly I feel fiercely trembled in my heart, Yun Bufan slowly looked over He Lin, at this time He Lin, covered in black light, in the flame, face It is full of pain!

“Let me go out, let me go!” A roar screamed from He Lin within the body. Yun Bufan knew that it was the sound of wind inflammation. Feng Yan was banned by He Lin in the body, except He Lin. Death, otherwise, wind inflammation is absolutely impossible to come out!

“Let me go out, bastard, you are going to die, don’t take the deity to die together, the deity is not reconciled, billions of years, billions of years, the deity is going crazy, this is a little revisiting the hope of the day, the deity is not willing Ah!” Angry roar, painful roar, with a strong remorse!

“Why, why do I want to provoke these madmen, this is all crazy, all a group of madmen!” Anxious winds could not help but completely regret it, and then the eyes screamed: “You don’t let me go out, I It completely ruined you!”

“hong long long!” bursts of black rays of light, the horrible black light emerged from He Lin within the body, and the mad roar of the wind screamed: “Boy, want me to die, then you Just die first!”

“pa!” “pa!” He Lin within the body, bursts of crackle’s voice continually sounded, He Lin’s whole person suddenly appeared blood, the whole person began to soften, and blood continued to emerge from He Lin Come!

“He Lin!” Yun Bufan suddenly screamed wildly, whispering aside: “within the body opportunity to live, but the god Remnant Soul, also burned and perish, perish together!”

“Perish together? No, He Lin will not die!”

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