Chapter VIII Chapter Conspiracy

“Half-bone man?” Yun Bufan pupils shrank, also looked at the front, a huge skeleton suddenly appeared in his sight, body, skull and two arms, the two feet below are empty, basically It doesn’t exist!

As the shadow guesses, this is a half-bone man with four bones. The shadow looks ugly and looks at the half-bone man. Said solemnly: “This half-bone person, I don’t know how long it has been fused, I hope not to produce it. Smart!”

“Intelligence?” Yun Bufan looked at the shadows in confusion, and the shadows were opened. The “stained bones, at least for some years, the bones of the ancient times, even if it was just a god.” For countless years, if this Remnant Soul restored some of the memories of the year, it was terrible for us!”

“Half-bone man recovers his intellect, not only can he spit out words, but the attack method is just like the ancient Deity. He can control the rules and even the rules he learned in the past. He just doesn’t know what Remnant Soul controls this half-bone. What is it? The existence of terror!”

The shadow looked at the half-bone man with a dignified look, and then slowly exhaled: “This half-bone Remnant Soul, apparently did not restore the ingenuity, this is fine, we just have to hold this half-bone, find it The hidden place of Remnant Soul is burned by the fire of the gods. This half-bone person will merge into the bones and become a white bone!”

“Remnant Soul!” Yun Bufan pupils shrank, then looked at the half-bone in front of the eyes and opened the mouth and said: “How do you know that he has not recovered his mind? And, is there any way to deal with this half-bone? Or, what is the special point of this half-bone?”

“The skeleton!” The shadow looks at the half-bone man sole solemnly: “The skeleton of the half-bone man is comparable to Heavenly God Artifact. The wave between the waves is the force of the law, so we must be careful, of course, if the other party recovers the ingenuity, The power of the law that will be exerted will reach the point of Peak, the limit of the power of the law!”

Yun Bufan slightly paused, then looked at the half-bone man’s voice and opened the mouth and said: “Since he has not recovered his mind, what needs attention is his skeleton? Yeah, I am going to seal him, you are looking for Remnant Soul, this Remnant Soul, I didn’t find it!”

Yun Bufan whispered, and the bursts of rays of light skyrocketed, rushing straight toward the half-bone, and the Heaven Destroying sword fell fiercely, just as Yun Bufan was near the half-timber ten meters. The half-bone man suddenly flashed green light in his eyes, “bang!” his arms slammed over!

“This is?” Yun Bufan suddenly complex changed greatly, and the shadow on the side was also exclaimed: “Spirit, not good, Yunxiong, retreat, this half-bone Remnant Soul has awakened some intelligence, and wisdom. Still very high!”

“Partial intelligence?” Yun Bufan suddenly stunned, and the dragon god appeared in an instant, watching the half-bone face look dignified: “This half-bone, the force of the rule of strong strong, can be motivated between the hands The power of such a terrible law, this half-bone man is so terrible?”

“bang!” The arms and the Heaven Destroying sword collided, and the force of the destruction law contained in the Heaven Destroying sword was instantly defeated. “Peng!” The arms slammed directly onto Yun Bufan’s dragon god, the dragon god Suddenly the golden light skyrocketed!

“hong long long!” burst into a roar of sound, and a burst of sound, Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly flew out, mouth is spurt blood spilled out, Yun Bufan looked shocked at the half Bone: “This half-bone, at least has the strength of high-level god!”

“Really strong!” The shadow is also suck in a breath of cold air. The side of Duan Ting is also full of shock. Yun Bufan looks at the shadow and opens the mouth and said: “What the hell is going on? You are not saying Does he not wake up?”

“I didn’t expect that his wisdom has grown to such a degree!” The shadow is also smiling and shaking his head. Looking at Yun Bufan is full of apologies: “Cloud brother, sorry, the shadow is not inspected carefully, but I did not expect it, it will appear Half-bone man of higher wisdom!”

“Higher wisdom?” Yun Bufan stopped, the shadow slowly exhaled: “The wisdom of the afterimage, also divided into low, medium and high, low wisdom, can be seen at a glance, because the eyes of the skull will be a little bit Green light, medium spirit, also has a green light spot, but it will be even stronger!”

“Only half-bone people with higher intelligence can pretend to be half-bone people without waking up their minds. Their eyes are dull and dull. They rely on the skeleton to attack the enemy!” The shadow slowly said: “This half-bone man, already It has made people look like half-bone people without intelligence, so it is definitely a high-spirit!”

“The high-spirited half-bone people generally wake up the memory of Remnant Soul’s four 5-Layer, and such Remnant Soul, in ancient times, was at least the existence of the king of the gods. If it is not the limitation of the skeleton, it should be able to play. Power of Rule !”

The shadow complexion looked at the half-bone man, and then slowly exhaled: “The high-spirited half-bone, Yunxiong, I am afraid that our trip will not be very smooth!”

“It’s too smooth, but it’s even more boring!” Yun Bufan whispered, and the half-bone suddenly snarled and said: “You must be my sacrifice!”

“Sacrifice?” Yun Bufan looked at the half-bone man and suddenly whispered: “You, not qualified enough!”

“bang!” bursts of powerful momentum, Yun Bufan’s voice is very cold: “You, join hands, this half-bone, we can’t deal with one, we can only deal with it!”

“Join hands!” Shadow and Duan Ting are also nodded, and the eyes burst into the air, Yun Bufan whispered, then Heaven Destroying sword slammed toward the half-bone fiercely, and the half-bone suddenly roared: “Dare to this The king is disrespectful, dead!”

“This king?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “Before this life, it’s really a powerhouse at the king level!”

“The king-level powerhouse is still a powerhouse that existed in ancient times. If you swallow up this person’s memory fragments, you can definitely get great benefits!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and then He Lin whispered sound transmission Road: “Find his Remnant Soul, swallow it!”

He Lin’s eyes are soaring, his eyes are full of excitement, he swallows up the other’s Remnant Soul, and gets the other’s memory. He Lin can also get great benefits. After all, the other person’s memory, he is the first contact!

“weng!” He Lin was not flashed by the black light. The whole person suddenly disappeared and merged into the darkness to find the other’s Remnant Soul. It must not let the other party find his whereabouts, and He Lin sure, this Remnant Soul, Not in the vicinity!

“hong long long!” burst into a roaring sound, the huge half-bone man suddenly broke out of the golden light, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “The Golden Rule? The Tenjin Skeleton?”

“No!” The shadow complexion greatly changed, and then suddenly said: “This is the Shenzun skeleton, he actually found a Shenzun skeleton, Yun brother, Duan Tingxiong, quickly joined forces to attack him with the strongest attack, remember Live, crush its brain, the brain is in control, and the brain is broken, it doesn’t have any terrifying places!”

“Yun Zun’s skeleton?” Yun Bufan was also shocked: “How many gods are there in this million bones? No wonder this god king has always been a half-bone person. Presumably he should want to get together a whole set of gods. The skeleton?”

Yun Bufan’s eyes are flashing, and his body is constantly rising: “I hope He Lin finds each other’s Remnant Soul as soon as possible, Unequalled Tyrant!”

Yun Bufan suddenly drunk, the king of the road, the domineering momentum hit, the half bone man suddenly looked up, crazy roaring: “The king Jin Potian, power can break the sky, you little dare to dare to do this king, you, Courting death !”

“Bang!” The huge arm bones suddenly grew longer. A golden light fist slammed directly toward Yun Bufan. It contained the terrorist power of the Golden Rule, and the entire bone was trembled!

Yun Bufan brows frowned, the killing intent blinks, but this killing intent is obviously not aimed at the half-bone, but against the side court and the shadow: “This shadow and Duan Ting, misconduct, seems to want to know my bottom Are you not ready to shoot?”

“hmph!” Yun Bufan coldly snorted, the path of the overlord circulated, the plain voice passed: “Since the two are not ready to do it, then we will go to each other. As for who can find the Teleportation Formation, and send away, Just look at your luck!”

Yun Bufan’s wing behind the wind and thunder shook, with a roar of sound, and then quickly flew back to the back: “Let’s go!”

Behind Yun Bufan, everyone in the Tashan tribe and the Haotian tribe began to retreat rapidly. This time, the shadow and the court are complexion greatly changed, and the shadow is loudly shouted: “Cloud brother, don’t be angry, this is what we are wrong!”

Yun Bufan glanced at the shadow and then indifferently said: “You join forces to deal with this half-bone, we look for Teleportation Formation and Remnant Soul, so we have a chance to join hands!”

“Bang!” The huge half-bone man saw Yun Bufan retreat. The speed was very fast. He had no choice but to attack the shadow and the court. The shadow and the court were complexion changed. The two hurriedly joined hands to resist!

“Bang!” A burst of explosion came, the shadow and Duan Ting instantly flew out, the shadow grit opened the mouth and said: “Cloud brother, trouble you to find the Teleportation Formation, find it according to the treasure map!”

There was a flash of shadow on the shadow, and eight shadows suddenly appeared. The huge half-bone was surrounded by the group. The side court was also roaring, and a burst of fire burst into the sky: “Cloud Brother, Teleportation Formation and Remnant Soul, I will give it to you!”

Yun Bufan brows frowned, looking at the shadows and Duan Ting, I always feel that something is wrong. When did the two people become so good? Is there any problem?

“Go!” Yun Bufan took people away from the surroundings, but he did not notice the sneer of the shadow and Duan Ting’s mouth and the cold color in his eyes!

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