The eighth hundred and eighty-five chapters

“Weng!” took a step forward and looked at the Wangu Mountain surrounded by hundreds of people. The sound was cold and cold: “No, it’s a punishment!”

“bang!” bursts of roaring sounds, the body suddenly flashed a piece of white rays of light, white rays of light skyrocketed, the whole sky suddenly white clouds surging, a white light shrouded, a horrible momentum suddenly diffusion!

“hong long long!” Tianwei, might of the World, a horrible pressure spread out from midair. At this time, whether it is a court or a shadow, it is a horror to look at the long, long way. It is too shocking!

“Who is that? Is it so terrible?” “Shadow and Duan Ting? There are Tashan and Haotian, but who is the woman on their side?” “This aura, is she God’s respect? Is this the power of the rules?” “A round of arguments suddenly rang, and the surrounding tribes looked at them in horror!”

“Might of the World, give me pressure!” whispered, and the white rays of light suddenly leaped up, and countless white lights suddenly shrouded, and a burst of horrific pressure suddenly broke out. Might of the World !

The weather changed, the world shook, the white rays of light surged, and the pressure was directly pressed against the hundreds of people. The hundreds of people who blocked the road suddenly looked terrified and looked up at the sky: “What is going on? Is the sky going to change?”

“Give me away!” The cold, low drink suddenly sounded, and the hundreds of people shuddered and slowly opened the mouth and said: “I want to go in!” “I want to go in!” “I want to go in.” !”

“Bang!” The hundreds of people seemed to feel the sound of their voices in their minds, and they involuntarily retired. A straight channel suddenly appeared. The long body quickly smashed past, and suddenly, the surrounding tribes each and everyone flowed. Surging!

In the eyes of killing intent, flashing shouted in a low voice: “Give me away!”

“bang!” “might of the World, a burst of noise, the people around them suddenly spread out, they do not know why they want to spread out, only know that under this shouting loudly, they have no feeling of rebellion in their hearts!

Long face and cold squatting in, Yun Bufan and the others quickly followed behind, including Duan Ting and shadow, are seen along, “hu!” directly through the silhouette, into the Wangu Mountain!

“weng!” You and the others entered Wangushan, the horrible night of the World suddenly dissipated, and the surrounding tribe suddenly shouted: “Kill, we have to go in, everyone join hands, anyway, the most advanced People will meet Wang Tian them!” A shout suddenly spread out, bursts of ray of light suddenly rose up!

“hong long long!” The big melee, the surrounding tribes finally couldn’t help but shot. In a flash, they attacked the hundreds of people who blocked the mountain road. The hundreds of people suddenly changed their faces and looked at the number of people around them. They can’t help but fear!

“Is this Wan Gu Shan?” Yun Bufan looked at the white mountain range, not sucking in a breath of cold air : “If these are all piled up with white bones, how many white bones should they be piled up?”

“This is Wan Gu Shan, a million bones piled up!” The side of the court is not deeply exhaled: “Here, I am not the first time, Yun brother, remind you to be careful, in this Wan Gushan , but there are millions of Resentful Soul, those Resentful Soul, very terrifying!”

“There are some residual bones!” The shadow on the side suddenly opened, watching the sound of the Wanshan Mountain said solemnly: “Million Remnant Soul, swallowed a lot of bones, so they will gather into a bone, these bones may have only one head, one Only hand, but the same terrifying!”

“The bones?” Yun Bufan glanced, then looked at Duan Ting and the shadow with amazement. The two of them didn’t need to tell them at all. The shadow slowly smiled: “Duan Ting should be the same as I thought, Yun Xiong is Right? I think we must also cooperate with each other!”

“Cooperation?” Yun Bufan stopped, and Duan Ting’s face was dadded: “Don’t say if you can find the Teleportation Formation. Even if you can find it, we have to face the combination of Wang Tian and the three of them, so I think so. , we cooperate and go to the treasure house of the Black Soul!”

“How do I know if you will change halfway?” Yun Bufan looked at Duan Ting and shadowly smiled, Duan Tingsheng opened the mouth and said: “If you agree, we can swear by blood, in this case, you should Don’t worry, right?”

“You and I are allied with each other, I am afraid because of the long girl?” Yun Bufan blinked and looked at the side with a smile: “Well, I can work with you, but for everything here, you are all I have to tell you the truth!”

“This is nature!” The shadows and the courts are darkly relaxed, and the shock that they bring to them is really terrible. Just relying on the horrible strength of the game, it is enough for them to pay attention to Yun Bufan!

“Now, should we look for Teleportation Formation first?” Yun Bufan toward the court and shadow smiling smile, shadow shook the head, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said: “First find the bones, we can find the Teleportation Formation, this Teleportation Formation is in the bones!”

“Bone hole?” Yun Bufan is stopped, this Wan Gushan is really a little secret, and the side court is also nodded: “The shadow is right, Yun brother, if you want to find the Teleportation Formation, you must find the bone. This bone is in this bone mountain!”

“As far as I know, there is more than one bone, but there is Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, there is a Teleportation Formation in each place, and Teleportation Formation can only be used once, can not use the second time, so we not only have to Find the bones, but find a bone that no one uses!”

The shadow on the side is dignified, looking at this Wan Gushan said solemnly: “Two, we must find the bones as soon as possible, otherwise, the people behind will catch up, even if we find, we must also cause some competition, we There are also hundreds of people here, a bone hole, enough!”

“How do you find this bone hole?” Duan Ting looked at the shadow with a puzzled look. This shadow is more clear to him than to him. The shadow is a light smile: “Simple, bones and bones, just use the bones.” To lead out the existence of the bones!”

The shadow silhouette flashed, one flashed, and then appeared again. When he appeared again, there was a finger bone in his hand. Under the shadow of the hand, a junior god was painfully pressed by his left hand. Blood flow!

Yun Bufan saw this scene, but it was very calm. Since the person followed the shadow, he should have thought of this result. Instead, the long brow wrinkled slightly, and the shadow smiled lightly. The finger bone was thrown at the center of Wangu Mountain. Go on!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” “Chī! ” Just as the bones just fell, there were a few white pits popping around, all of which were pulling the finger bone, shadow eyesed: “Five bones hole!”

“Not good, those people are catching up!” He Lin behind Yun Bufan suddenly complex changed, whispered, Yun Bufan is also sole solemnly: “Is there any way to distinguish which bones must have Teleportation Formation?”

“There are definitely bones with bones!” The shadow is also dignified. Looking at Yun Bufan said solemnly: “The bones just had only two bones. If we want to go down, we must deal with the bones and bones. Is a very terrifying thing!”

“Time is too late, we must find the bones with Teleportation Formation, even if we deal with the bones, we must go down. Otherwise, if we don’t find the Teleportation Formation in our first bone, then we must fight for it!” Yun Bufan Looking at Duan Ting and the shadows are quiet!

The shadow and Duan Ting looked at each other, and the latter two were nodded at the same time, and the shadow was slowly exhaled: “Go, then we will go to the bones and see what will happen this time!”

“hu!” “Chī!” The shadow directly plunged into the bone mountain, and Yun Bufan and the others also fell from the white hole!

“Is this?” Yun Bufan looked at all around the empty white space, and there was no surprise on his face. The space here turned out to be a cave with a slight green and blue light spot. The shadow on the side slowly said: “Here, gathering The bone marrow of countless people, so it is bright!”

“Every bone is very large, almost as large as the corpse of 10,000 people, so we have to find the Teleportation Formation, which is a bit time consuming, and in this case, we must also resist the sneak attack and darkness of the bones, so We must be careful!” The shadow screamed and his eyes stared at all around, slowly said!

“How powerful is this bone?” Yun Bufan asked by the curiosity, and the shadow slowly exhaled: “There is a few levels of bones, like one with only one hand or one head. Residual bones, this kind of bone is easier to deal with!”

“And the residual bone of one hand and one head is the Level 2 bone. This kind of bone is just more difficult. Like two hands, the bone of one head is the Level 3 bone. It can already be said that it is more difficult to deal with!”

The shadow is slowly exhaled: “The bones are divided into six levels, namely the head, the two hands, the two feet and the six parts of the body, and the body and bones are the most terrible bones. As for how terrible, When you meet the bones, you will understand!”

“In this bone, the bones are also eaten by the residual bones. Therefore, in the bones of the bones, there are few levels of residual bones. It is swallowed by the high-residue bone, so if there is a bone in the bone, it should be Level 3 or even Level 4!”

The shadow is dignified, and everyone looks at sole solemnly: “The bones are in the bones. It can be said that they can be hidden everywhere. Therefore, everyone must be careful. Once the bones are found, the first thing to do is to seal it. Never mind first, seal first!”

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