Eighty-eighth-eighth chapter Wangushan

“How? Haven’t found it yet?” Among the Yitian tribes, Yun Bufan brows frowned, looking at Haotian and Tashan: “In three months, you didn’t even find out the news. Could it be that it leads to the Black Soul Mountain?” Is the Teleportation Formation so secret?”

“What does this black soul want to do?” Yun Bufan couldn’t help but meditate: “The treasure maps were sent out separately, but there is no mention of the Teleportation Formation to the Black Soul Mountain. The black soul is in what the hell. Is happening ?”

“Master, we have investigated, not only us, but several other tribes. They have not found any so-called Teleportation Formation with their complete treasure maps, even they have not gone out to find them!” Tashan respectfully opened his mouth. Also brows frowned!

“And many of them have disappeared mysteriously, I doubt whether they contributed to the Black Soul!” Aside suddenly, I looked at Yun Bufan said solemnly: “Master, I remember the Black Soul mentioned, He wants so many souls, it seems to be related to his palace!”

“Palace?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, and the next day, nodded, respectfully said: “I remember that the Black Soul once said that his shrine still lacks 10,000 souls, and the number of 10,000 true gods is too large. Therefore, he has controlled several forces and has helped him collect them. He thinks, is it because of the palace, so he wants the soul of the true God?”

“Yeah, the subordinates also found a little!” Tashan on the side is full of confusion: “Black soul god respect, as long as the soul of the true god, like the god of the gods, has not mentioned, and even if it is the god, he also Didn’t mention it, I don’t know why!”

“As long as the soul of the true God?” Yun Bufan suddenly complexion changed, and then a look of gloomy: “Do you know that he also understands the balance? Only if he collects the soul of the god, if it is to refine the shrine, then what is his shrine? What is the shrine?”

“Teleportation Formation, found!” At this time, the sound of calm and calm sounded, Yun Bufan suddenly glimpsed, then walked over to the leisurely, looking at the treasure map flashing: “This treasure map, Already controlled by him, this Teleportation Formation, he wants you to discover, you can find out!”

His eyes flashed and he looked at the treasure map slowly opened the mouth and said: “Just a moment, a ban on the treasure map suddenly opened automatically, and the orientation of the Teleportation Formation appeared, so this is definitely the black soul. control!”

“So, the Black Soul deliberately let us discover the location of the Teleportation Formation?” Yun Bufan is also a complexion sank, looking at the Teleportation Formation on the treasure map blinking: “It seems that Black Soul has started his plan, then Black Soul Mountain, there is absolutely a trap!”

“Even if there are traps, I have to go once!” Looking straight at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan brows frowned, he is extremely disliked by this kind of adventure, but before agreeing to the other side, Yun Bufan is not good to say what!

Looking at Yun Bufan slowly opened the mouth and said: “You can’t go, but I have to go once!”

Yun Bufan shook the head : “Arrange it, go with it, after all is. I promised you before, my Yun Bufan, since I promised you, I will do it!”

This is the principle of Yun Bufan. Anything that has been promised, even if it is difficult to do it, Yun Bufan slowly opened the mouth and said to Tashan and Haotian: “You will arrange it, we will immediately set off to the Black Soul Mountain. Also, I want the people you are looking for to be ordered as soon as possible!”

“Yes!” Tashan and Haotian retired with respect and looked at Yun Bufan brows frowned: “You have friends in God World? Who do you want them to find?”

“One is my big brother at Immortal World. I am kind to me. One is a friend who flies up with God World!” Yun Bufan faintly smiled, but my heart is dark secretly thought: “I don’t know drunk and ruthless big brother now How about, the sword is not born, the guy is gone!”

“Teleportation Formation!” At this moment, not only Yun Bufan, but several other tribal leaders with complete treasure maps also stood up in excitement and looked at the Teleportation Formation in the treasure map. Looks hot!

“How many years have passed since I passed the treasure map to me, I have been studying how to go to the Black Soul Mountain. This Teleportation Formation really has a Teleportation Formation!” This middle-aged man is the giant axe The leader of the tribe, looking at the treasure map in his hand, he is very happy!

“The order is passed down, all the people who have reached the true God, give me to gather!” Giant axe looked at the treasure map, and then suddenly shouted, the sound rolled and went out, giant axe eyes flashed: “This time, I must To get the treasure!”

In a huge jungle, a young man with no clothes on his upper body is rushing around in the jungle. Every time he flies, he takes a piece of film, and a large piece of jungle suddenly bursts!

“The leader, the leader!” At this time, with a shout of excitement passed, a white haired old man ran over excitedly, watching the young man loudly shouted: “I found out, the Teleportation Formation found out. !”

“Teleportation Formation?” The youth suddenly flashed in the eyes, and a flash appeared next to the old man: “You mean, the Teleportation Formation in the treasure map, have you found it?”

“Yes, the leader, the Teleportation Formation, I found it!” The white haired old man had a black light flashing, the treasure map appeared in his hand, and the white haired old man pointed at a white spot on the treasure map. Road: “The leader, you see, this is Teleportation Formation!”

“Teleportation Formation!” This young man’s eyes flashed, then laughed heartily: “hahaha, finally found, well, I remember you, this time the treasure house, definitely have you, now pass on orders, all reach the true God , give me a bunch!”

This scene occurred in various tribes in the northwestern region. The entire northwestern region was sensational in an instant. I don’t know how many tribes gathered at one place at the same time. That place is Wangushan!

“This Wangu Mountain is really made up of millions of bones?” Yun Bufan brows frowned, looking at the Teleportation Formation on the treasure map, asked slowly to the side of Tashan, and Tashan suddenly sighed, then respectfully said: “Wan Gu Shan, it is indeed a million bones!”

“It is said that in ancient times, there was a Great Divine Expert who made this million bones into a mountain range, and this mountain range is Wangu Mountain, but this Wanshan Mountain does not seem to be special. Why did the Senior want to refine this 10,000 bones!”

The awkwardness on the side was also a doubtful opening, and the expression of incomprehensible expression appeared on the face. Yun Bufan bowed his head and meditated, nodded, and continued to fly in the direction of Wangushan. This time, he also took away almost all the gods and true gods in the tribe. Not to mention the black soul, just other tribes, not three or two people can deal with!

“Baigushan!” Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, I don’t know why, he always felt a guilty feeling, as if there was any danger in this Bone Mountain, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “No matter what, this Wan Gushan is a must Going there!”

“hahaha, Tashan, 穹天, long time no see!” A loud laugh suddenly sounded, a silhouette flew from the left side of Yun Bufan and the others, behind the silhouette, there are also dozens of people, silhouette A flash, a middle-aged man in a gray robes suddenly appeared in front of Yun Bufan and the others!

Looking at the middle-aged man, Tashan and Haotian have a flash of light at the same time. Tashan explained at the side: “Master, this person is named Duan Ting, the leader of the Duan tribe, already at the point of Peak God. Ranked fifth among the top ten tribes in the Northwest Territories!”

“Oh? Duan’s tribe?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and the court glanced around, and there was a trace of astonished in his eyes: “Do you both tribes merge? Just don’t know who two of you are the leader? ?”

“We two!” Tashan and Haotian looked at each other and then smiled. The two men greeted Yun Bufan in unison: “Master!”

At this time, Yun Bufan came out of the crowd, and Duan Ting’s eyes burst into a flash of light. Master, such a name is rare, which proves that Tashan and Haotian, but truly become a slave to Yun Bufan!

“True God?” Duan Tingxin’s big shock, and then there is a trace of complexity and surprise: “Is this kid’s background very big? Also, dare to do it to the people of the Black Soul, even the day is still a black slave, so Method , definitely not a true God can have, behind him, should also be a god, even more powerful than the black soul!”

“I don’t know the name of Young Master?” Duan Ting looked at Yun Bufan with a solemn look. He was able to reach the realm of Peak, relying on not only innate talent and slaughter, but also his cautious attitude, which also played an extremely important role. effect!

“Yun Bufan!” Yun Bufan blinked and smiled at Duan Ting, Duan court brows frowned: “Yun Bufan? Northwest area, it seems that there is no surnamed Yun’s powerhouse, is it from other regions?”

“Yun brother is not a person in the northwest region?” Duan Ting gently smiled, an opening is called brother brother, Yun Bufan laughed: “From the north!”

“North?” Duan Ting was shocked: “God World is north? In the north of God World, there are many powerful forces of surnamed Yun, but those who have the gods sitting in the town, but do not know which force!”

“Cloud brother, I don’t know where your tribes are going?” Duan Ting’s eyes flashed, Yun Bufan whispered: “Nature is going to Wan Gu Shan, I think the brother should also go to this Wan Gu Shan?”

“haha, Duan Ting, Tashan, Haotian, have you all discovered the secret of the treasure map? You are coming early!” Another shout, a silhouette gathered again, this time again dozens people!

Yun Bufan blinked: “It seems that the treasure map has opened the seal all at once, and everyone knows where the Teleportation Formation is!”

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