Chapter 865 God World

War God family, among the Great Desolate tribes, the war mad, Yun Bufan, He Lin and the long four are sitting in a wing, this house is still covered by the war and madness, if not for war madness From Jane, it is just War Palace’s palace, it will take a long time!

“Yun brother, are you really ready to leave?” The war madness looked at Yun Bufan, and his eyes flashed in his eyes: “Why don’t stay here, develop War God tribe with me? With the resources in our hands, it doesn’t take thousands of years. For thousands of years, the War God tribe can rise!”

“Cultivating resources?” Yun Bufan whispered, shook the head: “It’s still too little, time is too long, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, I can’t stay for so long, and I still have something to do. So must leave!”

The war whisper whispered: “Since you insist on leaving, then I will not stay much, just, everything is careful, I don’t want to hear the news that you are falling somewhere!”

“haha, don’t worry, it’s you, War God, it’s a light burden, and it’s going to develop in the future, don’t forget to help me!” Yun Bufan laughed, then looked slowly and said: “And, I Still have to help her find memories!”

A long flash of gaze, no speech, the war madness suddenly silenced. After half a ring, Yun Bufan suddenly said: “Yes, war mad brother, what is the prophet? Is he afraid that inheritance has given you, he Are you falling?”

“I don’t know what’s going on!” The war mad brows frowned, and then looked at Yun Bufan said solemnly: “The prophet granted me inheritance, then said that I am budgeting for my future, I saw it at the time, my future The road, just when I had to work hard to see it clearly, the silhouette suddenly golden light, I couldn’t open the eyes!”

The glare of the war madness flashed: “In this case, I can say that I have never encountered it. After the golden light flashed, the prophet suddenly shouted two words: ‘War God axe? Why? Why is this?’ Then The prophet went like this!”

“War God axe? Why? Why is this?” Yun Bufan brows frowned, his eyes flashing: “War God axe is not already smelting? How can it appear on your future? As for the prophet’s shouting, is it Because, he saw that your future path did not make the War God family rise?”

The war madness also only thought of this meaning. Now, Yun Bufan said it, and he couldn’t help but worry more. Yun Bufan whispered: “Okay, war mad brother, the future is not doomed. Every day is Defying Heaven. And Changing Fate, what is the future? What is doomed? Everything is in its own hands!”

“Believe yourself, you can definitely lead the War God family to glory, what is destined, what fate, do not need to pay attention to, come on!” Yun Bufan solemnly looked at the war mad, quietly opened the mouth and said!

The war sighed and sighed, watching Yun Bufan slowly say: “War God tribe goes south, has been flying, there is a far Ancient Teleportation Formation, which is the Teleportation Formation to the west of God World, in God World, west The power is the most complicated, but it is also the weakest overall strength!”

“Yun brother, I know that you are not destined to be ordinary. I hope that I can hear your famous God World in this Great Desolate tribe!” The war madly looked at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan looked at the war mad laughed: ” Fighting brother, I am waiting for you to lead the War God family, walk out of the northern wasteland and re-establish themselves at God World!”

On this day, the war mad and Yun Bufan drank all the night’s wine, the two had not spoken, but the sad atmosphere of the parting was always shrouded in the whole house, the way the next morning, Yun Bufan Take the lead and let He Lin go straight away!

When Yun Bufan left, the war mad at not at all sent him, but sat directly in his house, filled with embarrassment, not only because of the departure of Yun Bufan, but also because of the departure of Qian Qiu Xue!

Before leaving today, Yun Bufan put out the snow, and did not know what Qianqiu Xue and the war madness said, but Qianqiu Xue did not choose to stay. At that time, Yun Bufan clearly felt the strong loss of the war madness!

Yun Bufan would like to know what Qianqiu Xue said and the war madness, but then I thought about giving up. After all, this is a private matter of two people, Qian Xuexue and war madness. Flying in the air, He Linchao Yun Bufan whispered open The mouth and said : “Young Master, can you go to my nest first?”

“Your old nest?” Yun Bufan glimpsed, then he smiled and looked at He Lin: “You mean, your former tribe is also in the west of God World?”

He Lin smiled and nodded: “Because I also reached the point of Peak God, I didn’t want to be attached to others. I built a tribe in the western part of God World. After so many years, I don’t know that my tribe is still there!”

“Your tribe?” Yun Bufan smirked: “Well, since they are all in the west of God World, let’s go to your tribe and see if your tribe is still there. If you still, it saves us. A lot of work!”

“Thank you Young Master!” He Lin was overjoyed. After all, the tribe was the hard work of his life. If it was gone, he was still very uncomfortable!

“He Lin, since you are also from God World West, then you can tell us about this God World West!” Yun Bufan smiled and looked at He Lin, He Lin was also laughing nodded: “God World West, can be said very Chaos is one of God World’s most chaotic areas!”

“In the western part of God World, there are all kinds of gods, even gods!” He Lin blinked: “There is a place where people eat people, not killing or being killed. Every day, countless forces are destroyed, countless forces are up. , there, there is the possibility that God will fall down!”

“God has the possibility of degeneration?” Yun Bufan suddenly burst into shock, and He Lin was heavily nodded: “Because there is too much confusion, they simply don’t care about your identity. Once you meet God’s powerhouse, everyone will Join forces to attack!”

“So God is there to be the object of besieging. Generally, as long as the strength is too strong, it will be surrounded by various forces. I told Young Master that there is no friend in God World who can believe in God World. West, the most so!”

He Lin whispered: “In the west of God World, in order to survive, anyone can sell you, even if it is a servant controlled by your soul, because once betrayed and betrayed, it means that you have 90% will kill !”

Yun Bufan stopped, He Lin exhaled: “Young Master, don’t trust anyone in God World West, where only slaughter is the only way to survive, only the constant slaughter, constantly growing their own power, will not I was swallowed up by other forces, and my tribe, in the western part of God World, can only be regarded as a lower tribe!”

“Low tribe?” Yun Bufan stopped, He Lin slowly explained: “In the western part of God World, there are tens of thousands of tribes, there is no territory there, there is no city, only tribes, the leaders of lower tribes are generally Peak. God, and the leader of the middle tribe may be the king of gods, the higher tribes, the gods!”

“God respect?” Yun Bufan was shocked, He Lin nodded: “In the western part of God World, although Shen Zun generally does not appear, but it will also develop its own power. After all, in the western part of God World, there are still a lot of ancient miracles. Those gods who are powerhouses don’t dare to shoot, and it’s okay for their men to shoot!”

Yun Bufan nodded: “In this case, then we entered God World West this time, do you have any opinion?”

“The subordinate tribe is located on the edge of the western part of God World. The Young Master can first look at the tribes belonging to the subordinates. If the tribe is passed away, the Young Master can choose two ways to develop the tribe!” , Shen Sheng opened!

“The first one is to conquer some people by yourself. When the number is enough, you can build a tribe yourself. The advantage of doing this is that the people you receive are more loyal to you!” He Lin slowly exhaled!

“And the second method is to go directly to a tribe, take their leader and directly control their leader, which is equivalent to indirectly controlling them!” He Lin looked straight at Yun Bufan: “We first entered God World In the west, these two methods are currently the best for us!”

Yun Bufan slightly nodded, suddenly behind the opening: “God World West, is there a black soul god?”

He Lin suddenly shuddered and looked straight ahead: “How do you know the Dark Soul?”

“So, is there really a black soul god respect?” The long eyes are somewhat blurred: “Why do I know this person, I seem to hate this person, to kill this person, but my strength should not be able to deal with him. But why can I feel that I am enough to kill him?”

The long whisper was introduced into Yun Bufan and He Lin’s ear. Yun Bufan didn’t have anything. He Lin was shocked and looked at it. Yun Bufan’s heart moved: “He Lin, this black soul is respected, very much in the western part of God World. Great?”

“Great?” He Lin smiled bitterly and watched Yun Bufan shake his head. “Young Master, this black soul is respected, it is powerful. His strength can be said to have reached a level of horror. He is the Black Soul tribe. The leader, and the Black Soul tribe, there are three kings of God, and the gods are dozens!”

Yun Bufan suddenly sucks in a breath of cold air, long brows frowned: “I can kill him, I have feelings, my feelings, definitely not wrong, where is the black soul god respect?”

“Girl, even if you can kill him, but the gods and gods under his hands? Can you kill them all?” Helin looked at the long, shouting the head!

“Well, far away, the Ancient Teleportation Formation is here, the girl, waiting for the West of God World, let’s talk about it!” Yun Bufan’s voice sounded, and in front of them, there was a Teleportation Formation!

Long brows frowned, but did not say much!

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