The 865th chapter mysterious woman

“This woman, who is it? Why is there a breath of Hong Qi’s Purple Qi!” Yun Bufan was shocked to see the unconscious woman in the bed, and at this time, the mother’s face finally showed a bit of pain. !

“Cloud brother, we?” Seeing Yun Bufan suddenly stopped for a day, did not shoot, could not help but look at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan slightly exhaled, said with a smile: “Look at it, if I am not mistaken Flower, this mother is afraid to eat a big loss!”

“Eating a big loss?” War madness, one day and He Lin three people also quietly looked at the mother, only to see the pain of the mother’s face more and more intense, even the pain of low voice: “Why is this? Isn’t her soul all gone to sleep? This power, what is this power?”

“What is going on?” The war madman also looked at the mother in shock. The eyes were full of stunned colors. Yun Bufan whispered muttered: “Hong Meng Purple Qi, even the automatic guardian, is she? Also swallowed the purple jade?”

“Qianqiu Xue can now be said to have reached the edge of the true god. It has reached such a level in just 6,000 years, and it must be related to the purple jade piece. Only Wei reached the skin of the god, even in the silver moon, the speed of the upgrade is even more It is horror!”

Yun Bufan has a hint of confusion in his eyes: “All this has a direct relationship with the purple jade piece, and the purple jade piece is also called Hongqi Purple Qi!”

“Hung Meng Purple Qi, what is it? Why is it so horrible?” Yun Bufan looked at the woman, whispering, and the purple rays of light on the woman is getting stronger and more horrible!

In the horror of the mother, the unconscious woman suddenly opened her eyes, and the purple rays of light flashed. The woman looked straight at the empress: “Why?”

A faint voice rang, and the mother’s eyes flashed a trace of confusion. The woman looked at the empress indifferently asked: “Why are you doing this to me?” “I believe in you, you are to harm me?” “Are you worthy of your own conscience?” “Are you worthy of my trust in you?”

A quiet voice keeps ringing, but the mother’s eyes are full of confused colors: “Why? Yes, why? I am worthy of you? Can I be worthy of myself? Why is this? Why?”

“No!” Yun Bufan complexion greatly changed. Looking at the confused color of the empress, there was a horror in his eyes: “Heavenly Dao track, this woman’s speech, even contains the Heavenly Dao track, which can directly affect others’ hearts. The mother’s heart has been broken by her in a few words!”

“I shouldn’t die, damn it, it’s you!” The woman looked at the empress, and the purple light flashed in her eyes. The mother suddenly screamed: “Yeah, damn it, me, me!”

“Bang!” The entire body of the emperor suddenly exploded, and the war madness, the day and He Lin were watching the woman in vain: “The self-explosive, in a few words, let the mother emperor blew, what is this method?”

“A woman who is so horrible, is this woman’s strength so terrible?” Yun Bufan was also shocked to see the woman. The woman’s gaze then looked at Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan had a feeling, the woman’s eyes, Seems to be able to see through the hearts of others!

“You, are you willing to help me?” The woman looked straight at Yun Bufan, and the empty voice rang again. Yun Bufan complexion changed. The woman asked in a sentence, as if there was an unintentional force in holding her heart. general!

“This woman is weird!” Yun Bufan’s face was full of dignity. At this time, he also discovered that the three races around him, as well as the Dragon Race behind Little Wei, were in a state of confusion. status!

“What is this cultivation technique? Is it so horrible?” Yun Bufan’s multi-colored light flashed up and directly collected the Dragon Race such as Little Wei directly into the shrine. Once in the Shenfu, Little Wei and the others suddenly recovered. Waking up!

Yun Bufan’s voice rang in their minds: “Cultivate well and fight for an early breakthrough!”

“The woman just now!” Little Wei blinked in the eye: “Unfortunately, without the baptism of God World, I haven’t been able to wake up with the body’s bloodline. I may be the most powerful blood jade dragon in Immortal World. Dragon Race is the king, but at God World, it is more than one of the most common Fire Dragon!”

Bloodline, Dragon Race The most important thing is bloodline. Now Little Wei is flying up to God World, but the bloodline within the body is not at all. This is where Little Wei always cares. Little Wei is deeply exhaled and full of eyes. Be firm and go straight into cultivation!

“War, brother, He Lin, wake up to me!” Yun Bufan’s stern drink is like thunderbolt, directly in the minds of the war mad three, the war mad three suddenly woke up, then His face changed dramatically, and he looked at the woman with some fear. What was more in his eyes was anger!

“You, are you willing to help me?” The fluttering voice passed again. The woman’s gaze was always looking at Yun Bufan, but the war mad three was fiercely trembled at the bottom of the heart, and that feeling suddenly appeared again!

But this time, the war mad three people insisted on their teeth, and the woman’s voice continued to pass: “Why don’t you answer my words?” “Why are you not helping me?” “Why are you doing this?” What?”

A lingering question is like tapping on Yun Bufan’s heart, Yun Bufan’s face has changed and changed, and the war mad three are mouth spurt blood out, his face pale, He Lin whispered opened the mouth and said: “This stock Power, Heavenly Dao Law, this is the power of the law, she is the cultivation base!”

“Even if it is Peak God, I am afraid that she is not so horrible?” The battle on the side of the day continued to gasp, his eyes were red, if not insisting on his teeth, I am afraid that he has lost again!

“If it is not because of the experience for the first time, we will definitely lose ourselves again. This is a force of law. I can also feel that what cultivationism she cultivated is actually so horrible?” The madness is also whispering on the side, the voice is very low!

“Now, only see Young Master!” He Lin Chao looked at Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s face was dignified and his face was full of struggling colors. The woman looked at Yun Bufan and whispered: “Why? Give up is not more Okay?” “You can’t stop it!” “Promise to help me, can’t you solve everything?”

Yun Bufan stepped back and looked pale, staring straight at the woman. Just now, he almost agreed, but in the end he still held back, Yun Bufan looked straight at the woman, gnashing his teeth. Opened the mouth and said: “Girl, we saved your life, why are you dealing with us?”

“To deal with you?” The woman looked like Yun Bufan, then shook the head: “No, you are wrong, I just want you to help me, help me, can you?”

“Help you?” Yun Bufan suddenly smiled: “Your strength is so much stronger than us, you can’t do anything, how can we help you?”

“No, you can help!” The woman’s figure flashed directly in front of Yun Bufan: “Help me, recall my memory, I feel my memory, it seems that I lost some, maybe it was sealed, Maybe it was pulled away, but I can feel the traces it once existed!”

Yun Bufan stunned, fierce and then retired, the woman looked at Yun Bufan and issued a call: “Help me, help me, help me!”

“pu!” Yun Bufan is also a mouth spurt blood, his eyes are red, and the woman has a faint sweat on her face. Yun Bufan feels that if she promises to come down, she will be subject to some restraint. In the subconscious, he Don’t want to promise!

“No, I can’t promise!” Yun Bufan bit his teeth, his eyes filled with a firm color: “I can’t promise!”

“Why do you want us to help you?” Yun Bufan suddenly looked up, his eyes full of bloodshot: “We can’t help you, we can’t help!”

The woman looked straight at Yun Bufan, and then a large mouth of blood sprayed out. The whole person slowly fell down. Yun Bufan looked at the scene in a wrong way. The war madness on the side was full with He Lin. The face is blank: “This is, what happened?”

“Why is this?” Yun Bufan stood up violently and looked at the woman who was in a coma, and looked at her inexplicably: “This person, how could it suddenly coma? Why is this?”

“This is the soul backlash!” Yun Bufan’s mind suddenly sounded a loud voice, and Yun Bufan suddenly rejoiced: “Small Five Elements, are you? Are you awake?”

“Kid, this woman, you have to take it away, this is a powerful cultivation technique. If you reach the level of God, even if it is a Five Elements, it will not be her opponent. Also, she is lost. That part of the memory, don’t help her find it back!”

The voice of Little Five Elements sounded directly in Yun Bufan’s mind: “Don’t help her find her memory. A woman who is so horrible must have a terrifying background. Once she helps her find her memory, she will never be You lock it!”

“But she is in a coma, what should I do?” Yun Bufan’s gaze, which is stronger than Five Elements, has completely touched him, Five Elements, that is God World’s first god. This woman can be even stronger than Five Elements in the future, and Yun Bufan suddenly feels incredible!

“Take her, leave here!” The sound of Little Five Elements sounded: “Once it’s outside, the spirit of the spirit is in the body, and after a while, she will naturally wake up, she just got the backlash of the soul, but fortunately you practice The cultivation technique is confusing, but it is all Supreme’s cultivation technique. If you are firm, you will be completely lost!”

“Well, I continue to practice. This time, if it is not the woman’s cultivation technique, I won’t wake up!” The voice of Little Five Elements slowly disappeared, and Yun Bufan whispered and looked at the unconscious woman. , full of complex faces!

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