Chapter 833 War Slaughter

“Not good, that true God, actually did not care about identity, directly killing ninety-nine!” Black snake complexity changed, but he knows that this is the battlefield, even if the other party is killing the gods, then no one will say more What, because the battlefield is like this, valued, just the result!

“Fire green!” The black snake’s eyes flashed, and the strong black fog suddenly filled. However, in less than an instant, he stopped his hand, because his eyes noticed the difference between Yun Bufan, it was a Confident, strong confidence!

In the face of the attack of the true God, Yun Bufan even looked up lightly smiled. Obviously, he did not care about the other party. The black snake secretly shocked: “Is there any secret in this kid? I don’t care about the threat of the true God!”

“weng!” The colorful rays of light skyrocketed in Yun Bufan. In the face of the true God, Yun Bufan is not only afraid, but also full of joy: “Exactly, after the balance of power, I have not really played. If you have your own strength and can’t predict your true strength now, just take this real god to test it!”

“courting death!” The true God saw Yun Bufan not retreating, his eyes suddenly violently rising, the powerful source of power directly swept toward Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan complexion changed, his colorful rays of light skyrocketed, The nine-color halo suddenly appeared!

“Go!” Yun Bufan whispered, the nine-color halo swept directly toward the true god, and the real god suddenly revealed a disdainful expression: “A little distraction, even the might of the World is not integrated into the attack. I also want to deal with me?”

The power of balance lies in a balanced word. If the might of the World is merged, then the nine forces will not be balanced again. Then, what balance power is there, Yun Bufan looks cold and coldly That god!

“bang!” “bang!” A burst of horrible explosions suddenly sounded, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, “hong long long!” The nine-color aura exploded, and Yun Bufan’s silhouette also rushed at the same time. The past!

The true god was blown out by this huge energy explosion, and there was a smog of smoke. The black snake finally showed a shocking expression: “His strength, yes, his realm did not improve much, it is still intermediate. God goes to the middle of the world, but his strength?”

“Dead!” Yun Bufan’s indifferent voice suddenly sounded, a flash of colorful rays of light, the giant sword crashed down from mid-air fiercely, Yun Bufan held the Divine Sword, even the nine-color glow flashed, overbearing The breath bursts out instantly!

“What?” The real stunned look up, a colorful rays of light flashing giant sword is already slamming towards him, this true God screams and screams, countless rays of light skyrocketing, “hong long long! “Under a sword, the explosion suddenly sounded!

“bang!” The whole body of the true god suddenly blasted, and the memory of Yun Bufan’s memory ray of light flashed, a true god, fell under the sword of Yun Bufan, and a sword killed a primary god. This shows the true explosive power of Yun Bufan!

“The strength of this ninety-nine!” The black snake also looked at Yun Bufan with horror. At the mid-level distraction, at most, he was able to kill the primary true god, and the black snake’s eyes suddenly burst into flames: “This is ninety-nine. Sure enough, it is a peerless genius, good, very good, and must be cultivated in the future!”

“The talents of this black snake tribe are endless. This person must be a peerless genius, so you must not stay, you must kill it early!” The fire green eyes flashed, but suddenly felt heart trembled, the fire could not help but turn around, just right On the dark eyes of the black snake!

“This black snake is warning me?” Fire blue is coldly smiled: “It’s also Peak God, you want to warn me? hmph!”

“Fire, at all costs, kill the kid!” Fire Green suddenly said to the bottom of another true god sound transmission, this fire is a high-level true God, not the original true God can compare!

“No. 2, No. 3, to protect Jiujiu!” The black snake is also a flash of light. The second and third openings are sound transmission. In the second eye, the killing intent is skyrocketing, and the third is also a flash of light, but he Like the number one, they all chose to follow the orders of the black snake!

The second is deliberately entangled with the other side, the performance can not get away, although the other party is also a true god, but with the strength of the second, it is very simple to get rid of the other side, it is very simple!

The second is the original No.3. It was originally a peerless genius. It has a very high status among the tribes, and the forces under the hands are slowly forming, which makes people feel shocked. Therefore, the second is not afraid that the black snake will punish him!

The black snake eyes flashed coldly, and looked coldly at the second one. The second heart was coldly snorted: “Death is dead, it is not better to die, still want me to save him? Is it a dream?”

“bang!” Strong flames, horrible Essence of Fire, Yun Bufan suddenly looked up, pupils shrank, a huge Fireball has crashed towards him, with the power of the horrible Essence of Fire, making Yun Bufan all over Feel a hot breath!

“The war tribe, of course, most of the powerhouses are the power of cultivation!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “The strength of this person should be between the high god and the real god. If I do my best, I can fight.” However, there are too many exposures. It is only afraid that there will be an impact on the hunting of the gods, and it will also cause the black snake’s taboo!”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, then coldly smiled, the transparent wind and thunder wings suddenly shook, and the roar of the buzzing sound continued to sound. Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly flashed directly to the side, suddenly turned into a thousand. Shadow!

“Escape?” Fire Ming glimpsed, he did not expect that the other party would escape without fighting, and Huo Ming suddenly angered and said: “Boy, you actually run away?”

Yun Bufan coldly smiled, behind the fire, said with a sneer: “You are a senior god to deal with me an intermediate distraction, I am still hard to fight with you? I am too long to die?”

Fire Ming suddenly stunned, then looked at Yun Bufan’s escape silhouette angry and roared: “You can’t run!”

“bang!” countless flames suddenly rose, a path of flames rushed out, the fire was filled with anger, the flames madly swept, Yun Bufan suddenly felt a strong fire, and suddenly shocked!

“hong long long!” Under the numerous flames, Yun Bufan’s afterimage was broken in each and everyone, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and at this time, a golden light flashed up, a huge golden The fist appeared!

“Bang!” A strong bombing sound suddenly sounded, and Huo Ming retired a few steps, but his eyes were flashing: “Okay, a good master, I don’t know which powerhouse? In the next is the War Enems! ”

“Black snake tribe, number one zero, one day!” among the golden rays of light, the silhouette of the day of the battle slowly emerged, the eyes looked coldly at the fire, and then toward the side Yun Bufan said with a smile: “Cloud brother, Is it okay?”

“Fortunately, you appear in time, otherwise my avatar is only really want to be broken by him, then nothing happens!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled, and then looked at the fire sing with a smile: “One day Brother, this fire is just right for you to practice, I will kill the accumulated contribution of the gods!”

“Good!” In the Heavenly Eye, there was a flash of light, followed by a whisper with a smile: “The tribal war finally decided to win the gods-level powerhouse, but each tribe will not completely expose the gods-level powerhouse, then War Horde, there must be a godhouse-level powerhouse left behind, just like the guardian of our treasure house!”

“Yun brother, I have already said this with the war madness. When the war is chaotic, the black snake can’t notice us at that time, so at that time we can confuse the chaos, go to the war tribe, and destroy the war tribe.” God! “After the day of the war, I will rush to the fire directly!”

“This day, the mind is delicate, and the mind is flexible, but it is a good partner. It is just a war madness. Can you get the whole War God family in the future? This day is really a key. I hope he is not selfish. Xiaoren!” Yun Bufan shook the head, and once again rushed toward the group!

“Bastard!” Huo Ming could not help but scream, and the black snake on the side flashed: “No. 3, speed to go to Jiujiu, remember to protect his safety!”

In the crowd of “hu!”, No. 3 went straight to the direction of Yun Bufan. On the 2nd, I saw it in my eyes. My heart was even more angry. “A good black snake. If you are a genius, he can compare with me.” Are you still sect the third to protect him!”

“The third?” Yun Bufan blinked, not saying anything, but rushing directly into the crowd of people and launching a crazy massacre. The heart of the third was shocked: “Really strong killing This ninety-nine, it’s really killing people!

“bang!” “bang!” a path of sword glow, each and everyone is directly smashed, and the third heart is also slightly shocked. Yun Bufan’s murderous method is really rare!

“This is ninety-nine, killing the heart is very strong, it is not bad, this point, in God World is the fundamental premise of survival!” The black snake blinked, but the heart was secretly appreciated, then looked at the direction of the number one, the face Only dignified!

“The confrontation between the source and the No. 1 is like the No. 1 in the downwind, but this source of fire is indeed powerful enough!” Yun Bufan looked at the number one in a dignified manner: “I really don’t know where this fire came from, such a genius, It is possible to cultivate the original fire, and the one of the first Dual Cultivation has not completely erupted. It is estimated that it is difficult to win!”

“This time the tribal war, because of the ninety-nine, one thousand and one kid, the black snake tribe’s chances of winning a big three points, after the war, several of them must focus on training!”

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