Chapter 816

Another month is fleeting, a fire red silhouette flies directly onto the gimbal, bursting with fierce flames, and a powerful momentum erupts from him, making everyone around feel awkward The horror and depression of the words!

“No. 4, is the fourth!” “He even went up to challenge. Is he going to challenge the third?” “Maybe it is the challenge of No. 1 and No. 2!” each and everyone’s voices are constantly ringing. The fire red silhouette, it is the fourth!

Upon hearing the surrounding arguments, the number three recovered from the knees could not help but suddenly opened his eyes. In the eyes, the sustained light flashed, and the fourth was suspended above the gimbal, and the black snake was respectfully nodded, and then the voice was opened and the mouth and said: Leader, I want to challenge, number three!”

“No. 3!” “Sure enough, he is going to challenge the third!” “It is said that the fourth is a high-level god. I don’t know if he has reached the heart of the god?” “The one that can be used on the 3rd has not yet been made, you don’t Forgot, he was the number one with that number!”

Each and everyone talked about it, and there were optimistic about the third and optimistic about the fourth, but in any case, for the battle between the two of them, everyone expressed great interest, the fourth gaze was cold, directly toward the third Looked over the past, the third pupils shrank, but the heart is very angry: “two or six, are you!”

“If it’s not because of the weird sword qi of the second and sixth, do you and everyone dare to challenge me? Bastard!” In the third eye, there is a killing intent, a strong murderous aura unabashedly rushing toward the fourth. Go: “All blame two or six, all blame twenty-six, bastard!”

On the 3rd, a flashing body appeared on the gimbal, and then looked straight at the 4th. The cold light flashed in the eyes, and the 4th smiled lightly: “How? Do you want to kill me? But in your current state, you can kill Is it me?”

“Kill you?” The mouth of the third mouth has a cold smile, shook the head, said coldy: “No, I don’t kill you, you don’t need to kill you, I just need to defeat you like you deal with eighteen.” Yes!”

“Beat? Then let me see where you have improved your strength over the past five hundred years!” on the fourth coldly smiled, the flames soared, the power of Essence of Fire slammed down, and the fourth hand suddenly appeared. Fire red long spear, a shot directly to the third fiercely stabbed over!

“hu!” The fierce flame, the powerful Essence of Fire power, the face suddenly changed slightly, his eyes flickered, he felt, the strength of the fourth increased significantly, watching the 4th and 3rd coldly The right hand waved, and the thunderbolt hill crashed down!

“bang!” “bang!” bursts of sound, the Force of Thunder and the force of fire suddenly collided, the fourth long spear died on the thunderbolt hill on the 3rd, the fourth suddenly loudly roared : “Give me back!”

“bang!” bursts of flames, a powerful explosion of air directly blows thunderbolt hills out, the number three suddenly retreats, the fourth eyes shined, then laughed heartily: “hahaha, number three ah three It seems that the sword of the second six makes you hurt is not light!”

On the 4th, it suddenly leaped high and turned into a fierce flame. It rushed straight toward the third. Long spear suddenly became bigger in the air, with a strong flame, and it slammed down directly. The face of the third was gloomy. The hands flashed, the thunderbolt hills suddenly became bigger, and they directly resisted the long spear of the 4th!

“bang!” “bang!” The sound of the bombing continued to sound one after another. The third light flashed in the third eye. After the whisper, the thunderbolt hill suddenly rose, and the fourth anger whispered: “Break for me! !”

“bang!” bursts of roaring sounds, the fierce flames collided with the thunderbolt hills, and the horrible explosions sounded loudly. No. 4 laughed heartily, crazy and roaring: “No. 3, give me a burst Let’s go back!”

“bang!” burst into a sound, the thunderbolt hill on the third blasted abruptly, and the fierce flame madness swept toward the third. Yun Bufan eyes shined: “The explosive power of Essence of Fire, this fourth has already cultivated Essence of Fire That’s it!”

“pu!” No. 3, the whole person suddenly shocked this powerful flame directly, and the mouth spurt blood came out, but the attack on the fourth was abruptly stopped, because a bead appeared in front of the third, a flashing thunderbolt Rays of light beads!

“Tian Leizhu?” Yun Bufan suddenly shocked his body. Among the crowd, He Lin was also slightly trembled. At this time, He Lin also broke into the first five hundred numbers. The war madness and the swordless life are also in the top five. One hundred!

He Lin suddenly looked at Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan’s gaze also happened to see him. Yun Bufan asked directly to He Lin’s voice: “He Lin, what is going on? You are not saying thunder. Is the bead of the god of thunder?

“Is there anything unexpected about the god of thunder?” He Lin was also full of doubts and puzzles, then said with a bitter smile: “Young Master, I don’t know why this is happening, but I’m sure this day. It must be the magic weapon of the god of thunder, but I don’t know why there are so many more!”

“Is this also an imitation?” Yun Bufan looked at the day with amazement, Lei Lin, Nolind, affirmed: “Absolutely imitation, the real Tianleizhu is Divine Artifact, and maybe even Paragon Divine Artifact, and this Thunder beads, up to the point of Heavenly God Artifact!”

“Heavenly God Artifact !” Yun Bufan nodded, his eyes flashed: “No wonder the No. 4 saw the day when Ray-Ban stopped the attack, Heavenly God Artifact, that is the Divine Artifact, the Same Heavenly God Artifact, which was born for tens of thousands of years. It is already the power of the law!”

“This day, Leizhu, is the Heavenly God Artifact of thunder attribute, which should contain the thunderbolt rule. The fear of the fourth is the thunderbolt rule contained in this Heavenly God Artifact. The power of the law should not be three. The number can compete!” Yun Bufan thought secretly!

At this time, the No. 3 body suddenly flashed, and a powerful horror of momentum erupted from him. The third gaze looked directly at the No. 4, and the eyes were full of the killing intent: “No. 4, You forced me!”

“Heavenly God Artifact!” Deep exhaled on the 4th, watching the 3rd gaze flashing: “Five hundred years ago, you just won the number 3 with this Heavenly God Artifact. Now, I want to see you. Is this Heavenly God Artifact able to hold you on the 3rd!”

On the 4th, the flame suddenly soared and became more and more intense. Then a burst of flame broke out, and the long spear in his hand suddenly burst into raging fire. On the 3rd, suddenly the pupils shrank: “The burner soul, you actually put the spirit of Divine Artifact Give it a burn!”

“In this case, my Divine Artifact will become at least Top Grade Divine Artifact in a short period of time. In the face of your Heavenly God Artifact, the gap will be narrowed, and if you are seriously injured now, I will have a chance to defeat you. Otherwise I don’t have the chance!”

On the 4th, staring at the 3rd, the flame in his hand suddenly rose, and a powerful momentum broke out. The flame gun in his hand directly turned into a fire chain, and went directly to the 3rd!

The face of No. 3 was dignified more than ever, and my heart secretly meditated: “If you win this No. 4, you will definitely be seriously injured. The word qi of the twenty-six is ​​not completely removed. If you are seriously injured at this time, then I have no time at all. restore!”

“It seems that you have to expose something!” The third heart whispered, then looked straight at the number three, thunderbolt in the eyes, a burst of Force of Thunder constantly surrounded, directly banging four No. fiercely smashed down!

In the eyes of the fourth, the light flashed, “bang!” “bang!” bursts of sound continued to blow up, thunderbolt and flame directly bombed, the body of the third was directly bombarded by this huge explosion!

“Bastard! You are courting death!” In the third eye, suddenly the fierce skyrocketing, the Force of Thunder spread, the whole body is covered with thunderbolt, staring at the number four, Tianleizhu whirls rapidly, a burst of horror The Force of Thunder is constantly gathering!

“Give me to death!” On the 3rd, the mad roar, the thunderbolt flashed in the sky, the horrible Force of Thunder slammed down to the 4th, the fourth pupils shrank: “The power of the law, it really is Heavenly God Artifact!”

The fourth eye was filled with heat, and the flames burned in the hands. The fourth eye was full of anger and snarled in a low voice: “Essence of Fire, bring me together, burst!”

“long long long!” in the hands of long spear directly in the air of the sky Leizhu directly spurt away, long spear flame skyrocketing, “bang!” “bang!” bursts of crazy explosions, countless flames Suddenly four times!

“clang!” The fire red long spear suddenly exploded, and the thunderbolt was suddenly blown out. The third eye was soaring, “hong long long!” The whole day, Leizhu was suddenly blown out, “pu! “A large amount of blood was sprayed out on the 3rd, and it was again hit!”

“Self-exploding Top Grade Divine Artifact!” stared at the number four on the 3rd, and the eyes were filled with the killing intent, whispering: “No. 4, self-exploding Top Grade Divine Artifact, self-destructing the power of the source, you actually want to hit me You are in courting death !”

“On the 3rd, are you still sure to deal with the challenges of others?” On the 4th, the whole face was pale as paper, and the blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth. He looked straight at the 3rd, and his eyes sparkled with a smile!

No. 3 pupils shrank, killing intent skyrocketing, and at this time, the number 4 suddenly moved toward the black snake slightly smiled: “The leader, this battle, I admit defeat!”

“Put in the loss?” In the third eye, the killing intent is even worse, then disdain said with a sneer: “On the 4th, you are now blew up the Top Grade Divine Artifact. In order to make me seriously injured, your status is also in jeopardy?”

“Be at stake!” Shakes his head on the 4th and smiled: “That will challenge me, although I can try, I only know that your status should not be saved!”

On the 4th, he flew away and flew away. On the 3rd, he stared at the 4th, and his mouth was cold and smiling!

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