Chapter VIII, Advanced Distraction

“Continuously challenge ten games. Only ten of your 100 people have a chance. Who is going to challenge, you decide!” Yun Bufan looked calm and indifferently looked down, among the group of people below. However, there is no pan-level intermediate distraction and advanced distraction!

Everyone in the first three hundred numbers looked at Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s move is undoubtedly telling everyone that he wants to win 10 fights in a row and then directly challenge the top three elites, 5, 5, With extremely large self-confidence and the call of the leader, there are four words in their minds, “The Peerless Genius!”

Some of the top three hundred people looked at the gimbal. The young man with three embroidered chests looked at it. It was the third, the only one of the black snake tribes.

“Amazing genius?” On the 3rd, watching Yun Bufan’s gaze, Yun Bufan ignored the eyes of others, but stared at the challengers between the numbers of 500 and 700, and then sat down, he I believe that it will take a long time to have the first challenger!

“Everyone, I’m numbering 51. I believe everyone knows that there is a self-knowledge in the bottom. I know that I can’t win the final victory. I’m not going to compete for the position of the 5-7. I want to see if this is true. Such a arrogant capability, this first battle, is handed over to try his strength, how do you feel?”

A young man in the robes of Tsing Yi slowly stood up and floated in the air. He watched the crowd sing with a smile. The people couldn’t help but see that this is a personal thing. The intermediate Peak is distracted. It’s only one step away from the advanced!

But everyone knows that the number of his May 12 is only because of his luck. In the battle of the numbering of the year, the previous May 12 was seriously injured and could not be cured within one month. Now the May 12 is cheaper!

After the May 12th came out, everyone underneath was silent, not only because of the strength of the May 12, but also because it was only the first battle. Even if it was lost, there are still nine battles behind it. Take a look at the strength of the five seven five!

“The first-war candidate has already been selected?” Yun Bufan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were shining, then he looked at the 51-two confidently flying up, and Yun Bufan flashed a disappointment in his eyes!

This disappointment, not at all escaped the eyes of May 12, and the eyes of May 12 were flashing with angry flames: “Boy, don’t you see me?”

Yun Bufan smiled at the shook the head and whispered: “I originally came up, it will be sixty-two!”

“Six twenty-six?” May 12 startedled, and then looked at the so-called six twenty-six to the bottom, everyone’s eyes also instantly concentrated on the body of this six-two six, a blue robe, a faint smile on his face Meaning, gentle and elegant, it looks like a scholar!

“Low-level distraction?” May 12 brows frowned, watching Yun Bufan angry: “Boy, are you ridiculing me? Taunting me even a low-level distraction is not as good as?”

“Low-level distraction?” Yun Bufan shook his head and laughed, and then looked at the open and the mouth and said: “You can’t even see his true strength. What qualifications do you have to play against me? Since you are coming up, I can just let you see this group of so-called intermediate disperses and seniors, realm, does not represent strength!”

Yun Bufan suddenly burst into a strong nine-color ray of light, a hegemonic momentum rising from the sky, bursts of nine rays of light skyrocketing, the black snake suddenly flashed in the eyes, then looked at the six twenty-six At a glance, brows frowned, the eyes of June 26 are always staring at Yun Bufan, and the eyes are equally bright!

“bang!” The overbearing momentum broke out instantly. Yun Bufan looked straight at May 12, and suddenly felt in ones heart trembled. Then he sneered in his heart: “As long as you beat you, the leader will pay attention to me, not to mention the reward. Whatever I am, as long as the leader notices me, I will do it when I am strong, and the leader will naturally have my impression!”

“Five-seven-five, come on!” The five-two body also broke out of the golden rays of light, and the power of gold burst out. The enlightened one is a golden line, Yun Bufan startled, close the eyes. The restored Giant Spirit Race glanced at the heart, secretly sighed: “No wonder it doesn’t look at this May 12!”

Although this is a mid-level disappointment, the divine power is simply imaginary and not condensed. It must be because of the fortuitous encounter and the intermediate level of breakthrough. It is not at all that it is achieved by self-cultivation. In the future, I am afraid that there is no potential, and there is no room for improvement!

Yun Bufan shook the head, the wind and thunder wings vibrate, a roar of sound, Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly disappeared, 521 coldly snorted: “Speed, can you speed up my attack? Chasing the soul!”

“Chī!” A golden light, spurting directly toward Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan’s face is amazed expression, this golden light is a long needle, which is nearly two meters long, but small Like sand, it looks like a gold thread!

“The strange Divine Artifact, I don’t know how the attack power is!” Yun Bufan’s heart moved, then the nine-color rays of light flashed, and Divine Sword smashed directly toward the golden long needle, and in the eyes of May 12, It is a conspiracy of rays of light!

“bang!” A sword slammed down, suddenly bursts of fierce explosions, and the golden light slammed, the cold sound of May 12 also sounded: “Give me a penetrating!”

“Chī!” The small long needle that had reached the top of Divine Sword was rotated directly, bringing up a golden storm, Yun Bufan complexion changed, he felt a strong penetrating power, this penetrating power It’s like wearing a small hole in Divine Sword!

“This Divine Artifact!” Yun Bufan complexion changed, looking at the golden long needle, whispered: “This Divine Artifact, the main function is to penetrate, its attack power is not strong at all!”

“I want to pierce my Divine Sword, this is the Divine Artifact of the Master, which is a small gold needle that can penetrate, Break for me! !” Yun Bufan whispered, then screamed wildly, bursting into bursts Nine colors of rays of light skyrocketed, a sword glow directly down!

“Bang!” A horrible explosion sounded, and under the burst of rays of light, the golden long needle suddenly flew out, and the complexion greatly changed, Yun Bufan whispered with a sneer: “May 1 Second, do you have this strength? If so, then you will give me out!”

“bang!” The trend of heaven and earth, terrifying matchless world, Yun Bufan not at all plundering Strength of World, after all, a 51, you don’t need him to use Strength of World to deal with it, just the world, it is enough Deal with him!

“The power of heaven and earth?” May 12 complexion changed, then coldly snorted low shouted: “The little world, do you want to deal with me? Break for me! Open!”

“hong long long!” A golden hammer, suddenly bursting out from behind May 12, Yun Bufan laughed: “You have two Divine Artifacts, yes, very good, so that is more interesting, two Divine Artifact, that’s not there, give me a break!”

“Bang!” A powerful wave of air broke out, directly swept the past, and the eyes were stunned, and then screamed: “Give me!”

“peng!” “clang!” Tu Divine Sword and Golden Sledgehammer suddenly collided, and Yun Bufan whispered: “To defeat the world, give me a roll!”

“hong long long!” bursts of nine colorful clouds constantly surging, a horrible hegemonic force directly broke out, overwhelming the world, Yun Bufan reached the full blow after the distraction, suddenly a strong domineering toward the five one two Directly banged in the past!

“bang!” burst into a sound, and the whole person of May 12 was suddenly blown out, and a large mouth of blood was sprayed out. “Chī!” Passed through the Yuntai ban, and it was outside the Yuntai in May 12 , lost!

” Lost, I actually lost!” Looking at the collapse of the front of the 51st, suddenly felt an incredible, slyly looking at the gimbal, whispering, eyes filled with lost expression, he thought, he would definitely Win, who knows, will lose!

“The loss of May 12th, even lost!” “The strength of the 5, 5, 5 is not just a simple primary distraction!” “His strength must be stronger than the intermediate distraction!” A burst of arguments under the voice Everyone was shocked to see Yun Bufan!

However, this battle did not let the group of the top 100 people mention a slight interest. In their view, such a battle was very uninteresting. Instead, it looked at Yun Bufan with amazement. The expression of interest is flashing in the eyes!

“The first one has been defeated, the second one is who, come up!” Yun Bufan looked at the crowd underneath, then slowly said: “Some low-powered, you don’t need to come up to temptation, because you are fundamentally I don’t even have the qualifications to do my best!”

“Hurricane!” angry roar suddenly sounded, a young man with a flashing cyan ray mangled over his face and looked at Yun Bufan coldly said: “5, 5, 5, you are too arrogant, I am 999, today Come and teach you!”

“Five-nine-nine-nine?” Yun Bufan shook the head, faintly opened the mouth and said: “You want to come up, can they agree?”

“Yes, five or nine, what are you? What are your qualifications to represent us pay respects to!” “Yes, your number is better than us, what do you rely on?” “You can give me down, just Do you want to challenge?”

Each and everyone’s disdainful cynicism suddenly sounded loudly. Obviously, for this 599, they were also extremely unoptimistic. The face was gloomy. Looking at everyone underneath, suddenly coldly snorted, a powerful momentum suddenly came from him. It broke out!

“Advanced distraction?”

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