Chapter 956 Demi-God Peak

“bang!” “Ch墨!” Nine thunderous vortex blasted, Force of Thunder continued to gather, the land was full of excitement, whispered muttered: “Successful, finally succeeded, I actually succeeded, Divine Artifact, I also reached the point of Divine Artifact, Divine Artifact !”

“Come on, ninety-nine thunders, I will be able to spend, I can certainly!” The land is staring at the thunderbolt vortex in midair, countless Force of Thunder spurts down, the first thunderbolt vortex Thunderbolt fiercely smashed down!

In the eyes of the land, the light flashed, and a loud glimpse: “The shield of the gods, cover the sky!”

“weng!” earthen-colored rays of light skyrocketed, the earth god shield directly turned into a huge earthen-colored giant shield, and then directly blocked the top of the land, the power of the soil, has always been based on defense, so this Jiujiu robbery, Yun Bufan is not worried at all!

鈥淐h墨! 鈥?鈥淐h墨! 鈥?a path of thunderbolt continually squatting down to the huge earth god shield, suddenly splashing a glimmer of light, Yun Bufan eyes ray of light: 鈥淟ook at the defense of the land I am afraid that the Force of Thunder of the first six robbery vortex will not be able to shake his magical use!”

Covering the sky, it is only the first magical effect of the earth god shield, turned into a huge shield, double the defense, directly resisting the enemy’s attack, originally the power of the earth, plus the defense of Divine Artifact, the general attack is impossible to break The defense of the earth god shield!

“Ch墨! ” “Ch墨! ” Countless thunderbolt keep falling, the first thunder vortex, the second thunder vortex, the third thunder vortex, all can’t shake the defense of the earth shield until the sixth thunder The nine thunderbolts among the vortex are all dropped, and the earth god shield is only slightly trembled!

“Six robbing vortex, it just made it tremble slightly?” Yun Bufan saw this scene, but also felt an incredible, the eyes of the land flashing, laughed heartily said: “Jiujiu robbery, hahaha, Jiujiu Lei Robbery, no threats, no threats!”

“bang!” “ka!” The thunderbolt of the seventh thunderbolt vortex slammed down, the first thunderbolt, which made the huge earth shield tremble slightly, and the land was full of confidence: “Come on, look at the eighth Is it possible to force me to make a second magical effect?”

“Ch墨! ” “Ch墨! ” The Seventh Thunderbolt vortex’s Force of Thunder squats, the entire earth god shield trembles, feels like a crash at any time, the land whispers, the soil that is about to collapse Aegis suddenly rays of light, but it is hard to collapse!

“Blocked, it actually blocked the seven looting vortex, the defense of the earth god shield, I am afraid that it is already stronger than the dragon god!” Yun Bufan eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, after all, the dragon god 閾?is now only the royal product Immortal Artifact, not at all reaches the point of Divine Artifact!

“hong long long!” The eighth thunderbolt vortex trembled, “Ch墨!” The first thunder robbery fiercely, the earth god shield fully resisted, the whole big shield suddenly trembled, there was a trace of silk, The land whispered muttered: “Is it finally unable to withstand it?”

“weng!” A strong earthen-colored rays of light broke out on the land, and the land whispered: “Hexagon Aegis, give me a start!”

“weng!” “weng!” The earth god shield on the top of the land suddenly turned, and countless earthen-colored rays of light flashed. The whole earth god shield was split into six and turned into six small soils. Aegis, six earth god shields are connected together and turned into a hexagonal shield!

Hexagon Aegis is a strong earthen-colored rays of light, and Yun Bufan鈥檚 eyes flashed: “Okay, well, this move is exactly equal to turning a shield into six sides. What attack is actually six shields?” Sharing together, in this case, not only can the opponent’s attack weaken, but also can not break this defense!”

“Ch墨!” The thunderbolt of the eighth thunderbolt vortex squats again, and the cold eyes flash in the eyes: “Hexagon Aegis, Rotate, tear me!”

“Hey!” “Hey!” The earth god shield defended against the attack, and even swept the past directly toward the thick thunderbolt, and rushed straight past, the thick thunderbolt, which was directly torn from the middle by the hexagonal shield. Come and turn into countless Force of Thunder!

“This, this earth god shield, can even attack, with hexagon as a weapon, shield to attack Divine Artifact, well, well, this earth god shield is really mysterious!” Yun Bufan is also a delight, he did not expect this soil Aegis can also be turned into an attack on Divine Artifact!

“bang!” “Ch墨!” Another number of Force of Thunder slammed down, and the land suddenly looked up, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth: “Hexagon Aegis, give me a tear!”

“Is the land, the land he is going to use the earth shield, tearing all the thunderbolt of the eighth thunderbolt vortex?” Yun Bufan saw this scene, looked at the land with horror, a defensive shield, which turned out to be a piece at this moment. Attack Divine Artifact!

鈥淗ey!鈥?鈥淗ey!鈥?Sure enough, the fifth thunderbolt was still torn into pieces by the earth god shield, and Yun Bufan鈥檚 eyes were filled with joy: 鈥淕ood, really strong, big attack, this hexagon, even So sharp, really powerful!”

“hong long long!” All the thunderstorms of the eighth thunderbolt vortex could not shake the earth god shield. At this time, the ninth thunderbolt vortex slammed up, and countless Force of Thunder continued to gather, the ninth Thunder robbery vortex, exudes a majestic momentum, directly banging!

“ka!” “ka!” The ninth thunderbolt vortex continually spun up, a path of Force of Thunder rallied, Yun Bufan stopped in the heart: “This land, not going crazy to tear this ninth thunder directly Rob vortex’s Force of Thunder?”

“Ch墨!” The first thunderbolt slammed down and the land screamed: “I give tears and continue to tear!”

“Sure enough, he is really crazy, so sure?” Yun Bufan saw this scene, and he secretly marveled!

It is an accident that the Earth God Shield can be turned into a Hexagon Aegis. This is an accident, and the attack power is so strong. It can be said that it is an accident accident. To tear this ninth Thunderbolt vortex Thunderbolt, I am afraid it is still not enough!

“Hey!” “Hey!” Hexagon Aegis greeted the thunderbolt directly, tearing it straight from the middle of the thick thunderbolt. When the hexagonal shield rips into the middle of the thick thunderbolt, it suddenly stops. There, it was stuck!

“Sure enough, tearing up the ninth thunderbolt vortex thunder!” Yun Bufan saw this scene, the heart could not help but secretly the head, this scene, he had expected, after all, the earth shield is against Divine Artifact, and Not attacking Divine Artifact!

“Hexagon Aegis, Defence!” The land saw this scene, but also helpless. After the whisper, the Hexagon Aegis suddenly broke out of the earthen-colored rays of light, and then continued to rotate and float on the top of the land. The thick thunderbolt that was torn in half continued to smash down towards the land!

“bang!” The thick thunderbolt slammed on the hexagonal shield. The hexagonal aegis continued to rotate. Each corner received a lot of Force of Thunder. The six corners spread out and the Force of Thunder received from each corner. Not too strong, so this thick thunderbolt with no difficulty is resisted!

“Hey!” “Hey!” The thunderbolt of the ninth thunderbolt vortex, the hexagonal Aegis spins faster and faster, the defense is getting stronger and stronger, countless earthen-colored rays of light flashing, hexagon The Aegis suddenly rose three points!

“Ch墨!” The thunderbolt of the ninth thunderbolt vortex smashed down one after another, but it was all resisted by the hexagonal shield. The hexagonal aegis trembled constantly, but not at all the signs of rupture!

“Bang!” The last thunder robber finally fell fiercely, and the huge thunderbolt fiercely fell. This thunderbolt crashed onto the earth god shield, and the hexagonal aegis suddenly gave a slight trembling sound. Then suddenly the rays of light flashed!

“Bang!” A horrible momentum emerged from the figure, Divine Artifact’s breath, this is Divine Artifact’s breath. After the ninety-nine thunder, the earth god shield finally took the final transformation, directly From the intermediate emperor Immortal Artifact to Divine Artifact!

鈥淒ivine Artifact finally reached the point of Divine Artifact!鈥?Yun Bufan felt the breath of the earth god shield, and the heart could not help but sigh, the land suddenly shouted: 鈥渉ahaha, Divine Artifact, I finally reached Divine Artifact To the point, Divine Artifact !”

“Master!” The land is excited to look at Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan is also laughed: “Land, congratulations on your breakthrough to Divine Artifact!”

“It’s Many Thanks Master. If it’s not the Master’s treasure, I can’t break through to Divine Artifact!” The land looked at Yun Bufan, smiled and respected opened the mouth and said!

“Well, land, you first integrate into my within the body, I feel the improvement of my strength!” Yun Bufan whispered, the land respectfully complied, and then directly flashed into the body, incorporating Yun Bufan’s with the body!

Yun Bufan suddenly broke out with a strong earthen-colored rays of light. A powerful earth power burst out of his with the body. The earthen-colored rays of light on Yun Bufan are getting stronger and stronger, and the momentum is also More and more powerful!

Yun Bufan whispered, a kind of rays of light flashed together, “bang!” nine colorful rays of light flashed at the same time, a strong hegemonic momentum broke out from Yun Bufan within the body, Yun Bufan slightly paused Suddenly looked up towards the sky!

“This is? Traction, traction from God World!” Yun Bufan was secretly surprised, he felt a pulling force, it was the power of pulling from God World, it was to pull him to God World!

“My strength has reached Demi-God’s Peak, Demi-God Peak, and I have already sensed God World’s traction. It seems that if Locking Wind Bead and Tianleizhu reach Divine Artifact, I am afraid that God will rob you?”

Yun Bufan feels the strength and power of with the body, and the power of the previous God World. He knows that he is only a step away from flying God World. Raymond and Locking Wind Bead!

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