The six hundred and ninety-three chapters accept the Tianyangxing

“Yun brother, it seems that your movements are very fast!” Tianyangxing, the main house of the Stars, the leaders of the three kings and the cadres of the kings were blocked by Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan was alone. The power, they stopped their five emperors, more than 20 Xianjun, this is the overall strength of the three kings!

“I now finally understand why the power of the 36th King has not been able to become an imperial power, and the imperial power cannot become a royal power! This gap is too big!” Yun Bufan couldn’t help but shook his head and whispered. !

The gap is almost a hundred times. Yang Zhengtian faintly smiled: “It is not impossible to become, but it is very difficult. In the history of Immortal World, there are many examples of the development from the king to the imperial power, but the development For the imperial power, but only three!”

“Three?” Yun Bufan curiously looked at Yang Zhengtian, Yang Zhengtian faint with a smile: “One is six hundred years ago poetry word immortal Li Taibai, one is one hundred eight 100,000 years ago Tai Chi Grandmaster Zhang Sanfeng, the last one, is the dream of today’s Martial Sovereign. The first two have already soared to God World, but the dream is lonely, but it is a real retreat!”

“Poetry immortal Li Taibai? Taiji Grandmaster Zhang Sanfeng?” Yun Bufan secretly shocked: “This, isn’t this the two most outstanding geniuses in the Culture World countless years? It is rumored that Li Taibai is practicing the so-called world. And Zhang Sanfeng is practicing the yin and yang, they are all very different, but they are equally powerful!”

“The Great Emperor of Liyang?” At the moment when Yang Zhengtian appeared, the forces of the three kings and the others felt a desperate look. Looking at Yang Zhengtian with horror, Yang Zhengtian’s madness and status can be said to be strength. Hit it down!

“You three, among the forces of the 36 Kings, at best, they are in the middle of that’s all, even dare to hit the idea of ​​my Tianyangxing? You are really courting death!” Yang Zhengtian looked at the three kings Force and the others, coldly smiled, disdain opened the mouth and said !

“Lieyang the Great, forgive, we are also forced to help!” Among the eight-level Xiandi suddenly looked at Yang Zhengtian, and asked for help!

“Forcibly helpless?” Yang Zhengtian coldly smiled: “I certainly know that you listened to the words of Yi Shuihan, and were forced to helpless. Otherwise, with your courage, how dare you come to me this day, Yang Tianxing!”

The eight-level Xiandi suddenly looked a happy, Yang Zhengtian then indifferently said: “Since it is forced to helpless, then I will give you a chance to surrender to me, I will spare you a life!”

“This…” The leader of the three kings’ powers look at each other in dismay, Yang Zhengtian face turned cold: “How? To surrender the sword emperor can, surrender to me Yang Zhengtian but not, no, you look down on me Yang Zhengtian? ”

“No, no, the emperor misunderstood!” The eight-level Xiandi suddenly waved his hands, and then looked at each other and smiled: “We, willing to surrender!”

Yun Bufan and Yun are laughing all day, Yang Zhengtian said to Yun Bufan nodded, “Yun brother, you can order your people to return to the star government, and then go to the Demi-God. Let’s go!”

“Demi-God?” Yun Bufan was slightly surprised, and then nodded, the leader of the three kings’ forces was faintly opened the mouth and said: “You can contact your people and tell them that you have surrendered and told them not to resist. , come to the main house of the stars to concentrate!”

“Yes!” The leaders of the three kings’ forces were respectfully nodded, and then each and everyone took out the messaging jade slip, Yun Bufan nodded, directly a flash, disappeared directly!

“bang!” “pu!” bursts of black rays of light, a fierce bombing sounded, a silhouette quickly slid out, a large stream of blood sprayed out, black light flashing, revealing what Lin that tall and straight demon silhouette!

“Du Ting, you are not my opponent at all!” He Lin stared coldly, staring at Du Ting, Du Ting’s mouth with long bloodshot eyes, pale looking at He Lin: “If you don’t have Divine Artifact, If you are not good at Soul Attack, how could you be my opponent!”

“Du Ting, you don’t forget, you are Demi-God!” He Lin coldly sneered, Du Ting stopped, He Lin coldly smiled: “You, no chance!”

“weng!” The left eye of Death suddenly floated out, and He Lin’s cold voice sounded up: “Du Ting, can take my shot, I can spare you a life, if you can’t take it, then don’t Blame me!”

“Death, vortex 斩!” He Lin Shen shouted in a low voice, the eyes of the sky skyrocketed, the left eye of the god of death continued to rotate, the black rays of light flashed, and then a flash, instantly integrated into Death God’s Scythe , Death God’s Scythe, suddenly black light slams!

“hu!” A small black vortex of black paint suddenly formed, and He Lin smashed down to Du Ting fiercely. The small black vortex of black paint suddenly swept away to Du Ting, Du Ting ppils shrank, eyes full of fear!

“Gold power, broken gold!” Du Ting is also a scream, the golden light 璀璨 erupted, numerous golden blade glows gathered in midair into a huge golden blade glow, Du Ting screamed, leaping high, Then I went down to Yun Bufan fiercely!

“clang!” A crisp crash sounded, black light of light and golden rays of light flashed at the same time, black light and golden light became brighter and thicker, and then a horrible bombing sounded. , black rays of light blasting golden rays of light in midair at the same time!

“hu!” A huge amount of energy suddenly spread around, Death God’s Scythe and the left eye of the god of death flew toward He Lin at the same time, He Lin grabbed Death God’s Scythe, the left eye of the god of death merged into the left eye, and then I just flew over to Du Ting’s confidence!

“Unfortunately, you are the power of cultivation. If you are practicing Force of Water or the power of the earth, the defense against the soul will be stronger. Soul Attack is the greatest restraint for you!” He Linfei next to Du Ting , shook the head, whispered!

Du Ting turned his head in a difficult way, and looked straight at He Lin, then from head to toe, slowly turning to a little bit of crushing, leaving only a storage ring and the Golden Emperor Immortal Artifact knife!

He Lin grabbed the golden emperor Immortal Artifact and the storage ring. When he saw the Yun Bufan in the distance, He Lin was briefly paused, his body trembled, and the blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth. It’s incredibly white!

“Young Master!” He Lin coughed twice, Yun Bufan smiled and ran towards Nolin: “He Lin, yes, I didn’t expect you to kill a Demi-God, very good!”

“Young Master, according to this Du Ting, he is one of the eight guards of the Sword Emperor. I suspect that there are at least ten Demi-God in the power of the Sword Emperor!” He Lin looked at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then said with a smile: “The ten Demi-God are definitely not. This guard is the guardian of the Sword Emperor. There should be at least 10 levels of Peak Emperor!”

“Young Master, that day, Yang Xing?” He Lin looked at Yun Bufan’s hesitation, Yun Bufan smiled nodded: “It’s already done, let’s go, you take this storage ring to the blood recognizing Master to see what’s there, then The emperor Immortal Artifact will be left to Dragon Race’s Golden Dragon!”

“Dragon Race’s Golden Dragon?” He Lin stunned, Yun Bufan laughed: “Jin Lie’s side support, there is a newborn dragon is also a golden dragon, and innate talent is good, in my white jade bottle, now also reached The point of the fairy, the golden knife gives him just right!”

“Good!” He Lin and Yun Bufan flew directly toward Tianyangxing. In the middle of the road, He Linshun recognizing Master the storage ring, and the gods swept away, and then the face hangs a happy color: “Young Master , there is a good baby!”

“Good baby?” Yun Bufan glanced, He Lin whispered, earthen-colored rays of light flashed, a group of yellow soil appeared in He Lin’s hands, this yellow soil exudes a strong earth atmosphere, Yun Bufan is also in the eyes A flash: “Is this?”

“Plastic mud!” He Lin whispered a smile: “This plastic mud is a soil attribute Supreme Treasure, which is a rare treasure of God World. It is used to refine the earth attribute Divine Artifact and earth attribute avatar or earth attribute. Supreme Treasure, Young Master, this plastic mud, the best shield for you!”

“Tushen Shield!” Yun Bufan eyes shined, and then the result is plastic mud, laughed said: “haha, go, let’s go to the star house of Tianyangxing, and then advance the earth shield to Divine Artifact, I did not expect What is missing from this!”

In Tianyangxing, in the main courtyard of the main house, the 20,000 horses of Three Great Influences are all respectful, and the 10,000 people brought by Yun Bufan are surrounded by them. The leaders of Three Great Influences are watching the sun in awe. Zhengtian, Yang Zhengtian just looked at the door calmly!

“hu!” “hu!” Between the leaders of the Three Great Influences, the two silhouettes flew directly from the main house of the star, and at this time, the 10,000 people around them, including the twenty emperors Inside, everyone fell down on one knee and respectfully shouted: “pay respects to overlord!”

The sound slammed into the sky, and even the leaders of the Three Great Influences were shocked. They looked at Yun Bufan and He Lin, who were flying in amazement. The three people were puzzled: “Overlord?”

“Get up!” Yun Bufan’s faint voice sounded: “This time, you are doing very well, I am very satisfied!”

The 20 celestial emperors were suddenly relaxed, Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “Reassured, this time, your credit, I will remember, when I accept the five emperors, I will definitely appreciate it!”

There is merit and reward, there is a penalty, this is the rule of every force, the 20 cents and the others are excited and respectful: “many thanks!”

Yun Bufan nodded, and then looked at Yang Zhengtian smiled opened the mouth and said: “Yang big brother, your Liyang Legion can also adjust 20,000 people, and then the whole Tianyangxing, you are most familiar, I go first Improve your strength, the things here can be handed over to you!”

Not waiting for Yang Zhengtian to return, Yun Bufan flew into the interior of the star government, and Yang Zhengtian could not help but shake his head and smiled: “This guy is lazy!”

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