The 680th chapter of the service

“Isn’t it surrender or death?” The second commander stopped, and then looked at Yun Bufan coldly, his voice was cold: “Yun Bufan, don’t you think your tone is too big?”

“Is the tone too big?” Yun Bufan grinned and shook the head: “I don’t think, Guan Shanyue, how? Received the news? Is the Qing Emperor still in retreat?”

“en?” Two commander slightly paused. After a while, a commander ran over in panic, whispering something to the second commander. The face of the second commander suddenly changed. Yun Bufan laughed heartily: “Guan Shanyue, I said, but the facts? Qingdi already not in?”

“Yun Bufan, even if you speak correctly, what about it? Just because of your 8,000 people, do you want to deal with my 40,000 people?” The second commander sneered, even if the fairy army was dispersed. This Qingdi star still left 40,000 troops!

It’s just that the second commander couldn’t understand, how did the 8,000 people of Yun Bufan shuttle to the Qingdi star, and 8,000 people, even if they were controlled by the Qingdi star, would they be detected?

Where did the second commander know that Yun Bufan divided them into twenty teams, five hundred people for one team, and that they were scattered by five hundred people, and scattered hundreds of people with hundreds of people, it is not surprising!

“To deal with your 40,000 army, if you fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, then you will be a little sure of destroying your 40,000 army!” Yun Bufan looked at the second commander, faintly opened, and even Yang Zhengtian was amazed. Looking at him, Yun Bufan’s face is full of confident smiles!

“What?” The second commander also looked at Yun Bufan unbelievably, and then haha ​​laughed wildly: “hahaha, Yun Bufan, destroyed my 40,000 army? Well, if you can destroy my 40,000 army, I Guan Shanyue is your leader, if you can’t destroy my 40,000 army, how about you?”

“If it can’t be destroyed, I will let you deal with it!” Yun Bufan smiled confidently, and the second commander said in his heart: “Why, what other helper does Yun Bufan have?”

“Well, Yun Bufan, you are talking about how to destroy my 40,000 army!” The second commander gnawed his teeth and said: “I don’t believe that he can really destroy my 40,000 army!”

“Just rely on them!” Yun Bufan’s blue light flashed, and suddenly, a thousand people appeared behind Yun Bufan. This extra thousand people, all of them are magnificent, especially the leading ones, even The second commander also felt a crush!

“This breath, this power!” Two commander is not by the pupils shrank, looking directly at the thousands of people suddenly appearing behind Yun Bufan, the eyes are full of shock: “This thousand people, this, all are Divine Beast?”

Yun Bufan not at all deliberately hides them. They are the Yun Race that Yun Bufan can now mobilize. It has a powerful Dragon Race, a thousand Dragon Race powerhouse, and a thousand people with Little Wei, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo as their heads. The minimum cultivation base is Profound Immortal strength!

“How long have these Dragon Races been lurking in my Immortal Mansion? I have waited too long for this day!” Yun Bufan looked at this thousand Dragon Race and was filled with excitement, since Dragon After Race followed himself, Yun Bufan had been worried about the forces of the Three Emperors and had never dared to let the Dragon Race surface, but now, it is completely unnecessary!

“Two comemander, do you know what Divine Beast is? With your intelligence, you should be able to guess it?” Yun Bufan looked at Guan Shanyue and said with a smile!

“Dragon Race?” The second commander sounds bitter, watching Yun Bufan speak loudly, Yun Bufan laughed heartily: “Dragon Race, yes, it’s Dragon Race!”

“Dragon Race’s brother sisters, we have been waiting for this day for too long. Now, you tell me, what are you most eager for?” Yun Bufan turned abruptly, and a domineering burst out suddenly, looking behind him. Thousand Dragon Race, shouted loudly!

“War!” “War!” “War!” “War!” Thousand Dragon Race madly screamed, went up to the power of Xiandi, down to Profound Immortal, their Dragon Race waited for this day, hundreds of millions of years. One generation, one generation, one generation is not as good as one generation, from God World to Immortal World, from Immortal World to the demon world, from the demon world to the fun dragon cliff, they are the rise of Dragon Race!

Thousand Dragon Race The crazy fighting intent came out directly, Divine Beast’s breath also broke out, Guan Shanyue’s face suddenly changed, staring at Yun Bufan with a gloomy face, Yun Bufan faint with a smile “Two comemander, you don’t have to wait, the people you sent out have been cut off by me, that is to say, except for the Qingdi star, you will not have any reinforcements!”

“hu!” a path of silhouette whistling from a distance, in their hands are holding a person, the first to arrive here is He Lin, in the hands of He Lin, carrying two Xiandi powerhouse He Linfei swept to Yun Bufan and took the two emperors away, then respectfully said: “Young Master!”

“Old four, old five!” Guan Shanyue suddenly complexion changed, Yun Bufan faintly looked at him: “Don’t worry, this is just the beginning!”

“hu!” is another silhouette flying over, bursting with a shocking murderous aura, two people in the expressionless’s handle were also thrown in front of Yun Bufan, and left behind Yun Bufan without saying a word, Guanshan The moon suddenly whispered: “Old Third, old seven!”

“Old Six!” “Old Eight!” “Old Nine!” With the war madness, Qianqiu Xue and Aoguang three people fell at the same time, one person is holding a person in his hand. At this moment, Guan Shanyue has red eyes and died. Staring at Yun Bufan, he whispered: “Yun Bufan, you, what do you want to do?”

“Nothing!” Yun Bufan smiled slowly and slowly opened the mouth and said: “I just want to tell you that everything about the Qingdi Star is under my control. How can you resist it in vain!”

“Yun Bufan!” Guan Shanyue’s anger is low: “What kind of character are you? Catch my brother to threaten me? Have the ability, you are really killing me, if my 40,000 army is defeated, then I will Shanyue will surrender to you!”

“Guan Shanyue!” Yun Bufan looked cold and opened the mouth and said: “Don’t forget, since you sent them to the start of another level of the Stars, the battle between us has begun. Do you really think that what miracle can you bring to your 40,000 army? I will let you see what is desperate!”

“Weng!” Yan Bufan’s face was cold, and a dark green jade slip spurred out from him: “Guan Shanyue, after you read the influence of this record, if there is courage and my giant dragon If Legion is in battle, then Yun Bufan, I will accompany you!”

Guan Shanyue, then grabbed the dark green jade slip, the ray of light, the scene of Yun Bufan’s giant dragon Legion and the sword of the Three Great Elders Guards in the mind of Guan Shanyue Among them, slowly, Guan Shanyue’s eyes are full of incredible expression!

“To deal with the Three Great Elders Guards of the Sword Emperor, I only need three hundred giant dragon soldiers, and against you Guan Shanyue, I have already dispatched a thousand giant dragon Legion, do you think that you 40,000 people can block My giant dragon Legion?” Yun Bufan looked cold and looked straight at Guan Shanyue!

Guan Shanyue looked dull and whispered: “How is it possible? How is this possible? Giant dragon Legion, is there such a terrible giant dragon Legion?”

“Guan Shanyue, I will ask you the last sentence, surrender or die?” Yun Bufan killing intent flashing, looking straight at Guan Shanyue, his eyes are extremely powerful, domineering!

“I, surrender!” Guan Shanyue slowly closed his eyes, his face full of painful expression: “Cloud Star Lord, I have a request, please, let go of my eight brothers, let them go!”

Guan Shanyue looked straight at Yun Bufan, his eyes were firm, Yun Bufan was slightly paused, and laughed: “Since you have surrendered, they are naturally my brother, how can I be embarrassed!”

“bang!” Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light flashed, and the controlled Eight Immortal Capital Capital was shocked by the body, and then they all stared angrily at Yun Bufan, and they were escorted. They were escorted. Incomparable grievances, even the power to fight back!

“Second brother!” Everyone looked at Guan Shanyue. Guan Shanyue just surrendered to them, but in his eyes, Guan Shanyue waved his hand: “No use!”

“But we still have 40,000 troops!” reached the seventh-level Xiandi’s eager voice, Guan Shanyue said with a bitter smile: “40,000 army?”

“You, take a look at this image!” Guan Shanyue handed the image that Yun Bufan gave him to eight of them. The Eight Emperor Xiandi also inspected it at the same time. In less than a moment, the faces of the eight people all appeared. Believe expression!

“This, how is this possible?” Eight people look at each other in dismay, unbelievable, Guan Shanyue slowly exhaled: “So, in addition to surrender, we are dead, do you want us to die? The emperor has soared Now, we can’t hold the Qingdi star, do not surrender to him, and surrender to the Three Emperors!”

“Three emperors?” Eight people are exhaled, and then looked at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “My relationship with the Three Emperors, you should know, yes, surrender to me, you must also be with the Three Emperors on!”

“Second brother!” Eight Capital Immortal Capital looked at Guan Shanyue, Guan Shanyue looked directly at Yun Bufan, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said: “We can serve you, but we hope you don’t control us, at most, we only Will send a soul vow, and will not be planted by you!”

“The Seal of the Soul?” Yun Bufan haha ​​laughed wildly: “hahaha, Guan Shanyue, I am not afraid of your betrayal, even the soul vows do not need you to send, I only ask you, surrender or die!”

Guan Shanyue and the others are relaxed, they are most afraid of being planted with the soul mark, then they really become the other side’s efforts. The nine people look at each other and are nodded, and then they squat on Yun Bufan. Down, respected the mouth and said : “pay respects to the star owner!”

Yun Bufan suddenly burst into laughter: “In the future, the name of this seat: Overlord!”

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