The 687th chapter attacked the Qingdi star

“Nine Heavens, I don’t mean to turn around with you. You should know that there is no free lunch in the world. I am helping you this time, and naturally it has a purpose!” Yun Bufan looked straight at Nine Heavens and screamed!

“Yun Bufan, don’t say that you saved me twice. It’s just your help to the spiritual treasure cabinet. If you have any requirements, I can’t refuse if the spiritual treasure cabinet can do it!” Nine Heavens looked at it seriously. Yun Bufan, the same look is serious!

Yun Bufan suddenly smiled and revealed a touch of ease: “Nine Heavens, tell you the truth, some time ago, I completely offended Ye Hongchen. I can say that my Yun Bufan and the Sword Emperor are already dead and alive. And the dream is absolutely willing to deal with me!”

“You can rest assured that my spiritual treasure cabinet will stand on your side, whether it is intelligence or the immortal army, it will give you the greatest help. The Sayādaw has commanded you, and you will be proud of Yun Bufan’s Heaven Destroying. Lost damage!” Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan and slowly opened with a smile!

“I am waiting for this sentence!” Yun Bufan laughed, then stood up and said to Nine Heavens with a smile: “Nine Heavens, this is the case, since things are done, then I It’s time to go back to Heaven Destroying!”

“Wait a minute!” Nine Heavens suddenly spoke, Yun Bufan glanced, Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan said with a smile : “Yun Bufan, I have a big intelligence and I am going to tell you, if it’s because of Hong Liu, Maybe I have already sent you a message!”

“Great intelligence?” Yun Bufan slightly paused, Nine Heavens nodded, and then slowly said: “Jin Yan has secretly voted for the dust, and the Qing Emperor, but also secretly soared, Tu Xingsun’s power was secretly controlled by the dream. You may be able to start from them!”

“Oh?” Yun Bufan eyes shined, then slowly nodded: “Yes, my side is a Yang Zhengtian and his Lieyang Legion. If you want to compare with the three emperors, they still have a lot of gaps. If you conquer the power of the other three emperors, you can compare them with them, or even exceed them!”

“According to my spiritual treasure cabinet investigation, Ye Hongchen got a Divine Formation in the ancient gods. The big Demi-God powerhouse is studying this Divine Formation, and the Taozi and the dream are also getting the treasure. Control refining, so now is your best time!”

Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan with a gaze: “You seem to be the most dangerous now, but in fact it is the safest, because they will never take too much effort to deal with you, and you are going to take this time. As much as possible to conquer all the forces of the Five Emperors, I suggest that you first accept the strength of the Qing Emperor, because the Qing Emperor is flying, no one knows!”

“The Qingdi star of the Qing Emperor?” Yun Bufan slowly nodded, then shook his head and smiled: “Nine Heavens, Nine Heavens, you, if I didn’t save the spiritual treasure, I’m afraid you won’t tell me!”

If Nine Heavens really wants to tell him, he can tell him when he meets Yun Bufan for the first time at his house, but if you tell Yun Bufan at that time, I am afraid that Yun Bufan chose to help the spiritual treasure cabinet. Still leave here and develop your own power!

Nine Heavens can’t be a smile. After all, he is a spiritual treasure. Everything must be based on the interests of the spiritual treasure. Yun Bufan said to Nine Heavens with a smile: “Okay, I am leaving, I can You promise that no matter how much resources my Yun Bufan controls, all the baby transactions are under your control!”

“hu!” Yun Bufan, a body that disappeared and disappeared directly, Nine Heavens’ face suddenly showed a ecstasy color: “If Yun Bufan can control all the forces of the two circles in the same way as the world of the year, then my spiritual treasure The pavilion will be the first chaebol force!”

Cold light, after Yang Zhengtian absorbed the fire stone, the breath became obviously stronger. Now he cooperates with the green flame god, and it can completely explode the strength of Demi-God, and the power of the fire stone, he But it has not been fully absorbed yet!

“Yun Bufan, I don’t know where I went. Recently, he heard that he was screaming at the Swordsman Star. He had already escaped. If he really escaped, wouldn’t he come back for so long?” Yang Zhengtian brows frowned I am puzzled!

“No matter what Yun Bufan is, this cold light domain, since he gave it to me, then I have to help him!” Yang Zhengtian thought secretly, and then shouted in a low voice: “Fire!”

“Great Emperor!” A fire red silhouette suddenly appeared behind Yang Zhengtian. He is one of Yang Zhengtian’s confidants. He is in charge of the leader of the entire Liyang Legion. The eyes of the fire are filled with the color of worship: “The strength of the Great Emperor, the more The stronger, and the huge fire element, I am afraid that among the two circles of the fairy demon, few people can be opponents of the Great!”

“Fire, pass on, let the Legion split into the top 30 Legion, but in all the first-level stars we control, send a Legion to go to the guard, 30 first-level stars must maintain the connection of the interstellar Teleportation Formation The remaining Liyang Legion, all stationed in the cold light, is ready to support!”

Yang Zhengtian faintly ordered, and the fire behind him respectfully said: “Yes, the Great!”

Yang Zhengtian was nodded, and then a flash appeared directly in the main hall of the main house of the star. At this time, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao, who were celebrating in the main hall of the main house of the star, were shocked. The two stood up at the same time, respectful. Opened the mouth and said : “The Great Emperor!”

Yang Zhengtian lightly smiled, this Dong Haitao, because of the stimulation of Wang Heng, has finally stepped into the level of the Emperor, and has one more emperor, although it can not play a big role, but it is better than nothing!

“Wang Heng, Dong Haitao, the news from Jianhuangxing, you already know, so what we have to do now is to help Yun Bufan hold the forces we are in control now, my Liyang Legion I have sent out, And the forces that you control, you are also assigned!”

Yang Zhengtian looked at Wang Heng and Dong Haitao, smiled and opened, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao were all a glimpse, the two looked at each other, Wang Heng hesitated opened the mouth and said: “The Lieyang Emperor, the forces controlled by the two of us If you want to move, you can move around at will!”

“You two rest assured that Yun Bufan just dragged me to hold the forces he controlled, but did not let me deprive you of your power. It belongs to you, naturally belongs to you, so your power remains unchanged. It is your command and Moved, it is up to you to decide!” Yang Zhengtian shook the head, faint opening!

Wang Heng and Dong Haitao suddenly rejoiced, Yang Zhengtian is here, but a thorn in their heart, the other party is not only powerful, but also more terrible. If everything is decided by him, then they will not lose the same. Original power!

Looking at it now, Yang Zhengtian did not intend to deprive them of their power. How can they be unhappy? Both of them are respectful and respectful: “Yes, Lieyang the Great, let us arrange now!”

“The above is a laborer. Even if you have the power, you can’t have the strength. You still have to listen to the instructions of others. Even if you control your power, how can you arrange it?” Yang Zhengtian looked at the two people happy to leave. , can not help but secretly shut the head, whispered!

“en? this aura?” Yang Zhengtian suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed: “Yun Bufan, he is back!”

“Oh? Want me to go?” Yun Bufan, who is slowly walking in the main house of the Cold Light Star, suddenly feels a powerful momentum against him, and it contains a huge fire power, and suddenly let Yun Bufan I know, this is Yang Zhengtian is letting himself go!

Yun Bufan slightly smiled, the body shape flashed, directly appeared in the main house of the star, the main hall of the main house, the positive sunshine in the Yangly Heavenly Eye, this is an instant, this is his Yang Zhengtian also do Not enough!

“haha, yang big brother, you are anxious to call me, is there any urgent matter?” When Yun Bufan appeared, it was laughed heartily, Yang Zhengtian was slightly paused, then shook his head and smiled: “Yun Bufan ah Yun Bufan, this time you completely offended the Sword Emperor, there is also a Daoist Dojo and Martial Sovereign forces. Are you really not worried?”

“Worried?” Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “Why should I worry? Yang big brother, you can rest assured, I have already decided in my heart!”

“Oh?” Yang Zhengtian looked at Yun Bufan and Yun Bufan laughed with surprise: “Yang big brother, let’s discuss it!”

When Yun Bufan told Yang Zhengtian about the news from Nine Heavens, Yang Zhengtian was also shocked: “You mean, the Qing Emperor has soared? There is no news of the soaring. This Qing Emperor is really secret.” of!”

“So, at this moment, we should hurry and make the best efforts to develop our strength. If it is as expected, then our power can exceed any one of the three emperors. Unless they join forces, they will not be able to defeat. We, even if they have teamed up with the help of the spiritual treasure, we are not down!”

Yun Bufan looked at Yang Zhengtian with a gaze, his eyes flashing, Yang Zhengtian stopped, and then slightly indulged: “I am afraid that there will be any variables in the middle, do you forget the bear king and the crab yeah?”

“Yes, Lord of the Devil!” Yun Bufan’s mind flashed in his mind, brows frowned: “Variable, it is estimated that there may be variables, but in any case, we must strive to win all the forces of the Five Emperors in the fastest time. !”

“If this is the case, then we will start from the Qingdi star, and the Qingdi star of the Qing Emperor will be better than the other two stars that are under the control of the dark!” Yang Zheng Heavenly Eye is also a flash of light, Shen Sheng Opening!

“Well, the Qingdi star is also just taking advantage of the cold light star. If it can be won, our forces can skyrocket more than once. Let’s go, we will immediately call the people, and it is not too late to attack the Qingdi star!”

Yun Bufan smiled nodded, Yang Zhengtian is also flashing, nodded a smile!

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