The 685th chapter of the death of Hong Liu

“weng!” The black light skyrocketed and plunged directly into Nine Heavens’s eyebrows. The ice rain on the side was also a nervous face. Although Yun Bufan said that he was sure, such things could never be heard. Who knows if there will be any accidents!

“Hmph!” Nine Heavens groaned, the face suddenly appeared painful, Yun Bufan whispered, Nine Heavens suddenly burst into a strong black rays of light, Nine Heavens suddenly suffocated, fighting big The sweat is constantly flowing down, and the face is full of painful expression!

“This?” The ice rain on the side can deeply feel the pain of Nine Heavens, but she knows that Yun Bufan is helping him. If this pain is not enough, then Nine Heavens is likely to lose power for a lifetime, and even slowly Old dead, this is not what Nine Heavens would like to see, nor is it the ice rain willing to see it!

“Ah!” Nine Heavens suddenly groaned and his face was full of painful expression. Yun Bufan suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly loudly: “Keep it up, right away, you can restore your strength to the point where you can. Nine Heavens, if you can’t stand these pains, what strength do you want?”

Nine Heavens’ body was shocked, and then he clenched his teeth, and at this time, Tsing Yi came in with a group of people, and the ice rain made him a color. Tsing Yi stopped, and then looked toward Yun Bufan and Nine Heavens, the eyes are flashing!

There was a dark green rays of light on Tsing Yi, and the huge life swelled out, and then all the six and the others behind him were banned. At this time, the huge vitality actually had some surges. Into the body of Nine Heavens, Nine Heavens suddenly shuddered, his face became very rosy!

After a few moments, the black light on Nine Heavens slowly dissipated, and the black paint pin flew out from Nine Heavens within the body. Yun Bufan shook his body and flew directly to Yun Bufan. Over the top, Nine Heavens slowly opened his eyes and his eyes flashed!

Yun Bufan stopped, slowly exhaled, a smile appeared on his face, and the ice rain just wanted to ask, “bang!” A powerful momentum suddenly broke out from Nine Heavens, everyone felt this horrible The momentum, the ice rain and the Tsing Yi are all smiling on the face!

“Recovered, I really recovered completely. This, my strength, even promoted some!” Nine Heavens had a happy face on her face, and then opened the mouth and said to Yun Bufan solemnly: “Yun Bufan, my Nine Heavens And owe you a life!”

Before Yun Bufan helped Nine Heavens to get rid of the poison, but now it helps him to restore his strength. It can be described as re-creation, and twice, Nine Heavens’ gratitude is absolutely from the bottom of my heart, Yun Bufan smiles shook the head : “Nine Heavens Lord, we, but the Life and Death Alliance!”

“Yes, we will always be the Life and Death League!” Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan solemnly, nodded heavily, and then the cold eyes looked directly at Hong Liu in the distance, and Hong Liu suddenly felt cold in the heart. After squatting down, I cried in the ice and rained: “Respect, forgive, forgive me, I am forced, I am forced too!”

“Is forced?” Ice rain face suddenly killing intent Flash: “Hong Liu, I ask you, when the black robe messenger came to catch Tsing Yi, who is pushing you? After the black robe messenger died, who is it? Why are you forced? Nine Heavens is not forced? Why are the other four great hall owners not forced? Only four of you are forced to help?”

“Fear of death!” Killing intent in the eyes of ice rain: “You are not forced to help, but you are afraid of death, Nine Heavens is not afraid of death, Tsing Yi is not afraid of death, because they are absolutely loyal to my spiritual treasure, and you, just For your own benefit!”

“You still beg for mercy? Hong Liu, I ask you, what qualifications do you have to ask for mercy? What face do you have to ask for mercy?” Ice rain stared at Hong Liu, killing intent flashing, Hong six paused The face is horrified!

“Hong Liu!” Suddenly, an angry roar rang out, and Nine Heavens, who recovered his strength, stepped over to Hong Liu step by step. The ice rain suddenly stopped Nine Heavens, and the sound was opened the mouth and said : “Nine Heavens Let Yun Bufan restore the strength of the other lords first, and Hong Liu can wait for the disposal, and their strength, the later the recovery, the greater the damage!”

Nine Heavens trembled, took a deep breath, stared at Hong Liu, gnashing teeth said: “I will let you live for a while!”

The ice rain is exhaled, watching Yun Bufan said with a bitter smile : “Yun Bufan, I am in trouble!”

Yun Bufan smiled at the head of the shook the head, and then headed to the heads of the powers who were taken away, said: “The four lords, let’s come over, let me remind you first, this power is poured in, you may It’s very painful, even the pain of life, I hope you can stick to it!”

The four lords who were taken away from power went to sit in front of Yun Bufan, and all four were grateful: “many thanks to the stars!”

Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, towards Tsing Yi, with a smile: “Taiwan Pavilion Lord, I found that your strength can help them to offset a bit of pain, wait until I recover which temple owner, you can be in the body Fill in a bit of power, after all, your power has enormous vitality!”

Tsing Yi, a nodded: “No problem!”

“Then, let’s get started!” Yun Bufan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The nine rays of light flashed, and the needles poured directly into the eyebrows of the first lord. The main pain suddenly suffocated, and this pain, as Yun Bufan said, is simply a life to die!

“weng!” and the power of Tsing Yi was also injected in time. The main body of the temple suddenly burst into dark green rays of light, and the black light of the main body suddenly rose, and countless forces were constantly drawn from the needle. The pouring into his fairy baby makes his momentum stronger and stronger!

“weng!” “weng!” The black rays of light on the main body of the lord skyrocketed again. The lord suddenly opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes flashed. A horrible momentum exploded, and the eyes of the lord were suddenly filled. The color of joy: “My strength, hahaha, my strength, come back, and really came back!”

“Cloud star master, many thanks!” The main surprise of the lord Yun Bufan arched his hand, his eyes filled with gratitude, Yun Bufan shook the head: “Continue to the next one, we must hurry, after all, the devil The Lord has escaped, and I have important things to do!”

“Good!” Tsing Yi was also nodded, and the restored master of the house retired to the back of the ice rain, Yun Bufan whispered, and the needle was directly suspended, and the needle was flashing black ray of light. Directly pierced the eyebrows of the second lord!

Almost half an hour, Yun Bufan didn’t have any rest, his face was getting paler, and after two hours, the strength of the four lords also recovered. Yun Bufan slowly stood up and his body slightly Some shaking!

The ice rain on the side helped him, and Yun Bufan screamed at the head and gasped: “I have nothing, just some force!”

“Yun Bufan, this time, many thanks you!” Ice Rain looked at Yun Bufan’s tired look, and he was grateful in his heart, and opened the mouth and said to Yun Bufan.

“Ice rain, no matter what, you should deal with your own affairs first, I will restore it first!” Yun Bufan struck the head, then sat down on his knees, and his colorful rays of light flashed!

“Tsing Yi, you help Yun Bufan, your life force can help him recover!” Ice rain screams in Tsing Yi, Tsing Yi nodded, his body dark green rays of light flashing, a powerful force of life In Yun Bufan within the body, Yun Bufan suddenly rays of light!

“Hong Liu!” The ice and rain suddenly looked cold and cold, and at this time, Nine Heavens stepped forward to Hong Liu. The cold eyes stared at Hong Liu, and his eyes were full of madness. Hong Liu was shocked and surprised. Nine Heavens: “Nine Heavens, you, what do you want?”

“What?” Nine Heavens looked cold and stared at Hong Liu, resentful, and the ice rain looked at Nine Heavens with a puzzled look. Nine Heavens stared at Hong Liu, biting his teeth solemnly: “Hong Liu, I ask you, Xiaoqing, is it that you killed? Is it you?”

“What do you say?” Hong Liu’s body was shocked, but he looked at Nine Heavens inexplicably. Nine Heavens said with anger: “Hong Six, you don’t have to argue, I already know, when you sent people to chase Kill me, and at the last minute, Xiaoqing wants to save me, blew himself, and those who chased me at that time are your subordinates, aren’t they?”

“What do you say, I don’t understand!” Hong Liu shook the head, Nine Heavens angered and screamed: “When you die, what do you deny? I sent a distress signal to Tsing Yi, and you stopped halfway. Tsing Yi, also invited him to drink the gods drunk, which led Xiaoqing to blew himself to save me, soul destroyed, you want to deny now?”

“Since you know everything, what more?” Hong Liu looked at Nine Heavens and laughed. Then he looked forward to Tsing Yi and slowly said: “You should have known it before? I thought you would tell Nine Heavens. Unexpectedly, you have concealed it for so many years, let him hate you for hating for so many years!”

“Tell him, that is to harm him, I am already sorry for him, even if he bears the hatred of his years, there is nothing!” Tsing Yi faintly opened, Hong Liuyi laughed: “You are serious and serious!”

“Hong Liu, you, let’s die!” Nine Heavens stared at the crashing star. A claw hit Hongjun’s left arm and the whole arm was suddenly shattered. Hong Liu suddenly sighed and died. Staring at Nine Heavens, he laughed wildly: “hahaha, Nine Heavens, even if you die, you can’t kill me, you can’t report your hatred, want to torture me?”

“hu!” Hong Liu’s body suddenly swelled up, and the ice rain suddenly burst into shock: “Return, he wants to blew!”

“weng!” Heavenly God Artifact directly shrouded it, “bang!” a burst of sound, Hong Liu blew, soul destroyed!

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