Chapter VIII, the siege of the devil

“Ironian rhinoceros?” Yun Bufan was surprised to see the sudden change of the demon Lord’s face confused, and the side of He Lin Shensheng opened the mouth and said: “Iron armor, ancient beasts, power can be powerful, unbreakable defense, attack It is no stronghold one cannot overcome, the biggest weakness is the soul!”

“But, the other party is the main body possession of the devil. The weakest one has become the strongest one. So, it can be said that it has no weaknesses now!” He Lin looked ugly and looked straight. Armored rhinoceros, quietly open!

“What about speed?” Yun Bufan suddenly asked: “How fast is it?”

“Like lightning!” He Lin shook the head: “It’s useless. He is now a body possession. It can be said to be the most perfect Divine Beast. I don’t know why he chose the body of the ice rain, but this armored rhinoceros. The body can definitely be called the best body!”

“I didn’t expect, you know quite a lot!” The demon Lord who turned into an armored rhinoceros looked at He Lin faintly smiled, but in his eyes it was killing intent. “Since you know the armored rhinoceros, you should be able to guess me too.” Real strength now!”

“God level!” He Lin brows frowned, watching the iron armor rhinoceros, the eyes of the rays of light flashing: “If you can body possession armor rhinoceros body, then your strength now reaches the level of God level!”

“Yes, it’s God level, not the Half-God Level, but the real god level!” The iron light in the eyes of the armored rhinoceros flashed, and the momentum of the body soared. A horrible pressure directly shrouded them directly. Killing intent Strobe!

“This is awesome!” Yun Bufan was amazed, and the ice rain and He Lin were shocked. Yun Bufan’s face was dignified: “God level, this is the real god-level pressure, so terrible!”

“So horrible, it really is the real god level!” Ice rain and He Lin’s eyes are also full of ecstasy!

“God level, turned out to be a god powerhouse!” Yun Bufan whispered, the devil’s master snarled low: “Yun Bufan, do you still want to do it with me now? Hand over the ancestor Dragon Jade Pendant, my promise , still valid!”

“No, just right, I want to see how terrible the real god-level strength is, the devil’s master, come on!” Yun Bufan’s eyes are full of fighting intent, the devil’s mainly paused, then the killing intent flashes: ” You are courting death !”

“All-out shot!” The ice rain whispered, and He Lin was also painted black rays of light. Yun Bufan’s nine colorful rays of light skyrocketed, and the devil’s master suddenly roared: “You are in courting death.” !”

“bang!” The horrible momentum of the horror was directly pressed against Yun Bufan. The huge Trident caught the momentum of terrifying matchless and slammed directly toward Yun Bufan. Instead, it was nothing to do with the ice rain and He Lin. The main attack, only for Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan complexion greatly changed, and the ice rain suddenly shouted: “Not good, fast, attack it!”

“weng!” paint black rays of light slamming, He Lin Quan Li a fiercely smashed toward the demon Lord, the demon Lord’s eyes flashed in the cold, but did not care, Yun Bufan did not move, but the eyes were full of anxiety : “Bastard, his imposing pressure, I can’t break this bond, break open, must break open, break open!”

“Broken, Break for me!, broken, broken!” Yun Bufan kept screaming in his heart, his colorful rays of light skyrocketed, “bang!” a loud bombing sounded, Yun Bufan flashed and swiftly flew out !

“bang!” The demonic master’s Trident fiercely was on the ground, and Yun Bufan suddenly burst into a cold sweat: “Fortunately, fortunately, if you hide slowly, I am afraid that the soul that had been smashed has been destroyed!”

“En? Can escape my soul pressure and momentum lock, his cultivation cultivation technique is really strange!” The devil’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise, and at this time, He Lin and the ice rain attack at the same time Boom on the body of the devil!

“bang!” “bang!” Two horrible bombings suddenly rang, and the demon Lord faintly glanced at them. He Lin and the ice rain suddenly looked at each other: “How is it possible? He, he actually has something None? How is this possible?”

“Escape, Young Master, we are not his opponents at all, we must escape!” He Lin’s dignified voice rang in Yun Bufan’s mind, Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, the devil’s Lord faded the mouth and said: “Since you I have already shot it for me, so I will take a try!”

“hu!” “hu!” The silhouette of the devil’s master was turned into three shadows, and they flew to the Yun Bufan three people, “peng!” “peng!” “peng!” Three sounds, Yun Bufan three people suddenly fiercely was shocked out!

“pu!” “pu!” “pu!” Under the one-click, the three of them turned out to be vomiting blood, and looked at the devil’s master with a look of stunned, one blow, the blow of the blows could not be blocked. Yun Bufan, He Lin and the ice rain are shaking!

“This, this is the strength of God level? It’s terrible, really strong!” Yun Bufan looked straight at the Lord of the Devil, his eyes filled with shock and incredible, and He Lin and the ice rain on the side were shocked: ” Really strong, really strong!”

“God-level strength!” Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled: “Running can’t run, the enemy is no match, what should I do? It seems that I can only find the girl!”

“Ink girl, ink girl!” Yun Bufan’s huge fairy tales poured into Immortal Mansion. Mo Qilin, who was practicing in a moment, found Mo Qilin slowly opening his eyes and blinking in his eyes. : “Kid, what are you looking for?”

“Ink girl, we met a god-level beast, an ancient beast!” Yun Bufan deeply exhaled: “We are not his opponent, do not know if there is any countermeasures for the girl?”

“God-level strength?” Mo Qilin complexion changed, through Immortal Mansion, she saw the outer demon Lord, Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed: “It, not the alien, body possession, soul and body not at all fully integrated, This is the body possession of the powerhouse!”

“The girl really has a good eyesight, it is the body possession!” Yun Bufan said the mouth and said: “And this body possession person, the ink girl should know, that is the devil’s devil Lord Satan, ink girl, you Can there be any way to retire the enemy?”

“The devil’s Lord Satan?” Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed in the eye: “Kid, let me go out, it is the soul possession of the devil’s Lord, and that can’t let him leave alive anyway!”

“Can’t let him leave alive?” Yun Bufan suddenly stunned, Mo Qilin coldly said with a smile: “Not only Zulong, my Qilin family Mo Qilin is also a natural enemy of the devil family, their restraint is also very big, you Dragon Dragon Jade Pendant is not used by Dragon Race. You are all human, so you can’t play all his pressure, but I am different!”

“I am Qilin, I am Mo Qilin, the king of the Qilin family, so my Xiangyun can absolutely suppress the demon Lord. I am completely sure to kill the soul of the demon Lord. If I look good, his The soul, it should be just the god!”

Mo Qilin looked straight at the Lord of the Devil, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes. Yun Bufan also flashed a flash: “Well, ink girl, what do we need to do?”

“You, you only need to attack with all your strength. I affect his soul. His armor and strength will be greatly weakened, so you must hold him back and even hurt him!” Mo Qilin The sound is slowly ringing!

Yun Bufan is darkly nodded, his body flashes blue, the blue Immortal Mansion floats out from the body, and Mo Qilin, a long green hair, appears directly beside Yun Bufan. The cold eyes of the demon Lord directly look directly at Mo Qilin. Come over: “Oh? Is there a helper?”

“The strength is good, it turned out to be Demi-God, but it is not human? What is Divine Beast? Can’t even see this seat?” The devil’s master was surprised and looked at Mo Qilin, and his eyes were curious!

“The Lord of the Devil, the Devil!” Mo Qilin looked straight at the Lord of the Devil, and then followed with a smile: “Once I know my body, I am afraid that you will scare and turn around!”

“Kids, set the seal heavens big enchantment!” Mo Qilin slowly opened to Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan glimpsed, and then nodded, the nine rays of light skyrocketed, a huge enchantment has been shrouded, Sealed the entire cell!

“The enchantment?” The demon Lord glimpsed a little, then his face changed dramatically: “No, this is, seal heavens, the legendary seal heavens, the enchantment, how can you seal heavens? Are you the human body of King Qilin’s body possession?”

“Qilin Wang?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then a mysterious smile, and on the Yun Bufan side Mo Qilin, the colorful rays of light flashed, a powerful momentum broke out directly, and a flower emerged under the foot. Jiu Cai Xiangyun!

“Auspicious clouds!” Devil’s main pupils shrank, eyes killing intent flash: “You, you are Qilin?”

“You are right, and, I am still taking your life in the Qilin family!” Mo Qilin coldly smiled, nine colorful rays of light flashing, nine different forces erupted from the body, the body volley It’s up!

“Nine kinds of power, this, the king of Qilin, Mo Qilin!” The face of the demon Lord has changed and become very ugly. Even if he has the power of God, he can’t help but look ugly!

Mo Qilin, if the Lord of the Devil has the fear of people, it is undoubtedly Zu Long and Mo Qilin, but now, Mo Qilin is actually appearing in front of him, even at this time, not only is his strength greatly reduced, but also the soul. The power is only the cultivation base, and the Mo Qilin in front of it clearly has the power of Demi-God Peak!

“Demi-God Peak’s Mo Qilin, natural restraint, horrible bloodline pressure!” Devil’s heart secretly thought, then secretly thought: “I don’t have much threat to me, it should not be my opponent, After all, my body possession is the armored rhinoceros!”

“Mo Qilin, today, let you fall into my hands!” The Lord of the Devil looked at Mo Qilin coldly, and screamed!

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