Six hundredth 70 nine chapters against the Lord of the Devil

Sorry, I went home for the New Year today, so I sent it late, just got home, hehe, not a paragraph, everyone don’t have to worry, sorry!

The following chapters are still issued according to the previous time!

“Shuntian League alliance lord?” Yun Bufan pupils shrank, staring straight at the man who suddenly appeared, he felt a dangerous atmosphere, and it was still an extremely dangerous atmosphere, he even had a feeling if the other side wanted Kill him, a blow is enough, he can’t take it with one blow!

“The strength of really strong, such a terrible powerhouse, how could it appear in the two circles of the fairy demon?” Yun Bufan was shocked and unable to add, and the eyes of the liantian ally all lord suddenly glanced at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan suddenly felt a cold heart!

“Your kid!” Shuntian League alliance lord whispered: “Bastard, the last time because of you, the loss of the seat lost 99% soul power, and now the seat almost finished, can be completely enslaved The fairy demon two circles, it is you, and this is your destruction of this Majesty’s plan, you, damn it!”

Shuntian League alliance lord’s momentum soared, a powerful momentum erupted from him, the power of the majestic soul instantly rushed toward Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan suddenly shocked, He Lin behind him hurriedly low shouted : “Young Master, be careful, this is his soul shock!”

“Weng!” He Lin’s black light skyrocketed, and a layer of black halo radiated from the top of He Lin’s head, directly colliding with the soul of the Shuntian League’s alliance lord, “bang!” The explosion rang, and the whole cell trembled in an instant. He Lin retired three steps, and the Shuntian League alliance lord was motionless!

“Soul of the gods?” Shuntian League alliance lord glare in the eyes, looking straight at He Lin, pouting with a smile: “Good, very good, or a god of the gods, did not expect, in the two circles of the fairy demon even There is a god of the past, you are also a lucky one under the crack of space, although the power of the soul is a little weak, but better than nothing!”

“Your soul, give this sacrificial offering!” Shuntian League alliance lord screamed coldly, his body black light slammed, and a claw caught on He Lin, He Lin whispered, Death God’s Scythe moment Appeared on the right hand, the left eye of Death also swiftly turned!

“weng!” black light flashed, the left eye of Death shot a black light, poured into Death God’s Scythe, He Lin Shen shouted in a low voice: “Broken Soul!”

“Weng!” painted black blade glow skyrocketing, fiercely hit the past with the huge claws of the alliance lord. The face of the alliance lord finally appeared shocked expression, shocked and shouted: “What? Death God’s left eye, Death God’s Scythe? This is the sorcerer’s broken soul!”

“Bold!” Shuntian League alliance lord in the eyes of killing intent flashing, furiously shouted, black fog vacated: “You are a remnant of the death family, not only dare to disobey this seat, but also dare to help outsiders deal with this seat, don’t you Do you know who this seat is?”

He Lin suddenly laughed heartily: “I naturally know who you are, the supreme ruler of the demon family, and the real master of the demon family. The devil king Satan, also called the devil’s master, I am right?”

Shuntian League alliance lord blinked in the eye: “If you know, dare to violate me? Do you know what is going against my end?”

“hahaha, Lord of the Devil, it seems that your soul is damaged. You can only see that I am a wizard, but you can’t see that my soul is not a wizard. I am only a possessive wizard. Only the body and memory fragments, you can’t see it!”

He Lin couldn’t help but laughed heartily. If it is a real top powerhouse, if the power of the devil’s soul is not damaged, then you can definitely see the true identity of He Lin at a glance, but the devil’s Lord does not see it, then Explain that the soul of the devil’s Lord is too much damaged. At this moment, his soul is at most equivalent to the god of the gods!

He Lin is not afraid at all, the god of the gods, he is also a god, and he will fear the devil’s master. The killing intent in the eyes of the demon is skyrocketing, He Lin is also a black light flashing, and the Yun Bufan on the side does not know when it appears. Beside the spiritual treasure, the colorful rays of light flashed!

According to He Lin, to awaken this self-enclosed sage, the soul must penetrate deep into his sea of ​​consciousness, and then wake him up. Yun Bufan is trying to wake up the buddy. Once the sorrow wakes up, they It is three people who can completely resist the Lord of the Devil. Even Yun Bufan wants to completely kill the Lord of the Devil!

If He Lin knows Yun Bufan’s thoughts, I am afraid that he will be too crazy. The existence of the devil’s master, even if the power of the soul is only one hundred millionth, it is not that they say killing can kill. !

“courting death!” The demon Lord also found Yun Bufan’s move, not to killing intent, coldly snorted, black light on his body, whizzing directly toward Yun Bufan, a huge black Trident appeared in the devil’s Lord Hands, with the power of terrifying matchless!

“The Lord of the Devil, you want to hurt my family Young Master in front of me. Do you think it is possible? Don’t forget, I am also the soul of the gods, and my strength should be stronger than the body of your body possession. You are in front of me. There is no advantage at all!” He Lin sneered, his black light flashed, and a flash of light appeared directly in front of Yun Bufan!

“Weng!” The black paint flame of the black paint rushed directly toward the Lord of the Devil. The killing intent in the eyes of the demon Lord flashed, coldly snorted, the huge Trident slammed down, and the “bang!” horror explosion started. The forest eyes suddenly appeared a stunned color!

“Death God’s Scythe belonged to my demon family. Since you are not a wizard, please give me back!” The demon Lord whispered, “bang!” He Lin was directly blown out, bloody Spray not only!

“Hugh!” He Lin screamed, his body filled with black fog, and the left eye of the god of death suddenly spun up. He Lin’s low voice sounded: “The Lord of the Devil, since you know the wizarding family and Death God’s Scythe Exist, you should know how horrible it is to cooperate with the left eye of the god of death, you still want to capture my Death God’s Scythe?”

“Death’s left eye, Death God’s Scythe, give me a fusion!” After Ho Lin whispered, the left eye of Death suddenly swept away toward Death God’s Scythe, directly into the handle of Death God’s Scythe, There, there is a deep hole!

“What? You, you actually realized the death of the gods?” The shocked expression also appeared in the eyes of the devil’s Lord: “Impossible, you a foreign soul, body possession, the body of the wizarding family, the residual consciousness of death does not attack you. It’s already good, how can you let him know his school!”

“Because, my soul has been completely integrated with the body of the wizarding family, 100% fusion, so the residual consciousness of the left eye of the god of death will involuntarily teach me to understand his school. He has fallen for too long, too long, There is no trace of soul at all, just the residual consciousness, and how to distinguish my true and false!”

He Lin whispered whispered: “The devil’s Lord, you are the most powerful now, should it be your own soul? And the god of death, in the devil family, there is the title of the god of the soul, the attack is specifically for the soul, that is God World does not dare to provoke him, it is Paragon, you have to be careful!”

“And now you, I have to see, how do you resist this knife, death vortex!” He Lin cold shouted in a low voice, Death God’s Scythe suddenly formed a black small vortex, demonic master suddenly complexion changed , roared loudly: “Do you think that the trick of death can deal with me?”

“The Devil’s Wings!” The Lord of the Devil whispered, and the wings of a pair of incomparable gigantic surrounded him. The devil’s Lord was cold and opened the mouth and said: “As the ruler of the demon family, if the god of death Can threaten me, then I am not worthy of being a ruler, I will let you know, what is despair!”

“I don’t believe it. The trick of death does not help you. Death vortex!” He Lin whispered coldly, and Death God’s Scythe with a small black vortex painted directly toward the Lord of the Devil!

Death vortex 斩, this small vortex’s huge pulling force is dedicated to the soul. When it is hit, the soul will be involuntarily inhaled into vortex, and then turned into pieces, which is the most terrible three tricks of death. First, He Lin is the only trick that can be used at the moment!

“Fortunately, this is the death vortex 斩!” The devil’s main heart is secretly relaxed, the three great tricks of death, this death vortex 斩 is the weakest, so the devil Lord is not too worried!

“Damn, I am only the soul of the gods strength. If it is not because of the body possession, this low body can not accommodate my powerful soul, why should I be so cautiously, but not body possession, I have no body, he does not go in. In the sea of ​​my soul consciousness, I can’t attack him as well!”

The devil’s heart secretly hates: “Waste, is a group of waste, this seat consumes the power of the soul, to help the two black bears of the junior to enhance the strength, and the little crab, all killed, three waste!”

“Break for me! !” The demon Lord screamed, Trident slammed down, and the huge demon wing was wrapped in death, carrying a layer of black halo!

“bang!” “Chī!” Trident slammed down and even penetrated the death god vortex 斩, banged on the ground, the whole cell suddenly cracked, the devil’s master pupils shrank: “Sure enough, in the whirlpool of death Can be immune to all attacks, can only rely on the power of the soul to resist!”

“bang!” Death vortex 斩fiercely blasted on the devil’s wing, a burst of black halo continued to stir up, “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” The devil’s Lord retreated backwards, He Lin’s face It is getting paler!

“roar!” An angry roar rang out, “pu!” He Lin mouth spurt blood sprinkled out, his eyes filled with shock: “He, he actually blocked?”

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